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Kashmir Has Always Been a Part of Pakistan

A small correction to the thread title.

Kashmir was always there while Pakistan was nowhere. :-)

Where was Pakistan before 1947, but Kashmir has been existent for centuries. Even the ancient Greeks called it "Kasperia". :)

In that case Kashmir was here before India as well. Before British imperialism "India" was just a collection of princely states and not a single entity... Try Again.
As long as river Indus was/is flowing the land eastwards to it will be known as India, Indus , Al-Hind, Hindustan , Tianzhu, Tenjiku, Bharatavarsha, Aryavarta etc. All meaning one. :)

I think some people are treacherously trying to Hijack the topic at hand- The OP is trying to say that Kashmir and Pakistan has always been a single entity- Which is outrageously false- so they are trying to bring India here-

Irrespective of what existed prior to 1947- Kashmir the princely state- legally acceded to the Indian dominion after 1947 following rules and regulations on which the both dominions of India and Pakistan got their independence- If Pakistan is backtracking form such laws it endangers Its own position as a territory partitioned from India-
There was no dominion of India before 1947; Subjugated nations don't have any dominion.
It was British Dominion before 1947: Dominion of India from 1947 to 1950, and Republic of India from 1950 on wards.

No there was no Dominion of India before 1947; who said so, btw? Or are you busy setting up arguments to knock down? :D

It was not the British Dominion before 1947. I get irritated when people use words loosely, and I am getting irritated now. It was the British Crown Colony, and a collection of 561 native states which acknowledged the suzerainty of the British Crown, direct, not of the Colony.

The rest, Dominion of India from 1947 to 1950 and Republic of India from 1950 onwards, is correct.

Apparently you have no idea about the constitutional status of a Dominion; it is not a country, it is a territory ruled by the British monarch, through a Governor General. For your ready reference, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are Dominions even today. There are others as well. Crown Colonies are different.

this puts all the questions at rest. cudnt have made it any clearer than that.

There will still be some suspicious souls trying to find fault. Just watch the fun.
Some prominent sages from Kashmir---
Acharya Abhinavagupta
Abhinavagupta was a great scholar and Shaiva teacher, who possessed knowledge in all matters relating to Kashmir Shaivism. The versatility of this genius was recognised in his own time. He was one of the best authorities on Shaiva philosophy and various branches of Sanskrit literature. >>> Utpaladeva
Very little is known about Utpala, the great mystic Saint of Kashmir, except that he might have lived somewhere in Nauhatta (Navyut) in Srinagar. From some authors on Kashmir Shaivism and his contemporaries we find that he was a Brahmin and lived a married life around the middle of 900 A.D. He was the son of Udayakar. >>>

Lal Ded
Kashmir has produced many saints, poets and mystics. Among them, Lal Ded is very prominent. In Kashmir, some people consider her a poet, some consider her a holywoman and some consider her a sufi, a yogi, or a devotee of Shiva. Sume even consider her an avtar. >>> Nunda Reshi
Sheikh Nur-ud-din, endearingly and in veneration called Nunda Rishi, has left an indelible mark on the thinking and culture of all Kashmiris. The great sage was one of the twin stars of medieval Kashmir along with Lalleshwari (Lal Ded) with whom he shared the intensity of mystic experience whose profundity remains unrivalled to this day. >>>

Rupa Bhawani
Rupa Bhawani was the second great mystic poet of 17th century. She had a great and deep experience of ups and downs of life. The worldly sufferings showed her the path of spiritual life. Her spiritual 'Guru' was her father Pandit Madhav Joo Dhar who initiated her into the mysteries and practices of yoga. She gave rich mystic poetry to Kashmiri language. In her poetry, we can find the influence of both Kashmir Shaivism and Islamic Sufism. >>> Pir Pandit Padshah (Rishi Pir)
Reshi Pir Pandit was one of the greatest saints of Kashmir of the 17th Century A.D. He was a Karmyogin type of a Saint who helped people both in spiritual and temporal pursuits and he became famous as "PIR PANDlT PADSHAH HARDU JAHAN MUSHKIL ASAN" i.e. Emperor of two worlds and answer to difficulties of all kinds. >>>

