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US senate votes to override Obama veto of 9/11 bill






Some random act is not responsibility of Masses , specially done by a questionable entity that never formally accepted any responsibility

If anyone is suing anyone
  • Vietnam can sue bomb making companies in USA
  • North Koreans can sue for Korean wars
  • Afghans can sue for Afghanistan wars
  • Syria is still suffring waiting for sueing
  • Libya has to sue
  • Iraq has to sue twice (2 wars) , 2 generations ruined whole country not mere few people
Not sure what is Egypt stance on Kashmir but we won't leave Saudia alone in this diffcult time
They will ask for refund. You better not leave them like the Yemen war or USA in Afghanistan
@Al-Andalus if you guys hate the Americans so much, why do you buy so many arms off them? Why do you sell your oil in the dollar? Why do your fellow Arabs host American military bases?

When Iran saw it was being fucked over by the Americans, we changed the government and dictated our foreign policy on our own terms.
Good. Now other countries will be able to sue the American Bastar_s. And have them pay for the crimes they commit against humanity. Their ambassadors should be tried in court. Then the senate of US will realize what a mistake they have made. If their people can sue then other countries will sue them so much that they will literally forget the meaning of sue.
does anyone know why this happened and why now they couldn't even wait till the elections ?

During the anniversary of 9/11 there were some emotions running high and the greedy 9/11 victims decided to push the bill of suing foreign governments for acts of terrorism, because a couple years back I believe they asked for a TON of money from Saudi Arabia but were flat out denied from the courts not only because you couldn't sue foreign countries but also because the amount was ridiculous. Plus by voting for this bill congress officials have a higher chance of getting reelected which is all they care about.

I hope every middle eastern nations slaps them around with lawsuits for being such greedy idiots.
The House of Saud thought that they could buy everything with money. This should serve them as a good lesson in future. For too long they had been acting like an ostrich, the time has come for them to pay for their stupidity and lust for power and pleasure.
@Al-Andalus if you guys hate the Americans so much, why do you buy so many arms off them? Why do you sell your oil in the dollar? Why do your fellow Arabs host American military bases?

When Iran saw it was being fucked over by the Americans, we changed the government and dictated our foreign policy on our own terms.

I do not hate Americans. I do no hate any peoples. At most regimes and individual personalities. I do however dislike US foreign policy greatly which is controlled by a selected view. Read the elite. In particular the Jewish lobby. I have many reasons for this dislike. As has the world. Do you think that the average American is in control of anything? They are mostly completely ignorant like most people in the world. Worrying about their own little worlds.

Because the reality is that American weapons are superior and because it benefits both parties. However KSA is buying products from numerous countries. Western as non-Western. As well as cooperating militarily. Our largest trading partner is China for instance.

Iran is selling its oil in the dollar as well. In fact all of OPEC is doing that. That has been the case since the early 1970's.

You should ask them this question. As in the regimes in power. You should ask Al-Abadi for instance why he has welcomed American soldiers to Iraq again despite overwhelming opposition.

Well, that was the choice of the Iranian people.

All I can say is that KSA should reconsider its policies vis-á-vis the US. With or without the House of Saud.

Also, in case you do not know it, most common people in the MENA region have not much say in what their leaders do. Goes for both KSA and Iran. Once that changes we can talk.
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I do not hate Americans.
I surmised as much. I should have made myself more clear. By "the Americans", I meant their government.
I do however dislike US foreign policy greatly which is controlled by a selected view. Read the elite. In particular the Jewish lobby. I have many reasons for this dislike. As has the world. Do you think that the average American is in control of anything? They are mostly completely ignorant like most people in the world. Worrying about their own little worlds

Because the reality is that American weapons are superior and because it benefits both parties.

Not in all fields. Besides, buying weapons on such a large scale happen because of friendly ties, not the other way around. And if Saudi had invested in its own industry (like Iran), such a problem would be reduced and eventually eradicated.

Iran is selling its oil in the dollar as well.

Fair point, though this is not the case for all Iran's oil.


You should ask them this question.
The other PG Arab states' policies are broadly aligned with KSA's. As for Iraq, I think it's probably some appeasement towards the Americans, with which they still have relatively good ties.

It's a shame. One of the main reasons why the revolution happened was because Iran wanted American influence out of Iran and possibly the ME. After the war, Iran really wanted American influence out of the ME.

If Saudi leaders had not felt unnecessarily threatened by Iran, this shambles of a relations (which started right when the war with Iraq started) would never have happened. Hostilities with Saudi were never our original intentions.

Iran and the Arabian peninsula could have kicked out western and Israeli imperialism from the region. Alas.
All negotiation should be on matter of mutual respect

Countries are not bound to work done by contractors or Terrorist
This is going to get ugly.

Once a country is brought into court, there will be a lot of Classified papers released or read behind closed doors.

Geo-Politics are going to change, how the courts pass judgments and if the victims collect comes down to strength of the nation(s).
this is wrong turn of event and I hope the senators thought about the possibility of people from rest of the world suing USA for its invasions and killing of their families
Why my post got deleted?

