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US backs India-Iran Chabahar port deal as it outflanks China-Pakistan Gwadar project

There is one side of me, the ardent friend of decent Pakistanis, that wishes very, very hard that the minuscule sliver of liberal democrats will prevail, that democratic values tinctured by the nobler aspects of Islam will prevail.

And there is the other gloomy side.............................

focus on your own gloomy sides (plural emphasized) and don't worry about ours
The US under Obama has been extremely "supportive" to the Iranians. This will change under Trump and Clinton, and the Chahbahar Port might also come into the limelight.
Chahbar is one way traffic..and without indian subsidies..it is not much of worth to civilian maritime...most likely it is will be used by indian shipping companies...

Except they don't have this baniya mentality where money is everything.

And after the Kuldeep Yadev episode I don't think Pakistan is going to sit quite and let Indian goods pass through Southern Afghanistan.

the current flaring up of Afghan refugees and their susequent return to Afghanistan will create the necessary camouflage to slip in thousand of fighters and sleeper cells necessary for future proxy confrontation and denial of freight transit routes to Indians...Anyone who thinks we are weak or incapable of action should remember these powerful images of Nato tankers burning...

If we can do this to NATO...much worst awaits the Indians!!!


Chahbar is one way traffic..and without indian subsidies..it is not much of worth to civilian maritime...most likely it is will be used by indian shipping companies...

the current flaring up of Afghan refugees and their susequent return to Afghanistan will create the necessary camouflage to slip in thousand of fighters and sleeper cells necessary for future proxy confrontation and denial of freight transit routes to Indians...Anyone who thinks we are weak or incapable of action should remember these powerful images of Nato tankers burning...

If we can do this to NATO...much worst awaits the Indians!!!

After Chahbahar there won't be any tankers to burn
Chahbar is one way traffic..and without indian subsidies..it is not much of worth to civilian maritime...most likely it is will be used by indian shipping companies...

the current flaring up of Afghan refugees and their susequent return to Afghanistan will create the necessary camouflage to slip in thousand of fighters and sleeper cells necessary for future proxy confrontation and denial of freight transit routes to Indians...Anyone who thinks we are weak or incapable of action should remember these powerful images of Nato tankers burning...

If we can do this to NATO...much worst awaits the Indians!!!


Chabahar is gearing up to outflank the port of Karachi. The US has had its watershed moment with Pakistan, and the alliance between India, Afghanistan, and US will be signed in the spheres of economic, political, and military next week in Washington DC
Chabahar is gearing up to outflank the port of Karachi. The US has had its watershed moment with Pakistan, and the alliance between India, Afghanistan, and US will be signed in the spheres of economic, political, and military next week in Washington DC

Its already there. Need it be formalised? Unlike many members here championing the cause of Pakistan on a possible convergence of Russo-Chinese interests in the region thereby rendering support to Pakistan and a supposed eagerness of Russia to fill a potential gap with Pakistan, my take premises on the wider considerations of Russia having already secured its aims of access to 'warm waters' through Iran and Chahbahar fiiting neatly into place with the overall scheme. Further, the possible increment in Indian efforts in stabilising Afghanistan along with US and convergence of Iranian interests in the same as also meeting Russian security objectives for allaying its fears in central asian republic of chechnya, has further strengthened my opinion that an increased convergence of interest between Russia-US and Iran-India-Afghanistan is taking place, and Pakistan is the party likely to loose the maximum here. The Chinese are being isolated in this area on the larger question of SCS and Russia would be interested in having the Chinese aim of CPEC being undermined as it leaves China heavily dependent on Russia to meet its energy requirements.

That it fits the US aim to bottle China and leave it at US' mercy in SCS, goes without saying.

A classical game of leverage being played out here.

@Syed.Ali.Haider your comments?

@Joe Shearer Your comments? Does it make any sense?

@Indika from your other post to @Levina

@nair .... Request muse over the above thought process with a historical perspective and future considerations please.

@anant_s @Nilgiri

@Stephen Cohen

Read and get back
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The size and strength of Chinese economy/trade and how it effects the global economy, Vs the three countries involved , India, Iran and Afghanistan, in this wet dream to "out flank" Pakistan and China!! What they are going to export among themselves? Pan parag, dry fruits, Afghan hasish?

Do the yanks know that Pakistan and China give monkies to these silly shinanigans as it has zero effect on the purpose for which CPEC was envisage.

Iran would act stupid if it wants to be part of this so called "outflanking" of China and Pakistan, if there is such thing! They can kiss goodbye to the world biggest market and power hungry nation which is China. CPEC would easily give them the shortest possible route to export their oil and gas to China.

As for India, ofcourse, there is no doubt they are working on this after getting the nod from the sugardaddy, the uncle sam.

No dear you have gravely mistaken, Chabahar is not only for Indo-Iran-Afghan purpose, in long term it will be a part of International North–South Transport Corridor. It is a big idea conceived long before CPEC was ever thought and is now in it's final stages of development. Already a dry run has been completed I guess.

Moreover Chabahar is an alternative for India to ignore Pakistan and to reach Afghanistan as you have already denied us land access, so India is left with no other option. :)

Chahbar is one way traffic..and without indian subsidies..it is not much of worth to civilian maritime...most likely it is will be used by indian shipping companies...

the current flaring up of Afghan refugees and their susequent return to Afghanistan will create the necessary camouflage to slip in thousand of fighters and sleeper cells necessary for future proxy confrontation and denial of freight transit routes to Indians...Anyone who thinks we are weak or incapable of action should remember these powerful images of Nato tankers burning...

