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Morocco 'bans the sale and production of the burka'

In this world nothing is original. Everything comes from somewhere.

Regarding issues in Pakistan (can't speak for Indians), yes we have issues and we need to fix them in our way, not anyone else ways.

I am not saying its original or not original.

What I am saying is, that this garib/hijab or some form of dress code for men and women is needed to preserve our society and our women, this and that is important in this day and age mostly becuase of the bombardment of Zionist, Western Cultural Assimilation, Cultural Invasion Where feminism (womens right to whore around) and homosexuality (guys to be turned into betas, emasculated so they can be better controlled by said whores and some guys marrying guys).

This is why its important.

As for Morocco, I am not going to apply Religion Agenda here and no Offense to anybody. But Algeria, Morocco, North African women have a great rep in france, uk and central europe for being two faced & Sluts. Morocco also has a great big Prostitution Market, The Women value little and easily sell out to the highest bidder and also offense, Just speaking from experience.
Explain to me how drinking alcohol or wearing a bikini leads to an expansion of the economy?
There is something called 'choice'. That is why when your dad decided to take option (2) despite knowing that by moving to West alcohol or bikini would be on the menu but he abstained from them. And it worked. Look at you?

A good Muslim?

financial benefits
Yep, money, money, money, loads of money !
There is something called 'choice'. That is why when your dad decided to take option (2) despite knowing that by moving to West alcohol or bikini would be on the menu but he abstained from them. And it worked. Look at you?

A good Muslim?

Yes, but how does 'choice', in that context, impact on the economy? I don't think Moroccan women have a choice to wear a burqa.

'A good muslim'? I wouldn't go that far.:no:

Liberalism will lead to progress? Taiwan was a military dictatorship, as essentially was south Korea. Japan was in effect a one party state. None of them were 'liberal'. Not enough progress, there? Nazi Germany made spectacular economic progress, were they liberal?

Iran is light well ahead of you in almost all technology, and more than half of their university students are hijab wearing women.

Part of the current conflict in most Muslim countries is due to a tiny westernized leadership that considers its task as the imposition of western values on its people, under the excuse of progress.

Yes, atrocities are committed by all sides. You forgot to mention that American liberals killed 3,000 civilians in FATA, and God knows how many Muslims the liberals of the west have killed all together.
Well you don't seem to understand what Liberalism actually is. I think your equating Liberalism to Secularism, if I understand you correctly.

Although secularism is a component of Liberalism it isn't Liberalism itself. Most of the examples you gave aren't Liberal in any way. Nazi Germany was a Fascist Authoritarian state.

Liberalism is, among many other things includes freedom of thought, freedom of expression/speech, freedom of association, etc.. there's more but I can't go through everything as I'm on my mobile right now.

Regarding Iran I don't consider them progressive since it's a religious theocracy where people's freedom of speech is banned. People there don't have a choice to express themselves according to their own individuality.
Always good to hear your views. Actually I don't know why it will lead to progress.

As some one else has said, the vast majority of foreigners in the west are here because of the financial benefits, this also includes the Eastern Europeans. I honestly don't think it is the liberal lifestyle.

As always, YMMV. ( Your mileage may vary).

Yes, interesting point. Are you saying that the western path is the only way to progress? There is simply no other way?

Explain to me how drinking alcohol or wearing a bikini leads to an expansion of the economy?
Those economic benefits are a result of Liberalism as well if you think about it (free market Capitalism) etc...
Yes, but how does 'choice', in that context, impact on the economy? I don't think Moroccan women have a choice to wear a burqa.
I never said I supported burqa ban.

'A good muslim'? I wouldn't go that far.
Well, I don't know you but I would not be too far from wrong if I said despite you living in a secular liberal UK with -

*alcohol on sale on every corner
*clubs in every area
*freedom to do what you want
*no religious law,
*no protection of law to Islam

but you are probably better Muslim then many Muslims in Pakistan who grow up in Pakistan with-

*state sanctioned Islam
*blasphemy laws
*Islam state religion
*alcohol banned
*Islam pushed at every corner.

You are my proof that secularism works !
No, it is a western slave leadership that follows western values. This will lead to progress?

No need to reply, we're from different directions.
If that's the case then are Muslims slaves to Arabs for following and believing a religion from 7th century Arabia?

That is the flaw in your argument. I have no issue with people following religion by their own choice, this includes for Muslims, Hindus, Christians or any faith. My issues with many Muslims, particularly the Mullahs types is when they want to mixed religion with politics. That is a toxic mix. Religion, like everything should be a personal choice.
No they didn't no one used to wear Hijab type of clothing in arab world before Islam. They hardly covered heads. Arms used to also be visible up to elbows
Yes man they did used to wear niqab but not all women, only the wives of important and powerful personalities to indicate they were off limits to other men. This was a semetic practice because even the Jews in Madina made their women cover.

However the single women and prostitutes did not cover.
I am not saying its original or not original.

