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Indian diplomat held for counter espionage for Pakistan

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And pak complain presence of indian consuls around her. It works both ways. Show me the
Mata Hari to Madhuri Gupta: The league of women spies


Arrested IFS officer Madhuri Gupta may not be in the league of famous women spies Mata Hari and Virginia Hall, but the allegations that she was passing on sensitive information to ISI agents is a rude shock to the Indian establishment.

India's external Intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), like any other snooping organisation of the world, has a history of agents who had switched their loyalties towards countries where they were working.

Mata Hari's name became synonymous with espionage and the Dutch dancer, whose real name was Gertrud Margarete Zelle, was executed by a French firing squad in 1917 on charges of being a spy. Virginia Hall was an American spy during the Second World War and the Gestapo (Nazi political police) considered her the most dangerous of all allied spies.

The most infamous case which shook RAW out of reverie was of Rabinder Singh who became a mole of American intelligence agency CIA and flew to the US despite being under RAW surveillance.

Singh, who initially worked with the Indian Army, held a very senior position with RAW handling Southeast Asia. By the time the agency sensed his affiliations, Singh too smelled a *** and escaped to the US through Nepal.

In 2007, RAW had to call back its 1975 batch officer Ravi Nair from Colombo because of his alleged "involvement" with a woman agent of Chinese intelligence acting as honey trap for him.

According to reports, after the Rabinder Singh incident, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had sought details of RAW officials who have either gone missing or changed their loyalties.

A list of about nine such officials was presented before him who deserted the organisation since it was formed in late 60s to serve Indian intelligence purposes.

Official sources say a personal assistant to a very senior RAW official disappeared in London in the early 90s.

Ashok Sathe, another official was also believed to have defected to the US after his mysterious disappearance. Sathe was said to be behind burning down of RAW office in Khurramshahr, Iran.

In the early 1980s a senior field officer disappeared in London. As attache in Kathmandu, he was alleged to be liaisoning with foreign intelligence agencies.

Mata Hari to Madhuri Gupta: The league of women spies
reminds me of jason bourne lol

indians might have turned her into a double agent

In 2007, RAW had to call back its 1975 batch officer Ravi Nair from Colombo because of his alleged "involvement" with a woman agent of Chinese intelligence acting as honey trap for him.

hahaha interesting
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There are apparently more Indian Spy's working for Pakistan.


India investigates spy ring working for Pakistan - Telegraph

A senior Indian government official confirmed that Madurai Gupta, a 53-year-old officer in its Ministry of External Affairs, had been arrested after being called back from her post in Islamabad. She is believed to be the first Indian diplomat ever to be arrested for spying for Pakistan.

Officials said that another senior Indian diplomat in Islamabad was also under investigation.

Miss Gupta is alleged to have passed on information to Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency while posted as a second secretary in the Indian High Commission's press office.

India's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) intelligence service launched an investigation into her activities in Islamabad around nine months ago after colleagues raised concerns about her behaviour.

Acquaintances of Miss Gupta, who is unmarried, said she was a linguist who provided English and Hindi summaries of Pakistan's Urdu newspapers to the High Commission's press attaché. "I'm shocked. She was an outgoing type, and she had lots of friends in Pakistan," one told The Daily Telegraph.
Investigators believe she had been working secretly for Pakistan for two years, and it is alleged she obtained information from the RAW station chief in Islamabad and passed it on to her handlers. She was recalled to Delhi last weekend, on the pretext of a briefing on this week's South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation meeting in Bhutan, and then interrogated by officials from the Ministry of External Affairs and RAW.

According to Indian newspaper reports, she has confessed to the charges and been remanded in jail for ten days.

G K Pillai, India's Home Secretary, confirmed her arrest on espionage charges in a terse statement but so far no details of her alleged treason have been disclosed.

Acquaintances in Islamabad doubted whether Miss Gupta had access to sensitive documents because her work mainly involved producing translation of news reports.

Her arrest has caused alarm in India because it comes amid growing American pressure on New Delhi to hold substantive talks with Islamabad, and to accept Pakistan's greater strategic interest in Afghanistan.

B. Raman, a former senior official in India's RAW intelligence agency, last night said that despite being relatively junior, she may have caused serious harm to India's interests.

"As a Second Secretary in the Press and Information Wing, Gupta might not have had much access to sensitive intelligence. But, as she was working in the high commission, she would have had access to various offices in the Indian High Commission for performing furtive tasks such as planting bugs in the offices of the high commissioner and other diplomats, attaching transmitting devices for transmitting the telephone conversations of the high commissioner and others to the officer who recruited her," he said.
Mata Hari used sex to get information from enemy officers. What was the incentive for Madhuri Gupta to allegedly provide info to ISI ? According to reports she translated Pakistan's Urdu newpapers into Hindi for Press attache. How can she have access to secret info ? Is it a game to embarass Pakistan ?
No doubt she will be punished severely as she deserves it but I am just amazed that it took entire one year for the IB to track her...

once our counterintelligence spotted her, I am sure they might have used her too, for penetrating the ISI network deeply, without letting them and her know that she has been spotted. And whatever information she passed over after she was spotted, could be false or improper. And no one knows when was she ACTUALLY spotted? the enemy'z intelligence would had been believing that all the info she passed is 80% perfect and started work on it, which came out to be a total waste of time and money.
good job Indian intelligence people. now make sure pak diplomats spying for you don't get cought.
Madhuri Gupta is a very admirable person for helping out Pakistan. May she be released and live a long and healthy life.
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