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Pakistan working on Nuclear Submarine ?

Recently Germany has offered Type 14 to India at least six submarines.
World is disturbing regional balance.
Pakistan should try for it, if we succeed in this effort Pakistan will be come as a super power, I am looking that the western countries are offering India for some kinds of weapons. Pakistan should try for nuke weapons, the west has closed the doors for Pakistan for the conventional weapons, We have the only one path to develop our nuke assets. Thanks west.
MTC and a directorate PAEC were working together to develop a miniaturised nuclear power plant for subsea / submarine purposes like a decade ago. I'm not sure about the current status but the next step was to integrate with a submarine either in Agosta-90 B or a totally new. It may be the new Chinese submarines or Pakistan embarks upon a totally new design with China or another country.

Pakistan should try for it, if we succeed in this effort Pakistan will be come as a super power, I am looking that the western countries are offering India for some kinds of weapons. Pakistan should try for nuke weapons, the west has closed the doors for Pakistan for the conventional weapons, We have the only one path to develop our nuke assets. Thanks west.
Nuclear submarine will contribute a lot in safeguarding the nation and the 2nd strike capability....but it CANNOT transform any country into a superpower. Please revisit your definition of superpower.
Yes those so called half cooked theories mostly turn out to be true. Pakistan has developed small nuclear plants for its submarines and work was completed few years ago. Really soon Pakistan will begin work on building its nuclear submarines. Initally we would go for two nuclear submarines.
I dont know what if your defination of "turning out to be true" dear.

Again, may be you are better informed. I don't know you so cannot challenge the information. If you can challenge mine without knowing where it is coming from,, its your own intelligence :) what can i say sir!

Also keeping in view your attitude in almost all of other procurement plans, i feel much more confident believing what i have been told and come to know over the last 10-15 years or so about this project. One last time, the work on nuclear propulsion was being carried out back in 2000s but was then put on back burned later in that decade. There were plans to revive it some 3 4 years ago but nothing really kicked on and it status remains the same. Now i quote you with this information one last time. Whether you believe this or not is up to you, free will and all you know. You may choose to believe that our nuclear sub is already under construction and will be launched from Salt mines in the next two years or whatever. :) Or keep talking about a "small nuclear plant" (which by no means equals nuclear propulsion). Any idea who was making that sir?

Remember 2012 announcement on PTV that in 5 year time Pakistan will get a nuclear Sub. There was a hugh thread on PDF on this as well. Spread that hugh investment on a timescale of 10-12 years just as what we did with our Nuclear program and voila, we will have a nuke sub

2012 was when there plans to revive the project that was up and running from at least 2001 (that is when i came to know about it first). However, unfortunately, nothing really happened that is worth mentioning and the project remains as it was, cold. For now at least. There was a very valid argument presented in the initial pages.

Hello All
Please let me know where are we making this N-Sub, Is there any hidden Sub making facility in any of Our Mountains,??????
And from where we are getting the Material that is required to make the body of SUB,?????? R we making that in Pakistan ?? Where?? And What About Other Hundreds of Systems???
And In Last we only have very few like 2 to 3 sites where we can make Subs or where Sub making facilities are available , And USA AND All other Countries don't know or have Any Idea that we are making a N-Sub and it will come out in 2020, Almost ready in one piece and soon going for Sea Trials...:D:D:D:D

Thank You All and looking for sold answer!!!!!!!!!

This is for you too @Viper0011. . I hope you wont feel offended, it is a debate and i am just quoting a post that asked some valid questions here. Do respecct your views anyway!

Unless we claim that there is some secret sea that borders us where we have a secrete submarine construction facility, the claims of a sub coming out in 4 5 years or one being under construction should be taken with pinch of salt. The fact is that we worked on only one single aspect of a nuclear submarine, a nuclear propulsion system. That too is sort of on hold for now. Leave all the other necessary sub systems aside.Saying that a nuclear sub is under construction or it will be launched in three years etc is far fetched! WHERE ARE WE MAKING IT? :)

I am quite sure that the next few years will see PN getting busy with conventional submarines. That is all unless @Horus here knows something thing that we don't know. My Argument in based on the information that dates back to December 2015 (so not that old considering how such projects progress). If he feels appropriate, he will surely shed some light on this as i have asked in a previous post as well.

Both. SLCM is not a guarante for second strike. We need SLBM which requires a nuke powered subs. We've been hearing about a minitaruized nuke reactor for sub since 2006. Perhaps @Arsalan can shed light on this matter as well

There is no smoke without a fire. So if we decide to go for nuke sub, 10-12 year timeperiod will be resonable because we are not starting from scratch, foundations are being laid for this thing since 2006

2001 at least as per my information. The main task in that project that originally was for designing a nuclear marine propulsion system, the miniaturizing of a reactor

was one of the key tasks that that was dealt with. That is when the project was laid to rest do to many reasons that we may never know for sure but that wont stop anyone from speculating!

Sorry for the lengthy reply but i have i have addressed most of the issues.
MTC and a directorate PAEC were working together to develop a miniaturized nuclear power plant for subsea / submarine purposes like a decade ago. I'm not sure about the current status but the next step was to integrate with a submarine either in Agosta-90 B or a totally new. It may be the new Chinese submarines or Pakistan embarks upon a totally new design with China or another country.

Nuclear submarine will contribute a lot in safeguarding the nation and the 2nd strike capability....but it CANNOT transform any country into a superpower. Please revisit your definition of superpower.

You are correct and last time in Musharraf time they stated that Pakistan have capacity to build nuclear subs in 2006 and he also stated that Pakistan develop nuclear reactor that can be used in Nuclear subs.
Game Theory suggests that nuclear subs are the next logical step for Pak to reach the Nash equilibrium vis-a-vis India in this regard - only to push the stakes to the next level. Pak has never failed to surprise with defense procurements to leave the Ehl-i Iman to say Elhamdulillah, SubhanAllah etc. - powerful enough to tilt the Mizan el-Ekber toward Jennet ..
Will you elaborate how Game theory suggest that nuke subs are next logical step...for Pak to reach nash equilibrium with india..................
Zarvan's sources are mostly Facebook posts. Hardly reliable.
Our Navy is world class even most distinguished senior Pakistani members on PDF would give credit to the IN. Is JF-17 a bad fighter because it has had 2 crashes? no because there is always things outside our control or human error but learning is key.
When did the 2 crashes happen?

Only 1 jet crashed due to a bird strike.. When did the second happen?

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