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Constable Slapped Female Anchor Caught on Camera (Full Video)

Both should be Jailed. Jahil people :mad:
Conclusion: Mouk mouka (has happened) both go their separate ways. While the common man's issue of NADRA's incompetence, is brushed under the rug.

What's more shocking is that some people here are defending this jerk. :disagree:

What this FC jawan did was cross the line, under no circumstance is he allowed, or should be allowed to hit a woman. Both parties have withdrawn their police cases, but FC should take disciplinary action against him.

There are multiple issues here:

a) The area in question is Liaquatabad. Where even the sanest people dealing with the public can go nuts.
b) In an area like this, not FC, but Karachi Police should have been deployed.
c) A crash course in how to deal with the public should have been given to FC prior to their deployment in Karachi.
d) The reporter should have identified the said perpetrator discreetly. Once identified she should have moved on, instead of provoking someone who most probably is not even matric pass.

Now you tell me how intelligent is it to provoke a guy who stands in the sun all day long, has minimum of education, and is carrying a Kalashnikov. Is the reporter suicidal? Maybe, or maybe just plain stupid.

One should know, one's own limits. Always try to solve situations in the most amicable manner. Confrontations, especially on the road, yields nothing. I can tell you from personal experience, humility always pays.
Would also slap such an annoying cunt. For some reason women in that part of the world, middle east and north africa included, are so f*cking annoying when they get angry.
Conclusion: Mouk mouka (has happened) both go their separate ways. While the common man's issue of NADRA's incompetence, is brushed under the rug.

What this FC jawan did was cross the line, under no circumstance is he allowed, or should be allowed to hit a woman. Both parties have withdrawn their police cases, but FC should take disciplinary action against him.

There are multiple issues here:

a) The area in question is Liaquatabad. Where even the sanest people dealing with the public can go nuts.
b) In an area like this, not FC, but Karachi Police should have been deployed.
c) A crash course in how to deal with the public should have been given to FC prior to their deployment in Karachi.
d) The reporter should have identified the said perpetrator discreetly. Once identified she should have moved on, instead of provoking someone who most probably is not even matric pass.

Now you tell me how intelligent is it to provoke a guy who stands in the sun all day long, has minimum of education, and is carrying a Kalashnikov. Is the reporter suicidal? Maybe, or maybe just plain stupid.

One should know, one's own limits. Always try to solve situations in the most amicable manner. Confrontations, especially on the road, yields nothing. I can tell you from personal experience, humility always pays.

Jerks like these have a tendency to infuriate others Man or woman, In the video she lost her temper after he got physical with her camera man and it looks like she's trying to stand up for him in a obnoxious way and he didn't like being exposed. He provoked them and She retaliated! I admit it's not smart to confront a moron with a gun but a lot of Pakistani feminists are short tempered. It's like a kid with matches meets a dynamite
They are the same ones who also see no wrong in hitting kids and torturing animals. Their mantra is might is right. Oppress the weak. Women, kids, animals can be substituted as targets.
Tribal mentality security guards like these have shot at stray dogs and killed kids in disputes "which they started"
Jerks like these have a tendency to infuriate others Man or woman, In the video she lost her temper after he got physical with her camera man and it looks like she's trying to stand up for him in a obnoxious way and he didn't like being exposed. He provoked them and She retaliated! I admit it's not smart to confront a moron with a gun but a lot of Pakistani feminists are short tempered. It's like a kid with matches meets a dynamite

Absolutely, so who is the educated one, that should have taken the higher ground?
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