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Motorway Police official & Army officers scuffle on the Motorway.

And as per past practice you picked up one line from my post while ignoring the rest... one line that suits your baseless belief ..
Had you read my post in totality then you would have seen that i wrote "offence of over speeding is one that is irrefutable... that's true.. no one has denied it, not even the major. what happened afterwards is what is debatable.." I have never tried to rationalize it... not once.. this is a fact and will always be.

Now regarding your point that one party was just trying to enforce law until stopped by criminal activity..... that is exactly what is debatable.. not who broke the speed limit... please dont try to throw mud in ones eye by repeating the same mantra ... if you are so sure on what you are saying then please provide a substantial and / or irrefutable proof or an eye witness details of the whole scuffle.

Till you are able to do that (which you have been unable to do so over our past dozen exchanges), till then please use words like "i believe", "it is my belief", "i think" or "as per my knowledge" etc etc..... This is called write right. Please be careful what you say or write as a hearsay can become a fact and a fact can become a hearsay just by omitting or adding a few words here and there.
Such rationalizations are pretty pathetic Sir, to be honest. Just what is needed to issue a simple speeding ticket to an army officer breaking the law, let alone take other crimes like abduction seriously enough? Let us call it what it is: army officers behaving like ignominious thugs, and getting away with it, with muk mukaa being encouraged at the highest levels. Pathetic. And pitiful.
The challaan too happens. Not all officers involved act out in such a way. I was with another SSG officer once and he was stopped by the police for another infraction, (I do not remember what it was), but he gave the police constable his license and then later went to the station to collect it after paying the challaan. I cannot speak to what transpired in this case here, do I put it past the Army officers that they over reacted? No, but at the same time I do not think Army officers are always disregarding rules. There have been cases of overbearing police officers harassing officers and jawans for bribes too.
The challaan too happens. Not all officers involved act out in such a way. I was with another SSG officer once and he was stopped by the police for another infraction, (I do not remember what it was), but he gave the police constable his license and then later went to the station to collect it after paying the challaan. I cannot speak to what transpired in this case here, do I put it past the Army officers that they over reacted? No, but at the same time I do not think Army officers are always disregarding rules. There have been cases of overbearing police officers harassing officers and jawans for bribes too.

I will accept what you are saying Sir, and I would even add that the conduct of most military officers in the public domain remains absolutely top class, as is expected of them. What happened in this case was a travesty, but at the very least, the offenders should be given speeding tickets, other, more serious, charges notwithstanding: why was a service weapon displayed, and why was official backup called over a private matter that led to interference in an official matter, and led to abduction of uniformed police in the course of their duty? If this had been done by an MNA, PDF would have been burning up with protest, wouldn't you agree?

offence of over speeding is one that is irrefutable... that's true.. no one has denied it, not even the major.

Then where is the effing ticket? What prevented it from being issued?
I will accept what you are saying Sir, and I would even add that the conduct of most military officers in the public domain remains absolutely top class, as is expected of them. What happened in this case was a travesty, but at the very least, the offenders should be given speeding tickets, other, more serious, charges notwithstanding: why was a service weapon displayed, and why was official backup called over a private matter that led to interference in an official matter, and led to abduction of uniformed police in the course of their duty? If this had been done by an MNA, PDF would have been burning up with protest, wouldn't you agree?

Then where is the effing ticket? What prevented it from being issued?

As per the major the bad behaviour, harsh language, insults and threats leading to a scuffle prevented it
As per the motorway police the efforts to influence and undermine the patrolling officers prevented it.

Anyways enough of this Tom and Jerry Chase ...
As I said earlier you pick one point from an argument and then beat on your point that major was guilty... are you a judge? Who gave you the right to pass verdicts?
No matter what I write or what I say your narrow minded approach on this issue ... your will to malign the army major for overspeeding leading to a scuffle with debatable reasons... probably supported or fuelled by some personal issues or history with army men will always prevent you from thinking neutrally and without bias.
My comments may be a little over the line but sir, please read ur comments and review your behavior... You are stubborn like a toddler on your assessment of the whole issue... and that too without any concrete proof .. without any substantial evidence .. without any direct contact with the parties involved and not even an indirect second hand contact with the two parties.
You are entitled to your view points but you pass sweeping statements with no regard to the principles of write right and say figment as if they were facts.
Enough of this discussion which is so suffocating because of what I wrote above. When and if you agree to give this thing a neutral evaluation then please tag me in if you want but till you are hell bent on maligning a person for your assessment and observation of an issue...without the hint of the possibility that you can be wrong... Till that moment.. count me out of this debate.
So basically, earlier today an army officer, upon being stopped by a motorway police official on the M1, first brandished his gun on the police with a 9mm pistol and upon being stopped, called up his superior officer who sent reinforcements who kidnapped the police official, took him to an undisclosed location and tortured him there. More details in the incident report attached below:

More reports suggests that upto 4 Motorway Police Officials were tortured .




