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  1. E

    IS UK living standard lower than Germany ?

    Many German I have met in UK complained that the salary is lower than that in Germany, while the living cost is higher than German (food and rent/house prices). To be specific, I live in London and my German friends are from large cities like Berlin, Frankfurt. Any data sources or analysis could...
  2. E

    After Syrian, whats next ?

    Dear all I am trying to post an interesting topic here. Since Arabic Spring, middle east has massively changed. Some old dictators or viewed as dictatorship state has been on the way of changing. Syrian, as in civil war, may have result that Assad falling down or Assad remains but change...
  3. E

    China should not fear slower growth

    China should not fear slower growth Both Beijing and the world should adapt to a new normal “After 30 years of high-speed economic growth, potential productivity in China has dropped.” So said a senior Chinese official, speaking this week. If true, his statement marks the end of a...
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    China's Harbin-Dalian 921km high-latitude high-speed rail ready for service

    BEIJING -- A high-speed rail line linking northeastern Chinese city of Harbin and port city of Dalian will start service on Dec 1, according to the Ministry of Railways. With a speed of 350 km per hour, the 921-kilometer railway is the world's first long high-speed line running through...
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    How muslims see about China?

    China got developed during the last decades, how Muslim see about China politically, economically and militarily ? Muslims are major player in the world, we want to listen to your voice.
  6. E

    ECOWAS and the People's Republic of China on Wednesday, 24th October 2012 s

    ECOWAS and the People's Republic of China on Wednesday, 24th October 2012 signed an agreement to bolster trade, economic, investment and technical cooperation between them. The framework agreement was signed by Vice-President of the ECOWAS Commission, Dr. Toga Gayewea McIntosh and visiting...
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    What can China learn from India ?

    guys, I want to open a thread here talking about good points which China can learn from India, in Chinese media, we often talk about EU, US and Japan. Its time to have a look at and learn something. Please give some reliable replies. First of all, changing the Chinese Govt is not really...
  8. E

    Any reliable talk regarding China & India development ?

    As a general thread about questioning on China, it might be a time to talk about two main emerging economy- China and India. This thread should be more about development. Infrastructure, railway, GDP and so on.. Please talk about things reliable things and show some real data or picture. Let me...
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