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How Afghan special forces turned the tide in Kunduz


Jan 5, 2012
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Great read giving insight on how Afghan special force with superior training and firepower destroyed the Talis in just 7 hours. Their lighting strikes, night operations ensured that the Talis were completely outmatched.

PS : As I explained in my earlier posts, the capture of the Kunduz for a few hours was a side show operation to show the capabilities of the ANSF, sideline militas and destroy the Talis. The militas and in a complete shock and disarray as their Tali brethren. There is no difference between the two.

Afghanistan's Elite Special Forces led in Recovering most of Kunduz from Taliban | Informed Comment
Hasn't a MSF hospital just been bombed there? I'm surprised there isn't a thread.
because taliban showed in pics were in this hospital . taliban captured it also so its deserve few bombs
Attacks like this just don't look good for the US though, whatever reasons they might have.
Attacks like this just don't look good for the US though, whatever reasons they might have.
no one care these days terrorists must be killed even if they are eating pooping sleeping hospitalized or surrendered . just clean the mess remember a good terrorist is dead terrorist :D i will happy if they killed 10 taliban and destroyed a hospital
no one care these days terrorists must be killed even if they are eating pooping sleeping hospitalized or surrendered . just clean the mess remember a good terrorist is dead terrorist :D i will happy if they killed 10 taliban and destroyed a hospital
do you know that among 9 dead in the hospital bombing not a single one was a Talib?
how can you even justify such horrific killing of hospital staff?
how would you feel if your brother is bombed for your terrorist neighbour?
PS : As I explained in my earlier posts, the capture of the Kunduz for a few hours was a side show operation to show the capabilities of the ANSF, sideline militas and destroy the Talis. The militas and in a complete shock and disarray as their Tali brethren. There is no difference between the two.

Bolded part.
I hope you were being facetious or in jest?! Otherwise I can't believe that ANSF's the devious ploy to "show" how good ANSF are by this way!

I have followed NY Times columns about Kunduz and most "commentators" are of the view that ANA (Afghan National Army) is a worthless enterprise--even 'cowards'--who, despite 12+ years of 'training' and 'funding' allowed a major city to fall into the hands of the Talibans. Even Pakistan was spared this time by the Western bloggers--ANA and Afghan leaders were roundly condemned. One British soldier deployed in Afghanistan commented something like: "In my experience working with the Afghan soldiers, they could be counted upon to get the paychecks but not to fight the Talibans.."

PS. I hope I am wrong in saying this: The Talibans are going to at least be a major irritant to Afghanistan if not take over even Kabul--especially after there is no more American air-cover for the ANA.
Great read giving insight on how Afghan special force with superior training and firepower destroyed the Talis in just 7 hours. Their lighting strikes, night operations ensured that the Talis were completely outmatched.

PS : As I explained in my earlier posts, the capture of the Kunduz for a few hours was a side show operation to show the capabilities of the ANSF, sideline militas and destroy the Talis. The militas and in a complete shock and disarray as their Tali brethren. There is no difference between the two.

Afghanistan's Elite Special Forces led in Recovering most of Kunduz from Taliban | Informed Comment

The original article was posted here on RFE/RL. Frud Bezhan is a respected journalist but the article leaves many things to question:
1. No mention is made that roughly 500 uneducated Taliban took one of the most strategic cities of Afghanistan, Kunduz in a matter hours
2. The 500 Taliban held the city for 3 days and still are terrorizing the city
3. The 500 Taliban have done this in the North far away from their much maligned sanctuaries in Pakistan
4. The 500 Taliban do not have air support, heavy weapons, med-evac, modern intelligence which the ANSF complains it has to rely on the US for
5. The US had to use fighter jets to provide air cover for the Afghan forces
6. When Kunduz fell to these 500 Taliban there were between 5,000 to 10,000 ANSF forces guarding Kunduz including a much vaunted Command Formation (and we are not talking about Arbaki or ALP here)
7. I have not seen an article in the NYT, WP, Economist which did not rate the performance of ANSF as dismal -- much worse than what was expected
8. I have not seen an article in the NYT, WP, Economist which did not consider this as a major victory for the Taliban in the psychological and political sense.

Further one should consider what would have happened if there were no US and NATO advisors and if there were no US and NATO enables: med-evac, artillery, air support.

Perhaps the Afghans know something the rest of the world doesn't -- however to those of us sitting outside Afghanistan, such optimism at the ANSF is mind boggling at best and dangerous at worst. The barometer that perhaps shows where the balance of truth lies is the number of Passport applicants in Afghanistan and the number of Afghans who are seeking refuge in Europe.

The problem with bad news is that it is bad -- but spinning bad news as good news is incredibly dangerous -- and it is most dangerous for the Afghans.
The original article was posted here on RFE/RL. Frud Bezhan is a respected journalist but the article leaves many things to question:
1. No mention is made that roughly 500 uneducated Taliban took one of the most strategic cities of Afghanistan, Kunduz in a matter hours

The Taliban have the manpower to hold the city of Kunduz, however the commitment of only 500 fighters suggest the idea that they were more concerned in making a symbolic statement, a taste of what is to become a daily occurrence once the American's leave officially. The Afghan Army is a Hashish Militia whose desertion rates is off the charts. The funny aspect of this event was on the notion how originally the security forces were optimistic in retaking the city in one day, however they were repelled back in a humiliating fashion.

2. The 500 Taliban held the city for 3 days and still are terrorizing the city

The situation in Kunduz city is so severe that people are on the verge of dying of starvation because the streets are not cleared and they are scared of leaving there homes. Only one bakery is open and he is charging $1 for each piece and not enough is available. Lets not forget about the injured and the sick who have still not received any medical suppliers and the Americans gave a big fat presents to residents by bombing their hospitals back to the stone age. Brother A-Team has been playing to much call of duty, because this was and will continue to be a walking disaster. The NDS building was ransacked and all potential names on the hit lists of the Taliban are in their grasp.

3. The 500 Taliban have done this in the North far away from their much maligned sanctuaries in Pakistan

You should inform Amrullah Saleh, because the parrot repeats the same mantra like a broken record player.

4. The 500 Taliban do not have air support, heavy weapons, med-evac, modern intelligence which the ANSF complains it has to rely on the US for.

The training of the Afghan Army and its $65 billion price tag on military equipment became useless and there is growing anger of among Americans who are dismayed on the inefficiency of the Afghans. They have tried to blame Pakistan, however this time its fallen on death ears and no one in the western world is willing to entertain them as they are yesterday's news.
I don't know whether to laugh or be sad

The current Afghan government reminds me of this guy.

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