Americans supported saddam and then threw him in trash basket easily.

Americans use saudi regime for several decades but nowadays oil doesn't worth like it did in past and Americans themselves are exporting oil. Plus Americans have sold weapons and goods to saudis for several decades which is much more than enough for Americans and nowadays due to oil price saudis are not rich like they used to in the past so Americans don't need saudis anymore as they don't need Sudanis to give an example. Moreover Americans have realized saudi's nature due to wars in middle east in the past 5 years so senators are badly against saudis and want a secular regime like Egypt for example. It seems the honey years between saudis and Americans is over.

Saudis wanted to strike Iran by decreasing oil price as much as possible but it seems they have destroyed their own selves by their own hands thank God. The butcher saddam had completely similar destiny. No one can challenge Shia Muslims.

Also they wished to kill Shias and rule Iraq and Syria but infac they just showed their ditrty nature to the world.

وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ ﴿۵
Don't use sectarian language...
Saudis are doing whatever they can do against Shias at least for 5 decades, what are u talking about?

Who helped saddam? Who gave butcher saddam several billions of dollars? who wanted the US to attack Iran for several times? Which country talk against Shias in it's tv channels such as Wesal in several languages 24/7/365? Which country support terrorists against Shias in many countrie? Which country supports jondollah, jiash al adl, jaish al Islam in southwest of Iran? Which country wants to make terroristm and revolt in Ahwaz? etc..... this list is very long @Blackmoon @scythian500
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Why my post got deleted?

Americans supported saddam and then threw him in trash basket easily.

Americans use saudi regime for several decades but nowadays oil doesn't worth like it did in past and Americans themselves are exporting oil. Plus Americans have sold weapons and goods to saudis for several decades which is much more than enough for Americans and nowadays due to oil price saudis are not rich like they used to in the past so Americans don't need saudis anymore as they don't need Sudanis to give an example. Moreover Americans have realized saudi's nature due to wars in middle east in the past 5 years so senators are badly against saudis and want a secular regime like Egypt for example. It seems the honey years between saudis and Americans is over.

Saudis wanted to strike Iran by decreasing oil price as much as possible but it seems they have destroyed their own selves by their own hands thank God. The butcher saddam had completely similar destiny. No one can challenge Shia Muslims.

Also they wished to kill Shias and rule Iraq and Syria but infac they just showed their ditrty nature to the world.

وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ ﴿۵

Do not compare small Iraq, which Saddam Hussein had run down completely, with KSA. One of the most influential countries in the world. Besides KSA has excellent relations with the two European powers (France and UK) and most importantly China which is our biggest trading partner. Relations with Russia have improved significantly recently as well while relations with Japan and South Korea are cordial too. Let alone allies in the Muslim world. KSA has only problems/hostilities with Iran of late. Nobody else.

Everything, except certain military hardware, that the US can offer KSA, we can get from elsewhere. Besides the US is not offering us anything exceptional. For instance nuclear cooperation, which we have with China, Russia, South Korea, Japan, France (to name a few countries that we have signed deals with) we do not have with the US.

Also do not forget that the US benefits a lot from having cordial ties with KSA. Everything from having the leader of the Arab world on their side, the center of Islam and the Muslim world, to crucial cooperation in the war on terror, let alone mutual investments which are several 100 billion dollars big. Or KSA being the biggest buyer of US weapons. Or crucial (strategically) US bases in the GCC. In case of US hostilities against KSA, KSA will not be alone by any means and such hostility will harm the US greatly as well. It is not a one-way street.

As for your nonsense about "killing" Shias. Shia Islam and all its sect originated in modern-day KSA and 20% of all Saudi Arabians are Shias. Besides there are hardly any Shias in Syria. Less than 500.000. Alawites are not Shias. They are a separate sect. Stop making everything about sect.

As for the Saudi Arabian economy. You are wrong. Expect the oil prices, every other sector in KSA is growing significantly, especially the private sector, and virtually every future economic prognostic/report as far as 2050, puts KSA in the top 20 of world's biggest economies. Which is KSA's, a G-20 major economies member state, current position as well. As for GDP (nominal) per capita and (PPP) KSA is in top 20 and top 10 respectively. Only fellow GCC states, albeit much smaller, are anywhere near that wealth in the Muslim and developing world. Excluding Hong Kong and Singapore. Tiny city-states.

In fact Iran is struggling much more economically.

So let us see.

KSA remains a G-20 major economies member state.

Both the GDP (PPP) per capita and GDP (nominal) per capita of KSA is among the highest in the entire world.

Being "poor" in KSA would be considered as being rich or at worst as middle class in all of the Muslim and developing world, expect in the GCC. Saudi Arabians are some of the most pampered people. You should at least know this by now. The era of free riders have almost ended which is some of the most encouraging news that you can think of. Will benefit KSA greatly.

Saudi Arabia's GDP is expected to reach 1.8 trillion US dollars by 2030 according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research. PricewaterhouseCoopers thinks the Saudi GDP will be 2.0 trillion US dollars by 2030. Making KSA the 18th biggest economy.

