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LEAKED - India is burning Pakistan through TTP: Latif Ullah Mehsud TTP's 2nd In Command speaks out.

Just to kill this self satisfying theory of Indian that Pakistan created Talibans.

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan.

http://www-pub.naz.edu/~aamghar6/History of the Taliban.htm

This is a much more reliable source than wiki as people here owns the responsibility for what they write as its for educational purposes unlike wiki which can be edited by anyone by just providing a link.

Now coming toward Kashmir well Sub continent was divided on religious lines and Kashmir being 97% Muslims was supposed to be a part of Pakistan and if you comes up with the instrument of accession thing well then I would remind you of Junagadh and her accession to Pakistan just to let you see what you are conveniently choosing to ignore.

Now the mistake we made was when we took more than half of kashmir from you in 48 making you run to UN begging for help we shouldnt have accepted UN mediation and finish this then and there but we made a MISTAKE that we let you guys go and didnt even got it ensured a systematic procedure on how you will get the referundum conducted as demanded by UN.

Now coming to the main point as is reflected by human history we believe in Power Rules the one with power can do anything and change rules as per his requirements we have a live example of US she is the only country in world to have used nuclear weapons in 40's and logically should have been the first one to give up its nukes but its opposite we see her denuclearizing Iran , Iraq etc .

Having said that India believes that she can continue her forceful occupation ( because you guys have around two hundred and fifty thousands troops in IOK sending 17 more battalions now compared to few thousands of our in Independent Kashmir) forever she lives in a delusional world . You guys had your best chance in 08-09 when we are having daily suicide bombings in our cities killing innocents women and children and our bases were being attacked all through your proxy TTP but we survived that onslaught and didnt give up kashmir . Today we are in much better position and TTP activities have been reduced to mere 2-3% as what they were used to be back then.

Bottom line is if India wants to ensure peace as she claims she needs to follow UN resolution and one more thing when you guys ran to UN in 48 for help they didnt support your instrument of accession instead they asked you to give people right to self determination effectively denying the notion that any such instrument had any real legal status.

KASHMIR KASHMIR KASHMIR Its all about Kashmir we want Kashmiris to be asked what they want to do with their land but you want to go along with your Atoot Ang shit and suppression so who is the culprit here ?

Last thing India had her best shot and she missed it Pakistan is growing strong now and the coming War wont be a proxy one or a keyboard one its gonna be a real one full of blood and emotions and what we will be fighting for is the right of self determination of Kashmiris as mandated by UN and will support them even if they want to be independent and what india will be fighting for " Yeah there was that Raja who signed some sort of accession paper which was even debunked by UN but still thats our atoot ang despit ebeing 97% Muslim and we will keep on suppressing the locals till they stop asking for freedom"

I know deep within even you know you are supporting the wrong side here the side which is the aggressor and killer of thousands of innocents and you know it was your soldiers who were used to rape sisters of freedom fighters so that no other young guy joins them but dude it takes courage REAL courage to call a spade a spade .

So you mean to tell me you guys are finally going to attack us full on? Because that totally worked in the past didn't it? All I can say is bring it, in the end all you'll manage to achieve is thinning your own population.
Of course, all of this nonsense of a "foreign hand" falls apart the moment you actually apply any level of scrutiny to Pakistan's society. No amount of "foreign hands" could explain the DEEP fractures running within Pakistani society- the entire absence of non-muslim minorities, the systamatic targeting of minority muslims (Shias, Ahdemis etc) by the poltical establishment in Pakistan, the dereliction of any degree of governance in large swathes of Pakistani territory- KPK, Sindh, Balouchistan, the contonued exsistence of Fuedal elite and no land reforms to speak of in 60+ years etc

I don't need to be convinced of any external involvment in Pakistan's affairs when I read the CPEC threads here on PDF and see the faultines clearly represented within Pakistan. All outside of Punjab are paranoid (apparently with good reason judging by historic precedent) that the Punjabis are looking to secure their interests above all else and not working for the good of the country. Bolouch on the other hand are openly stating that this is the final straw and either they get what they perceive as their due or there will be no CPEC. When Pak army generals and former presidents are the wealthiest in your nation there is something DEEPLY wrong going on and you can't ignore this reality from the populace forever nor can you expect them to simply sit there and allow the status quo to continue.

