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Trump slams China on Twitter


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
“Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into…their country (the U.S. doesn't tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don't think so!” Trump wrote in two separate tweets on Sunday evening.

The tweets come several days after Trump’s conversation with Taiwan’s president, which broke years of United States diplomatic protocol and risked a rift with China.

China said on Saturday that it raised a complaint over the call.

"We have noticed relevant reports and lodged solemn representation with the relevant side in the United States," the country’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway told pool reporters in the lobby of Trump Tower on Sunday morning that Taiwan President Tai Ing-wen called Trump.

“He received a phone call. He received a congratulatory phone call. It was brief. And he also recognizes that we currently have a president of the United States and a commander-in-chief until Jan. 20,” she said, according to the pool report.

Trump criticized China throughout his presidential campaign, arguing that trade deals have hurt American jobs and workers.

Twitter fingers don't do much lol. He overestimates himself in all fields.

In less than two months, Trump will become the most powerful individual on the planet. Scoff all you want, but his words matter. The next 4 years of US-Chinese relations will be interesting to say the least.
Xi Jinping needs a twitter. for a twitter war. because apparently that's how modern statesman communicate nowadays.
Trump is essentially correct in every word of his post. Expect this entire fiasco around his conversation with President Ing-Wen to blow over in a couple of days.

Xi Jinping needs a twitter. for a twitter war. because apparently that's how modern statesman communicate nowadays.

The same social media platform that is being blocked by your wonderful government, you mean?
Trump is essentially correct in every word of his post. Expect this entire fiasco around his conversation with President Ing-Wen to blow over in a couple of days.

The same social media platform that is being blocked by your wonderful government, you mean?

yes, why not, the great fire wall was the best thing the CPC did.
Trump is essentially correct in every word of his post. Expect this entire fiasco around his conversation with President Ing-Wen to blow over in a couple of days.

The same social media platform that is being blocked by your wonderful government, you mean?
He is correct but what can he do? He is 4 years too late. Playing trade war is not US speciality. The most US can do is to devalue their dollar. Taxing China goods will only hurt back US corporate and ordinary American as they need to spend more money on neccesity. China will tax back US goods or block more of their expansion into Expanding China market.

How many American buy from Walmart for their daily usage? How percentage of Walmart goods are import from China? You do the maths. Are people naive to think India and Vietnam can easily replicate China imported goods in just a few years time? Even so what is the purpose of Made in USA and bring back jobs to US? :enjoy:
Twitter fingers don't do much lol. He overestimates himself in all fields.

You maybe right, but he is the president elect. Will be the most powerful man in the world. This shit whacked! I know but hey what's preventing him from implementation of such measures.

In less than two months, Trump will become the most powerful individual on the planet. Scoff all you want, but his words matter. The next 4 years of US-Chinese relations will be interesting to say the least.

There's only 2 scenarios, the relationship will go sky high or sink to bottom of the seabed. I don't see consensus in this relationship. Too many ifs and buts, and yeahs and Nahs....
You maybe right, but he is the president elect. Will be the most powerful man in the world. This shit whacked! I know but hey what's preventing him from implementation of such measures.

There's only 2 scenarios, the relationship will go sky high or sink to bottom of the seabed. I don't see consensus in this relationship. Too many ifs and buts, and yeahs and Nahs....

I imagine Chinese intelligence are scurrying trying to attain every last bit of information they can find on Trump and his administration. Trump's unpredictability is already inflicting stomach ulcers. We're beginning to see signs that Trump will be much more assertive with China than Obama ever was.
buy twitter stock..its more important than cnn now
Trump criticized China throughout his presidential campaign, arguing that trade deals have hurt American jobs and workers.
Twitter should stay in the US, it helps to improve the employment of the United states.

Trump is in a boxing mood. Be warned, the Caterpillar has a fierce left-right-left combo.

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