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@Prometheus during last few days i visited almost every corner of my district to meet friends & people. My district has 3 constituencies 2 rural (both reserved) & 1 urban (general). Both rural seats are confirmed to AAP. But in urban competition is tough between congress & AAP.
I also witnessed a change in social & family fabric. In past village elderly people were used to be blind & staunch Akalis & their families were totally under their order. But now their sons, daughters & daughter in laws are refusing to follow their orders & openly supporting AAP. So now family chiefs are surrendering against the wishes of new generation. It is kind of little social revolution coming in Punjab.
yes its true mate.....youngsters are making up their own mind.......youngsters in my area are mostly inclined towards congress......very little support for AAP........my family is Akali......but my grandfather never asked us to vote them.....he just said....vote for the good candidate .....in the past Akali dal had good people....now non are left in it

in my area...congress looks like a easy winner....Chotepur can come close but cant beat congress....AAP is kinda non existent here......in neighbouring reserved city.......Congress is winning very easy....no opposition to that lady at all...............on other side is Batala.....where AAP has made in roads and Ghughi is contesting from here........here all candidates are neck to neck fight....even akali can win

For the first time in my life praying for congies to win nothing gives more happiness than seeing AAP biting the dust

How dare you its Modi government which is the Suit-Boot ki sarkar not us who gave 1.8L crores of loans to corporates of Adani,Ambani and created a hole in the baking system by giving loans to the likes of Mallaya

OMG another congi lover..........@Juggernautjatt
yes its true mate.....youngsters are making up their own mind.......youngsters in my area are mostly inclined towards congress......very little support for AAP........my family is Akali......but my grandfather never asked us to vote them.....he just said....vote for the good candidate .....in the past Akali dal had good people....now non are left in it

in my area...congress looks like a easy winner....Chotepur can come close but cant beat congress....AAP is kinda non existent here......in neighbouring reserved city.......Congress is winning very easy....no opposition to that lady at all...............on other side is Batala.....where AAP has made in roads and Ghughi is contesting from here........here all candidates are neck to neck fight....even akali can win

OMG another congi lover..........@Juggernautjatt

what's your verdict? I still think Akalis can pull it off.

Trump's H-1B visa policy is not at all related to terrorism. Rather Trump wants Silicon valley tech companies to hire Americans. Whereas in India the call to ban on Pakistan artists is a direct reaction to Pakistan sponsored terrorism. Are Poonawala and you @ashok321 total chumps to not to know the difference ?
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Maur Mandi: At three persons died on Tuesday in an explosion in Bathinda's Maur Mandi.

The explosion took place in a car, confirmed SDM Latif Ahmed.

Reportedly, the powerful blast took place near a rally of a Congress candidate.

At least 15 people were reported to be injured in the blast where Congress candidate Harminder Jassi was addressing a gathering at that time, news agency IANS reported.

They were rushed to hospitals in Maur Mandi and Bathinda.

just an extension of current soap opera! He is contesting election under Akhilesh Yadav's banner as we speak.. & says will form a party after elections! What a load of cobblers!
Many of the Mulayam loyalists are contesting in Congress seats. Shivpal is one of those who built the party from the ground up. He was thrown away like garbage. Certain seats both Cong and SP are contesting, Congress has not announced their candidates for some seats, while SP is announcing candidates for some which is supposed to go to Cong. While Mulayam loyalist has promised to fighting in seats given to Cong. Its a big mess....
Many of the Mulayam loyalists are contesting in Congress seats. Shivpal is one of those who built the party from the ground up. He was thrown away like garbage. Certain seats both Cong and SP are contesting, Congress has not announced their candidates for some seats, while SP is announcing candidates for some which is supposed to go to Cong. While Mulayam loyalist has promised to fighting in seats given to Cong. Its a big mess....
I will be convinced once rebel SP candidates start filing their nominations from congress seats..& MY / SY starts campaigning for them! That will really put Congress & AY in a miserable situation!
what's your verdict? I still think Akalis can pull it off.
yeah ...they can still manage 10 seats.

congress is going to sweep majha thats for sure........and it can do the same in doaba too..........alone malwa cant make govt
yes its true mate.....youngsters are making up their own mind.......youngsters in my area are mostly inclined towards congress......very little support for AAP........my family is Akali......but my grandfather never asked us to vote them.....he just said....vote for the good candidate .....in the past Akali dal had good people....now non are left in it

in my area...congress looks like a easy winner....Chotepur can come close but cant beat congress....AAP is kinda non existent here......in neighbouring reserved city.......Congress is winning very easy....no opposition to that lady at all...............on other side is Batala.....where AAP has made in roads and Ghughi is contesting from here........here all candidates are neck to neck fight....even akali can win

OMG another congi lover..........@Juggernautjatt

I am not a congi lover just wanted to save the country and Punjab from this anti-national Chuthiyawal

Many of the Mulayam loyalists are contesting in Congress seats. Shivpal is one of those who built the party from the ground up. He was thrown away like garbage. Certain seats both Cong and SP are contesting, Congress has not announced their candidates for some seats, while SP is announcing candidates for some which is supposed to go to Cong. While Mulayam loyalist has promised to fighting in seats given to Cong. Its a big mess....

