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Let us analyse Bihar elections

Base my post on vote shares? Isnt that lame? Leave it Sarthak. Accept that people have denied NDA the right to rule. And they have done it within constitutional norms.
Comon...this is a fact...that NDA have lost badly in delhi and Bihar...however this is also true that they have very much managed to keep thier 2014 vote bank in tact...what they have failed to do is improve on it...and what is the reason - All the opposite votes getting consolidated in one camp....in Delhi it was AAP and not in Bihar the Mahagadhbandhan...

Now here are my problems and fears and hope none of them come true....

a) Lessons learnt for BJP would be to put harsh economic reforms on backstage....Bring in more and more short sighted socialistic reforms which will win them more votes. They need to do it because united Opposition in going to be Mantra in next elections...
b) Lessons learnt for Opposition parties - get united so that cumulative effect bring BJP down

Now why 1 is bad for us we all know..and 2 is bad because these opposition parties are arch rivals....which means it is difficult for them to work together and lust for power will bring in obvious cracks/issues....

Hopefully the only positive outcome would be more scrutiny of scum bags in BJP who are causing more harm than benefits....
I think we are a bit harsh here..if we put aside our distress and think with a calm mind, we would realise that it is in deed a commendable job by nithish..however much caste may play role in bihar, it is highly impossible for any party to not face the wrath of people if there was anti incumbency.Maybe people in bihar are happy with his performance? Maybe they put in more faith in him that he won't allow lalu to take control of bihar and ruin whatever little progress it has made?

We are forgetting that BJP doesn't have any strong leader or grass root activists across bihar..it is commendable that they are able to get whatever number of seats they got in spite of entire opposition getting together..I don't think people might have taken BJP talking about beef and religion instead of development seriously..BJP might have got some extra 10 seats had they solely concentrated on development but wouldn't have got into power since the entire opposition united.of course if there had been anti incumbency no number of grand alliances would have saved them..bjp would have swept the elections.

This blow is good for bjp in hindsight..Modi is elected for development and he should talk about it alone and show some concrete change on the ground if he has to win 2019.
But you can't expect a miracle...what does the electorate want? That India becomes like Switzerland in 18 months?
Every indicator has moved up in the last 18 months, but visible large changes on the ground will take years to show for any government. No, what you need is better communication and an explanation of how people will eventually benefit....and to do that you need exemplary grass root organization in every state...constant communication.
Ah....Finally the SECULAR VOICE!!

You may seem to having the last laugh but you have NO IDEA what Lalu Raj in BIHAR means!!

Forget it.....I accept DEFEAT.....if that is what you want to HEAR!!

Lol.... As if i was looking for your acceptance???? Not really...... I agree Lalu is the king of jungle raj, and he is one reason for the state of bhar is today..... I rate Nitish ahead of all .... I dont think any BJP person can deny it (if he is speaking honestly)

But I hve no idea how this govt is going to perform with lalu as a king maker
Where does Indian national Congress and Pappu stands on this election????? Poor guys are not even in picture...... Lolz
@nair the problem that I have is when highly educated people like you have such a MYOPIC vision......

I have some points to make:

1. You think it was rejection on religious lines...but in Bihar it's NOT!! People hardly care about Hindu-Muslim issue, what they care about is CASTE, CASTE & CASTE.

2. I am sure, if you have even IOTA of knowledge of 15 years rule of Lalu in Bihar, you won't have JUMPED on NDA's LOST.

3. Though Nitish will be the CM, do you think with higher no. of seats, Lalu would let him do whatever he wants? He will have VETO in every decision!

4. It will have HUGE repercussions for India as no country can grow when one of it's big state with 10% population living in abysmal poverty.

It's not as simple as you think - NDA's lost may turn out to be India's LOST!!

& I am not saying this due to my BIASES.
That should not be the intention. It will act as the shot in the arm for the intellectuals who will draw all the wrong conclusions from this victory. :P

It will not be easy to analyse this election...... The easy way to analyse this is ......

BJP Vs All other political parties......

@nair the problem that I have is when highly educated people like you have such a MYOPIC vision......

I have some points to make:

1. You think it was rejection on religious lines...but in Bihar it's NOT!! People hardly care about Hindu-Muslim issue, what they care about is CASTE, CASTE & CASTE.

2. I am sure, if you have even IOTA of knowledge of 15 years rule of Lalu in Bihar, you won't have JUMPED on NDA's LOST.

3. Though Nitish will be the CM, do you think with higher no. of seats, Lalu would let him do whatever he wants? He will have VETO in every decision!

4. It will have HUGE repercussions for India as no country can grow when one of it's big state with 10% population living in abysmal poverty.

It's not as simple as you think - NDA's lost may turn out to be India's LOST!!

& I am not saying this due to my BIASES.

You are making wrong assumptions based on one post of mine...... Dont be that prejudice.......
For Once.....I really want that Modi should declare EMERGENCY till 2019......Let General Elections happen thereafter......

People who vote on Myopic visions of Castes doesn't deserve to VOTE!!
Comon...this is a fact...that NDA have lost badly in delhi and Bihar...however this is also true that they have very much managed to keep thier 2014 vote bank in tact...what they have failed to do is improve on it...and what is the reason - All the opposite votes getting consolidated in one camp....in Delhi it was AAP and not in Bihar the Mahagadhbandhan...

Now here are my problems and fears and hope none of them come true....

a) Lessons learnt for BJP would be to put harsh economic reforms on backstage....Bring in more and more short sighted socialistic reforms which will win them more votes. They need to do it because united Opposition in going to be Mantra in next elections...
b) Lessons learnt for Opposition parties - get united so that cumulative effect bring BJP down

Now why 1 is bad for us we all know..and 2 is bad because these opposition parties are arch rivals....which means it is difficult for them to work together and lust for power will bring in obvious cracks/issues....

Hopefully the only positive outcome would be more scrutiny of scum bags in BJP who are causing more harm than benefits....
I agree completely. What I did not agree was with the notion of inevitable failure of a party against a coalition of parties. Congress always lagged only marginally in terms of vote share fighting single handedly against the left coalition in Bengal. And TMC outnumbered the same coalition with again marginal vote share. So, that concept does not convince actually.



Ab Rona bandh kar :D
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It will not be easy to analyse this election...... The easy way to analyse this is ......

BJP Vs All other political parties......

You are making wrong assumptions based on one post of mine...... Dont be that prejudice.......
The analysis is simple people in Bihar and UP follow realpolitik not a politics based on ideology. Yadavs will not care how corrupt Lalu was they will vote him in spite of it. You think this alliance of Nitish and lalu will last long ? I am quite sure JDu will break alliance & will go back to NDA.There is an old Hindi saying "Ek Mayan mey doh talwarey nahi reh saktey" " Two sword cannot be contained in one sheath"

For Once.....I really want that Modi should declare EMERGENCY till 2019......Let General Elections happen thereafter......

People who vote on Myopic visions of Castes doesn't deserve to VOTE!!
Then it will be repeat of what happenend to Indira Gandhi. In a democracy people deserve the rulers they elect it is better for BJP to try its luck in next election.
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