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LEAKED - India is burning Pakistan through TTP: Latif Ullah Mehsud TTP's 2nd In Command speaks out.

Summum Bukmun Umyun.

Sir, I agree with you 101 %; but don't you see a concerted effort by the current Govt towards "Aman ki Aasha"...not to mention some high profile news groups also toe the same line...my question is WHY such a huge disconnect? ... Why as you mentioned among US close our eyes as nothing have happened!!! What is keeping us being united? Humara khoon itna sasta kyon hey Sir?
Just watch your own ex general who is commenting that pakistan created taliban groups, do you want more evidence !

Watch from 08:50 to 11:00
Word " created" is stupid because they are not a "thing" which invented or created by Pakistan..yes there were time in past when Pakistan supported talibani Pashtuns against russian invasion and then later supported them to establish their rule in Afghanistan just like you guys were supporting northern alliances... India, Pakistan and iran had interference in Afghanistan and supported different groups for their own interest. talibans were pro Pakistani tahst why they got the support of pakistan..Secondly talibans were not involved in terrroism back then..they were oppresive rulers no doubt but they were not involved in suicide bombing like TTP, terrorism or no links with terrorism of al qaida ..they were freedom fighter for US as well back then..all this got changed after 9/11 when Taliban refused to hand over osama to US who was involved in 9/11.
Evolution is the continuous process. Military doctrine is the extension of military strategy which is derivation of national strategy in every country.
Economic development, stability and Peace are few common national objectives of the developing countries.
If a military doctrine can't ensure security or stability for economic development , I think it requires evolutionary changes for postive output . Right to grow is the universal right.
Sure, but not under false pretenses of changing without the right input to do so. I believe Pakistani authorities are competent enough to see any change in strategic equation in the region and take appropriate counter measure. When there has been no change initiated on their account, I would rather defer to their professional intellect rather than consternation based on fluff.
Sure, but not under false pretenses of changing without the right input to do so. I believe Pakistani authorities are competent enough to see any change in strategic equation in the region and take appropriate counter measure. When there has been no change initiated on their account, I would rather defer to their professional intellect rather than consternation based on fluff.
And Sir with due respect please stop watching Arnab Goswami. A humble request.
Why blame India?, how it's even possible for India an enemy nation spread terrorism in Pakistan many years?

Domestic Organisations

  1. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

  2. Lashkar-e-Omar (LeO)

  3. Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP)

  4. Tehreek-e-Jaferia Pakistan (TJP)

  5. Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi(TNSM)

  6. Lashkar-eJhangvi (LeJ)

  7. Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan (SMP)

  8. Jamaat-ul-Fuqra

  9. Nadeem Commando

  10. Popular Front for Armed Resistance

  11. Muslim United Army

  12. Harkat-ul-Mujahideen Al-alami(HuMA)

Trans-national Organisations

  1. Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM)

  2. Harkat-ul-Ansar (HuA, presently known asHarkat-ul Mujahideen)

  3. Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT)

  4. Jaish-e-Mohammad Mujahideen E-Tanzeem(JeM)

  5. Harkat-ul Mujahideen(HuM, previously known as Harkat-ul-Ansar)

  6. Al Badr

  7. Jamait-ul-Mujahideen(JuM)

  8. Lashkar-e-Jabbar (LeJ)

  9. Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami(HUJI)

  10. Muttahida Jehad Council(MJC)

  11. Al Barq

  12. Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen

  13. Al Jehad

  14. Jammu & Kashir National Liberation Army

  15. People’s League

  16. Muslim Janbaz Force

  17. Kashmir Jehad Force

  18. Al Jehad Force (combines Muslim Janbaz Force and Kashmir Jehad Force)

  19. Al Umar Mujahideen

  20. Mahaz-e-Azadi

  21. Islami Jamaat-e-Tulba

  22. Jammu & Kashmir Students Liberation Front

  23. Ikhwan-ul-Mujahideen

  24. Islamic Students League

  25. Tehrik-e-Hurriat-e-Kashmir

  26. Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria

  27. Al Mustafa Liberation Fighters

  28. Tehrik-e-Jehad-e-Islami

  29. Muslim Mujahideen

  30. Al Mujahid Force

  31. Tehrik-e-Jehad

  32. Islami Inquilabi Mahaz

I have not got the answer of my simple question. I simply asked the source of funding, training and logistic support of all those terrorists who are doing all sort of terrorism in Pakistan in school, mosques, GHQ and naval head quarters? Who is supporting them this time? Again pakistani ISI?

