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Woman throws acid on husband for remarrying

huh, I wonder then why "Jannah lies under the feet of mothers"

It doesn't...and some mothers dont deserve to be mothers...reproduction is a cultural fad in our society rather than a choice..80% of the mothers I know hated getting pregnant and hate rearing their children...that is why we have high concentration of useless society members who grow up to be criminals and terrorist....as soon as the couple is married the pressure starts building up for reproduction...I have seen enough neglected children to not fall for this false motherhood scam....go to one of those undercover abortion clinics of Karachi and they will tell you the cruel reality of motherhood...
What she will do when nobody helps her to stop her husband for ruining her and their children lives. Nice women should do such acts so that man thinks twice for doing such acts.
True, infact men should be subjected to third degree torture for doing this or may be cutted, sliced, chopped and should be minced for doing second marriage, and by all nice women.

huh, I wonder then why "Jannah lies under the feet of mothers"
Because if Jannah was placed under feet of father then again there would have been another debate. Father are equally important janab.
It doesn't...and some mothers dont deserve to be mothers...reproduction is a cultural fad in our society rather than a choice..80% of the mothers I know hated getting pregnant and hate rearing their children...that is why we have high concentration of useless society members who grow up to be criminals and terrorist....as soon as the couple is married the pressure starts building up for reproduction...I have seen enough neglected children to not fall for this false motherhood scam....go to one of those undercover abortion clinics of Karachi and they will tell you the cruel reality of motherhood...
hadith of Ibn Majah and al-Nasa'i that a man came to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and said, "O Messenger of Allah! I intend to go on a (military) expedition, but I have come to ask your advice." He said, "Is your mother alive?" He said, "Yes." He said, "Then stay with her, for the Garden is under her feet." This latter hadith is declared to be sahih by al-Hakim, al-Dhahabi and al-Mundhiri. --Kashf al-Khafa', no. 1078; Al-Da'ifah, no. 593.

True, infact men should be subjected to third degree torture for doing this or may be cutted, sliced, chopped and should be minced for doing second marriage, and by all nice women.

Because if Jannah was placed under feet of father then again there would have been another debate. Father are equally important janab.
are you saying that Islam placed paradise under the feet of mother just to avoid a debate? what nonsense
hadith of Ibn Majah and al-Nasa'i that a man came to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and said, "O Messenger of Allah! I intend to go on a (military) expedition, but I have come to ask your advice." He said, "Is your mother alive?" He said, "Yes." He said, "Then stay with her, for the Garden is under her feet." This latter hadith is declared to be sahih by al-Hakim, al-Dhahabi and al-Mundhiri. --Kashf al-Khafa', no. 1078; Al-Da'ifah, no. 593.

are you saying that Islam placed paradise under the feet of mother just to avoid a debate? what nonsense
No. :)
Why dont you join jim? Just work on your arms and hands.
Could you elaborate why males in Pakistan still consider second third marriage as their birth right?

A significant number of men in the western world cheat on their wives. But then why should'nt they? It is not illegal.
That is quite sad .. However, you must understand that injustice is not gendered ... you can face it ... male or female BY a male or a female ...
That said, I sincerely hope that your future brings you joy and happiness ...
What if the man throw acid on woman for remarrying. A woman afraid from other woman, but always accused man for it. I wish our moral values turns out against violence and injustice but not on gender base.

@somebozo has problem with mothers. @Casia has problem with step mothers. The police constable who got all the acid has problem with his wife and daughter.... Guys are not understanding, they are subjected to the feminist world... Lol

Joke aside, the woman and her daughter have done a heinous crime. They should be subjected to the acid attack
My mother was already given a boot by my father and he has two other wives..for time being i felt bad about it..but a logical analysis says the opposite...why should a man in case my father put up useless shit from a woman???? We show over sympathy in such cases towards women...but a logical analysis says opposite...a woman does not bring anything to the marriage to the table...the whole family lives off the man income...so a woman cannot squeeze the man around..eventually he will crack one day!
Friend you are seriously hard against women.
Yes what she did in no way can be justified, She destroyed whole family including herself and childern. She should be jailed and get hard punishment
@somebozo has problem with mothers. @Casia has problem with step mothers. The police constable who got all the acid has problem with his wife and daughter.... Guys are not understanding, they are subjected to the feminist world... Lol

Joke aside, the woman and her daughter have done a heinous crime. They should be subjected to the acid attack

I have seen too many marriage fraud and generally came to terms than women marry for money and having a useful future..because lets face it..no father will have his daughter sit at home and eat all life...if you sit with a rishtaa karaan wali aunty...i guarantee you in one hour you will be disgusted by women!
Marrying a second time without taking first wife into confidence is wrong. Throwing acid on another person is also wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right. I can only pray that the indian muslim family finds peace in their own way.
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