Riche Ded
Riche Ded, an eminent poetess, seer and philosopher of Kashmir, who lived through the twentieth century was shrouded in mystery. It was only twelve years after her death that her literary compositions first saw the light of the day. For a while it seemed that the illustrious Lal Ded of the fourteenth century had taken yet another birth. >>> Swami Jeewan Shah
Shah Jeewan Shah, an outstanding Saint of the 18th Century was born in Motiyar Mohalla of Rainawari Srinagar (Kashmir). A highly evolved Saint with tremendous spiritual power, his miracles are legion. >>>

Swami Parmanand
Parmanand rose to enviable eminence not only as a saint, but also as a poet articulating spiritual insights. Born in the family of a village Patwari he was named Nanda or Nanda Ram, and his persistent endeavour transformed him into Parmanand (Parma Ananda, i.e. Supreme Bliss). >>> Swami Ramji
In the middle of the 19th century AD there lived a Brahmin named Shukdev at Chinkral Mohalla, Srinagar. The Brahmin was a Purohit and lived a pious life. Around 1852 AD (1910 Bikrami), a son was born to him. According to his horoscope, it was predicted at his birth that the baby would grow to be a great saint. >>>

Swami Vidyadhar
Right from his boyhood Vidyadhar astounded everyone by his sharp intellect and humility. He had a sharp memory and a resolute disposition. For his devout behavior and ability, he was deeply loved by his teachers and others. >>> Bhagwan Gopinathji
Bhagwaanji was veritably God in the human form. This became unmistakably evident to the discerning among his devotees who found him ever-absorbed in the universal consciousness. He would come down to our plane of consciousness only when prompted to answer queries by the seekers and would then instantly return to his exalted state of divine bliss. >>>

Swami Kashkak
Manigaam, the silent sleepy village in the north of Kashmir, produced in the early part of this century a gem of a Faqir, a Mastana, who led a normal life of a Grahasta, and, earned his bread by tilling whatever little land he possessed till the end of his life. >>> Swami Nand Babh
Who is there in Srinagar who has not seen at one time or the other, a quick-walking, queer-looking nimble man with a big hat on his head and a tight belt round his waist, taking long strides in quick succession along the streets of the city and elsewhere? >>>

Swami Lakshman Joo
It is only when you met him, as I did for an interview in 1971, that you would feel his irresistible charm emanating from that sweet child-like innocence which hid from our naked eye his spiritual and philosophic attainments. As a man, he was upright, humble and very generous. Hundreds and thousands flocked to him for succor and he was not found wanting in this respect. Many an afflicted found solace in his presence. >>> Swami Aftab Joo Wangnoo
Swami, was forthright in telling that as the bird employs two wings to fly, one has to practise spirituality and undertake worldly duties simultaneously, i.e., "combine parmarth and vevhar". >>>

Swami Ashokananda
Swami Ashokananda was a perfect Sadhak but he never performed any miracles. His sound advice and kind look were the only remedy he offered to those who visited him. He was so simple that even in the severe winter he wore only a simple dhoti and a chaddar which impressed the visitors very much. >>> Swami Govind Kaul
His devotional lyrics reveal that he was deeply influenced by the thought-current of Mansurul-Halaj as well and he freely used the popular idiom of his own Kashmiri dialect, being a blend of Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic. His songs are rich in imagery, and the vocabulary he employs to convey his inner experiences suggests, unmistakably, how he too must have followed the same spiritual path that Lalleshwari had treaded several centuries before him. >>>

Shri Sarada Devi
The Holy Mother, Shri Sarada Devi, symbolizes the ideal motherhood of women, ancient and modern. Her life is an enigma. On the surface, it appears to be just the homely life of a Bengali Brahmin lady, mostly in a rural setting. Yet her deportment discloses unmistakable marks of dignity and love of an order that may easily be called superhuman. >>> Swami Govindananda
Swami Govindananda lived for many years in Kashmir and commanded great respect in the Valley. He was a rare saint, a yogi par excellent, who was visibly discernible as such to the thoughtful among his devotees. He was a fountainhead of inspiration to many truth-seekers, who included Kashmiri Pandits in bulk. >>>

Krishna Joo Razdan
Razdan Sahib is proud of Kashmiri language which is the principal medium of his poetic expression. He regards it dearest to the Mother Goddess. He is convinced that salvation for Kashmiris is attainable only by singing praises of the Mother Goddess in Kashmiri language. >>> Swami Kish Bab
He was a Siddha, a Mystic, a man above rituals, ever conscious, awake and alert. A firm believer in the law of Karma, he had seen his previous births and would not hesitate to tell that he has been head of fishermen in one of his previous births. >>>

