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SUPARCO is sleeping! Can someone wake it up?

It is under SPD already.
As per Official website of SUPARCO:

"On 10 December 2000, the Cabinet Division issued an Office Order No. 564, through its Notification No. 5/11/2000-Admin.II., whereby, in pursuance of the order of the Chief Executive of Pakistan, SUPARCO Commission was transferred from Cabinet Division to the National Command Authority (NCA); the Space Research Council and Executive Committee of Space Research Council were dissolved and were replaced with Development Control Committee (DCC) of NCA."

What i know is that SPD itself is part of NCA and am not sure if SUPARCO was sanctioned as subsidiary of SPD or was given directly under NCA. Nonetheless officially it is under NCA.
& there is no similarities !?
Wow what a pathetic logic, "similarities"....Surprise surprise...Most of the cars in the same category look very similar...an engine bonnet/compartment, a passenger cabin, a trunk, four wheels, two side mirrors, two head lights, etc....even sometimes painted in the same colors....so a brainless pathetic guy would conclude hence all the cars are actually made by one manufacturer and painted in different colors and marketed under different brands. right?
I wish you had some knowledge of ballistics and aerodynamics, the shapes of missiles are determined by aerodyanmic forces, payload range, guidance systems especially the external control systems, Tell you what the aerodynamics laws are the same in the whole world, thus missiles in different from countries but in the same category would share more commonalities/similarities with each other than the missiles in a different category from the same country. Shaheen missile has gone so many variations that an expert can see but for a layman those are not obvious.
As per Official website of SUPARCO:

"On 10 December 2000, the Cabinet Division issued an Office Order No. 564, through its Notification No. 5/11/2000-Admin.II., whereby, in pursuance of the order of the Chief Executive of Pakistan, SUPARCO Commission was transferred from Cabinet Division to the National Command Authority (NCA); the Space Research Council and Executive Committee of Space Research Council were dissolved and were replaced with Development Control Committee (DCC) of NCA."

What i know is that SPD itself is part of NCA and am not sure if SUPARCO was sanctioned as subsidiary of SPD or was given directly under NCA. Nonetheless officially it is under NCA.
I am currently dealing with an issue regarding the Institute of Space Technology, SUPARCO and SPD and I know for a fact the DG SPD is Chairman SUPARCOs superior. I don't know how official that is or whether it is on any website but the hierarchy is that. DG SPD is above all chairmans of SUPARCO, NESCOM etc.
Look its going to take time. Our economy is just starting resurge. The 2008-2013 was the most corrupt govt we ever had and with that economy plummeted as well as our growth. The govt took so many loans but nothing happened. Loadshedding in urban areas and cities like lahore 12-14 hours. On top of it in that era we had massive terrorism hit our nation. We are currently trying to get back on our feet and try to produce energy to combat loadsheeding as well as projects to combat gas loadshedding whilst also trying to bring development to FATA and balochistan and fence and regulate a 2450 km border....

We need to first get back on our feet. Hopefully we will be setting some funds for suparco aside in the future.
I am currently dealing with an issue regarding the Institute of Space Technology, SUPARCO and SPD and I know for a fact the DG SPD is Chairman SUPARCOs superior. I don't know how official that is or whether it is on any website but the hierarchy is that. DG SPD is above all chairmans of SUPARCO, NESCOM etc.
Having first hand of info with regards to access to IST, can U enlighten us whats the mood out there right now in SUPARCO?
@SOHEIL yar technology can come from anywhere.. we in India did not develop all these inhouse, many of these are reverse engineered.. some are direct tech transfer from russia..
what we are discussing is, why pakistan is not in space tech.. in my opinion its a incorrect question because it assumes everybody is in space tech and pakistan is losing out.. that is not the case, as very few countries make own satellites and fewer still have launch tech... its a matter of priority and I would yield to the intellect of pakistani leaders who make the decision about priorities of pakistan.
Having first hand of info with regards to access to IST, can U enlighten us whats the mood out there right now in SUPARCO?
I think I've shed some light on the issue in previous posts in this thread :)
The primary purpose of Space tech more or less is for defense if you consider USA,China or Indian efforts.

I am curious to learn more from you. What defence purposes and objectives have been met by ISRO?

Exactly .
Perhaps ISRO cant offer the types of perks like that of MNC's

Primary purpose would be ,should be always pure scientifiic oriented .
Defense and other civilian purpose are just a spin off this researches ,would be always a second priority

Not entirely correct. My batch-mate from IIM Calcutta, an IIT Madras engineer before that, and another IIM Ahmedabad bloke, a year senior, were both ISRO people I knew personally. I can't give you statistics, but ISRO was a prestigeous organisation and people our vintage used to join it.
Well ,you are wrong .
This is not about mastering in a specific subject .But more about innovating in certain fields .
ISRO current and earlier gen most of them from South Indian Govt colleges .Not IIT's
If I am not wrong ,former ISRO Chairman G Madhavan Nair was from CET ,Trivandrum , and Radhakrishnan was from Govt Engineering college Thrissur .And their trade was Electronics and Electrical Eng repectively.

I was about to make a sweeping statement and stopped myself in time. It would also have been a very indiscreet statement. Let's just say that electrical and electronic engineers proved to be the best for any real-time work, and that they did some truly amazing work for space even outside ISRO.
@SOHEIL .. we in India did not develop all these inhouse, many of these are reverse engineered.. some are direct tech transfer from russia..

And....you got all his information from where??? Kindly post some genuine sources.

"We in India" doesn't sound right from you from most of your posts.
Wow what a pathetic logic, "similarities"....Surprise surprise...Most of the cars in the same category look very similar...an engine bonnet/compartment, a passenger cabin, a trunk, four wheels, two side mirrors, two head lights, etc....even sometimes painted in the same colors....so a brainless pathetic guy would conclude hence all the cars are actually made by one manufacturer and painted in different colors and marketed under different brands. right?
I wish you had some knowledge of ballistics and aerodynamics, the shapes of missiles are determined by aerodyanmic forces, payload range, guidance systems especially the external control systems, Tell you what the aerodynamics laws are the same in the whole world, thus missiles in different from countries but in the same category would share more commonalities/similarities with each other than the missiles in a different category from the same country. Shaheen missile has gone so many variations that an expert can see but for a layman those are not obvious.

Both @SOHEIL and @amardeep mishra have made their grounding in space technology quite clear. If they say something, I am inclined to believe them. They don't need certificates at this stage. Challengers do.

And....you got all his information from where??? Kindly post some genuine sources.

"We in India" doesn't sound right from you from most of your posts.

What about the cryogenic engines that are being taken apart for analysis?

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