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1 hurts as BDR, BSF exchanged 2000 rounds of gunfire.

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LoL canadians, They give me the giggles with there stupidity. For example this video for your offtopic question.
YouTube - funny commercial making fun of Canada

well you give me the giggles for labelling others stupid because of emotions (and also because of your bad spelling).

Thanks for providing the off-topic video for my ''off-topic'' question.

Uncle read my post again to understand it was in context of BSF just like its terrorist govt refused to hold flag staff meeting with BD forces.

It clearly means you people do not understand the language of peace but :sniper:

Agha dont degrade yourself by calling an indian your uncle. You are Pakhtun Pakistani. Dont make the mistake again. :hitwall::devil::angry:
You watching too much os South Park lately... :cheesy:

Do they still have fans. I used to watch southpark way back around 14 years ago. Can you upload the recent episodes.????? It's been a while.:pop:
Do they still have fans. I used to watch southpark way back around 14 years ago. Can you upload the recent episodes.????? It's been a while.:pop:

Its been a while for me too after I gone out of school..
well you give me the giggles for labelling others stupid because of emotions (and also because of your bad spelling).

Thanks for providing the off-topic video for my ''off-topic'' question.

AAGH the spelling...only if i had ever looked back at my comments instead of thinking. Will make sure to correct them now. Thanks for clearing it out of the topic. So, one canadian's saying has whole canada behind it, huh.

It's nice to see them oppologizing..AAAAAA i made a spelling error can you help.... :angel:

indian media claims they ''apologized'' but i see no statement on apology, just regret that the mans visa was denied.

or am i missing something here?

I didnt post any news, i provided the link to it. If you werent so obtuse, you would have remembered that.

indian media claims they ''apologized'' but i see no statement on apology, just regret that the mans visa was denied.

or am i missing something here?

I didnt post any news, i provided the link to it. If you werent so obtuse, you would have remembered that.

here read it and please check your news before posting it , the article is from City Tv, the most trusted news source in Canada.

Ottawa issues formal apology to India over visa row

Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney responds to a question from the media following Question Period on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Thursday May 27, 2010. (Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Ottawa has been forced to issue a formal apology to India over its treatment of Indian army and police officers seeking to visit Canada.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney made an unreserved apology Friday for a series of decisions by Canadian visa officers in India to reject dozens of Indian citizens from entering Canada based on their service in India's military or paramilitary forces.

The visa rejections caused widespread public outrage in India, because Canadian officials claimed applicants' service in India's army, police, and intelligence units made them complicit in torture and other human rights violations.

"Canada has the highest regard for India, its government institutions and processes," Kenney said in a statement.

"The government of Canada therefore deeply regrets the recent incident in which letters drafted by public service officials during routine visa refusals to Indian nationals cast false aspersions on the legitimacy of work carried out by Indian defence and security institutions, which operate under the framework of democratic processes and the rule of law."

The issue has been a top news story in India, with editorial writers pillorying Canada for what one newspaper called "the foul language used by its officials against Indian security and intelligence establishments."

The uproar started two weeks ago, when a retired constable named Fateh Singh Pandher complained to local reporters about his treatment when he applied to move to Canada, where his daughter now lives.

His application was rejected in a letter from a Canadian diplomat that noted his service as a constable in the Border Security Force, which the letter says "has engaged in systematic attacks on civilians and has been responsible for systematically torturing suspected criminals."

After that story emerged, others started coming forward and Indian newspapers and television reported on every new case, which included members of India's army, police, paramilitary and intelligence forces.

Their complaints were similar: that Canadian visa officials had broadly interpreted a rule forbidding entry for war criminals to unfairly encompass the Indian military and police.

The visa officers' letters were taken by many as a national insult, written under official Canadian letterhead. Canada's high commissioner was summoned by the Indian government to explain.

Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna declared the Canadian actions "entirely unacceptable" and threatened retaliation if no corrective steps were taken by Canada.

In his unprecedented apology, Kenney said the visa officers should never have cast India's security institutions in such a light.

"This language, or the inaccurate impression it has created, in no way reflects the policy or position of the Government of Canada," the minister said, adding: "Canada has the highest regard for India, its government institutions and processes."

The apology didn't end there: It came with a pledge that Canada will review its policy on declaring foreigners inadmissible.

"This unfortunate incident has demonstrated that the deliberately broad legislation may create instances when the net is cast too widely by officials, creating irritants with our trusted and valued international allies," Kenney said in his apology. "For this reason the admissibility policy within the legislation is under active review at this time."

Shortly after the apology, Krishna said that Canada had realized its "mistake" and India will treat it as a "closed chapter."

"We have received a copy of the statement made by Jason Kenney, Canadian Minister for Citizenship. He has expressed high regards for India. They have deeply regretted the recent letter drafted by low level officials on routine visa applications casting aspersions on security forces," he told reporters in Bangalore.

The Harper government is anxious not to offend India as it tries to tap into its powerhouse economy. But the apology is also likely aimed at the one million Indo-Canadians who have followed the controversy closely.

Ottawa issues formal apology to India over visa row - CTV News

Proud to be an Indian
Bangladeshis pay and enter illegally into India

New Delhi: Political patronage to illegal migrants from Bangladesh over the past few years has meant that the number of Bangladeshis living illegally in India has almost trebled.

Illegal migrants from Bangladesh have significantly altered the demographic complexion of the border areas.

Now the situation is such that border districts are inhabited by a population that is ethnically, culturally, linguistically and perhaps even religiously identical, making the job of the security forces much tougher.

