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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Total greed of uae is behind this unjustified move.

Qatar will come stronger and will be better of without these munafiqeen.
It's so much fun to watch some Turks "Erdoganists" acting like they care about Qatar where they barely can recognize where is Qatar located on the map, not surprised honestly because many of them are raised and born in isolated villages some where in Anatolia where they don't have any access to realistic Information sources or credible newspaper but Erdogan's media which direct them to the wrong propaganda every time new thing comes out to the surfaces in the world. Anyway, I think Erdogan is smarter than intervening in Internal affairs of the Arabian Gulf countries and you can notice that no senior official in Turkey states anything regarding the current situation let alone takes sides in this issue.
No.. Qatar cabinet has issued statement and showed its full commitment to GCC..
while KSA king advisor prince faisal I believe in Kuwait so might be things are being negotiated through Kuwait ..

Of course. Qatar cannot afford to mess with KSA or the GCC.

Turks from Central Asia who settled in Afghanistan (Sebuktagin, Mahmud Ghaznavi etc) and in India (Aibak, Iltutmish, Balban etc) have nothing to with modern republic of Turkey. The ones in our areas were proper Turks, looked like Turks (Altai looks). While majority of the people in Turkey are linguistically Turkized people just like Sudanese are Arabized people, not proper Arabs. They were ruling elites of India who cared less about indigenous people, your ancestors. Turk rulers of India were plainly racist.

Your post is correct aside from the Arabized Sudanese. Most Northern Sudanese are in fact pure Arabs (paternally), as modern-day genetics have confirmed and which their dialect confirms, but most of them have intermarried with local Nubians for the past 1 millennia. Even then you can still quite easily find "pure" Arab looking Northern Sudanese in terms of facial features. In fact most Northern Sudanese display this. Skin colors vary. I know because there are quite a lot of Sudanese in KSA and many of our Afro-Arabs are of Sudanese origin.


Average South Sudanese:

This is not a racist post as I do not care about skin color it is just to illustrate that although the skin color of Northern Sudanese vary, most have very different facial features, often much alike to that of Arabs and other Middle Eastern people. This is due to well-recorded Arab migration to what is today Sudan and which actual DNA (paternal) and Arabic dialects confirm. In fact there was, less than 200 years ago, large migrations from Arabia to Sudan and Horn of Africa (Eritrea and Djibouti). Mostly the Rashaida but not only.
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It's so much fun to watch some Turks "Erdoganists" acting like they care about Qatar where they barely can recognize where is Qatar located on the map, not surprised honestly because many of them are raised and born in isolated villages some where in Anatolia where they don't have any access to realistic Information sources or credible newspaper but Erdogan's media which direct them to the wrong propaganda every time new thing comes out to the surfaces in the world. Anyway, I think Erdogan is smarter than intervening in Internal affairs of the Arabian Gulf countries and you can notice that no senior official in Turkey states anything regarding the current situation let alone takes sides in this issue.

you spewed whole lot of rant but not much for the topic. Saudis can chest thump because they are under the impression that they have $110 billion insurance policy from US to save house of saud. Think again, Queen of England just preparing to claim their share of the loot. Looks like house of saud needs to buy supplemental insurance policy from queen. Who knows if Macron will try his luck next?
It's so much fun to watch some Turks "Erdoganists" acting like they care about Qatar where they barely can recognize where is Qatar located on the map, not surprised honestly because many of them are raised and born in isolated villages some where in Anatolia where they don't have any access to realistic Information sources or credible newspaper but Erdogan's media which direct them to the wrong propaganda every time new thing comes out to the surfaces in the world. Anyway, I think Erdogan is smarter than intervening in Internal affairs of the Arabian Gulf countries and you can notice that no senior official in Turkey states anything regarding the current situation let alone takes sides in this issue.
we are not sheep anybody to fallow blindless. muslims just worship Allahu Teala but it seems that suuds fallowers sees the saud king any kind of saint what a pity
So is there going to be war or what? **** this shit. I am wasting time. I am off to sleep.
you spewed whole lot of rant but not much for the topic. Saudis can chest thump because they are under the impression that they have $110 billion insurance policy from US to save house of saud. Think again, Queen of England just preparing to claim their share of the loot. Looks like house of saud needs to buy supplemental insurance policy from queen. Who knows if Macron will try his luck next?

