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    $130 BILLION USD for high speed rail construction in 3 years

    Today, China announced the three years plan to invest 900 BILLION Yuan (130 Billion USD) in the next three years to build the world's largest high speed rail network. China's high-speed railways to top the world China spends money on infrastructure to improve the life quality of everyone:
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    China faces a Neo-Nazi neighbor - india

    When you look at our neighbor india, you have to ask yourself "what the hell is going on??". on one hand, they have hundreds of millions people living in slums. while they are operating aircraft carrier group and aiming to build multiple of them:
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    J-9 comparison

    every time when J-10 is mentioned, those indians keep telling me it is a lavi clone. ffs, when we had this J-9 project, the Lavi team is still learning how to walk with their baby sitters, yet no one would check such openly available information on the internet and just keep posting using their...
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    Type-99G and Type-96G in the national day parade

    Type-99G, 55tons, the best tank in Asia. Type-96G, 42.8tons, similar to Pak's MBT2000. According to a recent photo shown on the Internet, we have deployed large number of both these tanks in the indian border. I don't think their T-90 can ever stand a chance in front of Type-99G...
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    1st Oct. 2009 National day parade some preview here

    Some details of the 2009 National Day Parade was shown to the public for the first time tonight during the CCTV 7:00 news. This will be the only formal parade of our entire armed force in 10 years. According to the Google Map satellite photos recently released, 14 DF-31A missiles will be shown...
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    China's Y-20 is on the production line

    :cheers: according to a inside source and some semi-official docs, this is believe to be the first picture of the Y-20. Y-20 is one generation ahead of the Y-9, currently there is no spec for Y-20, but Y-9 is known to be comparable to C-130J. :china::pakistan:
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    Why India will not be able to match up with China

    discussion is welcomed, but please present your well thought argument, not personal attacks or trolls. Reason No.1 Industry is always the backbone of any major nation. when you have >1 billion people, the so called service sector is just a useless propaganda junk if your industry is even...
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    China's modern cities

    when you want to be the next superpower but have nothing on hand, you start abusing the nationalism of your people and you tell them they are the best/they have the best life quality. however, with the popularity of the internet, it is more and more difficult for the regime to fool its people...
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    Incredible Attrocities in Incredible India

    Indian police is always No.1!!! there is no room for propaganda and nationalism. when Indians talk about human rights, the whole world laughed to death. YouTube - indian police
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    India made jokes...super funny

    China didn't fought the Korea war? China didn't sent troops to fight the Vietnam war? tell me is there any bigger joke? 750,000 committed troops, 114,000 KIA, now there is this lovely India member telling me China didn't fight the Korea war. what can be more offensive? source of the above...
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    new engine for Chinese missiles/rockets tested

    the long march rockets fitted with this engine will be capable of sending the Chinese moon rover to the moon for a soft landing. moon rover being tested in west part of China. I guess the DF missiles will also be able to get extra range/performance from such new engine development.
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    SY-400 guided rocket system

    two videos on the SY-400 system its 400+ km range means the capital city of the South Asia Trouble Maker can be hit directly from the Pakistan/China borders. It is also dead cheap, we have 10,000 such rockets (not the launchers) deployed in Fujian already. YouTube - China sy-400 vls...
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    PLA's daily life in the Sino-Indian border

    I will be happy if any Indian member of the defence.pk can show me photos/videos on the daily life of your servicemen in the same area. for photos of the Chinese side, please click: PLA's daily life in the Sino-Indian border first three photos shows how they do their daily boring jobs...
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