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Saudi police arrested an Indian for disrespecting 'Holy Kaaba' on Facebook

I am sure, his intentions are not to disrespect Mecca. Buddha is a founder of a great religion, he too is followed by more than 1.3 billion people.

It was probably just an unintentional share or he got tagged by someone.

Your Hindu Fellow didn't get the death sentence either. So whats all this fuss about?

And you know he is Hindu because? Maybe he is a Buddhist?
Trial are underway and people who are guilty will be punished.
You do realize that your Parliament have been passing Hindu laws AKA Anti-Muslim laws. Radicals are not the issue. The Issue is your Radical Hindu Ideological Governments who think that Muslims Being part of your country, have to live the way of your faith and Belief.
Your Hindu Fellow didn't get the death sentence either. So whats all this fuss about?
You still dint get it did you,you are comparing what ksa govt did to some random incident done by few people in another country.

You do realize that your Parliament have been passing Hindu laws AKA Anti-Muslim laws. Radicals are not the issue. The Issue is your Radical Hindu Ideological Governments who think that Muslims Being part of your country, have to live the way of your faith and Belief.
Name one law which is intraduced by the present govt which is any muslim.
is it writen in kuran to punish those who disrespect kaaba. or prophet has ordered Muslims to punish those who disrespect kaaba.
Wonder what will be your reaction when we decide to hang millions of Indian Muslims who insult other religions on social media
They are your gene pool with different religion, who cares as long as you don't mess with the Indian rajputs and jutts, my brother in humanity :D
And continue to get killed. Brutally.
Use your head, lynching was not state act, unlike beheading in Saudi.

More over it was exception, Beef is freely available in all cities. All Big restaurants serve the same. A lot of Hindus are beef eaters. >75% of India is Non Vegetarian.

Please dont believe in what media feeds you. Do research before typing shit
BS, no. They get beaten up ONLY when they cross certain lines. In Muslim majority areas, beef is very popular. Even the police (largely non Muslim) don't dare to go there. In Mumbra, Mumbai, Hyderabad etc - cows are killed and hung from hooks in broad daylight. No Hindu/Sikh dares to touch them. Only the weak infirm Muslims travelling with cows in the hinterland with non Muslim majority face issues.

This is as honest as it gets.
Nice try, you want me to post some videos where Sikh and Muslim are jointly lynching fanatic Hindu mobs in Punjab for disrespecting their religious beliefs?

Use your head, lynching was not state act, unlike beheading in Saudi.

More over it was exception, Beef is freely available in all cities. All Big restaurants serve the same. A lot of Hindus are beef eaters. >75% of India is Non Vegetarian.

Please dont believe in what media feeds you. Do research before typing shit
Yeah yeah , convince those Muslims who regularly get killed and raped on mere suspicion that their refrigerators contain some meat
Trial are underway and people who are guilty will be punished.
Oh Well!!!
Culprits who were involved in Babri Mosque Demolition 1992 haven't been Punished yet and here another Trail goes Underway. Give me a Example of atleast one example if any Anti-Muslim movements and Actions were Successfully Trailed and culprits were punished.
And it was Hindus who persecuted Buddhists all over India not Muslims

There is no history of Hindus persecuting Buddhists, because many hindus think Buddha to be one of the avatars of lord Vishnu.

In fact hindus have never persecuted any religion. That is why Islam grew in India. Pre partition India had the most muslims compared to anywhere in the world.

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