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Morocco 'bans the sale and production of the burka'

It has nothing to do with culture. In Arab world before Islam women even used to do tawaf of Kaba naked. Women started to cover up only after order of Hijab and than Covering face came Surah Noor first and than Surah Ahzab.
You're right. Women and men before Islam in Arab states were very very h...ny; even more than what tody people are in Western countries. They had 7 kinds of 'adulteries' which is very wild and not explainable. However we can't be 100% if they covered themselves with Niqab or not, probably their women did to become safe from men.
I never said I supported burqa ban.

Well, I don't know you but I would not be too far from wrong if I said despite you living in a secular liberal UK with -

*alcohol on sale on every corner
*clubs in every area
*freedom to do what you want
*no religious law,
*no protection of law to Islam

but you are probably better Muslim then many Muslims in Pakistan who grow up in Pakistan with-

*state sanctioned Islam
*blasphemy laws
*Islam state religion
*alcohol banned
*Islam pushed at every corner.

You are my proof that secularism works !

Can't argue with your logic!


Stop quoting wikkipedia anyone can edit it. I also used to believe that this Niqab used to exist even before Islam but no it didn't Arabs before Islam were famous for getting naked even those who were covered their heads and arms didn't used to be covered these lies of it being part of Arab culture not Islam the lie which liberals in Muslims world lie about
I have seen you using wiki on this forum numerous times so save that for someone else.

And secondly what is your source that women from nobility did not wear niqab before Islam?
I have seen you using wiki on this forum numerous times so save that for someone else.

And secondly what is your source that women from nobility did not wear niqab before Islam?
Read history books like written by Ibn Kaseer and yes I used to use wikki and every time I used was only embarrased as information was wrong
As for Morocco, I am not going to apply Religion Agenda here and no Offense to anybody. But Algeria, Morocco, North African women have a great rep in france, uk and central europe for being two faced & Sluts. Morocco also has a great big Prostitution Market, The Women value little and easily sell out to the highest bidder and also offense, Just speaking from experience.
It is only in the head of proclamer Muslims as yourself, thinks that North African women are sluts...Because Moslem as yourself feel inferior to a women that is independent, smart, cultured, descent, well educated and travelled and the only way to Compensate for his unadequacies and selfless, he resorts to demeaning the women folks. Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian women fought and worked as equal with their men folks in time when their respectif country needed them...and all three are driving force in their society.

It has nothing to do with culture. In Arab world before Islam women even used to do tawaf of Kaba naked. Women started to cover up only after order of Hijab and than Covering face came Surah Noor first and than Surah Ahzab.
There is surah treating the burka, hijab and imposing it on women.

Exactly. This action by Morrocan government infringes on religious freedom.
Infringes on religious freedom? Burka is an attire that has nothing to do with Islam..

This is unacceptable that the government of an Islamic country is banning an important Islamic dress.
The burka is not an Islamic dress. There is no Islamic dress per se, period! Everybody dresses per norm and mores of his respectif country or region..
As for Morocco, I am not going to apply Religion Agenda here and no Offense to anybody. But Algeria, Morocco, North African women have a great rep in france, uk and central europe for being two faced & Sluts. Morocco also has a great big Prostitution Market, The Women value little and easily sell out to the highest bidder and also offense, Just speaking from experience.

I can confirm this they have the rep.. the ppl from this region are let me say they have their own way and I think they only care for their own ppl and don't do all the reported bad things to their kind..

It is only in the head of proclamer Muslims as yourself, thinks that North African women are sluts...Because Moslem as yourself feel inferior to a women that is independent, smart, cultured, descent, well educated and travelled and the only way to Compensate for his unadequacies and selfless, he resorts to demeaning the women folks. Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian women fought and worked as equal with their men folks in time when their respectif country needed them...and all three are driving force in their society.

yes of course you feel offended.. but specially the berber have that special reputation in europe.. its not about equal things and work.. its about that special behavior that you mostly see from them..
I never said I supported burqa ban.

Well, I don't know you but I would not be too far from wrong if I said despite you living in a secular liberal UK with -

*alcohol on sale on every corner
*clubs in every area
*freedom to do what you want
*no religious law,
*no protection of law to Islam

but you are probably better Muslim then many Muslims in Pakistan who grow up in Pakistan with-

*state sanctioned Islam
*blasphemy laws
*Islam state religion
*alcohol banned
*Islam pushed at every corner.