Mathra Devi
Our mystic-saint Mathra Devi, came in the 19-20th century. The Devi threw off her mortal frame, after 106 years, at Verinag on January 5, 1985. An embodiment of sadhana and tapasya, Mathra was in many respects the Lalla reborn. >>> Swami Anand Ji Maharaj of Villagam
The life of Bab Sahib as wide and deep as the infinite ocean in which we can dive deep so as to take precious gems of Bhakti. The stories are wonderful and give peace and happiness to those who are afflicted with distress and heavy miseries of this material world. >>>

Pandit Satlal Siboo
"Mysterious are the ways of nature, which produce vibrations for accelerating the psychophysical potential in the embodied soul. Para-Prakrati is evolutionary process explained in the Kashmir-Shakta school of thought. The 'Bhawani Sahasranama' establishes this fact, which brings co-existence in 'Mood-Prakrati and 'Mool-Prakrati," says a son of the soil of Kashmir, Pandit Satlal Siboo. >>> Pandit Raghu Nath Kukiloo
While he had fathomed the depths of the Shakta philosophy of Kashmir, which he would interpret in his own unique manner, Pandit Kukiloo's understanding of the Vedantic and Shaiva philosophies was equally profound. >>>

Swami Mast Ram Ji
Swami Jee is full of siddhis, but doe not believe in performing miracles, except where the need arises for the benefit of his devotees and humankind. It is not possible to illustrate and mention about his miracles. These must be seen to be believed. >>> Swami Neelkanth Sharma Ji
Pt. Nilakanth Sharma was born at Dab Wakoora, Shadipur (Tehsil Ganderbal, Srinagar), on 21st June, 1888 to Pt. Shankar Joo and Sukhmal. His family originally belonged to Ganpatyar locality of Srinagar. Pt. Ramjoo, one of his ancestors, had gone in adoption to a Sharma family of Dab Wakoora. >>>

Karunamai Maa
Karunamai Maa believed in purity in all phases of life. She taught that cleanliness of mind is as essential for the spiritual growth as physical one. She adored deities in temple with choicest dresses and ornaments and was herself dressed well. She lived by the principle of "sound mind in a sound body". >>> Master Zinda Kaul
Masterji built his personality brick by brick. The foundation for this was provided. by the Hindu mystic lore especially by the Kashmir Shaivism. Vedanta and the Upanishads also acted as the cementing link to make it more broad-based. Both are portrayed most eloquently in his 'Sumaran'. >>>

Swami Nand Lal Ji
Swami Nand Lal Ji was a brahmachari and was incarnated with sainthood by His Holiness Swami Lal Ji of Banaras. Swami Lal Ji, a great yogi, was so much impressed with the deeds of his shishya that at one point of time, he would offer his Aasana to him, which the latter would not accept as it is not right in the Guru-Shishya relationship. >>> Posh Bub
“Posh Mot” hardly needs any introduction. A religious leader of integrity and a spiritual guide imparts religious guidance to number less devotees and disciples. >>>

Swami Harkak Ji
Param Gyani Shri Swami Har Kak ji Maharaj of Bamhama (Kupwara), Kashmir alias Shri Swami Hari Ram ji Dhar also affectionately called as Swami Har Bab Ji by the simple masses of Northern Kashmir. Swami ji was born in village Bamhama, Kupwara in B. Samat 1960 on Asuj Krishna Pakshi Triyadashi (1903) BC in a common Kashmiri Pandit Gharana of Dhar - a farmer and served as an ordinary employee of P.W.D. as well. >>> Swami Nilkanth Ji
His brother was Ramchand Janda, known in the vicinity of Drabiyar popularly as Ramajanda. He was a shopkeeper selling all sorts of goods besides healing people from various ailments. His eye drops were a guarded secret. Over the age of 90, he wore a white T-shirt and Khaki shorts and then you would see him riding his bicycle through the summer breeze of Srinagar. >>>