This time? Who was supporting them previously?

And this time sponsors? That you should answer me. Your country is a nuclear power but clueless and can't find single proof against India? As you allege? *

Sure, but not under false pretenses of changing without the right input to do so. I believe Pakistani authorities are competent enough to see any change in strategic equation in the region and take appropriate counter measure. When there has been no change initiated on their account, I would rather defer to their professional intellect rather than consternation based on fluff.

Deth of 60,000 innocent people and destruction of 2000 schools on the pretext of exploiting the fault lines of Pakistan is something more than the right input to evolve in response to existing threats.
Why blame India?, how it's even possible for India an enemy nation spread terrorism in Pakistan many years?

Domestic Organisations

  1. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

  2. Lashkar-e-Omar (LeO)

  3. Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP)

  4. Tehreek-e-Jaferia Pakistan (TJP)

  5. Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi(TNSM)

  6. Lashkar-eJhangvi (LeJ)

  7. Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan (SMP)

  8. Jamaat-ul-Fuqra

  9. Nadeem Commando

  10. Popular Front for Armed Resistance

  11. Muslim United Army

  12. Harkat-ul-Mujahideen Al-alami(HuMA)

Trans-national Organisations

  1. Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM)

  2. Harkat-ul-Ansar (HuA, presently known asHarkat-ul Mujahideen)

  3. Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT)

  4. Jaish-e-Mohammad Mujahideen E-Tanzeem(JeM)

  5. Harkat-ul Mujahideen(HuM, previously known as Harkat-ul-Ansar)

  6. Al Badr

  7. Jamait-ul-Mujahideen(JuM)

  8. Lashkar-e-Jabbar (LeJ)

  9. Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami(HUJI)

  10. Muttahida Jehad Council(MJC)

  11. Al Barq

  12. Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen

  13. Al Jehad

  14. Jammu & Kashir National Liberation Army

  15. People’s League

  16. Muslim Janbaz Force

  17. Kashmir Jehad Force

  18. Al Jehad Force (combines Muslim Janbaz Force and Kashmir Jehad Force)

  19. Al Umar Mujahideen

  20. Mahaz-e-Azadi

  21. Islami Jamaat-e-Tulba

  22. Jammu & Kashmir Students Liberation Front

  23. Ikhwan-ul-Mujahideen

  24. Islamic Students League

  25. Tehrik-e-Hurriat-e-Kashmir

  26. Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria

  27. Al Mustafa Liberation Fighters

  28. Tehrik-e-Jehad-e-Islami

  29. Muslim Mujahideen

  30. Al Mujahid Force

  31. Tehrik-e-Jehad

  32. Islami Inquilabi Mahaz

This time? Who was supporting them previously?

And this time sponsors? That you should answer me. Your country is a nuclear power but clueless and can't find single proof against India? As you allege? *

You are just naive who just prefer to live in denial . Watch the video in opening post about what your defence minister saying openly and guess there will be much more in background.. If any of these organization listed above operate in India then Pakistani ISI get blame for supporting them aka provide them funding and training and then you dont assume that these organization can operate by their own without some agencies/governments supporting them with arms and money but when these same organization operate against Pakistani forces and civilians at much higher scale then they can operate by their own and dont need any source of fudning or traning from wither indian or Afghan agencei unless we assume that Pakistani ISi again Fund them to kill our own soldiers or to kill our kids in school
If you learn a little about genesis of Taliban you would know who the real perpetrators are, but this is not an exercise to learn about root cause but to apportion blame to a hapless neighbor whose response to one of the worst terror attack was to send dossiers. A neighbor who chooses not to cross borders even under invasion, a neighbor who returns 90k POW as good faith.

