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Backtracking: India says no helicopters used in 'surgical strikes'

After abottabad ride Obama announced without proof. Proof came from Pakistani media in terms of pictures of obl compound. Please send chand nawab from indus news to loc location and expose indian lies

So this is your proof?
India Launched a satellite Para troopers jumped from space and landed in Pakistan just 3 km from LOC after staying here for 4 hours they killed 38 Terrorist and flew back like that

Mission accomplished


This is the most pathetic I have seen Indians since I have been alive.

Making up fairytales to make themselves feel better. Picked up your bodies yet from LOC? Pakistan always trolls them in the best possible way:lol::lol::lol:
The Newest and most unique and strange example of Surgical strike.

Its done without crossing border (actually artillery shelling which is daily routine now a days)
keep in mind artillery has max 30km range and Pak army and any so called terrorist element is not dumb enough to keep launching pads with in this range.

2 enemy(Pakistani) soldiers died in so called surgical(cross border shelling) while 8 own soldiers killed in reaction artillery fire(so called surgical strike back by Pakistan) and one soldier captured by enemy while trying to cross LOC.

No high value target or their cohort killed.

No video and picture and GPS or any other evidences given. Even Enemy(Pakistan) has posted multiple videos where Indian soldiers are getting killed by artillery reaction fire.

and the funniest of all, you have to tell enemy that you have done strike in his land.
There is no need for me to "enlighten your thoughts". DGMO of my army has spoken and I standby his every word.

Your DGMO lied to your nation and made a fool out of you all. Do you realize that?
If your DGMO said that they did a surgical strike in China would belive it mate
Here is what has happened.

1 ) Choppers were used in the opertaion but not to cross LOC, but as a distraction to keep Pakistan's attention fixed in a completely different sector.
2) Indian troops crossed LOC on foot, it has been made sufficiently clear.
Which Bodies ??? of course Propaganda articles

:lol::lol: Not sure if you really are dumb or would prefer to accept being lied to.

The Myanmar operation was a fabrication. India surely has deep psychological issues. Small monkey man syndrome :rofl::rofl:
As claimed by indian media that their leadership watched the whole operation in delhi operation room, whats stopping them sharing with the same footages or they forgot to record it. Didnt expect indian army getting to that level.
If it's true that their leadership watched the whole operation in delhi operation room, then they watched the Indian soldiers getting killed like wild pigs even before getting close to the LoC. How can they share that footage with the whole world?
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