Saint Poet Madsudhan Razdan Saint Poet Madsudhan Razdan

Kashmir the abode of Shiva and Shakti has given birth to many saints, seers, sofis and poets. In the field of literature, especially in spiritual poetry, we have seen works of Lelded, Nund Reshi, Permanand Krishan Joo Razdan, Shamas Faqir etc who maintained high values of humanity among general masses through their poetry. >>>

Paramhans Swami Poornanand ji Saraswati
It was sometime in 1958 our family came in contact with a saint of great merit, Paramhans Swami Poornanand ji Saraswati. He was staying at Shesharma, a village on the outskirts of Udaipur district. Hehailed from Kashmir. It was on our intense persuasion he agreed to stay with us. >>>

Janki Nath Dhar Sahib

A pious and religious minded man Sh Kanth Nath Dhar of Dhar, Sahib family and Bhardwaj gotra living at Khan-kahi-sokhta Safakadal Srinagar Kashmir and married to Shrimati Kudmali of Badeepora (Chadoora) from very renowned pious Bhat family, were bestowed with four sons. The eldest son born on 28-4-1902, was very lovely charming and shining like a star. The boy was very brilliant graceful,religious minded and well devoted towards his parents and Krishn preima, from his very child hood and named Nandlal. >>>

Swami Syamanandji MaaharajSwami Syamanandji

Swami Syamanandji Maaharaj was born at Ganpatyar, Srinagar in the Jattu family with the Gotra Dev Bardwaj. His original name was Som Nath. He lost his father Sh. Mahadev Jattoo at a very young age. Being the elder son of the family he took all the responsibilities of his family and worked hard to fulfill their needs. >>>

Kamlawati KachruKamlawati Kachru

Smt. Kamlawati Kachru (maiden name as Radha) was born in the family of Kouls (nicknamed as Bonis), residents of Reshi Mohalla, Habbakadal Srinagar. Her birthday as per tithi is Kartik Shukla Paksh Dwadashi and the birth year approximately around 1905. Her father namely Shri Gopi Nath Koul died at his tender age of 28 and the duty of bringing up the family fell on her mother Mader Dedi and others. >>>
Some prominent sages from Kashmir---
Acharya Abhinavagupta
Abhinavagupta was a great scholar and Shaiva teacher, who possessed knowledge in all matters relating to Kashmir Shaivism. The versatility of this genius was recognised in his own time. He was one of the best authorities on Shaiva philosophy and various branches of Sanskrit literature. >>> Utpaladeva
Very little is known about Utpala, the great mystic Saint of Kashmir, except that he might have lived somewhere in Nauhatta (Navyut) in Srinagar. From some authors on Kashmir Shaivism and his contemporaries we find that he was a Brahmin and lived a married life around the middle of 900 A.D. He was the son of Udayakar. >>>

Lal Ded
Kashmir has produced many saints, poets and mystics. Among them, Lal Ded is very prominent. In Kashmir, some people consider her a poet, some consider her a holywoman and some consider her a sufi, a yogi, or a devotee of Shiva. Sume even consider her an avtar. >>> Nunda Reshi
Sheikh Nur-ud-din, endearingly and in veneration called Nunda Rishi, has left an indelible mark on the thinking and culture of all Kashmiris. The great sage was one of the twin stars of medieval Kashmir along with Lalleshwari (Lal Ded) with whom he shared the intensity of mystic experience whose profundity remains unrivalled to this day. >>>

Rupa Bhawani
Rupa Bhawani was the second great mystic poet of 17th century. She had a great and deep experience of ups and downs of life. The worldly sufferings showed her the path of spiritual life. Her spiritual 'Guru' was her father Pandit Madhav Joo Dhar who initiated her into the mysteries and practices of yoga. She gave rich mystic poetry to Kashmiri language. In her poetry, we can find the influence of both Kashmir Shaivism and Islamic Sufism. >>> Pir Pandit Padshah (Rishi Pir)
Reshi Pir Pandit was one of the greatest saints of Kashmir of the 17th Century A.D. He was a Karmyogin type of a Saint who helped people both in spiritual and temporal pursuits and he became famous as "PIR PANDlT PADSHAH HARDU JAHAN MUSHKIL ASAN" i.e. Emperor of two worlds and answer to difficulties of all kinds. >>>

