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Migrant crisis: Disputed EU relocation plan voted in

I wasn't specifically addressing refugees, I was addressing the concept of sovereignty in relation to international treaties in response to a remark by another poster than you.

However, check PROTOCOL (No 24)

EUR-Lex - 12012M/TXT - EN - EUR-Lex

a.k.a. UNHCR - The 1951 Refugee Convention
See earlier quote on how that applies to all. here:
No European country can be 'exempt' from taking in refugees, says French President

The rule in EU says that the refugee should seek asylum in the FIRST COUNTRY OF THE EU, they enter.
Central European countries can always reject refugees due to that.
only 38% is for refugee ...

Poll: over a half of Poles against migrants - National

i think with this backstab move off polish govement they lost upcoming elections in october:rofl: morons


bla bla bla talks a non EU member... you wont to be like Pols join EU... but who would wont you here :P

Last year Poland issued 331,000 permits for short-term work to Ukrainians, up 50% on 2013, says Marta Jaroszewicz, a migration expert at the Centre For Eastern Studies (OSW), an independent Warsaw thinktank funded by the Polish government.

She estimates that there are now 300,000-400,000 Ukrainians in Poland, as many as twice the officially recognised number. In January and February, the number of residence applications by Ukrainians in the Mazovian voivodeship – the province which includes Warsaw – was up 180% on the same months of 2014.

Ukraine's refugees find solace in Poland, Europe's most homogenous society | World news | The Guardian
@Penguin UNHCR reports that 69% of them are men,13% are women and 18% are children .

Ok, fair enough. Crucially this reports on "Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean", not solely refugees: this includes streams from Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt. Which are typically not the refugees from Syria. Also, this chart talks specifically about SEA ARRIVALS (it doesn't factor in or discuss overland arrivals): frankly, I'm not surpriised more men and fewer women and children take this (more) dangerous route. Would you prefer to take your wife and children in a small, cramped (often unsuitable) boat?

Hence, the suggestion that all refugee men are leaving behind their wives and children in the warzone is incorrect and false. The refugees from Syria have a more even balance, as (also) indicated by UNHCR data.

The rule in EU says that the refugee should seek asylum in the FIRST COUNTRY OF THE EU, they enter.
Central European countries can always reject refugees due to that.
The rule doesn't say they have to stay there once given asylum.

DGs - Migration and Home Affairs - What we do - Policies - Asylum
See e.g. under 'temporary protection'

EUR-Lex - l33124 - EN - EUR-Lex

See also UNHCR - Working with the European Union right hand side:
UNHCR proposals in light of the EU response to the refugee crisis and the EU package of 9 September 2015
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but theres a deaper problem with it lack off comunitation with police from both countrys offen people that are sentenced in Poland run away to Uk or other EU countrys we need to change law and make it much harder im against death penity its good ending for such monsters working camps would be a better place for pigs like this

Pakistani man Jamshaid Khan faces life in jail after fatally stabbing wife 13 times | Daily Mail Online

Shafilea Ahmed murder: parents 'killed daughter for dating boys’ - Telegraph

Four sentenced to death for Pakistan 'honour killing' - BBC News





The above shows Vietnamese as the most criminal with Albanians, Algerians and Romanians taking the top four slots. The Pakistani and Poles come very similar at 16th and 18th slots. The Indian's are the most law abiding.


@flamer84 @Penguin @waz
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The above shows Vietnamese as the most criminal with Albanians, Algerians and Romanians taking the top four slots. The Pakistani and Poles come very similar at 16th and 18th slots. The Indian's are the most law abiding.


@flamer84 @Penguin @waz

According to your last two charts the number of Romanian /Polish criminals adjusted in percentage to the total number of Romanian/Polish citizens is still lesser than other nationalities.On top of this Romanians/Polish have freedom of movement(basically meaning all our criminals roam free in Europe),yet still rank lower than most non EU migrants.I shudder to think what will happen if Iranians,Iraqis,Algerians,Somalis,etc would have freedom of movement and not depend on visas,asylum policies,etc.Just look at the percentage of criminal;s vis a vis their total population in the UK.

