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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

due to morality concerns

excuse me, but what do you mean with "due to morality concerns"?

If you have such pure devil enemies like iSSrael/uSSrael..."morality" does not help you in any way.
You can have nuclear weapons, just in case, as deterrant, but you can choose "due to morality concerns" by not using them, point.
If you have to handle Zionists, the spreading cancer in this world, its a MUST!! to have a nuclear detterence!
How you will counter Israel/USA without nuclear weapons?
You can have millions of ballistic missiles, but its always better to have THE BOMB in your arsenal, so this rotten Zionists will think about consequences by attacking you!
excuse me, but what do you mean with "due to morality concerns"?

If you have such pure devil enemies like iSSrael/uSSrael..."morality" does not help you in any way.
You can have nuclear weapons, just in case, as deterrant, but you can choose "due to morality concerns" by not using them, point.
If you have to handle Zionists, the spreading cancer in this world, its a MUST!! to have a nuclear detterence!
How you will counter Israel/USA without nuclear weapons?
You can have millions of ballistic missiles, but its always better to have THE BOMB in your arsenal, so this rotten Zionists will think about consequences by attacking you!

I really don't buy the "morality" thing anymore. The bomb is essential for state survival against states that are nuclear arms equipped as well. But who am I to say (Iran has survived so far without it).
excuse me, but what do you mean with "due to morality concerns"?

If you have such pure devil enemies like iSSrael/uSSrael..."morality" does not help you in any way.
You can have nuclear weapons, just in case, as deterrant, but you can choose "due to morality concerns" by not using them, point.
If you have to handle Zionists, the spreading cancer in this world, its a MUST!! to have a nuclear detterence!
How you will counter Israel/USA without nuclear weapons?
You can have millions of ballistic missiles, but its always better to have THE BOMB in your arsenal, so this rotten Zionists will think about consequences by attacking you!
That's how a theocratic system works.
though I believe no country dares to use nuclear bombs anymore yet, having a full nuclear cycle is an enough deterrence, when you have the capability, you can build it anytime you want. though unfortunately some people in Iran don't see beyond their nose.
Iran MPs mull triple-urgency motion on nuclear activities resumption
Fri Dec 2, 2016 6:53PM


A general view of the Iranian Parliament

A member of the Iranian Parliament’s Presiding Board says the legislature is preparing a triple-urgency motion which would mandate the government to resume nuclear activities halted under a landmark agreement between Tehran and the group of six countries known as the P5+1.

The move is part of a response to the US Senate vote to extend the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) for 10 years, Akbar Ranjbarzadeh told IRNA on Friday.

“The three-urgency motion on the resumption of nuclear activities has been drafted due to the urgency [required] to counter the US move,” he said.

He added that the motion consisted of a single article and five notes, saying that the double or triple urgency of the motion was still to be debated by the lawmakers.

The US Senate passed the ISA 99-0 on Thursday after it easily cleared the House of Representatives last month.

The ISA was first adopted in 1996 to punish investments in Iran over its nuclear program.

According to a White House official, US President Barack Obama is expected to sign the bill, which includes penalties against Iran's banking sector as well as its energy and defense industries.

Ranjbarzadeh further said the Iranian lawmakers sought to adopt "a fundamental and principled" measure proportionate to the blatant move by the US Congress.

“The US and its Congress are the ones who have acted in violation of international law and trampled upon it,” he added.

He emphasized that the motion calls for "the swift, comprehensive and complete" resumption of nuclear activities in Iran.

Ranjbarzadeh said Iran would "repeatedly and round the clock declare to the world through its diplomatic apparatus and media that it was Washington which initiated this illegal action and that we (Iran) had no option but retaliation."

He added that Iran’s approaches were "defensive and retaliatory" in nature.

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, also said on Friday that the Islamic Republic was fully prepared to respond to the US Senate's decision to extend the ISA but would act wisely and with prudence.

