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We are an ally who stood by India in darkest hours: Russia

Chinese were threatening to use nukes against India.
WTH!! Didn't the 7th fleetbcome in rescue of Pak??! It was the Russians who had sent theke subs to help India. Man u r rewriting history:o:
When you talk chess, remember that India isn't hurting china any time soon.
You too are being played by US.
We were played by US ( what you call ally status ) for several decades for US's own goals.
as the proverb goes the grass is always greener on the other side.
Pakistan was never 'played' by US. Both countries leveraged the best they could extract out of each other. This 'Pakistan was abused' by US is nonsense that has caught on like a infection and spread amongst the ignorant Pakistan people. Has anybody done a serious account of the US/Pak alliance from 1950-2000?
Pakistan was never 'played' by US. Both countries leveraged the best they could extract out of each other. This 'Pakistan was abused' by US is nonsense that has caught on like a infection and spread amongst the ignorant Pakistan people. Has anybody done a serious account of the US/Pak alliance from 1950-2000?
Dear you make sense.
First time i heard such logical reply. I agree this whole BS of usa used us, abused us is just rubbish.

Pakistan got what it wanted and they knew all along. This partnership will be unbounded someday which might put us in trouble. And same goes for us.

Even American are lying that Pakistan and Pakistani became evil overnight. They just know Pakistan doesn't fit much in their scheme of action. So they are trying to avoid them.

This is just world politics.
WTH!! Didn't the 7th fleetbcome in rescue of Pak??! It was the Russians who had sent theke subs to help India. Man u r rewriting history:o:

United States was fighting in Vietnam during that time and Indian medical teams gone inside Vietnam to give assistance.

Reidel reveals the fact that Nehru did indeed write to Kennedy on November 19, 1962 requesting as many as 12 squadrons of state-of-the-art fighter aircraft and two squadrons of long-range bombers – 350 combat aircraft, in all! – as well as extensive radar cover and transport aircraft.

Western arms supplies were pouring into India. According to Reidel, 10,000 US servicemen had actually landed in the country, Moreover, a US aircraft carrier group had been moved strategically into the Bay of Bengal.

As a political rift between Beijing and Hanoi developed through the 1960s, Hanoi leaned more and more towards New Delhi . India reciprocated, viewing Vietnam as a major long term regional actor because of its intrinsic moral and material strength. Indira Gandhi,aware of the increasing divergence of North Vietnamese and Chinese views, took the opportunity to draw North Vietnam into the anti-Chinese camp during the late 1960s.However, the relationship was still driven more by a mutual desire to keep Indochina free from superpower alignment and from shared ideals of Asian nationalism than by overthostility to China.

By the time the fall of Saigon was greeted with thunderous applause in the Indian Parliament in 1975, New Delhi and Hanoi had developed a mutually supportivepolitical relationship.

India was one of the few countries in the world that supported Vietnam when it sent its army into Cambodia at the end of 1978 to end the genocide there by the Pol Pot regime.
This is just world politics.
One thing Pakistani conveniently forget but jump at it double quick - nukes. Look west and east from Pakistan which other Muslim country has nukes? They have tried. They have been bombed, invaded, sanctioned, crippled and turned into hell-holes for even thinking 'nuke'.

Yet the same American's sat throughout the 1980s looking the other way pretending they did not know what was happening in Kahuta. That is example of the US/Pak alliance. Both were in gain gain relationship. US got to give the Soviets thrashing in Afghanistan, Pakistan got on making nukes while making few billion dollars in aid (don't forget F-16s courtesy of US taxpayer) and Saudi's got to spread their Wahabism. All were adults, all knew what the deal was.

And I won't go into 1950s,60s Pakistan when American taxpayer paid for roads, houses, cities, barracks, dams, industries, canals to be built in Pakistan. In addition every gun, tank, APC, artillery piece, Self Propelled Guns, Sabre fighters, F-104 starfighters, recon jets, C-130 transports, helicopters all came in huge quantities courtesy of US taxpayer. Who paid for the 1965 war against India?

Facts should be acknowledged and not pushed under the carpet just because the mood is differant today.
they want to earn money from you. they know only indians can be fooled with just words.
Sounds great. But what's that smoke from Ur Arss nal? And I agree with you these Russian Morons don't know what they are taking. And foolish Indians keep believing their words and get fooled with nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, jets, best tanks, Frigates, nuclear plants(May by foolish 'n weapon technology)

Poor Russians, they already got selected as ally by enemy of India. Someone has to inform them.

Dogs can keep barking, India Russia alliance is here to stay.
In which world are u living in? Wake up smell the coffee
After 70 years Russia became to know who was the enemy in the dress of friends?
Looks like P-75I may very well be heading towards Russia.
Sounds great. But what's that smoke from Ur Arss nal? And I agree with you these Russian Morons don't know what they are taking. And foolish Indians keep believing their words and get fooled with nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, jets, best tanks, Frigates, nuclear plants(May by foolish 'n weapon technology)

Poor Russians, they already got selected as ally by enemy of India. Someone has to inform them.
a friend or ally never say that we helped you so buy weapons.

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