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Convoy of Qatari prince comes under attack in Musakhel

But, they have active agencies who trying to stop illegal killing. What we have , our govt is also involve , then who will stop the locals on top regional local hostility .
Hunting is industry in South Africa, and sarrounding countries.
Its only WWF which is funding animals watch, but no Arabs are blamed by them.
But, they have active agencies who trying to stop illegal killing. What we have , our govt is also involve , then who will stop the locals on top regional local hostility .
I do not think the government of Pakistan will go as far as not protecting an endangered specie of birds, just to please some Sheikhs.. it is nonsense
I do not think the government of Pakistan will go as far as not protecting an endangered specie of birds, just to please some Sheikhs.. it is nonsense
Agreed ....and never. ... as long as politicians financial interest sitting in GCC countries.

Hunting is industry in South Africa, and sarrounding countries.
Its only WWF which is funding animals watch, but no Arabs are blamed by them.
Yes , In US too , but they have hunting season . Not all year long. ...I don t know if providing fund saves animals.
Hunting is not problem, but killing a bird on verge of extinction is worst . Pakistani govt is responsible for the death of these birds.

Actually asian hubara bustard is not on verge of extinsion having benefitted heavily from arab conservation initiatives
Actually asian hubara bustard is not on verge of extinsion having benefitted heavily from arab conservation initiatives

The Houbara conservation

Who We Are

International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC) is a global organisation dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the Houbara bustard, a vulnerable bird

The Fund oversees an extensive network of affiliated global Houbara bustard conservation projects and Houbara captive breeding programmes. It is considered to be the leading authority on understanding and protecting this noble bird, which is so significant to Arabian heritage and culture.




Pakistan govt. may be responsible for many things but not for killing of birds....
There's no hunting mentioned in OP, but even if we believe you that it was hunting beaf, it will not stop by departure of Qatris, actually it will increase.
Arabs use eagles for hunting as a sport, while locals use 12bore guns and kill far more birds.

Oh yes yes, that is the reason why the bird is virtually extinct from Arab lands, and not Pakistan, forcing their wealthy to come here for their hunts. You know, the Arab lands which are the Houbara's natural winter habitat? Not like Pakistan which is a breeding zone for the bird. I see what you mean.

Non Arab hunters had killed Markhor in dozens, without any leagal permission and media remained quite.
So stop peddeling BS of Pakistan getting destroyed by Arab hunters.

Kindly provide any shred of evidence for this bs claim.

Secondly don't you worry about extinctions of Tilors, they are being farmed in UAE, so consider that side well covered.
Anyother worries?
Arabs are actually farming same birds in Kazakhstan from where they fly to Pakistan.

Good for them. I'm sure that you must have personally attached tracking collars to the specific birds released by the Arabs and then personally made sure that only these specific birds were being shot at, right? They should hunt them in their own lands when they reach there, if they reach there. Wonder why with this amazing "farming" programs the bird has virtually disappeared from its natural Arab habitats forcing their rich to turn to Pakistan. Regardless, the fact that there is no data on how many of those Houbara Bustards actually survive in the wild, they cannot be hunted in Pakistan until the species is removed from the endangered list, period. The moment those Houbara are released into the wild they cease to be the Arabs' property. What other epic bs arguments will you concoct just to defend your Arab friends?

What the Arabs come here to do is not even remotely close to trophy hunting. They are given licences to hunt an animal for which trophy hunting is not allowed, for this reason the permits given are "special permits" which are never auctioned or available to anyone else, the hunting is indiscriminate without care for which specific animal is being shot at, the numbers allowed and killed far exceed any trophy hunting model and sustainability, and the permit fees do not go towards the preservation of the animal or the local populace. Get your facts straight mate.

What about your logic... shoot all Arabs becuase they come with eagles to Pakistan and hunt one dozen birds?

Yea......a dozen.....right........


The special permits given to these wealthy Arab Sheikhs are for a 100 birds and they regularly exceed them without any repercussions.

"In 2014, the leaking of an official report that a Saudi prince had killed more than 2,000 birds in a 21-day hunting safari sparked an outcry."


Where as ignore those non Arabs, who hunt one dozen of same birds by an hour !

This is pure hypocracy!

Pray do provide us with any shred of proof towards this bs claim as well.

I ask Jamalies in Baluchistan personally , they said Tilor can not be farmed raised.

"Farming" any non-domesticated animal is way easier said than done. Otherwise, the tiger, the lion, the rhino and the snow leopard wouldn't be so critically endangered right now. Heck if it was that easy for the Houbara the Arabs wouldn't need to come to our country to hunt them. You can google the specific problems in conservation breeding. And pray don't take bs statements from foreign cronies.

Well, they tested seems its works. That's why they spend millons on this bird hunting.

There are far better aphrodisiacs out there to fix an impotent arab's willy.


It is you who has linked hunting with shooting described in OP.

Again, If Arab hunting has lead to the shooting you posted in OP than those shooters are idiots.

Hunting with permission of govt. of Pakistan is no crime.
Your misleading your community against Arabs, and as a result we see such revenge shootings.

Trust me there is no crime involved anywhere, life of Tilor is no more precious than a chicken's life.
If you worry about animals strat donating to WWF, if particular about tilors, start farming like Arabs does to support Pakistan hunting industry.

Oh please, the killing of Bustards is against the interests of Pakistan and its people. Doesn't matter if the government gives them "special permits", bypassing all the conservation efforts, just because like you they too like the taste of sand. Even more so when the government has itself banned its hunting across the board and no one else can acquire these permits for good reason. This is a crime against the interests of the country and the government itself is in on it. And every time in situations like these the locals will take matters into their own hands, cuz let's face it, not all of us find joy in being an Arab pet.

"And in August 2015, after the Supreme Court ordered a blanket ban on hunting Houbara bustards, officials issued "partridge hunting" licences to Arab royals instead. But locals say that is not what they killed on the ground."

Obviously, there is no crime involved here, unless you're not an Arab crony.
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