If we can do this to NATO...much worst awaits the Indians!!!



And you expect India-Afghanistan to send back a bunch of roses in reply ??? :p:
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we dont have any issues with who controls who or what in afghanistan we made a deal with afghan government and its there problem to give the route required security as for taliban why will they create problems for there own people in getting rich and getting new source of income just because india is building it and its coming thru iran ?

your so so wrong brother Chahbahar is not in any way against Chinese intersts or there New Silk Road to central asia and Europe

see take a map and see the diffrence between Kashgar to nearest production facilty /manufacturing cities in China and there distance from kashghar and Gawadar and how much distance china needs to cover to send its goods to central asia and Euorope (new silk road)



now tell me what will be chinas priority to do trade waia land in Xi’an in central China before stretching west through Lanzhou (Gansu province), Urumqi (Xinjiang), and Khorgas (Xinjiang), which is near the border with Kazakhstan. The Silk Road then runs southwest from Central Asia to northern Iran before swinging west through Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. From Istanbul, the Silk Road crosses the Bosporus Strait and heads northwest through Europe, including Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic, and Germany. Reaching Duisburg in Germany, it swings north to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. From Rotterdam, the path runs south to Venice, Italy

or the CEPC where it again has to cover all the pakistan land distance after passing to karakoram pass to reach gawadar where the good will again be loaded on ships to join maratime silk route (why will they not keep using the orignal Silk Road or the maratime silk route)

in short :

1. CEPC is just Plan B /Insurence policy for trade if the chinese martime trade is effected in SCS to mallacka straits to bay of bengal to suez canal and beyond think about it

2. Chahbahaar corridoar is not even compition to chinese trade corridoar /New Silk route /Maratime Silk Route
Its not plan b for Chinese as they will reduce cost and time through cpec and both are necessary for good business point of view so ur points are invalid
Chahbar when start and finish then it will be compare ,gawader is deep sea port to hold 200k tones of cargo while chahbar will be 20k only so major cargo traffic will through cpec even for Afghanistan lol
If pak won't allow Indian ships to use there waters they have to come from much far that will make more costly and time .....
So ur deal with devil will not work !bad luck :toast_sign:
Its not plan b for Chinese as they will reduce cost and time through cpec and both are necessary for good business point of view so ur points are invalid
Chahbar when start and finish then it will be compare ,gawader is deep sea port to hold 200k tones of cargo while chahbar will be 20k only so major cargo traffic will through cpec even for Afghanistan lol
If pak won't allow Indian ships to use there waters they have to come from much far that will make more costly and time .....
So ur deal with devil will not work !bad luck :toast_sign:

As I have quoted before, Chabhar for India is part of a much bigger story than you guy's assume. It will be one of our main connectivity to central Asia and beyond not just Afghanistan. Please read about, International North–South Transport Corridor.

Moreover can you please enlighten me how can Pakistan deny Indian ships from operating in international waters and Iranian waters, what right do you have to do that ?? As far as I know, as per UN convention, a countries territorial waters are limited upto 12 nautical miles ( something around 23 K.M's I guess)


Or do you mean Pakistan is gonna declare a war if we operate from Chabhar ?? LOL :p:
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Chabahar port deal won't work that easy for india. There will always be trouble for indian ships to move to chabahar. If they take the long route pirates will hussle them but short route they have to pay Pakistan to go to Chabahar :p:
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Chabahar port deal won't work that easy for india. There will always be trouble for indian ships to move to chabahar.
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So what exactly are you trying to say ?? The image that you provided explains about EEZ ( Exclusive Economic Zone) which gives Pakistan exclusive right to exploit the resources of the sea and seabed from that region. Well how does that stop Indian container/ business vessels traversing through that region since it is clearly international water, as a countries territorial water is limited to 12 NM.



The surface waters, as can be seen in the image, are international waters.

Try to understand the facts before make absurd comments mate. :p:
India, Afghanistan, and US
And let me guess. Iran is secret love of USA in all this? I think only Iran has greater hate of Israel after Pakistan. Hate of Israel at that level buy's you automatic American hostility. Trump or Clinton, Iran is the country they love to hate in USA.

And you think all this is going turn up side down?

Link > http://www.hngn.com/articles/24874/...ate-gallup-poll-ranks-loved-hated-nations.htm

Ps. Iran is only second to North Koreas as being the most hated country in US. Public opinion is formed by media which normally reflect national policy. Iran is almost a dirty word in USA.
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View attachment 330334
Chabahar port deal won't work that easy for india. There will always be trouble for indian ships to move to chabahar. If they take the long route pirates will hussle them but short route they have to pay Pakistan to go to Chabahar :p:
View attachment 330333

How exactly India is supposed to pay Pakistan for shipping over international waters ?? What right do you have over international waters?? LOL :p:

Can you please explain ?? :-)
View attachment 330334
Chabahar port deal won't work that easy for india. There will always be trouble for indian ships to move to chabahar. If they take the long route pirates will hussle them but short route they have to pay Pakistan to go to Chabahar :p:

I'm glad you posted this. This was becoming such a dull day. Any more?
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