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Journalist Iqrar ul Hassan and his team assaulted, striped naked and electrocuted inside IB Headquarters.

Big Tank

Apr 30, 2013
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Interesting that I found no article or discussion regarding this. Journalist Iqrar Ul Hassan and his team were striped naked, torched and electrocuted at sensitive parts after he caught and recorded an IB inspector involved in corruption. Later they decided to take the matter to senior officials at IB HQ, Karachi where they were totally wrecked up upon the orders of Director Rizwan Shah.

It is a well known fact that both FIA and IB are full of corrupt personnel but I could never imagined that they could go to such lengths with a well known Journalist inside their own HQ???

Imagine your second most powerful Intelligence organization responsible primarily for the country's internal security is at heights of corruption and contains filthy personnel. It is clear that Rizwan Shah was trying to save the inspector since he himself would've been involved in corruption. And then we're blaming the Taliban for not taking care of the security when our own primary internal intelligence is rotten out.

I am just wondering what do these barbarians do with common people with no links or media coverage? I'll let you guys imagine that.

@Irfan Baloch @Indus Pakistan @Sainthood 101 @khansaheeb @waz

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Most journalists are black mailers and he is not exception.he does not dare to speak against Malik Riaz.if he had prove against IB officer’s he should give them to relevant authorities and do a program with credible evidence in studio’s.Mike (lighter)in hand of monkey is equally dangerous for society (jungle).

Corrupt people exist almost every where, it's how a society responds to their corruption and injustices once they come to light that differentiates between the sick and healthy ones.
Most journalists are black mailers and he is not exception.he does not dare to speak against Malik Riaz.if he had prove against IB officer’s he should give them to relevant authorities and do a program with credible evidence in studio’s.Mike (lighter)in hand of monkey is equally dangerous for society (jungle).

Mate, are you kidding me? Relevant authorities? I guess BPS 19 IB Director Syed Rizwan Shah was relevant enough. Stop being an azz at such level. You're justifying this act.


Corrupt people exist almost every where, it's how a society responds to their corruption and injustices once they come to light that differentiates between the sick and healthy ones.

That's the problem. If it had happened in Turkey or EU, the whole Agency would've hung by the balls and people would've been out.

Kinda links to what we spoke about earlier briefly... corrupt members of our secondary intelligence agency. Who knows to what extent we are compromised? Country is being run based on someone else's interests, not national interests
Most journalists are black mailers and he is not exception.he does not dare to speak against Malik Riaz.if he had prove against IB officer’s he should give them to relevant authorities and do a program with credible evidence in studio’s.Mike (lighter)in hand of monkey is equally dangerous for society (jungle).

Also, he forgot to ask you before doing it. I will tell him to ask next time ask you before doing any program against police, FIA and IB.

FIA and IB both have massive corruption. Imagine, FIA is unable to take action against Shahbaz Sharif after all money laundering proves. But more interested in busy catching small fishes to get media attention.
But IB committed the biggest sin ... now all Baluch rebel Twitter accounts are active and posting this news.
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Rehman Malik was FIA's director, while being on MI5's payroll...

Why is anyone surprised, the whole country is compromised, military and intelligence are no exception, one need only look at the law and order situation for the past 20 years to know how inept and corrupt our security forces are.
Ju awareness Iqrar ul hassan ne babon k khilaf society mein paida ki hai wo kabl e Tareef hai.

I hope he will continue his journey and will not stop his work.

Evil people exist everywhere and i pray for Iqrar ul hassan that he will be provided with Justice.

I also pray that he will not stop his journey and will continue to unmask the evil people of our society no matter how many hurdles and hardships he face.
Iqrar is doing a great service to society. Pti Too should hire him and his team to track harmakhors -------.

The video evidence helps alot in a summary trail so no more dragging of the case.

Mate, are you kidding me? Relevant authorities? I guess BPS 19 IB Director Syed Rizwan Shah was relevant enough. Stop being an azz at such level. You're justifying this act.

That's the problem. If it had happened in Turkey or EU, the whole Agency would've hung by the balls and people would've been out.

The good thing is they suspended all accused officials.
Ju awareness Iqrar ul hassan ne babon k khilaf society mein paida ki hai wo kabl e Tareef hai.

I hope he will continue his journey and will not stop his work.

Evil people exist everywhere and i pray for Iqrar ul hassan that he will be provided with Justice.

I also pray that he will not stop his journey and will continue to unmask the evil people of our society no matter how many hurdles and hardships he face.
This guy is toooooooooooooooo dareing . His heartbeat is not regular at this moment. Electric shocks have a massive impact on the human body.
Interesting that I found no article or discussion regarding this. Journalist Iqrar Ul Hassan and his team were striped naked, torched and electrocuted at sensitive parts after he caught and recorded an IB inspector involved in corruption. Later they decided to take the matter to senior officials at IB HQ, Karachi where they were totally wrecked up upon the orders of Director Rizwan Shah.

It is a well known fact that both FIA and IB are full of corrupt personnel but I could never imagined that they could go to such lengths with a well known Journalist inside their own HQ???

Imagine your second most powerful Intelligence organization responsible primarily for the country's internal security is at heights of corruption and contains filthy personnel. It is clear that Rizwan Shah was trying to save the inspector since he himself would've been involved in corruption. And then we're blaming the Taliban for not taking care of the security when our own primary internal intelligence is rotten out.

I am just wondering what do these barbarians do with common people with no links or media coverage? I'll let you guys imagine that.

@Irfan Baloch @Indus Pakistan @Sainthood 101 @khansaheeb @waz

Stop talking nonsense , we have few rotten apples like any other agency around the world-'It is a well known fact that both FIA and IB are full of corrupt personnel".
Wow. I didn't know it was IB who attacked him. May Allah swt give him and his team a full recovery.

Iqrar is a national hero.
Stop talking nonsense , we have few rotten apples like any other agency around the world-'It is a well known fact that both FIA and IB are full of corrupt personnel".

Then my friend you're not aware of the History of IB and FIA.

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