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Recent content by SinaG

  1. S

    Ummah is proud of Pakistan’s defence production: Saudi Minister

    I was wondering how a Arab living inside Saudi could not understand Arabic. @Yzd Khalifa what are you dude? Why are you false advertising? :lol:
  2. S

    Ummah is proud of Pakistan’s defence production: Saudi Minister

    Yzd doesn't speak Arabic? :blink:
  3. S

    Ummah is proud of Pakistan’s defence production: Saudi Minister

    Calling it useless is being too kind. :lol: It is just an excuse for dictators/politicians to go on a trip once in a while , sit around and drink tea.
  4. S

    Ummah is proud of Pakistan’s defence production: Saudi Minister

    Good point. I believe Iran should withdraw from OIC.
  5. S

    Ummah is proud of Pakistan’s defence production: Saudi Minister

    Don't care for your hard work. Focus on your own life instead of obsessing about others.
  6. S

    Ummah is proud of Pakistan’s defence production: Saudi Minister

    Reward you how? What's Iran got to do with a thread about Saudis and Pakistan? Good luck with your Ummah, please keep us out of it.
  7. S

    Iranian army vs PKK

    @Al-Kurdi welcome to the forum. So what are your thoughts on Kurdistan. Do you support an independent state?
  8. S

    Your opinion about different countries (Like, Dislike, Neutral etc.)

    Homeland: Iran Love: Tajikistan Like: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Syria, Iraq, Armenia, Bangladesh, Venezuela Neutral: the rest
  9. S

    Group-hug everyone

  10. S

    Israel Watches Warily as Hezbollah Gains Battle Skills in Syria

    Yeah it counts I guess. So how long have you been fundraising for Avidgor Lieberman? Turks moved into Cyprus in the 1500s. Go for it bro, train them up real good. Looking forward to it. Let me know when you role out the Shlomo comedy tour.
  11. S

    Israel Watches Warily as Hezbollah Gains Battle Skills in Syria

    Bit rich coming from you. Like you don't run the government line of Israel. :lol: In fact I have never seen one Israeli on here ever condemn any action of Israel. Not you, not 500, not Archdemon, not Controlled Pair or Mozambique drill. :P But in all seriousness at least I critisize when my...
  12. S

    Israel Watches Warily as Hezbollah Gains Battle Skills in Syria

    You keep on saying "you" and "your" like I have any influence on Iran's foreign policy or something. :lol: I am just a lowly squirrel in this world trying to get a nut (pistachio nut since you ask). Well you can't compare Middle East with Brazil and UK, in fact you can't compare the Middle East...
  13. S

    Palestinians fire dozens of rockets into Israel in retaliation

    I am guessing he has a very advanced proxy or dynamic ip address, so IP ban won't accomplish anything.
  14. S

    Israel Watches Warily as Hezbollah Gains Battle Skills in Syria

    Of course they had less losses, but in my opinion, and the majority opinion, it was a stalemate at best. Hezbollah are also far more advanced then forces such as PKK, only time will what will happen in a future conflict, but Israel are rightfully wary of Hezbollah. The Israeli hate mainly comes...
  15. S

    Israel Watches Warily as Hezbollah Gains Battle Skills in Syria

    In a straight out fight of course Israel would win, but Hezbollah are masters of guerrilla warfare. Look at 2006 for examples of that, since then they have just improved their weaponry and have now gained experience in Syria.

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