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The new Islamic empire from Turkey to Pakistan.


Jul 25, 2007
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It stretches from Turkey to Pakistan, then Bangladesh to Indonesia. It threatens Israel, India, Russia, and China. It challenges the geopolitical influence of United States. It is expanding with accelerating pace. It is something that the world will struggle to contain.

Europe is threatened by the Islamic expansion. Israel is facing massive challenge. The Islamic Jihadists are expanding in Africa rapidly. In India 6000 Islamic Jihadists are entering every day as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Islamic population is growing at double the rate in India than that of Hindus.

The Central Asia is primarily Islamic and the Islamic Jihadists are challenging Russia and China. In Southern Thailand, Islamic Jihadists are expanding fast. Philippines is also experiencing Islamic expansion. If for some reason, the Jihadists succeed in Thailand, they will try to influence the whole South East Asia.

In India, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura are infested with Islamic Jihadists who come from Bangladesh as illegal immigrants and are supported by Pakistan’s ISI.

The overall picture is serious. India’s threat is greatest after that of Israel. Russians and Chinese have to worry too. The Islamic Jihadists are planning to instigate small Islamic communities into independence like in Kashmir, Chechen and so on. The purpose is to expand the Islamic empire.

Interestingly Iraq and Pakistan two opposite ends of the current stretch of Islamic empire agreed to June 1 to cooperate in geopolitical, military and economic fields. Ankara and Islamabad are not only dissatisfied with their relationships with the United States but also are concerned about the limitations in relationships with their secondary allies. They therefore are trying to forge a bilateral alliance with the possibility of developing a multilateral forum with the central Asian states :tup:
What a noble way to setup the new Islamic Empire. You guys have Starship Destroyers and everything...heehaw

We do not need the starship destroyers...we have the FORCE with us :lol:

Do we really need this thread? No offense to the initiator.
Well i guess no one can stop anyone from dreaming, though in all seriousness the muslim world is quite broke unfortunatly, the first thing to do is for the muslims citizens is to put their grudges aside and empathise with those who are suffering. Let those in power change afterwoulds, right now the unity needs to be built in the average citizen. So that each and every muslim feels compassion and respect for their fellow muslim brother and sister and let their pain be our pain. Again in the world we live in, we never give a moments pause to think about those who are less well-off than us.
May Allah guide us all.
Well i guess no one can stop anyone from dreaming, though in all seriousness the muslim world is quite broke unfortunatly, the first thing to do is for the muslims citizens is to put their grudges aside and empathise with those who are suffering. Let those in power change afterwoulds, right now the unity needs to be built in the average citizen. So that each and every muslim feels compassion and respect for their fellow muslim brother and sister and let their pain be our pain. Again in the world we live in, we never give a moments pause to think about those who are less well-off than us.
May Allah guide us all.

Here is the only problem I have,

Why dont you brother muslims empathize with a person irrespective of his religious background. Empathize with a human being. Let his religion be his, but let your character reflect the greatness of your religion.
Here is the only problem I have,

Why dont you brother muslims empathize with a person irrespective of his religious background. Empathize with a human being. Let his religion be his, but let your character reflect the greatness of your religion.

Easy answer, when we can't empathise with our fellow muslims how are we sopposed to do it with the whole of humanity, wait up dude!:pdf:
Easy answer, when we can't empathise with our fellow muslims how are we sopposed to do it with the whole of humanity, wait up dude!:pdf:

Wrong way to go about it. It shows that you favour and consider your fellow muslims above other beings of the so called human race. Since we are talking about your medical degree and stuff. this is corny , yet I think you should hear it

" Imagine yourself in an accident with an urgent need of blood in the hospital of O+ve blood type,and i come forward to donate my blood for you. it doesnt matter wether I am a muslim or not. My blood will save you. Only when you become a Human Being, can you be closer to god. If a book tells you otherswise, i have to say it is wrong. From what I heard, it doesnt.

I sincerely hope a young boy will grow up loving all the people of the world, irrespective of their religion, while at the same time you love your religion personally.
Wrong way to go about it. It shows that you favour and consider your fellow muslims above other beings of the so called human race. Since we are talking about your medical degree and stuff. this is corny , yet I think you should hear it

" Imagine yourself in an accident with an urgent need of blood in the hospital of O+ve blood type,and i come forward to donate my blood for you. it doesnt matter wether I am a muslim or not. My blood will save you. Only when you become a Human Being, can you be closer to god. If a book tells you otherswise, i have to say it is wrong. From what I heard, it doesnt.

I sincerely hope a young boy will grow up loving all the people of the world, irrespective of their religion, while at the same time you love your religion personally.
slow down, I was joking.
To answer your question in detail, In Islam i will give you a small example of how muslims should treat their neighbours. In the holy Quran it is stated
"and do good -- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are near, neighbors who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and what your right hands posses: for God loves not the arrogant, the vainglorious." [4:36

It is observed here that Allah (swt) categorized for us three types of neighbors that we should take care of . They are:
A relative neighbor
A strange fellow neighbor
A friend Neighbor
If we analyse the Hadith the importance of just the neighbour can be noted,
Narrated by Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) saying that the Prophet (pbuh) said:

[Agreed] In the name of Allah, he is not a believer, In the Name of Allah, he is not a believer, In the Name of Allah, he is not a believer. They asked him, who is he O Messenger of Allah! He said: It is he whose neighbor is not safe of him. [Agreed]
Now Imagine Adux the prophet (SAW) saying those who don't treat their neighbours well are regarded as NON-MUSLIMS!
This is just one instance and their are many ahadith regarding treatment of neighbours.
now even in time of war the prophet had commanded his companions not to even harm trees!
having said all this i am a firm believer of prioritizing. Those within the home come before those who live just outside. Those who are of kin are more deserving of help than those who are not.
Hope that answers my take on the issue and where islam commands.
Obviously as this was a thread regarding issues of the ummah, my post was inclined to stimulate discussion soley about the muslims of the world and their problems and how unity can prevail atleast in the hearts of each citiezen.
The second post was light hearted. If you think that my empathies are only for muslims and say not for those poor christians living in sub-saharan africa then you are mistaken.
Discrimination on the basis of Religion , is the biggest bone of contention non-muslims have with muslims. and very rightly also i might add.
Discrimination on the basis of Religion , is the biggest bone of contention non-muslims have with muslims. and very rightly also i might add.
i thought us guys blowing you guys up was the biggest bone of contention..lol
Nah...the biggest problem right now is you guys blowing yourselves up.
So make your mind up then! what is it discriminating or blowing everything up?
i thought us guys blowing you guys up was the biggest bone of contention..lol

Yes, That whole attitude comes out of religious bigotry.

but unfortunately for you, the people who are blowing up themselves are killing more muslims than even combined India, US and Israel, UK and the rest of the infidels.
Yes, That whole attitude comes out of religious bigotry.

but unfortunately for you, the people who are blowing up themselves are killing more muslims than even combined India, US and Israel, UK and the rest of the infidels.
See I never endorsed the indescriminate killings of innocent civilians by misguided radicals or the equally destroctive repricocal attacks carried out by Indians, Israelis and Americans etc.
Though looking out for ones brothers ans sisters cannot and will not result in bigotry.
It's like saying because you want the betterment of Indian society vis-a-vis Pakistani society you are a racist or a bigot. There will always be priority and the name of the thread also means the contribution will be geared to a specific theme.
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