You are my proof that secularism works !
why doesn't uk and other european countries ban that dot called bindi worn by hindu women on forehead and completely ban sari both of which look so disgusting and stomach churning. why they specifically target Islamic dressing which represents civility unlike savage hindu dresses. i want to see them ban hindu disgusting clothing those kind of things have no place in the civilized world
It is only in the head of proclamer Muslims as yourself, thinks that North African women are sluts...Because Moslem as yourself feel inferior to a women that is independent, smart, cultured, descent, well educated and travelled and the only way to Compensate for his unadequacies and selfless, he resorts to demeaning the women folks. Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian women fought and worked as equal with their men folks in time when their respectif country needed them...and all three are driving force in their society.

There is surah treating the burka, hijab and imposing it on women.

Infringes on religious freedom? Burka is an attire that has nothing to do with Islam..

The burka is not an Islamic dress. There is no Islamic dress per se, period! Everybody dresses per norm and mores of his respectif country or region..

You are a Feminist useful tool a Beta male as well.

A Woman who whores around, is just that a Whore, If you want to preech or use Islam or any Womans right BS to justify this rubbish then you have already lost.

This is a time of western cultural assimilation, regardless of their bads, they will put western sugger coating on a pile of crap and you will buy it, hence we need the Hijab or Burkha or whatever at our disposal to IMPOSE our will on OUR Woman, yes OUR Women, as WE wish, because we dont want a gene pool ruined and full of whores simple as that.

Feel free to marry these two bit sluts when me and all my friends are done with them. Feel free to raise your daughters as f toys and your sons as homos.

If thats what you want. Go Ahead, But your actions deem your worth and your lable associated, if you want to whore around, thats what you are. But No Need to call me a Muslim. I just point things as I see.

I dont care about Islam or Muslims, She can be Idol Worshipper and still be superior to some two bit slut who uses religion and hijab as an excuse to justify why she is good now.

Their is a Big Feminist Agenda, fools like you dont live in west or europe, I have seen, been and used to this condtioning and society, Women have been turned into whores in these countries, which is good for guys like me, but things is fools like you would bring it in our countries.

I dont care what religion, race you belong to. Turk, Arab, Kurd, Morrocan, African, DOES NOT MATTER. One thing we will put aside our diferences and that is No Gays, No Whores, No LGBT, No Womens Rights BS.

I can confirm this they have the rep.. the ppl from this region are let me say they have their own way and I think they only care for their own ppl and don't do all the reported bad things to their kind..

yes of course you feel offended.. but specially the berber have that special reputation in europe.. its not about equal things and work.. its about that special behavior that you mostly see from them..

Haha, Very true. That Feminist fool you quoted is offended because hes brainwashed like the yanks or anybody who will say anybody speaking against israelis is anti semite. thats just bs. all these rights have brought more wrongs if anything. its anti evulution, male and female are not equal to begin with, never has been in the evolutionary theory, they both have their own seperate roles to play. own seperate standards, the nut and the bolt. they both come togather, to promote equali rights hogwash is to deny the very differences in genders, an roles throughout history. if it was for these people they would allow their wives to have 7 husbands,

now deal is brother, these people, some of them, in our region, they are going to use religion to reelivate themselvs. the morroccan women I think will be hurting their own, as in these berber woman, after being done by you, me, the englishman, the dutchman, and ten other guys taking it up her a.. she will go back to her country and find some fool like that feminist womens rights bs guy to marry, so in long term they are hurting their own people. in this time of western zionist propagation of culture, people must be very strict with whats allowed as a norm in their country...and towards their own women, to ensure what is yours is not crroupted by this cancer of equal rights.
Someone deleted my post.. Normally that should not offend anybody..

So that feminist femen woman of Egypt origin might be considered by someone as good.. I can't understand this except just one thing..

I let it this way and show my grudge against this Islam hating femen activist and woman with Egypt origin by just mentioning it here

yeah and leave it to the almighty
Will they ban swimming clothes too? Will they ban clothes where you can literally see everything too? No why not ban this?
yes of course you feel offended.. but specially the berber have that special reputation in europe.. its not about equal things and work.. its about that special behavior that you mostly see from them..
Germans feel the same about Turks in their country, is it true that all the Turkish women in German whores and their males dope dealers? of course not..neither are the French north Africans. You have to know french reality before you open your your filthy @ss.

OUR Woman, yes OUR Women, as WE wish, because we dont want a gene pool ruined and full of whores simple as that.
Well Rustam, poor sob, your women are whores , lesbians,dope dealers like any women living in the 21st century..They are no more cleaner , or I should say less cleaner than her counterparts in other countries. Islam supposed to have brought cleanliness to its follower, but from what we see, the only things that is followers delve on is the filth..Rustam you are a shining example of the filth I am talking about..