East Pakistan belongs to Pakistan not to the traitors Hassina or Khlida who pissed off Erdogan by killing a senior Islamist leader few months ago, believe me the consonant help you get from Indians or Americans will never halt down the efforts to bring you back to your original country Pakistan.
Trending on Twitter right now: #TurkeyWithQatar




I'll post an analysis of the Gulf crisis in a separate thread since this one has run its course IMO.

Obviously they will side with tiny Qatar because tiny Qatar is bankrolling the MB and has several billion big investments in Turkey. However will they risk alienating most of the GCC (if not all of it) and much of the Arab world for the sake of 200.000 big Qatar? The question is no otherwise a bigmouth like Erdogan would have reacted long ago in a harsh fashion.

Obviously this exposes the MB agenda which is why it is good that KSA called Qatar out publicly and shamed them. We cannot tolerate a tiny state and regime trying to stir trouble up (actively) in Egypt, a country of immense importance for the stability of the Arab world, just due to political disagreements. Nor allow tiny Qatar to undermine the unity of the GCC in a time like that when regional unity is key.

Qatar has already lost. Sheikh Hamad removing his father in 1995 was the beginning of the mess. Him being removed in 2013 (due to the failed Gaddafi-Qatar plan of trying to stir trouble up in KSA which was exposed almost simultaneously to his "mysterious" removal) by his son, gives precedence for him being removed himself. Qatar is a very fragile regime. Outnumbered 1 to 10 in their very own country. They should be very, very careful as there is a limit to the tolerance.

So is there going to be war or what? **** this shit. I am wasting time. I am off to sleep.

No put a few irrelevant and ignorant Arab-obsessed foreigners are beating the drums here on a Pakistani defense forum, as you can see.
I am the last person that has to grow a spine. I am as frank as they come around here and I always say things openly.

I don't take this "Zionism" nonsense seriously when there are several Muslim countries who have official diplomatic relations with Israel, who cooperate with them on all fronts (economically and militarily), who host their embassies in their lands etc. KSA has never had any serious relations with Israel ever since they appeared on the map in 1948. In fact KSA was part of the Arab bloc that fought against Israel pre-1948. Similarly afterwards. It was the same KSA that orchestrated the oil embargo as a response to Israeli policies. It is the same KSA that has donated more to Palestine than any other Muslim country and the same KSA that hosts almost 1 million Palestinians while giving them special rights that no other expats, Arab as non-Arab have. The same KSA that brokered the best peace proposal so far called the Arab Peace Initiative.


A peace initiative accepted by Palestine (West Bank, Fatah, Abbas) and Hamas alike as well as the entire Arab League more than once.

The same KSA where all polls shows that at least 90% of the people have negative views on Israel. The same KSA that has had some of the most fierce anti-Zionist clerics in the modern era. That KSA.

No, I am not related to the House of Saud but I know a few members and my family have connections. However my personal opinion is irrelevant here but nevertheless I have always openly criticized what I did not like and continue to do that in person and whenever such topics are discussed. In fact I am firmly of the belief that the GCC and wider Arab and Muslim world needs political and social reforms and I have written long and detailed posts about what I wish to see in KSA in terms of political and social changes. Even proposed a reformed political system in detail that I outlined on PDF and elsewhere (Arab forums). So no, no cult following here.

You are still talking about those 350 billion dollars not knowing that those are mutual investments and that this will benefit KSA immensely as ToT is obligatory in the deal and it will create dozens upon dozens of industries in KSA, jobs and moreover is in line with the goals of Saudi Vision 2030. It has nothing to do with past deals.

No, I don't because I am not foolish enough to think that KSA can do anything to change what Donald Trump is saying or what the US is doing. Nobody can which is why they are a sole superpower. Or do you want us to destroy ourselves like Saddam Hussein did and the Mullah's have done in order to score a few brownie points among mostly Muslims in third world countries that live in la-la land as you wrote?

Understand that we live in 2017. We (Arabs and Muslims) are not in positions that we once were. We cannot expect miracles.

