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Retd Indian Army Colonnel Gone Mad On Waseem Badami And Iqrar Ul Hassan Statementd

This guy was typical Indian retard who believes that repeating lies and falsehood non-stop will turn them into truth. He was continuously lying himself but accusing his host of lying. Rather than getting ashamed that terrorist Indian Monkey was caught red-handed while running a vast terrorist network in Pakistan, this idiot Indian Colonel was talking same Indian non-sense that Pakistan is exporting terrorism. This jerk was even denying that India used terrorism to separate East Pakistan even though Indian PM, murderer Modi, has publically taken credit for doing exactly that while creating Bangladesh.
The idiot was also claiming that the Kashmiri children blinded by pellet gun fire by Indians were throwing stones on Indian occupation soldiers. He claimed that freedom fighters have created networks at street level in occupied Kashmir. Isn't that a recognition by this Indian that the freedom movement is supported at gross-roots level in occupied J&K. The people of J&K indeed don't accept illegal Indian occupation.
It is indeed disgrace for any Pakistani TV channel to have such an animal as guest in its program.
This guy was typical Indian retard who believes that repeating lies and falsehood non-stop will turn them into truth. He was continuously lying himself but accusing his host of lying. Rather than getting ashamed that terrorist Indian Monkey was caught red-handed while running a vast terrorist network in Pakistan, this idiot Indian Colonel was talking same Indian non-sense that Pakistan is exporting terrorism. This jerk was even denying that India used terrorism to separate East Pakistan even though Indian PM, murderer Modi, has publically taken credit for doing exactly that while creating Bangladesh.
The idiot was also claiming that the Kashmiri children blinded by pellet gun fire by Indians were throwing stones on Indian occupation soldiers. He claimed that freedom fighters have created networks at street level in occupied Kashmir. Isn't that a recognition by this Indian that the freedom movement is supported at gross-roots level in occupied J&K. The people of J&K indeed don't accept illegal Indian occupation.
It is indeed disgrace for any Pakistani TV channel to have such an animal as guest in its program.

Most indians share these traits.
1- I started to believe this, earlier thrashing this concept...that India actually believes in the Hindutva, Hindu Rakhsha, a greater Hindu India that includes the current Pakistan. This is also the RSS ideology, with subjugation of minorities in the agenda, India is a Hindu nation ideologue, and Modi is from RSS as well as his 80% or more cabinet and ministers. He cannot move from his RSS indoctrination.

2- Modi government gives the performance report of his government to none other than Mohan Bhagwat, the current RSS head. Can be verified by Google search.

3- And Modi and RSS believes in the CHANAKYA state craft, don't know how many people have heard about him, can be Google searched. He CHANAKYA has come up with many state crafts, clever tactics, theories about using, abusing the power, how to manipulate, coerce people and nations through deception, shrewdness and cunning crafts.

- One of the idea is to kill your own people in the wake of any upheaval and blame it on neighbors to gain sympathy, just as in Uri, Pathankot.

- The other is if you have got a strong enemy as a neighbor, makes the neighbors neighbor his enemy and support him, just as it is said, an enemy's enemy is your friend, like using Afghanistan here, there are many more crafts in CHANAKYA bagful of tricks.
1- I started to believe this, earlier thrashing this concept...that India actually believes in the Hindutva, Hindu Rakhsha, a greater Hindu India that includes the current Pakistan. This is also the RSS ideology, with subjugation of minorities in the agenda, India is a Hindu nation ideologue, and Modi is from RSS as well as his 80% or more cabinet and ministers. He cannot move from his RSS indoctrination.

2- Modi government gives the performance report of his government to none other than Mohan Bhagwat, the current RSS head. Can be verified by Google search.

3- And Modi and RSS believes in the CHANAKYA state craft, don't know how many people have heard about him, can be Google searched. He CHANAKYA has come up with many state crafts, clever tactics, theories about using, abusing the power, how to manipulate, coerce people and nations through deception, shrewdness and cunning crafts.

- One of the idea is to kill your own people in the wake of any upheaval and blame it on neighbors to gain sympathy, just as in Uri, Pathankot.

- The other is if you have got a strong enemy as a neighbor, makes the neighbors neighbor his enemy and support him, just as it is said, an enemy's enemy is your friend, like using Afghanistan here, there are many more crafts in CHANAKYA bagful of tricks.
this chankya craft will fall on their collective face like the holly dung of their holy cows when they will go overboard and over confident specially antagonizing China in CPEC.
recently Rohani has trolled the Indians by expressing Iranian interest in joining CPEC.
another setback for Indian Modi's isolate Pakistan drive
this chankya craft will fall on their collective face like the holly dung of their holy cows when they will go overboard and over confident specially antagonizing China in CPEC.
recently Rohani has trolled the Indians by expressing Iranian interest in joining CPEC.
another setback for Indian Modi's isolate Pakistan drive

Did not expect such language from you.
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