KSA remains the largest creditor and surplus nation in the world.

Or the promising Saudi Vision 2030.


As for IMF, well they have already, this very year (July 2016), concluded that KSA is in a strong position and that the country will bounce back very shortly.


I am afraid that doomsayers will remain butthurt for a very long time to come. Likely their entire lives.

You really should stop trolling and writing nonsense in every second post almost. For your own best. Instead you should engage in constructive debates. As some of your countrymen do. It is much better that way.

BTW you also wrote that the Famitid dynasty/empire was an Egyptian dynasty. Wrong. They were Hijazi Ismailis who first built their capital in Tunisia later to move it to Cairo. Arabs ruling territory in the Arab world.

I surmised as much. I should have made myself more clear. By "the Americans", I meant their government.


Not in all fields. Besides, buying weapons on such a large scale happen because of friendly ties, not the other way around. And if Saudi had invested in its own industry (like Iran), such a problem would be reduced and eventually eradicated.

Fair point, though this is not the case for all Iran's oil.


The other PG Arab states' policies are broadly aligned with KSA's. As for Iraq, I think it's probably some appeasement towards the Americans, with which they still have relatively good ties.

It's a shame. One of the main reasons why the revolution happened was because Iran wanted American influence out of Iran and possibly the ME. After the war, Iran really wanted American influence out of the ME.

If Saudi leaders had not felt unnecessarily threatened by Iran, this shambles of a relations (which started right when the war with Iraq started) would never have happened. Hostilities with Saudi were never our original intentions.

Iran and the Arabian peninsula could have kicked out western and Israeli imperialism from the region. Alas.

Yes, that is correct.

Well, not all fields but it was more of a general statement. One cannot deny the quality of American military hardware.

KSA is doing that currently and actually has one of the better local military industries in the MENA region. The Saudi Vision 2030 aims at developing 50% of all needed military hardware locally. So imports would be limited to 50%. If not less. I currently don't remember the exact number so I would have to check it again.

Such a move should have been done earlier but there have been a lot of reasons for why this was not done and it is an entire discussion for itself.

Maybe not all but the vast majority as Iran remains a member of OPEC.

Yes, and I have not claimed otherwise. It is no secret that the GCC is in the Western camp in the MENA region along with Egypt, Turkey and most other countries.

Besides I have nothing against being in the Western camp (read American) but that should not and is not limiting KSA from having cordial ties with China, Russia and non-Western countries and camps. I do however think and believe that KSA should not be that closely tied to the US as they have proven to be an untrustworthy ally and I believe that the House of Saud have known this all along. Besides KSA is pursuing its own policies. For instance KSA was behind several oil embargo that crippled the West in the 1960's and 1970's.


Anyway even if KSA would quit all relations with the US and start to be hostile we would likely end up like Iran for the past 37 years, and with all due respect, that would be a catastrophe as countries the size of KSA and Iran cannot stand their own without consequences against the US. Basically only China can do that.

Anyway I do agree that KSA (GCC as a whole and the Arab world) and Iran should cooperate together for the sake of them both and the region. In particular neighbors like GCC and Iran. That would benefit both ultimately, no doubt about that. Neighbors remain neighbors.

However we do not necessarily have to be anti-Western for the sake of it but just be better able to protect our interests. I am not really ideologically driven as I believe that the MENA region lacks so many fundamentals to solve that this should be the primary concern.
One cannot deny the quality of American military hardware.
Certainly not.

KSA is doing that currently and actually has one of the better local military industries in the MENA region

Thats not really saying much...

There's Iran, Israel and... well. I think I heard something in this Vision 2030 thing that KSA produces just 5% of its arms by itself. Which is, however way you spin it, pitiful. Iran under the Shah was probably something similar.

Anyway even if KSA would quit all relations with the US and start to be hostile we would likely end up like Iran for the past 37 years

I agree...

Problem was that after the revolution there was complete chaos. I watched a documentary a while ago and it talked about the US embassy crisis. It was started by a couple of stupid students who thought they were doing their country a service. They went to Khomeini and Khomeini told them to let the American diplomats go. In the end they managed to convince him but this has happened a surprising number of times. IMO it was entirely possible for Iran to counter US imperialism in the region and at the same time have some sort of diplomatic relations and trade. It might not make a huge difference on the ground but it serves as a way of de-escalation. India and Pakistan are pointing nukes at each other and still they have embassies...

countries the size of KSA and Iran cannot stand their own without consequences against the US

Its not so much size rather than how your country works. Iran still stands but it has been held back from its potential. I don't think KSA would face the same sanctions, it makes too much oil.

Anyway I do agree that KSA (GCC as a whole and the Arab world) and Iran should cooperate together for the sake of them both and the region. In particular neighbors like GCC and Iran. That would benefit both ultimately, no doubt about that. Neighbors remain neighbors.

However we do not necessarily have to be anti-Western for the sake of it but just be better able to protect our interests. I am not really ideologically driven as I believe that the MENA region lacks so many fundamentals to solve that this should be the primary concern.
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