Salehi emphasized that the US move was a “blatant violation” of last year's nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), signed between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries.

“This legislation (ISA) does already exist but it has been neutralized by the US president but, if it becomes operational again, it is a clear violation of the JCPOA," he added.

Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – the United States, France, Britain, China and Russia – plus Germany started to implement the JCPOA on January 16.

Under the JCPOA, Iran undertook to put limitations on its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of nuclear-related bans imposed against Tehran.

Our Parliment President is Ali Larijani and half of Parliement member are REformist ... nothing will happen ...

این عزیزان اصلاح طلب سال 80تا 82 همین راه رو رفتن که نتیجه ش شد اینکه جناب بوش حتی جنگنده هاش رو برای حمله به ایران آورد روی باند و بعد که آمدیم سنگی که را که خودشون انداخته بودن توی چاه رو در بیاریم ، یک اجماع جهانی علیه ایران درست شد ( چون ایشان توافقی کردن که هیچ ضمانت اجرایی نداشت )

سال 92 تا 94 هم همین خبط رو تکرار کردن ...

این دیگه حماقت نیست ، خیانته ...

That's how a theocratic system works.
though I believe no country dares to use nuclear bombs anymore yet, having a full nuclear cycle is an enough deterrence, when you have the capability, you can build it anytime you want. though unfortunately some people in Iran don't see beyond their nose.

You are an idiot and repeating this nonsense for X times .... genius , if they want attack us with nuclear weapons or conventional weapons , they will target all of our nuclear facilitates in first hours of war and we can't build your suppose nuke in the ruins in 24 hours .... why you are fooling yourselves !? ... face the truth , our Administrators were coward and divided and that why we are facing this miserable situation right now ...

the Fear , is Brother of Death

Next steps are Iran showing new centriguges, launching a new (longer range than previous) ballistic missile, etc.

US, neither Obama administration nor Trump administration, can do a damn thing about it, military way.

Only way remaining to US administration is economic war. But not a fucking shit about pre-empty strikes and bullshit like that. James Clapper knows all of these issues. He knows. And his successor will know this.

We will see more sanctions from US, and more staff from Iran. Anything else.

Next step will be :
Our President will come and defend the deal and insult are people who dare to criticize this deal ....
That's how a theocratic system works.
though I believe no country dares to use nuclear bombs anymore yet, having a full nuclear cycle is an enough deterrence, when you have the capability, you can build it anytime you want. though unfortunately some people in Iran don't see beyond their nose.

Yeah, I guess this is the best way to go forward. Iran's nuclear energy infrastructure has got to get bigger though.
Our Parliment President is Ali Larijani and half of Parliement member are REformist ... nothing will happen ...

این عزیزان اصلاح طلب سال 80تا 82 همین راه رو رفتن که نتیجه ش شد اینکه جناب بوش حتی جنگنده هاش رو برای حمله به ایران آورد روی باند و بعد که آمدیم سنگی که را که خودشون انداخته بودن توی چاه رو در بیاریم ، یک اجماع جهانی علیه ایران درست شد ( چون ایشان توافقی کردن که هیچ ضمانت اجرایی نداشت )

سال 92 تا 94 هم همین خبط رو تکرار کردن ...

این دیگه حماقت نیست ، خیانته ...

You are an idiot and repeating this nonsense for X times .... genius , if they want attack us with nuclear weapons or conventional weapons , they will target all of our nuclear facilitates in first hours of war and we can't build your suppose nuke in the ruins in 24 hours .... why you are fooling yourselves !? ... face the truth , our Administrators were coward and divided and that why we are facing this miserable situation right now ...

the Fear , is Brother of Death

Next step will be :
Our President will come and defend the deal and insult are people who dare to criticize this deal ....
Only you consider larijani as a reformist

Iran MPs mull triple-urgency motion on nuclear activities resumption
Fri Dec 2, 2016 6:53PM


A general view of the Iranian Parliament

A member of the Iranian Parliament’s Presiding Board says the legislature is preparing a triple-urgency motion which would mandate the government to resume nuclear activities halted under a landmark agreement between Tehran and the group of six countries known as the P5+1.

