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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

middle eastern region is already suffering destabilization and now this is another episode for getting more destabilize :(
absolutely; first they gang up and devastate Yemen and the humanitarian crisis that the world is watching. Now this.

They have no balls since Golda meyer took them away from them to even go against Assad; bullies as usual.

Empty shelves in the supermarket.

In Pakistan we have many people who have Turkic ancestors hence why we can relate to Turkey.
Turks from Central Asia who settled in Afghanistan (Sebuktagin, Mahmud Ghaznavi etc) and in India (Aibak, Iltutmish, Balban etc) have nothing to with modern republic of Turkey. The ones in our areas were proper Turks, looked like Turks (Altai looks). While majority of the people in Turkey are linguistically Turkized people just like Sudanese are Arabized people, not proper Arabs. They were ruling elites of India who cared less about indigenous people, your ancestors. Turk rulers of India were plainly racist.
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To scare people this may be a good stunt. But I heard Iran perhaps dispatching ship with food that will reach within 12 hrs. Qatar airways has large fleet of cargo aircrafts which can be used to bring emergency supply. In the mean time Turkey and Iran (through land and then through gulf) can cooperate to open endless supply bridge. This should not be an issue.
They have the highest GDP per capita on earth and the US military for protection. They will do just fine IMO.
For scaring people this may be a good stunt. But I heard Iran perhaps dispatching ship with food that will reach within 12 hrs. Qatar airways has large fleet of cargo aircraft which can be used to bring emergency supply. In the mean time Turkey and Iran (through land and then through gulf) can cooperate to send endless supply. This should not be an issue.
should never be; open the sea lanes lot of produce from Iran, Pakistan, India - they are trying to do what they did to Yemen. man, they had no balls ever since Golda castrated their armies to taken on Assad when he was committing genocide and yet they choose to go after poor Yemenis.
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt & Bahrain gave 2 weeks of notice to Qatari citizens to leave.

As of now half of Qatar's food supply come from Saudi Arabia due to border.
They got stopped with (sudden) screeching halt.
Closing the land border was the most idiotic thing the Saudis so far did in this dispute. Turks and Iranians will gladly export agricultural products and foodstuffs to Qatar. From a long term perspective, Qatar will be more independent from Saudi Arabia. You just lost another leverage against Doha.
this became nice. ottoman safevi khalid bin welid sword transforms Hz Ali(Ra)'s sword nobody can not stop it in universe
I expect this amount of resist from Kuwait and Oman to not following KSA but the Jordan and his stance against KSA till now amaze me too much.
It seems that old fox is not happy with new big Satan policy.
10:40pm - Kuwait calls for restraint

Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah has called Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani and "urged him for restraint and not to take any measure that could escalate" the situation in the Gulf, according to the state-run KUNA news agency.

İs it possible that Qatar leaves the GCC? I doubt that.
10:40pm - Kuwait calls for restraint

Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah has called Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani and "urged him for restraint and not to take any measure that could escalate" the situation in the Gulf, according to the state-run KUNA news agency.

İs it possible that Qatar leaves the GCC? I doubt that.
No.. Qatar cabinet has issued statement and showed its full commitment to GCC..
while KSA king advisor prince faisal I believe in Kuwait so might be things are being negotiated through Kuwait ..
10:40pm - Kuwait calls for restraint

Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah has called Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani and "urged him for restraint and not to take any measure that could escalate" the situation in the Gulf, according to the state-run KUNA news agency.

İs it possible that Qatar leaves the GCC? I doubt that.
I've heard from Iranian news that Oman is with Qatar.

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