So they successfully managed to divert the issue of riots, Rapes, Corruption , Goondaism and India's worst CM tag of akhilesh to a development face . if these guys get a even a half-mark I would still consider it as a worst thing

I will be convinced once rebel SP candidates start filing their nominations from congress seats..& MY / SY starts campaigning for them! That will really put Congress & AY in a miserable situation!

:D:D:D Sonia refused to campaign in UP
So they successfully managed to divert the issue of riots, Rapes, Corruption , Goondaism and India's worst CM tag of akhilesh to a development face . if these guys get a even a half-mark I would still consider it as a worst thing

Not that easy to divert when you have lived there for 5 years, prolly works in Urban areas but villages are a different matter.
Bastar Solidarity Network Protests Against Lit Fest Organized By TATA

Protests at Kanhaiya Kumar's Kolkata event show sane voice is getting lost

On the evening of January 28, I was in the audience at a talk discussing Kanhaiya Kumar’s recently released book, From Bihar to Tihar, as part of the Tata Steel Kolkata Literary Meet (KLM). This particular event was held in the city’s Rabindra Sarobar Park and was quite a distance from the lit fest’s central venue at Victoria Memorial.

The talk didn’t waste any time with introductions as Kanhaiya’s speech in JNU last year opened a debate on sedition that the county is still reeling under. His book, written in the aftermath of an experience that saw him arrested, assaulted and branded an "anti-national", was the focus for the evening because much of his persona has been subject to public scrutiny over the past year. It was a candid discussion in which the celebrity-activist-turned-author gave a brief insight into his convictions and raison d'être.

No sooner had the audience settled in their chairs than a group identifying themselves as the Bastar Solidarity Network (BSN) interrupted the event with slogans that questioned Kanhaiya for making an appearance at an event sponsored by a corporate entity that was responsible for deaths in Kalinganagar, Singur and Bastar.

Initially, at Kanhaiya’s (and the audience’s) request, the protesters sat down and held up their signs to the cameras and let the talk continue. But soon enough, another person, obviously affiliated with the group, interrupted the talk again and demanded that Kanhaiya answer his question. When given the mike, this person asked about the Kashmiri separatist movement (when they were there to protest against Tata) and kept accusing the audience (“who are in their crisp linen clothes, who are in their own bourgeois liberal bubble…”) of manhandling him.

Following his jeremiad, the protests reached a fever pitch and the protesters wouldn’t let anyone speak by subjecting those on stage to a barrage of questions. A protester made absurd claims that a journalist at the talk was abusing female protesters when nothing of the sort happened. There was also a confused woman holding up the CPM flag when it is widely acknowledged that the lone culprit found responsible for the death of Tapasi Malik in Singur was a CPM cadre. It was an evening of oxymorons made flesh and a tale that was, in the words of Shakespeare, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

How the conversation went from Lenin to linen is anyone’s guess. But what I know for certain is that I’m sick of the right and the left in this country speaking for the masses. If the former is violent and ignorant, the latter is sanctimonious and has read-more-Marx-than-thou. These extremes are claiming every public platform in their clamour for attention. The only ones at a loss are a writer/artist/film director and his audience because it’s their interaction that is constantly getting interrupted.

To be sure, I think that the KLM team could have found a less controversial sponsor than Tata Steel just like I think the Jaipur Literary Fest (JLF) team could have found a better sponsor than Zee.

However, having said that, perhaps we should cut these organisers some slack because it’s difficult to host an event of such scale without a sponsor onboard. Whether it’s a CSR exercise or blatant advertising, one can’t deny that only corporations have the resources to finance such events.

State governments could host such fests but, let’s be honest, we all know how quickly that will turn into a political shitstorm. And if charities like Greenpeace and WWF or Save the Children sponsor such events then their donors would inevitably question why their donations are being used to get Suhel Seth even more drunk.

Besides, which corporate sponsor doesn’t have skeletons in their closet? IPL was sponsored by Pepsi (who put pesticides in their drinks and consumed excessive groundwater in parched communities) and DLF (involved in land grab through unscrupulous practices).

JLF was previously sponsored by Rajnigandha, which has killed a lot more people than Zee’s caustic "journalism". Times Litfest in Mumbai and Bengaluru is hosted by The Times of India (Arnab Goswami, the former editor-in-chief of Times Now, started a campaign against intellectuals and writers and JNU students last year).

No musician worth his convictions should play at the NH7 Weekender because its title sponsor Bacardi has been accused of links to international terrorists, assassination attempts and a plot to overthrow Fidel Castro.

The upcoming India Art Fair should be boycotted because its presenting partner BMW has profited from Nazi slave labour during World War II. Let’s boycott the Indian cricket team because their kit sponsor Nike has always used sweatshops and child labour for production.

