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The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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Nope, you don't have to wait until the large majority of corsicans rise up again to demand for another independence to carry out the referendum. Russia/Putin can help you out do it earlier.......huh......luckily for you, you are not in eastern Europe close to them so it will be hard for their military to help carry out such a legitimate referendum.:rolleyes:

I'm no russophobe as it seems you are. I let you go on with your schoolyard conversation alone.
Pfff! I'm not even left . So now its an ad personam attack ? Is that the only kind of argument you have ? I think that you have a low opinion of democracy as you accept it only when you like the result.

FYI separatism in Corsica is rising (around 35% last election) and if one day they want to separate from us then yes we'll have to accept it.

EDIT: waz quote err
Sounds more and more like Putin False Flagger...
I'm no russophobe as it seems you are. I let you go on with your schoolyard conversation alone.

I was merely using your 'legitimate' referundum logic mate. You stil don't get it ? Lool

The moment You would issue a Russophobe statement,
You would lose Your employment as the Mouth of Sauron, sorry Putin...

Lool :D:enjoy:
You seem to be rejoicing at the though of the downfall of the UK, your numerous silly smile icons are proof enough, hence my comment on why your "concerns" are not needed. Do you label yourself as an American out of curiosity?

Now you are simply lying through your teeth. numerous smileys? I wrote 4 posts addressing you and used a grand total of ONE smiley, as many as you did in your replies. So stop being silly. You seem to be pressed for no apparent reason. I am an outside observer. The whole event has been fascinating to watch but I am not deeply concerned either way. I am neither rejoicing nor regretting anything, it does not affect me. But why do you care anyway? You seem happy enough that your side won. Or do you get pissy when someone points out any potential fallout like I did? I do think that Scotland's independence is a real possibility now. It appears you don't agree with me, so good for you. Let's see how things unfold in the future. Also I am an Indian citizen with no future plans to change it.

I read more than half the people who signed that petition aren't even British nor live in the UK. Some of them are from far flung countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Yemen, Morocco, etc. :lol: i wonder why they were so against Britain leaving the E.U.?

Second EU referendum petition investigated for fraud

The House of Commons petitions committee is investigating allegations of fraud in connection with a petition calling for a second EU referendum.

Its inquiry is focused on the possibility that some names could be fraudulent - 77,000 signatures have already been removed.

More than 3.2 million signatures are on the petition, but PM David Cameron has said there will be no second vote.

The UK voted by 52% to 48% to leave the EU in Thursday's referendum.

Helen Jones, who chairs the cross-party petitions committee, said in a statement posted on Twitter that it was taking the allegations "very seriously".

'A range of views'
"People adding fraudulent signatures to this petition should know that they undermine the cause they pretend to support," she said.

The committee will consider the petition at its meeting next week and decide whether to schedule a debate on it, Ms Jones said.

"That doesn't mean that the committee will be deciding whether or not it agrees with the petition - just whether or not it should be debated.

"Any debate would allow a range of views to be expressed."

A number of people on Twitter have pointed out that some people appear to have signed the petition from outside the UK.

Only British citizens or UK residents are permitted to sign the petition, including Britons based abroad.

The House of Commons petitions committee said it will continue to monitor the petition for "suspicious activity".

The petition has more signatures than any other on the parliamentary website.

BBC political correspondent Iain Watson says the petition has attracted a lot of attention but has no chance of being enacted, because it is asking for retrospective legislation.

Our correspondent says some referendums do have thresholds but those clauses must be inserted in legislation before the vote so everyone is clear about the rules.

You cannot simply invent new hurdles if you are on the losing side, our correspondent says.

Mr Cameron said on Friday he would stand down as prime minister by October following the leave result.

@Steve781 @flamer84 @mike2000 is back @Vauban
I read more than half the people who signed that petition aren't even British nor live in the UK. Some of them are from far flung countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Yemen, Morocco, etc. :lol: i wonder why they were so against Britain leaving the E.U.?

Second EU referendum petition investigated for fraud

The House of Commons petitions committee is investigating allegations of fraud in connection with a petition calling for a second EU referendum.

Its inquiry is focused on the possibility that some names could be fraudulent - 77,000 signatures have already been removed.

More than 3.2 million signatures are on the petition, but PM David Cameron has said there will be no second vote.

The UK voted by 52% to 48% to leave the EU in Thursday's referendum.

Helen Jones, who chairs the cross-party petitions committee, said in a statement posted on Twitter that it was taking the allegations "very seriously".

'A range of views'
"People adding fraudulent signatures to this petition should know that they undermine the cause they pretend to support," she said.

The committee will consider the petition at its meeting next week and decide whether to schedule a debate on it, Ms Jones said.

"That doesn't mean that the committee will be deciding whether or not it agrees with the petition - just whether or not it should be debated.

"Any debate would allow a range of views to be expressed."

A number of people on Twitter have pointed out that some people appear to have signed the petition from outside the UK.

Only British citizens or UK residents are permitted to sign the petition, including Britons based abroad.

The House of Commons petitions committee said it will continue to monitor the petition for "suspicious activity".

The petition has more signatures than any other on the parliamentary website.

BBC political correspondent Iain Watson says the petition has attracted a lot of attention but has no chance of being enacted, because it is asking for retrospective legislation.

Our correspondent says some referendums do have thresholds but those clauses must be inserted in legislation before the vote so everyone is clear about the rules.

You cannot simply invent new hurdles if you are on the losing side, our correspondent says.

Mr Cameron said on Friday he would stand down as prime minister by October following the leave result.

@Steve781 @flamer84 @mike2000 is back @Vauban
Makes no difference anyway. There will be no secound referundum on brexit neither will there be one for scotland. Period. All these talks are just emotions rather than common sense. :)
The moment You would issue a Russophobe statement,
You would lose Your employment as the Mouth of Sauron, sorry Putin...

You have to live with the fact that the french do not hate russians,do not consider Russia as ennemy,are not afraid of Russia,aren't 'paranoids' about a russian invasion,nor even hate Putin. (of course he isn't perfect,but what about our leaders?)
Russia should be considered as a partner instead of an enemy. @BRICSFTW @Parul@vostok
You have to live with the fact that the french do not hate russians,do not consider Russia as ennemy,are not afraid of Russia,aren't 'paranoids' about a russian invasion,nor even hate Putin. (of course he isn't perfect,but what about our leaders?)
Russia should be considered as a partner instead of an enemy. @BRICSFTW @Parul@vostok
And France has always been synonymous of beauty, high culture, advanced technology and refinement in Russia. Our countries were allies in both world wars, and France was friendly to the people of Russia even during the Soviet era.
You have to live with the fact that the french do not hate russians,do not consider Russia as ennemy,are not afraid of Russia,aren't 'paranoids' about a russian invasion,nor even hate Putin. (of course he isn't perfect,but what about our leaders?)
Russia should be considered as a partner instead of an enemy. @BRICSFTW @Parul@vostok
From what I can see there are 4 countries that actually hate Russia with passion - Baltic states and Poland, probably can put Romania here as well, bcs of Moldova.
But since Ukraine crisis the relations between Russia and Europe get really bad.Imo if Sarkozy is elected president, our relations will get better, not just Russo-French but with all EU as well.Tbh I really like his way of thinking about what happened in last 2 years.

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