Now when you have had terror tinted glasses for almost ever, where the first foreign policy ever taken by your state was asymmetric warfare right after independence on the kingdom of J&K, it is but natural that you would see terrorist everywhere. That is a given.

But let me put you at ease, nothing has changed, India is still the same spineless, gutless administration which will not respond to any transgression.

Word of advice, bring in your state, non state, television, lollywood and all other sort of "actors", and the only response it will derive from India is massive profits for 24hrs news networks and overtime for foriegn office clerks. That is our standard response.

Just to kill this self satisfying theory of Indian that Pakistan created Talibans.

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan.

http://www-pub.naz.edu/~aamghar6/History of the Taliban.htm

This is a much more reliable source than wiki as people here owns the responsibility for what they write as its for educational purposes unlike wiki which can be edited by anyone by just providing a link.

Now coming toward Kashmir well Sub continent was divided on religious lines and Kashmir being 97% Muslims was supposed to be a part of Pakistan and if you comes up with the instrument of accession thing well then I would remind you of Junagadh and her accession to Pakistan just to let you see what you are conveniently choosing to ignore.

Now the mistake we made was when we took more than half of kashmir from you in 48 making you run to UN begging for help we shouldnt have accepted UN mediation and finish this then and there but we made a MISTAKE that we let you guys go and didnt even got it ensured a systematic procedure on how you will get the referundum conducted as demanded by UN.

Now coming to the main point as is reflected by human history we believe in Power Rules the one with power can do anything and change rules as per his requirements we have a live example of US she is the only country in world to have used nuclear weapons in 40's and logically should have been the first one to give up its nukes but its opposite we see her denuclearizing Iran , Iraq etc .

Having said that India believes that she can continue her forceful occupation ( because you guys have around two hundred and fifty thousands troops in IOK sending 17 more battalions now compared to few thousands of our in Independent Kashmir) forever she lives in a delusional world . You guys had your best chance in 08-09 when we are having daily suicide bombings in our cities killing innocents women and children and our bases were being attacked all through your proxy TTP but we survived that onslaught and didnt give up kashmir . Today we are in much better position and TTP activities have been reduced to mere 2-3% as what they were used to be back then.

Bottom line is if India wants to ensure peace as she claims she needs to follow UN resolution and one more thing when you guys ran to UN in 48 for help they didnt support your instrument of accession instead they asked you to give people right to self determination effectively denying the notion that any such instrument had any real legal status.

KASHMIR KASHMIR KASHMIR Its all about Kashmir we want Kashmiris to be asked what they want to do with their land but you want to go along with your Atoot Ang shit and suppression so who is the culprit here ?

Last thing India had her best shot and she missed it Pakistan is growing strong now and the coming War wont be a proxy one or a keyboard one its gonna be a real one full of blood and emotions and what we will be fighting for is the right of self determination of Kashmiris as mandated by UN and will support them even if they want to be independent and what india will be fighting for " Yeah there was that Raja who signed some sort of accession paper which was even debunked by UN but still thats our atoot ang despit ebeing 97% Muslim and we will keep on suppressing the locals till they stop asking for freedom"

I know deep within even you know you are supporting the wrong side here the side which is the aggressor and killer of thousands of innocents and you know it was your soldiers who were used to rape sisters of freedom fighters so that no other young guy joins them but dude it takes courage REAL courage to call a spade a spade .
compare to few attacks in India
Any loss of lives is bad , quantifying it as few, classifying it as jihad, collateral ,state policy.......etc reflects depths of depravity a state has reached.

