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India's Super Sukhoi's will technologically out-match China's latest Su-35 jets

He won't because he cannot find anything either.

go search. Chinese bought large numbers with lower cost per unit and standard configurations. India spent higher per unit and sourced avionics and parts from around the world. MKIs are generally considered the best of Su 30 config.
There is no purpose comparing the Super Sukhoi to an interim fighter; a more sensible juxtaposition would be against the J-11D or J-16.

I don't know much about why China bought su 35.. So no comment on that..

Buying QN entire new platform will b more viable or the upgrade ?

Our choice... We tailor made Su 30 to mki standard.
I don't know much about why China bought su 35.. So no comment on that..

The common speculation is that the Su-35 serves as a stop-gap until the newer J-11D could be put into service or until the J-16 is produced in large numbers. The platform is meant to rectify a shortfall in Flanker production.
He won't because he cannot find anything either.

Generally if there is a statement that PLAAF has an inferior tech product, you should automatically assume it is true. Chinese trolls boast/ lie/ mislead etc. Generally not the constituency of Indian members.


Such was the impact, that the PLAAF, not to be outdone ordered around 50 Sukhoi 30 MKKs from Russia. The Sukhoi 30 MKK vastly varied from the MKI on various parameters. Simply put, the MKK was lighter and less advanced than the MKI.

China learned that before Indira was born. Has India learned yet?

how is copying Mig 29 making your own? Plus India never borrows, India buys.
Khangress under Italian Sonia helped China all these years.
That will no more be the case.
NaMo :cheers:

I don't see relation between Namo to this thread... We intend to upgrade Mki long back..

The common speculation is that the Su-35 serves as a stop-gap until the newer J-11D could be put into service or until the J-16 is produced in large numbers. The platform is meant to rectify a shortfall in Flanker production.

I have no idea, So my view will be neutral..

What a childish response. Our wish.

I was merely asking what is more viable in long term

our choice , what's wrong in it.. Unlike someone -Well am not the one who troll, whenever i see thread related to pak.. We have specific requirements, upgrade must meet our requirement.. even if it cost bit high...
As usual shitty tall claims from rear. Learn to talk like man with evidence and not like dehati Surat with tall shityy claims.
Post reported for spreading class info
What do you think ? What could be the reason for purchasing SU 35 while India refusing to purchase SU 35
Tell you what dude this comparison of good or better is useless.Only when the time comes a single engagement tell everything and its the brain inside the cockpit not the machine that counts everytime.
our choice , what's wrong in it.. Unlike someone -Well am not the one who troll, whenever i see thread related to pak.. We have specific requirements, upgrade must meet our requirement.. even if it cost bit high...
I was trying to ask, say if stripping the jets every now then, would that not make it, I don't know weak in joints
Joker of the day. :D

India can easily buy Su-35, but we are going to Super Sukhoi and FGFA.
india could buy but no one is gonna give her tot either its su-35 or FGFA :) & unlike China india sucks in reverse engineering :).

Chinese are fool enough to buy a 4th gen plane....when they have 5 th get fighter!!
Clearly they are dumb!! Or j20 is fake?
If someone own a destroyer does that mean they dont need missile boats?? .twisting points ??:) .
Keep dreaming for supa dupa trupa fighter plane while ground reality is totally different :).

If the radar engine etc will come with Super package... off course that will be massive upgrade... for a reason we rejected SU - 35..
You rejected Su-35 because made in india kind of sh!t & ur relationship with usa .
not that India sucks at reverse engineering genius, "reverse engineering" is stealing. And unlike China and their laws to protect theft of intellectual property, India is extremely open and free in that sense. And this theft would sever ties, and trade. Yes to China's credit they are able to get away with it because of their power, economic prowess and because they are a trading giant. Its still theft and is wrong. Nothing to be proud of really.
Lolz .. Rubbish ..
Because Unlike China brain drained out of india every year . they prefer jobs in usa rather then serving for their country .:)
So an upgrade to older plane/block Will outmatch an existing advance plane. By the way, before matching, do we have Chinese SU-35 details to compare with? It was told about Indian Super Upgrade that will bring SU-30 close to SU-35 but not the match nor superior at all. There was no sense introducing SU-35 with such price tag and then upgrade package superior to own latest machine to downplay the same in market for mere upgrade money.
why would you buy su 35, if j 20 is raptor killer. Just wondering.:china:

China buy it because it's just an window of opportunity to get something China didn't have such as 3D nuzzles engine and some other unrevealing secrets that Russia is agree to offer to China and at the same time to send a strong message to India for refusing their SU-35 but chose Rafale instead. Russia is willing to cooperate with China to compensate the lost of India market...and as conclusion India don't gain anything over China by turning their back on Russia, Russia has nothing to lose because they can always cooperate with China and China is the ultimate winner :china:because we gain Russia as potential source of military supplier...of course if they have something we need :enjoy:

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