Is the Army above the law??

Just to clarify something, there's some confusion over whether the army guy fired shots or only brandished his gun at the cops. Per an earlier report in Urdu, he fired shots when signalled to stop and kept driving, only stopping when the policeman's backup arrived while conspicuously carrying AKs. The English report seems to suggest he only brandished the gun at the cops. Given that there's no way to know for certain which version of the events is accurate, disregard the bit about firing shots in the OP.

likhnay mai kia hai jo marzi likhee jaye.
As per the major the bad behaviour, harsh language, insults and threats leading to a scuffle prevented it
As per the motorway police the efforts to influence and undermine the patrolling officers prevented it.

And then the grand finale was the muk mukaa.

And nobody cared about the drawing of a service weapon to threaten. And nobody cared about calling official backup for a private matter. And nobody cared about the assault and abduction.

And then all this thuggery was blessed by the higher authorities.

And still no speeding ticket for the thugs.

I understand it clearly. Just because of the uniform worn by the lawbreakers, people are failing to uphold the law. Were these MNAs, a majority of PDF would be howling for their blood. :D
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Did u see the weapon being drawn... Did u see the army men instigating the whole episode... Abusing, misbehaving and then man handling...
No you did not... You did not see that... You were not there.. You did not interview any one... No official statement was released and no video of the incident depicting story from a to z went viral.
Hence stop this childish attitude of blindly following what you believe is true... Stop passing sweeping statements and stop acting like an imbecile and issue verdicts which are nothing but figments.
Did u see the weapon being drawn... Did u see the army men instigating the whole episode... Abusing, misbehaving and then man handling...
No you did not... You did not see that... You were not there.. You did not interview any one... No official statement was released and no video of the incident depicting story from a to z went viral.
Hence stop this childish attitude of blindly following what you believe is true... Stop passing sweeping statements and stop acting like an imbecile and issue verdicts which are nothing but figments.

Sir, no amount of trying to appear fair while actually trying to rationalize the blatant lawbreaking and criminal offences will work here. The ISPR promised justice only to deliver a muk mukaa because of the guilt of the army officers. Justice would have too bitter. And still no speeding ticket. That major belongs in jail, or at the very least have his service weapon taken away. But we all know that will not be allowed to happen. After all, nobody should get the idea that laws apply to everyone. It's okay. If those who are affected by such lawlessness do not wish to speak up, what concern should it be of anybody else?
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Sir, no amount of trying to appear fair while actually trying to rationalize the blatant lawbreaking and criminal offences will work here. The ISPR promised justice only to deliver a muk mukaa because of the guilt of the army officers. Justice would have too bitter. And still no speeding ticket. That major belongs in jail, or at the very least have his service weapon taken away. But we all know that will not be allowed to happen. After all, nobody should get the idea that laws apply to everyone. It's okay. If those who are affected by such lawlessness do not wish to speak up, what concern should it be of anybody else?

Like always your post is based on assumptions... same old assumptions that have been pointed out again and again but your personal tirade continues...
Assumptions are
1) service weapon was withdrawn
2) The scuffle was 100% because of major sb and the sole reason was to avoid a 700 rupee ticket.
Do you even read what you type before you post it????
Like always your post is based on assumptions... same old assumptions that have been pointed out again and again but your personal tirade continues...
Assumptions are
1) service weapon was withdrawn
2) The scuffle was 100% because of major sb and the sole reason was to avoid a 700 rupee ticket.
Do you even read what you type before you post it????

Let us start with the speeding ticket. Where is it? After all, even the lawbreaker admitted to it. On what legal grounds has it been ignored?
As I said before... I won't start this Tom and Jerry game again.. I have the very same discussion with you twice on two different forums... what you say is figment and no matter what words you use.. how many times you blow you trumpet and how much you try to beat on the same tune...they will remain what they are... your assumptions or assessments of that happened.

You were not there... You have not claimed that any of your source was there... none of the people involved were interviewed by you and no official statement was released...

In spite of all this knowledge and facts you are still hell bent on accepting and repeating what was written in that complaint by the patrolling officer. A mature and sane approach would be to listen to both parties before you make up your mind.

