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Most French people think Islam is incompatible with nation's values: PM


Feb 25, 2014
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Manuel Valls also revived the controversial topic of Islamic head coverings, calling for the headscarf to be banned in French universitites


French PM Manuel Valls during a ministerial meeting on Equality and Citizenship on 13 April (AFP)

Most French people believe that Islam is incompatible with the values of the country at large, the French prime minister claimed on Wednesday.

“Secularism is in our DNA,” Manuel Valls told French daily Liberation, saying that he believes in the “universal values” of France.

“The Republic [of France] was founded in opposition to the power of the Catholic church," he said. “Today, secularism is facing the rise of radical Islam, but also the place of Islam [in general] in our societies."

“I wish we were able to demonstrate that Islam, the second religion in France, is compatible with the Republic, democracy, our values and equality between men and women. A majority of our citizens doubt it," he added.

During the lengthy interview Valls also called for Islamic headscarves to be banned at universities in France.

Asked whether he would support a ban on the headscarf – not just the face covering – worn by some Muslim women at university, Valls replied that “it should be done”.

Noting constitutional difficulties entailed in implementing such a law, though, he called for authorities to be “uncompromising on the rules of secularism in higher education”.

Women’s religious attire has long been a controversial issue in France. In 2004, France became one of the first European states to ban headscarves and other religious clothing from state schools.

In 2011, then-president Nicholas Sarkozy implemented a controversial complete ban on the Islamic face veil in all public spaces. While the ban also covers balaclavas and hoods, the ban has been criticised for targeting Muslims.

A Pew Forum study, published in January 2011, estimated that there were 4.7 million Muslims in France in 2010 out of a population of around 65 million, saying that this number could rise to a forecast 6.9 million in 2030. Most of the Muslim population comes from former French colonies like Morocco and Tunisia.

@Vauban This brings to fore a very fundamental question that I have tried to resolve but thus far failed to get a clear answer. Is secularism compatible and or acceptable in Islam?

I have asked quite a few religious members here and in real life but not got satisfactory answer. Most people will go all ot against secularism say in Pakistan. In other words they regard secularism as a anathema to Islam but the same people don't see a problem with muslim's migrating to secular countries like France. In my opinion if secularism is unacceptable and contra Islam inside Pakistan then it is equally deleterious to a Muslim in secular France. Bottom line no mUslim should chose to move or live in France.

However from what I see it appears to be one rule there and another rule here.

No offense but you seem to be using the wrong word there.
@Vauban This brings to fore a very fundamental question that I have tried to resolve but thus far failed to get a clear answer. Is secularism compatible and or acceptable in Islam?

I have asked quite a few religious members here and in real life but not got satisfactory answer. Most people will go all ot against secularism say in Pakistan. In other words they regard secularism as a anathema to Islam but the same people don't see a problem with muslim's migrating to secular countries like France. In my opinion if secularism is unacceptable and contra Islam inside Pakistan then it is equally deleterious to a Muslim in secular France. Bottom line no mUslim should chose to move or live in France.

However from what I see it appears to be one rule there and another rule here.

No offense but you seem to be using the wrong word there.

Economic gains triumph religious beliefs for most people. So there you have it - there is no conundrum, it just that people have different priorities assigned and given a choice b/w a relatively peaceful and prosperous lives in France vs a Sharia compliant one in say Syria or Afghanistan we know what people like to choose.

It's an another matter that once they get entry into strictly secular societies, they try to change or resist the laws and values of the host nation and this where it gets problematic. People enter these countries knowing fully well what they are signing up for and breaking that commitment to adhere to the laws leads to all sorts of tensions and blowbacks.
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France is a real secular country (unlike an certain sharia republic in south asia) and islamists will get the proverbial kick in the nuts from the french.
France is a real secular country (unlike an certain sharia republic in south asia) and islamists will get the proverbial kick in the nuts from the french.
That's right, crime never existed before Muslims came to France, right? Non-Muslim French people are all angels.

Racism? Doesn't exist.

Bigotry? Leftist propaganda.

Economic inequality? What are you, a communist?

A terrorist attack? It's obviously Sharia's fault, never mind the fact that far right terrorism is far more prevalent, yet under-reported.

France has never meddled in other nation's affairs, it's never had an interventionist policy, nope, never.
Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

It's very easy to blame Islam, Muslims and Sharia, when you don't want to admit that national policies and history are mainly to blame for your problems.

What you're doing is not only wrong, it's intellectually dishonest.

When you oversimplify the situation, you lose vital information.

France's "secularism" is flawed. Secularism isn't the absence of religion, it's neutrality on religion; not support one religion over another. What is happening in France is that policies are being made that technically say they target all religions, but are mainly designed to target non-Christian religions, mainly Islam.

When a state dictates what you can and cannot wear, what you can and cannot say, what you can and cannot believe, that's fascism slowly setting in.

'So This Is How Liberty Dies...With Thunderous Applause'

It's sad that a movie is more correct than politicians are.
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French people are not secular they are cutter christian as the christian of 700 AD, but their 2nd face is secular to show the world.
Here we go another Anti Muslim hate thread created by an European. @WebMaster please keep a check on these threads. These threads add nothing to discussion except hatred. These Europeans want every one to believe that despite their violent wars against Muslims states they are not violent rather they are the victims then you have these iconic Hindu cheerleaders from across the border and of course Muslim people defending their stance on all issues. These threads yield NOTHING.
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Redulf Hitler defeated France in only 12 hrs.Was Hitler a Muslim terrorist.
France is an intolerant country that will soon become irrelevant in the world so who would care anymore then?

Who is left? Muslims blame USA of being most anti-islam, waging wars against muslims all over, French are "intolerant" so are Belgians (banning headscarf), Russkies are klilling innocent muslims in Chechnya, Indians are well.... most communal, Burmese buddhists are killing Rohingyas, Swiss are bad because they deported muslim family as they denied shaking hands with women, Chinese are banning fasting in ramadan or face veils... not to say the torture of Uyghur muslims..... It seems its simply a clash of civilisation..... Muslims vs the rest.

PS: I don't blame Islam. Every religion is good but its the followers who make it shallow and perhaps.... violent. Today, undoubtedly muslims are well ahead of the pack in this regard.
I wonder what the reaction would have been if a Muslim MP spewed such hatred against minorities in a Muslim state?
Will be labelled as a Terrorist, cave man etc... oh and abuse towards our religion and our Prophet as a bonus :)
You missed the main point: Outrageous reaction coming from the Pakistani - FBCD's, Wanna be Goras and Desi liberals......which by the way are abundant on this forum, not that i am pointing any fingers :whistle:

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