Riche Ded
Riche Ded, an eminent poetess, seer and philosopher of Kashmir, who lived through the twentieth century was shrouded in mystery. It was only twelve years after her death that her literary compositions first saw the light of the day. For a while it seemed that the illustrious Lal Ded of the fourteenth century had taken yet another birth. >>> Swami Jeewan Shah
Shah Jeewan Shah, an outstanding Saint of the 18th Century was born in Motiyar Mohalla of Rainawari Srinagar (Kashmir). A highly evolved Saint with tremendous spiritual power, his miracles are legion. >>>

Swami Parmanand
Parmanand rose to enviable eminence not only as a saint, but also as a poet articulating spiritual insights. Born in the family of a village Patwari he was named Nanda or Nanda Ram, and his persistent endeavour transformed him into Parmanand (Parma Ananda, i.e. Supreme Bliss). >>> Swami Ramji
In the middle of the 19th century AD there lived a Brahmin named Shukdev at Chinkral Mohalla, Srinagar. The Brahmin was a Purohit and lived a pious life. Around 1852 AD (1910 Bikrami), a son was born to him. According to his horoscope, it was predicted at his birth that the baby would grow to be a great saint. >>>

Swami Vidyadhar
Right from his boyhood Vidyadhar astounded everyone by his sharp intellect and humility. He had a sharp memory and a resolute disposition. For his devout behavior and ability, he was deeply loved by his teachers and others. >>> Bhagwan Gopinathji
Bhagwaanji was veritably God in the human form. This became unmistakably evident to the discerning among his devotees who found him ever-absorbed in the universal consciousness. He would come down to our plane of consciousness only when prompted to answer queries by the seekers and would then instantly return to his exalted state of divine bliss. >>>

Swami Kashkak
Manigaam, the silent sleepy village in the north of Kashmir, produced in the early part of this century a gem of a Faqir, a Mastana, who led a normal life of a Grahasta, and, earned his bread by tilling whatever little land he possessed till the end of his life. >>> Swami Nand Babh
Who is there in Srinagar who has not seen at one time or the other, a quick-walking, queer-looking nimble man with a big hat on his head and a tight belt round his waist, taking long strides in quick succession along the streets of the city and elsewhere? >>>

Swami Lakshman Joo
It is only when you met him, as I did for an interview in 1971, that you would feel his irresistible charm emanating from that sweet child-like innocence which hid from our naked eye his spiritual and philosophic attainments. As a man, he was upright, humble and very generous. Hundreds and thousands flocked to him for succor and he was not found wanting in this respect. Many an afflicted found solace in his presence. >>> Swami Aftab Joo Wangnoo
Swami, was forthright in telling that as the bird employs two wings to fly, one has to practise spirituality and undertake worldly duties simultaneously, i.e., "combine parmarth and vevhar". >>>

Swami Ashokananda
Swami Ashokananda was a perfect Sadhak but he never performed any miracles. His sound advice and kind look were the only remedy he offered to those who visited him. He was so simple that even in the severe winter he wore only a simple dhoti and a chaddar which impressed the visitors very much. >>> Swami Govind Kaul
His devotional lyrics reveal that he was deeply influenced by the thought-current of Mansurul-Halaj as well and he freely used the popular idiom of his own Kashmiri dialect, being a blend of Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic. His songs are rich in imagery, and the vocabulary he employs to convey his inner experiences suggests, unmistakably, how he too must have followed the same spiritual path that Lalleshwari had treaded several centuries before him. >>>

Shri Sarada Devi
The Holy Mother, Shri Sarada Devi, symbolizes the ideal motherhood of women, ancient and modern. Her life is an enigma. On the surface, it appears to be just the homely life of a Bengali Brahmin lady, mostly in a rural setting. Yet her deportment discloses unmistakable marks of dignity and love of an order that may easily be called superhuman. >>> Swami Govindananda
Swami Govindananda lived for many years in Kashmir and commanded great respect in the Valley. He was a rare saint, a yogi par excellent, who was visibly discernible as such to the thoughtful among his devotees. He was a fountainhead of inspiration to many truth-seekers, who included Kashmiri Pandits in bulk. >>>