If we boycott or disrupt every event that has a questionable sponsor then we’ll just have to sit at home. I don’t have a soft corner for the cocktail-sipping socialites seen at these fests, but I don’t think they are breaking any laws. What matters is that even with these questionable sponsorships, many commoners (such as yours truly) in the audience get to interact with prominent thinkers, artists and writers.

At the JLF and KLM, I saw people from all walks of life (both fests are free) take notes and eagerly take in the varied talks. In a country that is increasingly demonising all intellectual thinking, it gave me a silver of hope to see the young and the old have a dialogue with those on stage.


'I think the KLM team could have found a less controversial sponsor than Tata Steel just like I think the Jaipur Literary Fest (JLF) team could have found a better sponsor than Zee.'
The only ugly moment for me at the JLF occurred during the talk featuring RSS leaders which was exactly as corrosive as expected. Dattatreya Hosabale, one of the leaders on stage, actually said, “We must see if there is something in the [Muslim] community that hinders development." A man in the audience got up and blamed Muslims for wanting to remain backward and said that no one could help them… to much applause and cheering.

It’s a moment that is going to make William Dalrymple and his team cringe for quite some time.

The BSN could have gotten an answer from Kanhaiya if only they let him speak, but they were not looking for answers. They were only there to gain publicity for their political cause. If they really wanted to protest against Tata Steel then they could have similarly disrupted operations at their Chowringhee headquarters.

But where’s the fun in that? Why not muzzle one of your own (jury is out on that) instead and make it to the newspapers? Who has time for a “sanitised debate” (as one of the protesters called it in a Facebook exchange with me) when it’s so much more fun to bring things to a halt by using a person’s slogans against him? Why not exercise you freedom of expression by drowning out someone else’s?

Kanhaiya’s talk was the only one at KLM that was far from the central venues and also the only one with low security. Perhaps the whole disruption was intended by the organisers because the protesters could certainly not break through the strict security at Victoria Memorial that was protecting more prominent figures such as Shashi Tharoor, P. Chidambaram and Rajdeep Sardesai.

Let’s put a man, who has been assaulted on multiple occasions, on a stage in a public park and give him absolutely no security. Makes total sense.

Recently, Sanjay Leela Bansali was assaulted by the Karni Sena over an alleged misrepresentation of Padmavati in his upcoming film. It used to be that a film would be protested after it was released; now the mobs are showing up even as it is being produced.

Someone on my Facebook newsfeed said that Bansali “should be publicly lynched to make an example for pseudo-artists” (which is definitely not something that the Taliban or ISIS do). In December some "art aficionados" who go by the name of Rashtriya Hindu Ekta March (RHEM) thrashed a painter and vandalised his paintings at a Jaipur art summit for featuring semi-nude figures. Beauty, after all, is solely in the eyes of the Hindu beholder.

The Karni Sena did not even let the director make his case and simply assumed that there will be a love scene between the characters of Padmavati and Alauddin Khilji. They think they are the final authority on history and its depiction just like the BSN think they are the only geniuses to see the inherent hypocrisy in a corporate sponsored literary event. It’s so easy for non-contributing zeroes to disrupt an event or a creative enterprise but it’s far more difficult to come up with a counter-narrative or a creative project that can take those you protest against to task.

There is something rotten in the state of India. For groups like the Karni Sena and RHEM, anyone not on their side is a pseudo-intellectual, godless presstitute/Leftist who should be sent to Pakistan. For the ultra-Left groups such as BSN, anyone who doesn’t join them in the revolution (“THIS IS SPARTAAAA” etc. etc.) is either a rabid fascist or a docile bourgeois liberal. Between these two extremes lies the common man who just wants to go about his day, making a living and occasionally watching a movie or attending a cultural programme.

It is this common, moderate Indian who has been turned into a "dhobi ka kutta" that neither belongs to the nationalist ghar nor at the communist ghat.

In our disruptive jamboree of a democracy, I often wonder if such a moderate — who can stand up for the rights of others without losing his own identity, who can let others speak without losing his own voice and who can learn from corporate financed culture without succumbing to its charms — is a figment of my imagination.

Your AAP is playing a very dangerous game with Khalistani supporters...
@Star Wars In this pic person with orange turban talking with Badal is Gurinder Singh ( who is a Khalistani according to you guys). Kejriwal stayed in his house on Saturday night. So by your logic Badal is also a Khalistani now ?


what's your verdict? I still think Akalis can pull it off.
& what makes you formulate this conclusion ?
@Star Wars In this pic person with orange turban talking with Badal is Gurinder Singh ( who is a Khalistani according to you guys). Kejriwal stayed in his house on Saturday night. So by your logic Badal is also a Khalistani now ?
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& what makes you formulate this conclusion ?

The picture shows the man in the orange turban talking to Badal, the CM of punjab and looks like he wants to submit some application. Evan khalistani's can make applications to the CM of punjab, can they not ?

Did Badal however ever visit him and sleep in that man's house ?
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