What I am saying is, that this garib/hijab or some form of dress code for men and women is needed to preserve our society and our women, this and that is important in this day and age mostly becuase of the bombardment of Zionist, Western Cultural Assimilation, Cultural Invasion Where feminism (womens right to whore around) and homosexuality (guys to be turned into betas, emasculated so they can be better controlled by said whores and some guys marrying guys).

This is why its important.
What is betas, as in sons? I'm sorry but I did not understand that part. Yes I agree with he rest of your comment.
As for Morocco, I am not going to apply Religion Agenda here and no Offense to anybody. But Algeria, Morocco, North African women have a great rep in france, uk and central europe for being two faced & Sluts. Morocco also has a great big Prostitution Market, The Women value little and easily sell out to the highest bidder and also offense, Just speaking from experience.

Every Arab country is like this. Even Saudi Arabia they have underground clubs and prostitution and royal family has liberal lifestyle. It's disgusting.
I concur. I have been to Morocco but not throughout the entire country, only Casablanca for a short stop and my experience confirms the above.

Morocco is a very Liberal country and it's quite common to see very beautiful Moroccan women with European and American men (I doubt their married couples as a man can spot a prostitute from a mile away).

But certainly I enjoyed the amount of social progressiveness and open mindedness to allot of things that unfortunately would get someone killed in Pakistan.

Also my father's best friend married a Moroccan lady and during the wedding the women were belly dancing while all of the Pakistani aunties were shaking their heads in disapprovement and the Pakistani uncle's were trying to sneak a peak lol it was a sight one had to see.
How is that a good thing that their women are prostitutes? That should be something shameful for any nation that their daughters are nothing but flesh to be f***ed by foreign tourists. Disgusting and shameful!! Next thing you people will justify homosexuality in the name of your religion liberalism and sucking up to the West .
Yes man they did used to wear niqab but not all women, only the wives of important and powerful personalities to indicate they were off limits to other men. This was a semetic practice because even the Jews in Madina made their women cover.

However the single women and prostitutes did not cover.
No they didn't no arab women used to wear Niqab. It didn't existed that is why Hazrat Umar started asking RASOOL SAW to order Muslim women to cover up but RASOOL SAW refused as there was no order but after few days Surah Noor was revealed than women started to cover there bodies except for face and hands and than when Surah Ahzab came they started to wear Niqab
My brother went to Marocco for holiday. Four things that struck him about this Arab country.

1. They speak exquisite French
2. They got beautiful women
3. They got the biggest humpin pumpin stunin whore market in the world
4. The country is far more prosperous then Pakistan and more Meditearnean then Muslim in culture.

In other words they are a massive brothel for Europeans where they can go and screw the local women for cheap sex. Allah na karay ke Pakistan kabhi is ghatiya rastay per jai. Ameen!
No they didn't no arab women used to wear Niqab. It didn't existed that is why Hazrat Umar started asking RASOOL SAW to order Muslim women to cover up but RASOOL SAW refused as there was no order but after few days Surah Noor was revealed than women started to cover there bodies except for face and hands and than when Surah Ahzab came they started to wear Niqab
No man, it did exist before but not all women wore it, only small minority who were from nobility:


"Veiling did not originate with the advent of Islam. Statuettes depicting veiled priestesses precede all three Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam), dating back as far as 2500 BCE.[50] Elite women in ancient Mesopotamia and in the Byzantine, Greek, and Persian empires wore the veil as a sign of respectability and high status.[51] In ancient Mesopotamia, Assyria had explicit sumptuary laws detailing which women must veil and which women must not, depending upon the woman's class, rank, and occupation in society.[51] Female slaves and prostitutes were forbidden to veil and faced harsh penalties if they did so.[13] Veiling was thus not only a marker of aristocratic rank, but also served to "differentiate between 'respectable' women and those who were publicly available".[13][51]"
No man, it did exist before but not all women wore it, only small minority who were from nobility:


"Veiling did not originate with the advent of Islam. Statuettes depicting veiled priestesses precede all three Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam), dating back as far as 2500 BCE.[50] Elite women in ancient Mesopotamia and in the Byzantine, Greek, and Persian empires wore the veil as a sign of respectability and high status.[51] In ancient Mesopotamia, Assyria had explicit sumptuary laws detailing which women must veil and which women must not, depending upon the woman's class, rank, and occupation in society.[51] Female slaves and prostitutes were forbidden to veil and faced harsh penalties if they did so.[13] Veiling was thus not only a marker of aristocratic rank, but also served to "differentiate between 'respectable' women and those who were publicly available".[13][51]"
Stop quoting wikkipedia anyone can edit it. I also used to believe that this Niqab used to exist even before Islam but no it didn't Arabs before Islam were famous for getting naked even those who were covered their heads and arms didn't used to be covered these lies of it being part of Arab culture not Islam the lie which liberals in Muslims world lie about
My brother went to Marocco for holiday. Four things that struck him about this Arab country.

1. They speak exquisite French
2. They got beautiful women
3. They got the biggest humpin pumpin stunin whore market in the world
4. The country is far more prosperous then Pakistan and more Meditearnean then Muslim in culture.

Try there food ...one the brilliant place to dine.
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