There is lot of heart burn ( failed policy) and jealousy (economic growth of enemy country) but never any introspection to stop sponsoring terrorism and get rid of it. Its a delibrate classic case of missing forest for the woods.
As long as pakistan clings to terrorism as state policy there will be no change on the ground. Blaming India is stupidity , if not india it will be some body else like Saudi,US ,Afghan or Israel.
Why blame India?, how it's even possible for India an enemy nation spread terrorism in Pakistan many years?

Domestic Organisations

  1. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

  2. Lashkar-e-Omar (LeO)

  3. Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP)

  4. Tehreek-e-Jaferia Pakistan (TJP)

  5. Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi(TNSM)

  6. Lashkar-eJhangvi (LeJ)

  7. Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan (SMP)

  8. Jamaat-ul-Fuqra

  9. Nadeem Commando

  10. Popular Front for Armed Resistance

  11. Muslim United Army

  12. Harkat-ul-Mujahideen Al-alami(HuMA)

Trans-national Organisations

  1. Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM)

  2. Harkat-ul-Ansar (HuA, presently known asHarkat-ul Mujahideen)

  3. Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT)

  4. Jaish-e-Mohammad Mujahideen E-Tanzeem(JeM)

  5. Harkat-ul Mujahideen(HuM, previously known as Harkat-ul-Ansar)

  6. Al Badr

  7. Jamait-ul-Mujahideen(JuM)

  8. Lashkar-e-Jabbar (LeJ)

  9. Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami(HUJI)

  10. Muttahida Jehad Council(MJC)

  11. Al Barq

  12. Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen

  13. Al Jehad

  14. Jammu & Kashir National Liberation Army

  15. People’s League

  16. Muslim Janbaz Force

  17. Kashmir Jehad Force

  18. Al Jehad Force (combines Muslim Janbaz Force and Kashmir Jehad Force)

  19. Al Umar Mujahideen

  20. Mahaz-e-Azadi

  21. Islami Jamaat-e-Tulba

  22. Jammu & Kashmir Students Liberation Front

  23. Ikhwan-ul-Mujahideen

  24. Islamic Students League

  25. Tehrik-e-Hurriat-e-Kashmir

  26. Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria

  27. Al Mustafa Liberation Fighters

  28. Tehrik-e-Jehad-e-Islami

  29. Muslim Mujahideen

  30. Al Mujahid Force

  31. Tehrik-e-Jehad

  32. Islami Inquilabi Mahaz

Truth hurts as many of ignorant Indians dont know that there Incredible india has more terrorist organizations than Pakistan here is the list for you .

Number of terrorist organization that are flourishing in India clearly proves she is in a bigger mess and sitting on a ticking time bomb.

  1. Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)
  2. International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
  3. Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF)

  1. Arunachal Pradesh

  1. Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM)
  2. Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K)
  3. National Liberation Council of Tani Land (NLCT)
  4. Tani Land National Liberation Tigers (TLNLT)

  1. Assam

  1. Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO)
  2. National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB)
  3. United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA)


    • Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF)

    • Coordination Committee (CorCom) [six valley based groups]
    • Manipur Naga Revolutionary Front (MNRF)
    • Zeliangrong United Front

    • Mizoram

    • Meghalaya

    • Achik National Liberation Army (ANLA)
    • Achick Songa An'pachakgipa Kotok (ASAK)
    • Achik National Liberation Co-operative Army (ANLCA)
    • Achik Tiger Force (ATF)
    • Achik National United Force (ANUF)

    • Nagaland

    • Federal Government of Nagaland-Non-Accordist (FGN-NA)
    • Federal Government of Nagaland -Accordist (FGN-A)
    • Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland-Reformation (NSCN-R)
    • Non-Accordist faction of Naga National Council (NNC-NA)
    • Naga National Council-Accordist (NNC-Accordist)

    • Tripura


    • Front Organisations of Terrorist Groups Active in Jammu and Kashmir
    • Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front (JKIF)

    • Other terrorist groups

    • Indian Mujahideen, all its formations and front organizations
    • Islamic State/Islamic State of Iraq and Levant /Islamic State of Iraq and Syria/Daish, and all its Manifestations
    • Organisations listed in the Schedule to the U.N. Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism (Implementation of Security Council Resolutions) Order, 2007 made under section 2 of the United Nations (Security Council) Act, 1947 and amended from time to time
Total 71
India - Terrorist Groups

And I have not yet mentioned hundreds of inactive groups that may get active whenever they feel suitable for them.