The three-layered fence at the border is meant to prevent smugglers, migrants, traffickers and gun-runners from entering India from Bangladesh. Close to 2,500 kilometres of the 4,000-kilometre long border have been fenced with barbed wire and concrete by India, under a Rs 120 crore project.

But migrants and infiltrators still make it across.

Kohinoor Asrafi is a suspected terrorist infiltrator who is fluent in Hindi and Bengali. He was caught by the Border Security Force (BSF) with a diary filled with contacts in Pakistan, New Delhi and Patna.

The diary begins with the handwritten lines, Ya Allah destroy these people. But Asrafi says he is innocent and claims the diary is an old one.

"A coolie demanded Rs 800 to get me across and Rs 400 for returning. I came here with the help of a dalal (middleman). He warned me if I tell anyone he will get me caught," claims Kohinoor Asrafi.

Others like Safia cross over in search of a better life. Safia, who lives in Jessore district in Bangladesh, claims she entered India legally from the Petrapol border crossing, to get treatment for appendicitis.

She says the treatment cost her Rs 15,000 but she had brought only Rs 200 from Bangladesh. When asked how did she manage to get the rest of the amount, Safia replied that she begged at Hazir Ali Dargah in Kolkata
Once in Kolkata, Safia decided to stay back and do household work. She was caught by the BSF while trying to illegally cross back into Bangladesh with her eight-year-old son.

She says she was trying to get her daughter from Bangladesh, but was abandoned by a trafficker.

"He ran away to Bangladesh. I could not. I fell down and could not get up," she says.

Large stretches of the infiltration-prone region continue to be unfenced, like the border area just two hours away from Kolkata, where Indians and Bangladeshis live in close proximity.

"I have my relatives there. My son has been settled in Bangladesh for a long time, he has also married there. We meet either when he comes here by road or when we go to Bangladesh with our passports and visas. Lots of people here have relatives in Bangladesh," says an Indian villager Mosiur Rehman Sheikh.
In some stretches along the North 24 Parganas, the border appears to be better guarded.

Everyday Bangladeshi nationals stand in line to show their identity cards and cross into India. But illegal migration along this stretch, too, is an open secret.
"Suppose I am a Bangladeshi migrant, I have to contact some politicians only. I cannot apply via normal visa process after moving here. I'll have to get someone to introduce me to the local politicians or some officers who will do it for me," reveals an illegal Bangladeshi migrant.

And once inside, many Bangladeshis have even made it into voter lists, and cast their ballots.

"We paid the dalals (middleman). The amount varies depending on the present security condition from Rs 200-Rs 400. There are dalals on both sides who contact with the BSF and the BDR. Only the dalals know which officers of the BSF and BDR have to be bribed," says another illegal migrant.

"I have voted in the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections," he adds.

Another illegal Bangladeshi migrant says, "I came to India with the help of dalals who bribed both the BSF and the BDR. Powerful politicians in India give us papers for money. My voter card was issued based on the id of my mother who moved to India long back."

The CNN-IBN investigation shows that the porous Indo-Bangladesh border has numerous routes through which people cross over.

Illegal Bangladeshi migrants in India are helped by corrupt officials and politicians who want to increase their votebank.
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'''forced to apologize'' ????

joke of the day. india has not leverage over them to begin with.. forced my ***.

Second of all, thanks for not paying attention. Even though he did say Canada has the highest ''regard'' for India, its government institutions and processes --- he never retracted his statement that BSF is an anti human and violent force. Most of the ''apology'' encompassed the visa row, when that war criminal was denied entry.

and besides, he's just a minister of citizenship offering regret over comments not even made by him.

your beef with Canada revolves around the fact that it is rife with Khalistani ultra-nationalists. Just admit that, then we can move on and revert back to the topic of BDR-bsf incident.

'''forced to apologize'' ????

joke of the day. india has not leverage over them to begin with.. forced my ***.

Second of all, thanks for not paying attention. Even though he did say Canada has the highest ''regard'' for India, its government institutions and processes --- he never retracted his statement that BSF is an anti human and violent force. Most of the apology encompassed the visa row, when that war criminal was denied entry.


i have serious doubts on your reading capabilities, please go over the article again and read each word. Canada has TAKEN BACK its statements calling it an immature action by a lower level officer. Its has FORMALLY apologized and issued visas for all concerned people. In regards to India's strength and leverage, India gets things done and does not have to have sit with a begging bowl in front of any country. Getting Pakistani organizations banned, NSG Approvals, MRCA deals etc etc are huge examples of India's leverage. Its your problem that you cannot accept it but India is in both the G20 and soon to be permanent member of the G8. The Indian Prime Minister is the only head of state getting a personal welcome from the Canadian Prime Minister at the Toronto g-20 and g-8 submit where Pakistan cant even been seen. So please check your statement before you say something illogical the next time.
'''forced to apologize'' ????

joke of the day. india has not leverage over them to begin with.. forced my ***.

Second of all, thanks for not paying attention. Even though he did say Canada has the highest ''regard'' for India, its government institutions and processes --- he never retracted his statement that BSF is an anti human and violent force. Most of the ''apology'' encompassed the visa row, when that war criminal was denied entry.

and besides, he's just a minister of citizenship offering regret over comments not even made by him.

your beef with Canada revolves around the fact that it is rife with Khalistani ultra-nationalists. Just admit that, then we can move on and revert back to the topic of BDR-bsf incident.


so how did you become a think tank again seriously lol Just the minister of citizenship lol what do you expect the Defense minister issuing the statement for a public relations issue lol You really have no idea what your talking about. Please set the hate aside for a moment and come back to planet Earth lol

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