Even so,Romanian criminals at least top the charts of NON violent crimes such as theft,burglary and fraud meaning you're less likely to be killed/raped by a Romanian.I won't even start the discussion of how many of those criminals are actually of gypsie ethnicity...
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Ok, fair enough. Crucially this reports on "Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean", not solely refugees: this includes streams from Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt. Which are typically not the refugees from Syria. Also, this chart talks specifically about SEA ARRIVALS (it doesn't factor in or discuss overland arrivals): frankly, I'm not surpriised more men and fewer women and children take this (more) dangerous route. Would you prefer to take your wife and children in a small, cramped (often unsuitable) boat?

Hence, the suggestion that all refugee men are leaving behind their wives and children in the warzone is incorrect and false. The refugees from Syria have a more even balance, as (also) indicated by UNHCR data.

The rule doesn't say they have to stay there once given asylum.

DGs - Migration and Home Affairs - What we do - Policies - Asylum
See e.g. under 'temporary protection'

EUR-Lex - l33124 - EN - EUR-Lex

See also UNHCR - Working with the European Union right hand side:
UNHCR proposals in light of the EU response to the refugee crisis and the EU package of 9 September 2015

Yeah..... because in overland arrivals you only see poor women and children. :lol:
Okay so, my take on this...been reading throughout August/September on the matter and now that i'm out of holiday mood i have formed some sort of opinion, fringe conspiracy theory even on it:

The immigrant waves will be used as an excuse to motivate the pacifist lefty EU trash populace into accepting more foreign interventions.
2nd stage of going after Libyan people smugglers commenced about a week ago. 2nd stage means flying drones over Libya and it's littoral waters to find out targets.
3rd stage will be elimination of these targets and so far unmentioned, but in my opinion unavoidable boots on the ground. Side product of this=Libyan energents production coming back to it's pre-civil war levels.

As for the hordes of young men....to some extent it's true, better to send the most able first on a perilous journey so they can perhaps send back enough money so that their families don't have to go through the same ordeal.

However, my hunch tells me, EU leaders want these new arrivals to rejuvenate the local population. And here comes the conspiracy part mentioned above-----a child takes more from the mother that from the father-example-mom Jew-you are Jew, or at least considered to be one, or the same principle Turks have been saying on PDF-their empire crumbled because their sultans kept taking Balkan wives, gradually changing the top tier of power completely. Or when @Nihonjin1051 links pics of mixed Japanese dad/Caucasian mom kids......the child barely has any mongoloid features. Rahul Gandhi is another example. Would fit more in an Italian coffeteria than in Delhi. He is so typically Italian it's unbeliavable....like early 30's hipster, still lives with his mom, chases girls on his vespa look.

There is a visible agenda in the press going on in regards to acceptance, they even went so far as to word it "refugees, our neighbours, our partners, our colleagues, our... etc etc
And since we all know mainstream media is more or less a mouthpiece of the governments (as most MSM houses are owned by very very few individuals who are in cahoots with people in power) this is a message from the powers that rule us.

I would agree with @Atanz 's "prediction" that in the next few decades some consolidating will take place. The indices to this are already visible, EU's eastern partnership programme or w/e it's called...that deals with all those Xstan's that came out of Russia. Also, if you put it in this light, keeping Greece at all costs inside makes much more sense. And that's why Azerbaijan can organize Eurogames and the likes of Israel and Armenia get to participate in Eurovision trash contest. Cultivating soft power takes a bit.
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@flamer84 @bobo6661


The above chart is adjusted for numbers. How is Romanian lesser than other nationalities? For crying out loud they are coming 4th on the villain scale. Not that I like it but I got to accept the fact that the Indian's come out looking sweet taking the best position. Pakistani's are only slightly behind the Poles at position 16th. The Poles only beat us by 0.01% .

However I accept that many of those Romanians are Gypsies and lot of it is minor crime. The real dangerous stuff like getting stabbed,raped, shot or shit kicked out of you comes more from the Africans be they Nigerian, Jamaican or Somali.However the Albanian's are also a very dangerous group as reflected in the stats.

Your point about vilains and mobility carries some credence. However I could also point to the population pyramid profile of the Pakistani's. That's is more males and younger. Both factors are contributory to crime. You don't get 70 year old ladies raping and killing people that often. So if you adjust this the rather low figure for Pakistani's would drop further down to near the mainstream British level.