Pre-1991 we had very little focus on our military because we thought that nobody would invade Bilad al-Haramain so we were forced to (not really as the US/west/world would have acted regardless due to the importance of the GCC and the region) rely on the US. Nowadays we don't have to in order to guard our own safety and prosperity and once the goals in the Saudi Vision 2030 are implemented even less so. The US, or rather their private companies and military sector, are helping us in this regard and offering us weaponry that no other country is able to let alone willing to. At the same time we cultivate booming ties with the East (as have been the case for millennia) which is why China is our largest trade partner and why 70 billion dollar big deals were signed with China when King Salman visited earlier this year, West, Arab and Muslim world and developing markets in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Apparently it is haram for KSA to have economic and military ties with the US and West but halal for all the other Muslim countries (99% of them) or even those of which are NATO members (Turkey). So if such a discourse is not hypocrisy what is it then?

Lastly why is it that you expect KSA to save the entire Muslim world when we have a lot to do ourselves and are far, far away from being a superpower? Even if we were a superpower I doubt that we would be able to change much. It's something that the countries and peoples have to do themselves just like we have to improve ourselves as nobody else will do that for us.

Which is the official policy of KSA as KSA is the de facto leader of the GCC so a united GCC is in the best interests of KSA.

Hey bro, how are you? :)
It's so much fun to watch some Turks "Erdoganists" acting like they care about Qatar where they barely can recognize where is Qatar located on the map, not surprised honestly because many of them are raised and born in isolated villages some where in Anatolia where they don't have any access to realistic Information sources or credible newspaper but Erdogan's media which direct them to the wrong propaganda every time new thing comes out to the surfaces in the world. Anyway, I think Erdogan is smarter than intervening in Internal affairs of the Arabian Gulf countries and you can notice that no senior official in Turkey states anything regarding the current situation let alone takes sides in this issue.

Lol- You are right about these erdogan nutjobs. If erdogan says he is going to create a parallel universe they will believe it.

If erdogan says today that qatar is the greatest country these sheeps will start backing qatar like its their dads country and if erdogna says tomorow is the worst country they will curse it 24/7 - they wont ask oh wait didnt you say the opposite just yesterday. They dont have a brain of themselves.

Btw those villagers in anatolia might be ill informed but I assure you they are still better off in terms of knowledge than the ones in the deserts of arabia.
Obviously they will side with tiny Qatar because tiny Qatar is bankrolling the MB and has several billion big investments in Turkey. However will they risk alienating most of the GCC (if not all of it) and much of the Arab world for the sake of 200.000 big Qatar? The question is no otherwise a bigmouth like Erdogan would have reacted long ago in a harsh fashion.

Obviously this exposes the MB agenda which is why it is good that KSA called Qatar out publicly and shamed them. We cannot tolerate a tiny state and regime trying to stir trouble up (actively) in Egypt, a country of immense importance for the stability of the Arab world, just due to political disagreements. Nor allow tiny Qatar to undermine the unity of the GCC in a time like that when regional unity is key.

Qatar has already lost. Sheikh Hamad removing his father in 1995 was the beginning of the mess. Him being removed in 2013 (due to the failed Gaddafi-Qatar plan of trying to stir trouble up in KSA which was exposed almost simultaneously to his "mysterious" removal) by his son, gives precedence for him being removed himself. Qatar is a very fragile regime. Outnumbered 1 to 10 in their very own country. They should be very, very careful as there is a limit to the tolerance.

No put a few irrelevant and ignorant Arab-obsessed foreigners are beating the drums here on a Pakistani defense forum, as you can see.

Mess it is. Let us hope peace pervails...

Otherwise, indians might stage a coup in Qatar and demand for equal rights and nationality... 10 to 1 you said... the indian might even bring indian democracy in Qatar...you never know.

Anyhow, by the looks of things... the disagreement behind the scenes has to so huge that it came out like this.

Normally, GCC rulers keep such things under the wraps and act out friendly even if there are differences...

We have to see how it unfolds further..stakes are too high. Essentially, KSA has put Qatar on notice... and given them Either and OR choice.

Must say have not seen this before in the modern history of GCC.


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