So what was your point . Come again please
If you don't know chain of events happened in your country and the mess going their

1. Soviet occupation-Is India responsible ?
2. Your country and US created these monsters against soviets-Is India responsible ?
3. Sept 11 happened and the US declared war on terror- Is india responsible?
4. Your country fought war with US against the monsters-Is India responsible ?
5. These monsters strikes back in your country as a revenge-Is India responsible ?
6. You declared zarb e azb-Is India responsible ?
7. They again doing revenge of your zarb e azb-Is India responsible ?

If you don't know your real enemy, then god save your country !

Sir you're taking this to a whole different direction. This article is not talking about any of point you're talking about. But the terrorism in Pakistan and India's involvement.

Truth hurts as many of ignorant Indians dont know that there Incredible india has more terrorist organizations than Pakistan here is the list for you .

Number of terrorist organization that are flourishing in India clearly proves she is in a bigger mess and sitting on a ticking time bomb.

  1. Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)
  2. International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
  3. Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF)

  1. Arunachal Pradesh

  1. Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM)
  2. Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K)
  3. National Liberation Council of Tani Land (NLCT)
  4. Tani Land National Liberation Tigers (TLNLT)

  1. Assam

  1. Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO)
  2. National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB)
  3. United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA)


    • Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF)

    • Coordination Committee (CorCom) [six valley based groups]
    • Manipur Naga Revolutionary Front (MNRF)
    • Zeliangrong United Front

    • Mizoram

    • Meghalaya

    • Achik National Liberation Army (ANLA)
    • Achick Songa An'pachakgipa Kotok (ASAK)
    • Achik National Liberation Co-operative Army (ANLCA)
    • Achik Tiger Force (ATF)
    • Achik National United Force (ANUF)

    • Nagaland

    • Federal Government of Nagaland-Non-Accordist (FGN-NA)
    • Federal Government of Nagaland -Accordist (FGN-A)
    • Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland-Reformation (NSCN-R)
    • Non-Accordist faction of Naga National Council (NNC-NA)
    • Naga National Council-Accordist (NNC-Accordist)

    • Tripura


    • Front Organisations of Terrorist Groups Active in Jammu and Kashmir
    • Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front (JKIF)

    • Other terrorist groups

    • Indian Mujahideen, all its formations and front organizations
    • Islamic State/Islamic State of Iraq and Levant /Islamic State of Iraq and Syria/Daish, and all its Manifestations
    • Organisations listed in the Schedule to the U.N. Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism (Implementation of Security Council Resolutions) Order, 2007 made under section 2 of the United Nations (Security Council) Act, 1947 and amended from time to time
Total 71
India - Terrorist Groups

And I have not yet mentioned hundreds of inactive groups that may get active whenever they feel suitable for them.

So what was your point . Come again please
What a joke Al Quida? Seriously?
Dude how many of them carrying out terror strikes in Pakistan and others?
Who is the real tolerant in here ?
A nation that systematically eradicates minorities ,(seeking refugeee staus in India ) or a vibrant democracy .Sorry for offtopic .

On topic :We wouldnt believe this no matter what .
Pakistan created all non state actors for strategic achievements .Now they are biting the same hands that feed them .India didnt do any thing in there .
You policy failure .Dont blame us.

Sir please don't talk about minorities. Because we all know the treatment minorities face in India. Very unfortunately when we talk about minorities our Indian fellows report to mods with lame excuses.

No matter what? Is there any further reason I have to comment on your reply. You ended it with saying 'no matter what'.
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