Krishna Joo Razdan
Razdan Sahib is proud of Kashmiri language which is the principal medium of his poetic expression. He regards it dearest to the Mother Goddess. He is convinced that salvation for Kashmiris is attainable only by singing praises of the Mother Goddess in Kashmiri language. >>> Swami Kish Bab
He was a Siddha, a Mystic, a man above rituals, ever conscious, awake and alert. A firm believer in the law of Karma, he had seen his previous births and would not hesitate to tell that he has been head of fishermen in one of his previous births. >>>

Mathra Devi
Our mystic-saint Mathra Devi, came in the 19-20th century. The Devi threw off her mortal frame, after 106 years, at Verinag on January 5, 1985. An embodiment of sadhana and tapasya, Mathra was in many respects the Lalla reborn. >>> Swami Anand Ji Maharaj of Villagam
The life of Bab Sahib as wide and deep as the infinite ocean in which we can dive deep so as to take precious gems of Bhakti. The stories are wonderful and give peace and happiness to those who are afflicted with distress and heavy miseries of this material world. >>>

Pandit Satlal Siboo
"Mysterious are the ways of nature, which produce vibrations for accelerating the psychophysical potential in the embodied soul. Para-Prakrati is evolutionary process explained in the Kashmir-Shakta school of thought. The 'Bhawani Sahasranama' establishes this fact, which brings co-existence in 'Mood-Prakrati and 'Mool-Prakrati," says a son of the soil of Kashmir, Pandit Satlal Siboo. >>> Pandit Raghu Nath Kukiloo
While he had fathomed the depths of the Shakta philosophy of Kashmir, which he would interpret in his own unique manner, Pandit Kukiloo's understanding of the Vedantic and Shaiva philosophies was equally profound. >>>

Swami Mast Ram Ji
Swami Jee is full of siddhis, but doe not believe in performing miracles, except where the need arises for the benefit of his devotees and humankind. It is not possible to illustrate and mention about his miracles. These must be seen to be believed. >>> Swami Neelkanth Sharma Ji
Pt. Nilakanth Sharma was born at Dab Wakoora, Shadipur (Tehsil Ganderbal, Srinagar), on 21st June, 1888 to Pt. Shankar Joo and Sukhmal. His family originally belonged to Ganpatyar locality of Srinagar. Pt. Ramjoo, one of his ancestors, had gone in adoption to a Sharma family of Dab Wakoora. >>>

Karunamai Maa
Karunamai Maa believed in purity in all phases of life. She taught that cleanliness of mind is as essential for the spiritual growth as physical one. She adored deities in temple with choicest dresses and ornaments and was herself dressed well. She lived by the principle of "sound mind in a sound body". >>> Master Zinda Kaul
Masterji built his personality brick by brick. The foundation for this was provided. by the Hindu mystic lore especially by the Kashmir Shaivism. Vedanta and the Upanishads also acted as the cementing link to make it more broad-based. Both are portrayed most eloquently in his 'Sumaran'. >>>

Swami Nand Lal Ji
Swami Nand Lal Ji was a brahmachari and was incarnated with sainthood by His Holiness Swami Lal Ji of Banaras. Swami Lal Ji, a great yogi, was so much impressed with the deeds of his shishya that at one point of time, he would offer his Aasana to him, which the latter would not accept as it is not right in the Guru-Shishya relationship. >>> Posh Bub
“Posh Mot” hardly needs any introduction. A religious leader of integrity and a spiritual guide imparts religious guidance to number less devotees and disciples. >>>

Swami Harkak Ji
Param Gyani Shri Swami Har Kak ji Maharaj of Bamhama (Kupwara), Kashmir alias Shri Swami Hari Ram ji Dhar also affectionately called as Swami Har Bab Ji by the simple masses of Northern Kashmir. Swami ji was born in village Bamhama, Kupwara in B. Samat 1960 on Asuj Krishna Pakshi Triyadashi (1903) BC in a common Kashmiri Pandit Gharana of Dhar - a farmer and served as an ordinary employee of P.W.D. as well. >>> Swami Nilkanth Ji
His brother was Ramchand Janda, known in the vicinity of Drabiyar popularly as Ramajanda. He was a shopkeeper selling all sorts of goods besides healing people from various ailments. His eye drops were a guarded secret. Over the age of 90, he wore a white T-shirt and Khaki shorts and then you would see him riding his bicycle through the summer breeze of Srinagar. >>>