I have to say the CPEC issue has brought many of these faultines to the fore and I have seen the extent to which Pakistan is fractured greater than ever before. I would well recomend reading through those threads on the Economy section here on PDF- it is eye opening.

You don't need RAW/Mossad/CIA running around your country when you have this level of deep set paranoia and resentment of your fellow countrymen.

This is before we even address the institutionlised radicalisation YOUR leaders have overseen since the 1960s.

Put all this together and you have a tinderbox, don't be suprised if the spark comes...

The entire absence of any degree of introspection just further fuels the fissures found within Pakistan, forget a band aid being applied- they simply pour gasoline onto the embers.

Don't you all think this is a far more viable explanation for the mess Pakistan finds itself in than a few consulates in Afghanistan orchastrating the entire downfall of a nation of >200 million people!! I doubt that external players are entirely absent inside Pakistan but to claim they responsible for the deepset injustices within Pakistan's society for which much of Pakistan's violence is attributable is just nonsense. These external players will merely take advantadge of the mess you have created for yourselves but they are not demigods able to cause the kind of widespread devestation Pakistan has found itself in.

@PARIKRAMA @Spectre @Bang Galore @Levina @JanjaWeed @MilSpec @Guynextdoor2 @Kinetic @IndoCarib @anant_s @knight11 @danish_vij @Syed.Ali.Haider @SpArK @ayesha.a @nair @Koovie @waz @scorpionx @IndoUS @janon @Vauban @Echo_419 @ranjeet @James Jaevid @Star Wars @hinduguy @mkb95 @Taygibay @WebMaster

I agree I was surprised too when i read the comments of Non-Punjabi members on CPEC threads
Blimey! Seems like i missed all the fun.

On a serious note - -------- > Ok! I give up, There is nothing serious I can respond to in this thread - just the same old denial followed by threats of fire and brimstone. .
Your PM already announced (and received medals) of India`s involvement in East Pakistan recently in Bangladesh.....So enough with this shit...

Bety abhi so ja....subh school bhi jana hy...

Again with the mental masturbation....
East Pakistan was India's neighbor Afghanistan is not. Why would US or UK have anything to do with bangladesh?
Read the link properly.
Never heard Indians doing a introspect on Maoist infected areas or in Occupied kashmir. But hey when it comes to Pakistan. You lot are the first one in line to give sincere advice

How Pakistan feed TTP that are biting them today ? It is an oxymoron to say Pakistan created TTP

TTP is a byproduct fromother venomous snakes you created in Pakistan and Afghanianistan.
When you read threads like this, you get a feel that it is India behind every terrorist attack in Pakistan....... The problem with them i see is, they are not able to see the root cause of "Terrorism" (I do not know they genuinely not able to or they ignore to look at it)...... The easy way out....... Say it was RAW (i dont hear mossad and cia these days ) behind the attack.......

We used to do this mistake few years back...... Every attack was attributed to ISI..... Later Agencies realised that there are home grown morons, and blaming ISI would not help in any way..... That is when they started looking internally, and one can see the results....... Having said that we Always credit Pak agencies/groups when they deserve.......

Latest example is "Pathankot"..... While Pakistani friend's saw that India is accusing Pakistani involvement ( let us not forget it was limited to masood and co), but they did not see the same agencies quizzing The idiotic SP, and looking for inside help from air base...... Not only that BSF openly admitted that they could find traces of incursion in LOC....... Now if India want to lie, they can put a story saying they found few cuts in the fence, who is going to cross check that????

Blaming each other is not gonna help.... If you really have any proof of Indian involvement (not a blank spiral binded book with GOi symbol on it cover) then you should make it public, Believe me..... Common Indian's wont support any such acts by GoI or its agencies........