As I said earlier I have been a silent reader of this forum for years and an active member for a couple of years now... I have now got doubts that you are on a personal vendetta against army men... If not.. My apologies but it sure looks that way.
Law was broken... the major was over speeding... he was stopped ... what happened between the two officers of different forces is debatable as both claim different stories...
But you will not see this as you are on a personal crusade to proclaim a party guilty before even listening to him ...or giving him the benefit of the doubt that after the over speeding offence he was insulted and bad mouthed etc ....
orry to say you have a uni centric approach... As you are not aware of anything over and above what was posted online and you are stubborn enough to believe it so adamantly.
As I said before... I won't start this Tom and Jerry game again.. I have the very same discussion with you twice on two different forums... what you say is figment and no matter what words you use.. how many times you blow you trumpet and how much you try to beat on the same tune...they will remain what they are... your assumptions or assessments of that happened.

You were not there... You have not claimed that any of your source was there... none of the people involved were interviewed by you and no official statement was released...

In spite of all this knowledge and facts you are still hell bent on accepting and repeating what was written in that complaint by the patrolling officer. A mature and sane approach would be to listen to both parties before you make up your mind.

As I said earlier I have been a silent reader of this forum for years and an active member for a couple of years now... I have now got doubts that you are on a personal vendetta against army men... If not.. My apologies but it sure looks that way.
Law was broken... the major was over speeding... he was stopped ... what happened between the two officers of different forces is debatable as both claim different stories...
But you will not see this as you are on a personal crusade to proclaim a party guilty before even listening to him ...or giving him the benefit of the doubt that after the over speeding offence he was insulted and bad mouthed etc ....
orry to say you have a uni centric approach... As you are not aware of anything over and above what was posted online and you are stubborn enough to believe it so adamantly.

Sir, the army officer has admitted to the offence of speeding. At least, he deserves that ticket. Is that too hard for you to understand? Doing so makes the point that military officers are not above the law. Or is this precisely what not must be established to preserve impunity? Establishing the rule of law can only be good for Pakistan, wouldn't you agree?
To this I agree... A speeding ticket should be issued.
Now put a full Stop after this remark and stop putting forward your baseless rather childish rant that army man took out his service gun.. Called in the Qrf for beating the sh*t out of the patrolling officer + a dozen of his colleagues who were all there at one spot for nothing but enforcing law and that too peacefully.
Learn to call a spade a spade and try to give benefit of the doubt to ppl. Plz don't try to shove ur baseless and imbecile assessment to other people minds. You have a heinous agenda to malign a guy just because he committed a crime, which he himself admitted and against which we both agreed a ticket should have been issued. Don't solely blame and malign him for everything else that happened afterwrads. One crime does not make you a criminal for a life time. For all the res he is innocent until proven otherwise and out of all the people you my sir have lost the credibility or the credentials to put forward a neutral verdict as so far you have been only biased and irrational in your assessments.
I hope I make myself clear to you.
Have a good day sir
To this I agree... A speeding ticket should be issued.
Now put a full Stop after this remark and stop putting forward your baseless rather childish rant that army man took out his service gun.. Called in the Qrf for beating the sh*t out of the patrolling officer + a dozen of his colleagues who were all there at one spot for nothing but enforcing law and that too peacefully.
Learn to call a spade a spade and try to give benefit of the doubt to ppl. Plz don't try to shove ur baseless and imbecile assessment to other people minds. You have a heinous agenda to malign a guy just because he committed a crime, which he himself admitted and against which we both agreed a ticket should have been issued. Don't solely blame and malign him for everything else that happened afterwrads. One crime does not make you a criminal for a life time. For all the res he is innocent until proven otherwise and out of all the people you my sir have lost the credibility or the credentials to put forward a neutral verdict as so far you have been only biased and irrational in your assessments.
I hope I make myself clear to you.
Have a good day sir

All of the rest followed the failure to accept the ticket - which is still the case. Why has the ticket not been issued? The rest of the story falls in line with the criminal acts that have stopped the issuance of the said ticket. That major deserves a court martial for conduct unbecoming an officer. Clearly.
All of the rest followed the failure to accept the ticket - which is still the case. Why has the ticket not been issued? The rest of the story falls in line with the criminal acts that have stopped the issuance of the said ticket. That major deserves a court martial for conduct unbecoming an officer. Clearly.

Prove it... Prove he declined to accept the ticket.
U for once spoke truth by admitting u r imagining a story falling in line. Now have u got anything to prove the major declined to accept the ticket?
As for ur second question write to DG motorways and ask as to why the ticket was not issued... Most likely because of the scuffle. I am with you on this one.
Now before you run off better give something concrete to prove that the major declined to accept the ticket... Anything other than coming from the co accused in that brawl. I am waiting.
Now either put up or.......
Well, u get the point.
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