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‘What if India finds itself involved in two front war with China, Pakistan?’

oh yea . that does not make china more powerful when compared to russia , or for that matter USA . trump was in question above so i am quoting usa here . still china is a regional player regardless of the trade and all .

yea yea yea , mind boggling consumption , for domestic consumption ?<> no , majority is for exports which are falling and will keep on falling ( BTW yuan too is weakening every quarter ) as the demands from european and other developing economies like Bharat will reduce slowly but steadily . so such charts are irrelevant . moreover fudging of economic and GDP data is also not a long term story , bye for now !
India has a very bad track record for rewriting their gdp figures and India is nothing like a country with a high growth rate if you travel there while China changes remarkebly every single day, ports, airports, roads, railways, bridges, universities, hospitals... you can deny them and say they are fudged. China maybe not as powerful as US but here you are talking about fighting two front war against China, a country which basically has no heavy industry and manufacturing brags fighting two front wars is so hilarious.
India has a very bad track record for rewriting their gdp figures and India is nothing like a country with a high growth rate if you travel there while China changes remarkebly every single day, ports, airports, roads, railways, bridges, universities, hospitals... you can deny them and say they are fudged. China maybe not as powerful as US but here you are talking about fighting two front war against China, a country which basically has no heavy industry and manufacturing brags fighting two front wars is so hilarious.
you must read my posts , in replies to what points into consideration during the postings , and then jump on to conclusions and post replies . moreover i said ,bye for now
its actually a ridiculous argument made just to sell the book - the chances of this happening are less than 1 percent and even that is too high!
If India fights a two front war , they will lose their capital city within days.

I hope you know, you are thinking about fight between three nuclear armed neighbors, whatever worst outcome you have chosen for India , Guarantee it wont be better for other two and thereby extension to world.
India clearly need to develop more to fight a 2 front war.

Maybe in 10 years time, we will able to better withstand the war.
Fight Hunger and poverty before war.. Delusional indian :lol:
One in three of the world's malnourished children is in India, more even than in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a United Nations study.

well Pakistan is the place where India and China will confront eachother rest you may assume whatever you want. This is how both India and China will avoid damaging each other's infrastructure
then they fire all there nukes on china

Hmm with their primitive 20 kt fission bombs they will not be able to achieve Mutally Assured Destruction.

For a comparison, a single Chinese thermonuclear warhead is 4 megatons. Whereas India's TOTAL nuclear arsenal is only 1 megaton. So one single Chinese warhead has four times more explosive power than India's entire arsenal combined.

Pincer movement and loss of Kashmir plus massive loss of man and material..it would day of annihilation for Indian forces trapped in Kashmire and cut off from the main supply line...

Not really,such a catastrophic situation(wholly unlikely) would lead to a nuclear exchange leading to destruction of all 3 countries.In any case ur scenario is not feasible because these type of grand pincer maneuvres are not feasible or logistically sustainable in such brutal terrain,only in plains areas.

Hmm with their primitive 20 kt fission bombs they will not be able to achieve Mutally Assured Destruction.

For a comparison, a single Chinese thermonuclear warhead is 4 megatons. Whereas India's TOTAL nuclear arsenal is only 1 megaton. So one single Chinese warhead has four times more explosive power than India's entire arsenal combined.

Total arsenal is 1MT ?:lol::lol:
I guess we are building new Agni missiles with 1.5 tonne warheads for fun then?Its probably just a publicity stunt,no?You are 10-15 years behind (pre-nuclear deal times in your assesment when indian nuclear material stockpile was limited)
Even 40-50 fission warheads are enough to completely devastate urban china.One warhead into the 3 gorges dam will irradiate the bulk of china's water supply,hundreds of millions will die from poisoning,starvation and flooding.There will be no winners in a nuclear war.Its best China focus o USA,it has much greater issues to contend with as trump prepares for his trade war than make a permanent enemy out of india.
Not really,such a catastrophic situation(wholly unlikely) would lead to a nuclear exchange leading to destruction of all 3 countries.In any case ur scenario is not feasible because these type of grand pincer maneuvres are not feasible or logistically sustainable in such brutal terrain,only in plains areas.

So Indians are not first to use the nuclear threat..way to go for land of Gandhi
i think usa wil help you they can defeat china with no problem

No they can't. Do you have any idea how much leverage China has over the US? If the US starts mucking around with China, China can very easily damage the US economy in a war of trade. If the US then tries to use military power, China can give them more than just a bloody nose. In fact, in the initial fighting, China will probably have the upper hand. Don't underestimate China.

The most major victory India had was a two front war and this was achieved over 40 years ago.

Despite fighting on two fronts, The war ended in 14 days with break up of Pakistan, unconditional surrender and half their navy destroyed.


Actually that war lasted several months, but India joined in near the end. Saying it lasted 14 days is like saying WW2 lasted 4 years because the US joined in 1941.

China maybe not as powerful as US.

China can most certainly cripple the US in war, make no mistake.

Hmm with their primitive 20 kt fission bombs they will not be able to achieve Mutally Assured Destruction.

For a comparison, a single Chinese thermonuclear warhead is 4 megatons. Whereas India's TOTAL nuclear arsenal is only 1 megaton. So one single Chinese warhead has four times more explosive power than India's entire arsenal combined.

That doesn't mean India's nukes won't do some damage to China.
how do you know what india has or not?

Because nuclear tests and the related seismic activity are monitored closely across the world. India's largest nuclear test only achieved around 20 kt, they have no proven thermonuclear capabilities. Their total arsenal has been estimated at 1 megaton total, less than 1/4 of a single Chinese thermonuclear warhead.

There is a very significant difference between fission bombs and thermonuclear bombs, the latter being hundreds of times more powerful.

India has the weakest nuclear arsenal out of China-Pakistan-India, by a large margin. They can do damage but won't be able to achieve Mutually Assured Destruction.

Technically both China and India have "No First Use" policies. But Pakistan does not, they have a First Use policy that allows them to make the first strike at any time. And they have a much larger nuclear arsenal than India does.

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