But if it is for domestic consumption then we do not have any issue......

@MilSpec @Abingdonboy @Spectre @s_anant @third eye @scorpionx
Sir please don't talk about minorities. Because we all know the treatment minorities face in India. Very unfortunately when we talk about minorities our Indian fellows report to mods with lame excuses.

No matter what? Is there any further reason I have to comment on your reply. You ended it with saying 'no matter what'.

Giveme at least example where Indian minorities escaped from their nation to seek refuge in their neighbouring nation because of the majority torture in India .

Give me at least one example.
Honestly Pakistan is not in a position to talk us about minority affairs.
Then it’s probably here say, some are claiming they have seen it with their own eyes. Media blackout in Peshawar hospitals and I have heard that’s where the post mortem were carried out.

Plus the casualties number is higher than 40, have you had any interaction with any of the families that have lost their loved ones as a media person?

I can say it with conviction that there was no media blackout at Peshawar hospitals. In fact it was these places where from we got the details of those students killed in the attack as soon as possible within few hours. I have interacted with few people indeed and the charity organizations' service who reached the spot also rescue people who were evacuating the students and transferring dead bodies; and they did not claim any such things as was narrated to you.

However, having said that I myself feel little unsure because looking at one such image of the attack (a scene inside a hostel), many of us may be pondering over what you had said or what had been claimed by your cousin. Because one particular image shows only one gunshot on the wall of a hostel room and a pool of blood on floor and other stuff. But it is of a boys' hostel not of girls'. The image is too graphic to post here.
Now go to UN and show this terrorist pious truth. The whole world know what game you are playing , Pakistan. These terrorists can speak anything for some bucks and to escape from torture of Pakistan Army. The truth is India naked you in front of the UN and the world. Now world don't trust you Pakistan. If you are going to try any payback action, that's what India want believe me. We will get a golden chance to make Bloch people free from you. Ameen.

:P dont worry we look more seductive being naked. As far as India is getting golden egg i mean chance to free BLOCH people free from Pakistan well you can have BLOCH people we ain't gonna bother BUT don't you dare to cast an eye on our Baluch Pakistanis ;) we ain't gonna let them go.
When you read threads like this, you get a feel that it is India behind every terrorist attack in Pakistan....... The problem with them i see is, they are not able to see the root cause of "Terrorism" (I do not know they genuinely not able to or they ignore to look at it)...... The easy way out....... Say it was RAW (i dont hear mossad and cia these days ) behind the attack.......

We used to do this mistake few years back...... Every attack was attributed to ISI..... Later Agencies realised that there are home grown morons, and blaming ISI would not help in any way..... That is when they started looking internally, and one can see the results....... Having said that we Always credit Pak agencies/groups when they deserve.......

Latest example is "Pathankot"..... While Pakistani friend's saw that India is accusing Pakistani involvement ( let us not forget it was limited to masood and co), but they did not see the same agencies quizzing The idiotic SP, and looking for inside help from air base...... Not only that BSF openly admitted that they could find traces of incursion in LOC....... Now if India want to lie, they can put a story saying they found few cuts in the fence, who is going to cross check that????

Blaming each other is not gonna help.... If you really have any proof of Indian involvement (not a blank spiral binded book with GOi symbol on it cover) then you should make it public, Believe me..... Common Indian's wont support any such acts by GoI or its agencies........

But if it is for domestic consumption then we do not have any issue......

@MilSpec @Abingdonboy @Spectre @s_anant @third eye @scorpionx

Problem is complex in a manner and the heart of it lies the age old rivalry with India juxtaposed with the strongly held belief regarding the superiority of Islam in all things economical, spiritual and martial.

It was inevitable that after negotiating the foundational stages of late 40s to late 80s (50 years is a typical time taken by countries to build a strong foundation based on common values after experimentation and exploration) India would surge ahead and become a regional power eclipsing Pakistan militarily and economically due to it's demographic dividend.
It happened because barring emergency there were not many hiccups.