Here is the origin of the burqa ": It comes from the worship of Astarte, prostitutes

The burqa, sometimes spelled burqua, burka, or more rarely bourka, is an integral veil of Afghan origin worn by women mainly in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

In France, the word was improperly used by politicians and journalists during the debate on the legality of the wearing of the Islamic integral veil, the niqab, as synonymous with the latter.

Moreover, it should be noted that the true origin of the Burqua comes from the worship of Astarte in ancient Mesopotamia. In order to honor the goddess of physical love, fertility, all women, it seems, without exception, had to prostitute themselves once a year in the sacred woods which surrounded the temples of the goddess. In order not to be recognized, women of high society became accustomed to veiling themselves completely. Moreover, Moustapha Kemal, alias Atatürk, the first president of Turkey, from 1923 to 1938, had found a radical solution to put a stop to the fundamentalists of the time. He had put an end to the port of Burkha, by making a simple law, with immediate effect, all Turkish women one has the right to dress as they wish. However, all prostitutes must wear the Burka. Result, the next day, we no longer saw Burkha in Turkey!

Finally, it must be made clear that according to political scientist Olivier Roy, the Burqa is indeed a garment recently promoted by the Salafists.

Ataturk (who wanted to build a strong Turkey on the Western model) could not care; On the other hand, he made well attempts to combat the wearing of the niqab for women and fez for men.

Source : http://www.imatin.net/
It is only in the head of proclamer Muslims as yourself, thinks that North African women are sluts...Because Moslem as yourself feel inferior to a women that is independent, smart, cultured, descent, well educated and travelled and the only way to Compensate for his unadequacies and selfless, he resorts to demeaning the women folks. Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian women fought and worked as equal with their men folks in time when their respectif country needed them...and all three are driving force in their society.

There is surah treating the burka, hijab and imposing it on women.

Infringes on religious freedom? Burka is an attire that has nothing to do with Islam..

The burka is not an Islamic dress. There is no Islamic dress per se, period! Everybody dresses per norm and mores of his respectif country or region..
Exactly!! Muslim women in the West are becoming strong and independent like their Western female counterparts.

A woman has the right to choose as many sexual partners as she wants and live her life as a free soul. Muslim men need to stop the hypocrisy and move on from the dark ages.
You are a Feminist useful tool a Beta male as well.

A Woman who whores around, is just that a Whore, If you want to preech or use Islam or any Womans right BS to justify this rubbish then you have already lost.

This is a time of western cultural assimilation, regardless of their bads, they will put western sugger coating on a pile of crap and you will buy it, hence we need the Hijab or Burkha or whatever at our disposal to IMPOSE our will on OUR Woman, yes OUR Women, as WE wish, because we dont want a gene pool ruined and full of whores simple as that.

Feel free to marry these two bit sluts when me and all my friends are done with them. Feel free to raise your daughters as f toys and your sons as homos.

If thats what you want. Go Ahead, But your actions deem your worth and your lable associated, if you want to whore around, thats what you are. But No Need to call me a Muslim. I just point things as I see.

I dont care about Islam or Muslims, She can be Idol Worshipper and still be superior to some two bit slut who uses religion and hijab as an excuse to justify why she is good now.

Their is a Big Feminist Agenda, fools like you dont live in west or europe, I have seen, been and used to this condtioning and society, Women have been turned into whores in these countries, which is good for guys like me, but things is fools like you would bring it in our countries.

I dont care what religion, race you belong to. Turk, Arab, Kurd, Morrocan, African, DOES NOT MATTER. One thing we will put aside our diferences and that is No Gays, No Whores, No LGBT, No Womens Rights BS.

Haha, Very true. That Feminist fool you quoted is offended because hes brainwashed like the yanks or anybody who will say anybody speaking against israelis is anti semite. thats just bs. all these rights have brought more wrongs if anything. its anti evulution, male and female are not equal to begin with, never has been in the evolutionary theory, they both have their own seperate roles to play. own seperate standards, the nut and the bolt. they both come togather, to promote equali rights hogwash is to deny the very differences in genders, an roles throughout history. if it was for these people they would allow their wives to have 7 husbands,

now deal is brother, these people, some of them, in our region, they are going to use religion to reelivate themselvs. the morroccan women I think will be hurting their own, as in these berber woman, after being done by you, me, the englishman, the dutchman, and ten other guys taking it up her a.. she will go back to her country and find some fool like that feminist womens rights bs guy to marry, so in long term they are hurting their own people. in this time of western zionist propagation of culture, people must be very strict with whats allowed as a norm in their country...and towards their own women, to ensure what is yours is not crroupted by this cancer of equal rights.
Wow what a load of Mullah jibberish. With fools like you the Muslim world will never leave the dark ages. Smdh.
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