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If there is war between NATO and Russia, which group would Pakistan join?

If there is war between NATO and Russia, which group would Pakistan join?

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Well, obviously after analyzing each and every possible end game............ when big boys fight, no matter how peace loving you are, you have to join in eventually....... therefore, delay as much as possible, and when it's time, bet on the right horse (with maximum stamina).

The order of priority should be survival then money. If Pakistan jumps in any mess going forward however the lucrative the payout is then it may not survive. It would be better if it cleverly abstains in NATO vs China/Russia situation.
Well, obviously after analyzing each and every possible end game............ when big boys fight, no matter how peace loving you are, you have to join in eventually....... therefore, delay as much as possible, and when it's time, bet on the right horse (with maximum stamina).

The point is big boys are never gonna fight directly, they use pawns and use other countries as their playground. Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afganishtan, Middle East, Latin America - the whole damn globe - but not their own soil.
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You maybe in for a surprise this time around. Let's see what the gods of war have in store for us sideliners / minions / nobody's.

The point is big boys are never gonna fight directly, they use pawns and use other countries as there playground. Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afganishtan, Middle East, Latin America - the whole damn globe - but not their own soil.
question is why will russia and NATO go to war when both seem to have common enemy (rising jihad ) but even if they go to war it will be fought in eourope then how can pakistan get involved in it last but not the least pakistan tend to loose as it did in cold war era..... just my personal opinion :coffee:

The superpowers are trying to play their war games in middle east, so from middle east it can spill over to Pakistan too. Besides Pakistan is important because of its strategic location and nuclear weapons.
The superpowers are trying to play their war games in middle east, so from middle east it can spill over to Pakistan too. Besides Pakistan is important because of its strategic location and nuclear weapons.
purani kahawat hai hathion ki larai me nuksan ghaas ka hi hota hai ..... when elephents fight the grass is the looser .... if you know what i mean :coffee:
I just hope sanity prevails on all sides. If Pakistan has to choose sides than so does the rest of the world.
We will try our best to de escalate the situation .. turks fighting russia only is only in american interest.... both side shud have better ties
Pakistan will join MARS

I just wanted to know which MARS we are joining so that I can pack my bags and dress accordingly from this list:

MARS - Definition by AcronymFinder

MARS Monitoring, Analysis and Response System (Cisco)
MARS Military Affiliate Radio System (USA)
MARS Mortgage Assistance Relief Services (US FTC)
MARS Multiple Active Result Sets
MARS Multicast Address Resolution Server
MARS Major Accident Reporting System
MARS Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (statistical method)
MARS Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (Wallops Island, Virginia)
MARS Mars Arctic Research Station
MARS Monterey Accelerated Research System (Monterey Bay)
MaRS Medical and Related Sciences
MARS Machine-Assisted Reference Section
MARS Mobile Autonomous Robot Software
MARS Mobile Augmented Reality Systems
MARS Magenn Air Rotor System (wind turbine technology; Magenn Power Inc.)
MARS Monitoring Agriculture with Remote Sensing
MARS Molecular Adsorbents Recirculating System (medical device supporting liver function)
MARS Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (UK)
MARS Military Afloat Reach and Sustainability
MARS Military Affiliate Radio Service (US DoD)
MARS Marine Animal Rescue Society
MARS Marine Accident Reporting Scheme
MARS Maritime Mobile Access and Retrieval System
MARS Military Amateur Radio System (common, but incorrect)
MARS Mid-Atlantic Reptile Show
MARS Merrick Advanced Remote Sensing
MARS Middleware And Related Services
MARS Metro Area Recumbent Society
MARS Michigan Assistance and Referral Service

Pakistan will take whatever position that suits it's pocket, i.e pure self interest. Why? Our recent history has taught us some harsh lessons and value of the word "ally" "major ally" "habeebi" etc etc, and how absolutely worthless those words are. Therefore, whosoever shows us the money and loads upon loads of it, right then and there is our best friend. Period.
Lol @Habeebi. What does the word mean?
Enough with the warmongering..
Nobody is going to wage a war over a downed plane.

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