In the process we discovered that China has become a force as much superior to us as we are to Pakistan but we didn't fuel proxy wars of attrition with China, we didn't fight them economically by restricting trade and commerce and we didn't loose our minds and wallets pursuing an arms race.

Pakistan because of the highlighted superiority complex which is reinforced as a matter of state policy did all this and in process shot themselves in foot.

Now what is happening is that the reality is conflicting with the faith - The population disillusioned with the failures of governance and foreign policy blunders - seeks a villain and the 1000 pound Gorilla next door makes a convenient fall-guy.

We have seen this happening time again - Hitler exploited German disillusion by giving them Jews.

The alternative approach would have been introspection but that would mean accepting that the slimy Hindu Brahmin/Brahmin are superior to them and their faith does not allow that.
India being inherently secular and tolerant does not have the same problem with China and has instead channelled it's effort to become more like China and not destroy China.

Now I am not saying all is rosy with India - we have our problems - some fringe groups seek to exploit Hindu insecurities about Muslims for electoral gains. Defeat by China in 1961 was a blow to our national psyche which still makes us caution when it comes to military options. We have rampant corruption and poverty - but one nice thing about our leaders is that in-spite of all their faults they have made incremental gains. Sure some of them are selfish and put self before the nation - but they do not pursue a policy which would destroy India at the expense of their personal profit or destruction of Pakistan.

In conclusion all I can say - Ironically it is our cynical nature and weaker faith which has saved us from going the same path as Pakistan and it is their stronger faith which has turned them into weaker country.

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India is Burning Pakistan through TTP - Second in Command of TTP, Latif Ullah Mehsud speaks out.

As it was long stated by Pakistan, the Indian Govt has financed the murder of over 60,000 innocent Pakistani people through its vicious proxy war waged against the Pakistani civilians from Afghanistan. This campaign of terror was India's attempt to dismember Pakistan through internal instability as it did so in East Pakistan in 1971.

Using the US lead war on terrorism as a cover in Afghanistan, the Indian secret service Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) cultivated a partnership with Afghan Intelligence the National Directorate of Security (NDS) to facilitate its proxy war in Pakistan.

This nexus gave birth to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which has killed over 60,000 innocent people in Pakistan, destroyed more than 2000 schools and was also responsible for the barbaric murder of 140 school children in Peshawar on 16th December 2014.

TTP was lead by Commander Hakim Ullah Mehsud, his second in command was Commander Latif Ullah Mehsud who oversaw the financing aspect of the TTP in hand with the Afghan intelligence NDS. In October 2013, Latifullah Mehsud was on his way to meet his RAW handlers in Afghanistan in full protection of Afghan intelligence officials when the US Navy SEALs stopped the convoy and snatched him from the NDS protection.

On 7 December 2014, Latif Ullah Mehsud was handed over to the Pakistani Govt by the United States. His came remained a mystery, until now. In this video Latif Ullah Mehsud who once was the second in Command only to Commander Hakim Ullah Mehsud blows the lid from the Indian - Afghan nexus to soak Pakistani people in blood through the Tehreek-e- Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

Truth has been revealed.
Just like your rants on recents attacks ? Like digital trail and GPS coordinates ? Yeah LOL.

Exactly. They are rants because you wont admit it.
Fine with us, just look around your fellow forum members going all hyper watching some half wit jihadi rant about indian involvement.
I mean where is the proof?
Every one knew it from get go so nothing shocking here. The bigger question is did Pakistan give india an appropriate response after they found out India financed death of nearly 60000 pakistanis including APS children.
[WajE="Ray_of_Hope, post: 8118183, member: 158709"]You people have already done whatever u could in Balochistan and guess what U were fucked there by the Baloch people themselves by brushing aside your propaganda.Rest was done by FC and PA.:sniper:
Now its time for payback...So what u wanna lose....Um Kashmir or Nagaland or Manipur or Assam or Punjab or Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram...........So watch your back kid....:cheers:[/QUOTE]
@WAJsal Lol

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