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We are an ally who stood by India in darkest hours: Russia

Russia needs India now...I guess as Modi said an old friend is equal to two new friends. India should be there for Russia in this hour of need.
One thing Pakistani conveniently forget but jump at it double quick - nukes. Look west and east from Pakistan which other Muslim country has nukes? They have tried. They have been bombed, invaded, sanctioned, crippled and turned into hell-holes for even thinking 'nuke'.

Yet the same American's sat throughout the 1980s looking the other way pretending they did not know what was happening in Kahuta. That is example of the US/Pak alliance. Both were in gain gain relationship. US got to give the Soviets thrashing in Afghanistan, Pakistan got on making nukes while making few billion dollars in aid (don't forget F-16s courtesy of US taxpayer) and Saudi's got to spread their Wahabism. All were adults, all knew what the deal was.

And I won't go into 1950s,60s Pakistan when American taxpayer paid for roads, houses, cities, barracks, dams, industries, canals to be built in Pakistan. In addition every gun, tank, APC, artillery piece, Self Propelled Guns, Sabre fighters, F-104 starfighters, recon jets, C-130 transports, helicopters all came in huge quantities courtesy of US taxpayer. Who paid for the 1965 war against India?

Facts should be acknowledged and not pushed under the carpet just because the mood is differant today.

U.S. has sanctioned Pakistan in the past--in 1965 and again in 1990--China has consistently supported Pakistan's military modernization effort.

President Lyndon B. Johnson placed an embargo on arms shipments to Pakistan and India. The United States embargo on arms shipments to Pakistan remained in place during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 and was not lifted until 1975, during the administration of President Gerald R. Ford.

United States-Pakistani relations preceding the 1971 war were characterized by poor communication and much confusion.The Nixon administration expressed its concern about human rights violations to Pakistan and restricted the flow of assistance--yet it stopped short of an open condemnation.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 revived the close relationship between Pakistan and the United States. Initially, however, the Carter administration's offer the following month of US$400 million in economic and military aid to Pakistan was spurned by Zia, who termed it "peanuts." Under President Ronald Reagan, the United States agreed in 1981 to provide US$3.2 billion to Pakistan over a period of six years, equally divided between economic and military assistance.

Pakistan in the recovery of weapon losses in the 1965 Indo-Pakistan war. Again, after the war of 1971, China facilitated Pakistan diplomatically, financially and militarily to overcome the damages of the war.

China is Pakistan's largest defense supplier. China transferred equipment and technology and provided scientific expertise to Pakistan's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs throughout the 1980s and 1990s, enhancing Pakistan's strength in the South Asian strategic balance. The most significant development in China-Pakistan military cooperation occurred in 1992 when China supplied Pakistan with 34 short-range ballistic M-11 missiles.

China has been Pakistan's most consistent supplier of military hardware: Since Pakistan's founding, China has sold the nation a greater percentage (39 percent) of its arms than any other country (with the United States coming in second at 24 percent) and has been the top supplier for nine of the last 15 years. Indeed, since 1964, Pakistan has been the only nation to which China has sold arms every single year—and China is the only nation from which Pakistan has bought arms every single year. But quantity is no substitute for quality: Pakistan has always preferred high-tech U.S. weapons systems over less advanced Chinese kits whenever it has been able to acquire them.

In 1982, for example, the Central Intelligence Agency warned that if the AN/ALR-69 radar warning system was sold to Pakistan as part of the F-16 fighter jet package, the United States should expect Pakistan to transfer this sensitive technology to China.
Thank you Russia for being our friend.
I still remember MIR publishers with me struggling to solve I.E Irdov, Landau and Lifshitz mechanics!

Even if you ignore the military and financial help that Russia has given us, the higher education help has been substantial!
Russia needs India now...I guess as Modi said an old friend is equal to two new friends. India should be there for Russia in this hour of need.
India back stabbed Russia when now she is cornered by the west and USA by being a lap dog to USA. Only China stands with her.

No dude. You guys are being fooled by China into believing that they can turn things around for you guys and in the process you are snubbing your most important ally, the USA. Just take a look at Africa to learn how China is expert in exploiting locals for their own gain, look at their close ally N Korea. You are just pawns in the big games and we all know what happens to pawns. Don't flatter yourself by believing something else.
Total bs, deseperate efforts by poor Indians to sow discord. As an emerging power, China provides military,economic,political and diplomatic support to her ally Pakistan. Didn't your media try to boycott our goods,because we vetoed nsg bid and your labeling someone terrorist? Pakistan owns unsc, unlike you. Also remember nukes, chic-4?
India back stabbed Russia when now she is cornered by the west and USA by being a lap dog to USA. Only China stands with her.

Actually it was Republic of India which has been back stabbed by the Chinese in the 50's and 60's.
Actually it was Republic of India which has been back stabbed by the Chinese in the 50's and 60's.
Do some research first, just google Nehru's forward policy. What expect us do to while you harbor our enemy dalai and do this move forward.
Looks like P-75I may very well be heading towards Russia.

Unless France offers short fin Barracuda, I do not see any viable reason to not to go for Russian submarines.
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Do some research first, just google Nehru's forward policy. What expect us do to while you harbor our enemy dalai and do this move forward.

Before Dalai Lama , there were Shimla accords of 1912 which were held in the aftermath of a military expedition of Lhasa in 1905, ordered by British czar Lord Curzon with Francis Younghusband in command.

Indian Nation holy lands are under Chinese occupation.
Why go Pro-west then? Islamaphobia maybe :lol:

Pro-West does not mean Anti-Russia..

Many EU countries would love to engage with Russia.

I understand even Trump supporters love Putin..
Pro-West does not mean Anti-Russia..

Many EU countries would love to engage with Russia.

I understand even Trump supporters love Putin..

We Indians are having balanced relationship with United States because both these nations fought against colonization
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