The move is part of a response to the US Senate vote to extend the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) for 10 years, Akbar Ranjbarzadeh told IRNA on Friday.

“The three-urgency motion on the resumption of nuclear activities has been drafted due to the urgency [required] to counter the US move,” he said.

He added that the motion consisted of a single article and five notes, saying that the double or triple urgency of the motion was still to be debated by the lawmakers.

The US Senate passed the ISA 99-0 on Thursday after it easily cleared the House of Representatives last month.

The ISA was first adopted in 1996 to punish investments in Iran over its nuclear program.

According to a White House official, US President Barack Obama is expected to sign the bill, which includes penalties against Iran's banking sector as well as its energy and defense industries.

Ranjbarzadeh further said the Iranian lawmakers sought to adopt "a fundamental and principled" measure proportionate to the blatant move by the US Congress.

“The US and its Congress are the ones who have acted in violation of international law and trampled upon it,” he added.

He emphasized that the motion calls for "the swift, comprehensive and complete" resumption of nuclear activities in Iran.

Ranjbarzadeh said Iran would "repeatedly and round the clock declare to the world through its diplomatic apparatus and media that it was Washington which initiated this illegal action and that we (Iran) had no option but retaliation."

He added that Iran’s approaches were "defensive and retaliatory" in nature.

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, also said on Friday that the Islamic Republic was fully prepared to respond to the US Senate's decision to extend the ISA but would act wisely and with prudence.

Salehi emphasized that the US move was a “blatant violation” of last year's nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), signed between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries.

“This legislation (ISA) does already exist but it has been neutralized by the US president but, if it becomes operational again, it is a clear violation of the JCPOA," he added.

Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – the United States, France, Britain, China and Russia – plus Germany started to implement the JCPOA on January 16.

Under the JCPOA, Iran undertook to put limitations on its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of nuclear-related bans imposed against Tehran.

Doubt triple urgency would be approved ,I don't think even at the time of war they approved a triple urgency.
I guess you missed all those news reports. As for your assertion, we will put our considerable pressure on others, not to mention our right to restrict trade with those who trade with Iran.
you see when fool open it mouth it exposes him self makes it clear to others.
guess what John kerry already answered your way of doing it
Aug 2015

guess what . your stupid country only have two choices

1: go head with "The Pivot "Asia pacific obama policy and contain China . which U.S military already doing that by removing its assets from persian gulf Oman sea and indian ocean and moving it to pacific ocean . that why you can see the BOSS is leaving and its slaves opening new naval bases in persian gulf Oman sea ( England + France + Turkey opened bases )

2 : or keep yourself busy with Iran and let your economy clapps . or lose your number one place in world became second best like Russia any other country

now put this in your pipe and smoke it and go explain that to your other country men.will see how tough is Trump will be

Labaik Asia to pacific
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You are an idiot and repeating this nonsense for X times .... genius , if they want attack us with nuclear weapons or conventional weapons , they will target all of our nuclear facilitates in first hours of war and we can't build your suppose nuke in the ruins in 24 hours .... why you are fooling yourselves !? ... face the truth , our Administrators were coward and divided and that why we are facing this miserable situation right now ...

the Fear , is Brother of Death
and I can say the same way for people who seek nuclear weapons. cowardness.
apparently Americans are pretty sure the lame government of Iran and its supporters wont respond to the violation of the deal, that's why none of U.S senators whether democrat or republican didn't vote against the ISA.

“They’re bluffing,” said Middle East expert Matthew McInnis at the Washington-based American Enterprise Institute. “The Iranians are quite committed to the deal. They understood that these types of legislation such as the Iran Sanctions Act, which have been in effect for a long time, these types of things would likely be renewed.”
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