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Any threat to Saudi Arabia will evoke a strong response from Pakistan: COAS

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there's difference between Saudi and Makkah/Madina.

That's the mistake Pakistanis make, they get emotional over Saudi Arabia yet don't realise that its only Mecca and Madina which are holy to Muslims, not the state which invaded and captured these holy sites and holds it ransom to blackmail rest of Muslims.

Our ranger are enough for india

How old are you 16?
I don't think they will be counting on you...after you guys ditched em for Yemen!
You are wrong. as the ties has been far deeper than your thinking. go and read the Pak Arab (Specially Pak - Saudi) history then come back
You are wrong. as the ties has been far deeper than your thinking. go and read the Pak Arab (Specially Pak - Saudi) history then come back
As one wise man said...don't dwell in your past( history)!

Yes in front of the whole world we dittched them but behind the curtain no one have any idea what actually has happend.
Behind the curtain?
Why? if u said that our loud...You would hurt the yemenese? Or you scared of them?
It was Iranians who started this after Iranian revolution than KSA jumped in

same time when your royal family started spending its oil money as it feared religious movements in the would topple its monarchy.

Saudi monarchy will fall high chance to family infighting :cheers:

Saudis and their ISIS beliefs have brought nothing but destruction to pakistan. Good to see Pakistan will not be bullied by KSA when it comes to syria.

It was uncle sam that saved the Saudi family 1969 Saudi Arabian coup d'état plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The top brass is better aware of our true allies and friends as well as potential and overt enemies,so when they make a statement, they are fully aware of its importance and repercussions...just because Iranian loyalists in this country would want nothing but destruction of S Arabia and holy land doesn't mean we should cut our ties with our time tested friend aND become puppets of Iran...S Arabia has been with us through thick and thin unlike Iran who has back stabbed us on numerous ocassions and would happily do so in future as well,but their puppets still want to wave their tail in front of them,which of course no body give a flying fck in Pakistan...

Iran wants to destroy holy land now? Seems like the religious rags the saudis sent in a flurry after Pakistan turned down the yemen invasion did their trick on you. This is just lip service, to ease the hysterical royals. You would sell Nukes to the royals, send Pakistani men in yemen to die for a lost cause and you talk about puppets. I bet you would allow these royals to wipe out Pakistani endangered species too.
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Well dear as i have said earlier that we need unity in the present time to face the threats the muslim world is facing otherwise we will keep on providing our lands to the foreign forces to test their latest weapons. If you study the history of the past 100 years you will find that it was the saudi royal family and the their hardline misinterpreted islam which promoted sectarianism and terrorism in the muslim world. I am not shiite and yes i disagree with some of their views about islam but in the past years the only muslim country that showed the guts to stand against zionists is Iran. They have faced the sanctions but have not bent in front of those who call them masters of the world today.During the recent negotiations with P5+1 the iranian representative Javed zareef told the entire participants "never threaten and iranian". Can any third class muslim leader from any muslim sunni country,who call themselves the"thaykadar of true islam" have the guts to utter such words in front of US, russia, china, france, UK, germany??? I am sure not . They will even pe*in their pants while facing their masters. Give the credit to others where it is due.Most of the governments of "sunni " coountries are following the "sunnah" of US.

Well said!

That's the mistake Pakistanis make, they get emotional over Saudi Arabia yet don't realise that its only Mecca and Madina which are holy to Muslims, not the state which invaded and captured these holy sites and holds it ransom to blackmail rest of Muslims.

How old are you 16?

Well said! Bravo
same time when your royal family started spending its oil money as it feared religious movements in the would topple its monarchy.

Saudi monarchy will fall high chance to family infighting :cheers:

Saudis and their ISIS beliefs have brought nothing but destruction to pakistan. Good to see Pakistan will not be bullied by KSA when it comes to syria.

It was uncle sam that saved the Saudi family 1969 Saudi Arabian coup d'état plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran wants to destroy holy land now? Seems like the religious rags the saudis sent in a flurry after Pakistan turned down the yemen invasion did their trick on you. This is just lip service, to ease the hysterical royals. You would sell Nukes to the royals, send Pakistani men in yemen to die for a lost cause and you talk about puppets. I bet you would allow these royals to wipe out Pakistani endangered species too.

Unlike you ,I do not spend my day and night in Syrian conflict thread supportin and justifying every heinous crime,massacre and atrocities of Iran and their militia,so don't give lectures about loyalties which of course you have somewhere other than Pakustan...When Pakistan decided not to send Army in Yemen conflict then Raheel Sharif was the wisest but another statement in favor of KSA and all of a sudden he is KSA and American puppet,you people have no shame despite high level of hypocrisy expressed by you people..
Nobody trust Pakistani leaders anyways..
@bold.. Didnt he return back from UAE to Pakistan? There was news...i think last year..tht after being advisor to UAE for some time.. He had finally returned to Pakistan and settled back here?
Quite possible, back in early 2013 I gave him good, for keeping his mouth shut on the Abbottabad raid. Ever since then, we can't stand each other.

It's all because of @MastanKhan :p:
Malerkotla is in Haryana and a state ruled by a Muslim nawab ...
Nah its in Punjab
Malerkotla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And what does that statement have to do with my statement? Your dumber than I thought.

So is oil.. No oil back to looting hajjis,eating lizards n living in tents!

Abandoned them? Dumbass .. We fought n shed blood for em several times... We built their so called militaries from ground up... We protected them .. Heck even today we have over 1000 troops in KSA alone...

Maybe you should present your behind if you love em so much.

Stop being a pimp .. And have some shame dog.

If you weren't such a retard you would know about the divisions debts by PA in the 90s.. You ignorant shyt.

As for nuclear umbrella... Yeah right .. Why don't you google ...

Lmao .. Fathers? Come down bitch .. Your cousins are still herd sheep in Kashmir n GB...
Your kind was maddacred in Jammu in 48!

Maybe your "brothers" didn't give a fk about you back than.

My ppl have served the military since 47.. And to this day my ppl are serving in FATA..

Wanna swap places n live in our deprived province?

Keep your mouth shyt "America. ****" fukin ABCD.

Yeah right ., talkin shyt sitting behind a screen is easy.

With saima as the Gujjari.. "Mein teray Utay ugri".. C grade shyt watched by rickshaw drivers n made my low life scumbags (apparently gujjars" to covert black money into white.

Which states n empires? :rofl: gobaristan or the state of polian majan? Greatness my ***... Even according to the Hindu caste system .. You are a lower caste.

As for Khans... Yes they earn with honesty unlike assholes like you running 7/11s... In USA...
As for Muslims b United Punjab.. Yeah I'm sure... Do you have Sikh husbands too?

Did they divorce you back in 47 n do a "halala" now? Chutiye... If you are nothing without Pak... Heck wtf is your "hasiat" a barking scumbag who probably has a few Sikh lovers .. N dreams of a United Punjab.. And hates his own countrymen .. Fuk you ..apart from that panjab tumharay Baap ka tha!

Ask the panjabis who was the horrors themselves ..1 million Muslim panjabis were massacred .. Or ask the Gujjars of jammu who were also massacred raped n looted!
Gobbar apnay chotay sai dimagh say nikal.
Yep my nanihaal actually migrated from Jammu to sialkot and our view of india is similar to areesh :enjoy:
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