Saint Poet Madsudhan Razdan Saint Poet Madsudhan Razdan

Kashmir the abode of Shiva and Shakti has given birth to many saints, seers, sofis and poets. In the field of literature, especially in spiritual poetry, we have seen works of Lelded, Nund Reshi, Permanand Krishan Joo Razdan, Shamas Faqir etc who maintained high values of humanity among general masses through their poetry. >>>

Paramhans Swami Poornanand ji Saraswati
It was sometime in 1958 our family came in contact with a saint of great merit, Paramhans Swami Poornanand ji Saraswati. He was staying at Shesharma, a village on the outskirts of Udaipur district. Hehailed from Kashmir. It was on our intense persuasion he agreed to stay with us. >>>

Janki Nath Dhar Sahib

A pious and religious minded man Sh Kanth Nath Dhar of Dhar, Sahib family and Bhardwaj gotra living at Khan-kahi-sokhta Safakadal Srinagar Kashmir and married to Shrimati Kudmali of Badeepora (Chadoora) from very renowned pious Bhat family, were bestowed with four sons. The eldest son born on 28-4-1902, was very lovely charming and shining like a star. The boy was very brilliant graceful,religious minded and well devoted towards his parents and Krishn preima, from his very child hood and named Nandlal. >>>

Swami Syamanandji MaaharajSwami Syamanandji

Swami Syamanandji Maaharaj was born at Ganpatyar, Srinagar in the Jattu family with the Gotra Dev Bardwaj. His original name was Som Nath. He lost his father Sh. Mahadev Jattoo at a very young age. Being the elder son of the family he took all the responsibilities of his family and worked hard to fulfill their needs. >>>

Kamlawati KachruKamlawati Kachru

Smt. Kamlawati Kachru (maiden name as Radha) was born in the family of Kouls (nicknamed as Bonis), residents of Reshi Mohalla, Habbakadal Srinagar. Her birthday as per tithi is Kartik Shukla Paksh Dwadashi and the birth year approximately around 1905. Her father namely Shri Gopi Nath Koul died at his tender age of 28 and the duty of bringing up the family fell on her mother Mader Dedi and others. >>>
Hope the fellow people comprehend it and appreciate what Kashmir means but I highly doubt their views as the feed in the form of studies are entirely far from truth. They dont know that Pak was epicentre of education, research in the ancient world now it has become the epicentre of all terrorism philosophy which is far more destructive than terrorism itself.
Kashmir was Hindu Land once

Therefore India's CLAIM is perfectly valid

Just as China claims all its HISTORICAL territories ; so we too can do the same :azn:
You Indians bring up history as if it means anything here. Nobody cares if there was or is a 5000 year old ruin/temple of the Hindu monkey God in Kashmir.

Fact of the matter is....the people who currently occupy the land, majority of which do not want to be with India.
In that case Kashmir was here before India as well. Before British imperialism "India" was just a collection of princely states and not a single entity... Try Again.

Well, when did I claimed otherwise sir ?? :)

But for foreigners the big land mass east of river Indus till the Bay of Bengal was a single entity no matter how many principalities or kingdoms existed in between. They simply called it India (in their own language of-course). Even
Christopher Columbus was tasked with finding an alternative route to the "Indies" (East Indies to be precise) and he ended up discovering the West Indies instead. LOL :)

Hope this might enlighten you a bit since, Columbus lived well before the East India company was ever found. :)
You Indians bring up history as if it means anything here. Nobody cares if there was or is a 5000 year old ruin/temple of the Hindu monkey god in kashmir.

Fact of the matter is....the people who currently occupy the land, majority of which do not want to be with India.

Can you please enlighten why the majority doesn't want to be part of India ??

Please don't tell me because of Indian oppression since J & K was relatively peaceful up until 1989 after which the insurgency started. Ironically it was immediately after the Soviet-Afghanistan war and the world very well know the reason. :)
Kashmir has always been a part of Pak , also because the people of kashmir have accepted themselves as Pakistanis.
Hope the fellow people comprehend it and appreciate what Kashmir means but I highly doubt their views as the feed in the form of studies are entirely far from truth. They dont know that Pak was epicentre of education, research in the ancient world now it has become the epicentre of all terrorism philosophy which is far more destructive than terrorism itself.
The only problem I have with them is their skewed outlook on Kashmiris which stems only from same UMMAH link which is just nothing but wild insinuations of ppl living across the border....

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