And on the subject of rape while the media harps on about Pakistan sex grooming gangs - conveniently overlooking the Albanian's who run sex industry that could lift many countries GDP. If your in Birmingham and out with your girlfriend be sure to hold her tightly. Or else somebody might just come along and decide to use her as a "Take Away". No prizes for guessing who the "Take Away Rapist" was?

Birmingham CCTV shows suspected rapist carrying woman before she was attacked | Daily Mail Online

Rape stats - UK

Rape/attempted rape

White – 820 (71.11%)
Black – 118 (10.23%)
Asian – 85 (7.37%)
Other – 34 (2.94%)
Not stated – 96 (8.32%)
Total – 1153

Blacks are 3.7 times more likely than whites to commit rape

Asians are 1.3 times more likely than whites to commit rape

*In the British context "Asian" means Pakistan, Indian etc
Yeah..... because in overland arrivals you only see poor women and children. :lol:
Well, in all seriousness, apparently something takes place to cause both the 70% males among arrivals by sea and the 50/50 among the 4.1 milliion registeres Syrian refugees to be true.

From registered Syrian Refugees (4.1 million), 2.1 million are Syrians registered by UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, and 1.9 million Syrians registered by the Government of Turkey, as well as more than 24,000 Syrian refugees registered in North Africa. Regional demographic breakdown below is based on available data from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. Among these those from Syria in Egypt Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon the balance is about even. It is just as unlikely that those in Turkey are prdominantly male as is it that land arrivals are predominantly female (but more likely to be more balanced nonetheless)
Source: https://defence.pk/threads/migrant-crisis-disputed-eu-relocation-plan-voted-in.399173/page-2#ixzz3meyHHRQ6

It may well be the case that families get out, and once in the relative safety of the countries mentioned above, the men set out to seek asylum (there not being much other prospects). Presumably, with the intent to later have family reunited with them, or to at least be able to support them financially from abroad. The men are more suited for the risky trip and most likely also better educated or skilled.

That is one plausible explanation for the existence of the 50/50 and 75/25 distributions side by side in different target populations.

In time this should cause the 50/50 ratio in the region to shift though towards more women than men (since the men would be leaving first) and then to balance out (with a smaller population in the region) as families are reunited.

Of the above 4.1 million, there are still 100,000 'unaccounted for' in terms of M/V

Yeah..... because in overland arrivals you only see poor women and children. :lol:
The thing is, we don't have the M/V for the group that takes that route and therefor also cannot establish the M/V ratio for all those going to Europe. But you continue to ignore that the 70% male story concerns more people than 'just' (part of) the Syrians. The stream of MIGRANTS from North Africa is a different group than the Syrians that flee the war intheir country.

I was talking about this chart by percentage of nationality.The Poles are only 0.09% for example.Take into consideration that most EE criminal organisations moved Westward due to freedom of movement.It's easier for Romanian card fraudsters to embezzle gullible Westerners than Romanians back home.More money to,so they set up shop there.

And yes,the Albanian mafia is one of the most cruel,savage organisation out there.These are the guys who traficked Serb organs and NATO bombed Serbia for them.
Ok, fair enough. Crucially this reports on "Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean", not solely refugees: this includes streams from Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt. Which are typically not the refugees from Syria. Also, this chart talks specifically about SEA ARRIVALS (it doesn't factor in or discuss overland arrivals): frankly, I'm not surpriised more men and fewer women and children take this (more) dangerous route. Would you prefer to take your wife and children in a small, cramped (often unsuitable) boat?

Hence, the suggestion that all refugee men are leaving behind their wives and children in the warzone is incorrect and false. The refugees from Syria have a more even balance, as (also) indicated by UNHCR data.

The rule doesn't say they have to stay there once given asylum.

DGs - Migration and Home Affairs - What we do - Policies - Asylum
See e.g. under 'temporary protection'

EUR-Lex - l33124 - EN - EUR-Lex

See also UNHCR - Working with the European Union right hand side:
UNHCR proposals in light of the EU response to the refugee crisis and the EU package of 9 September 2015

It is a bit unclear at the moment, since it has been decided to spread out the refugees.
Once their country has been decided, they have no right to move within the E.U.

If/when they become a citizen of a E.U. state, they have the same right as any E.U. citizen
to move, but if they do, then they are on their own, and no longer refugees,
and have to earn their own money.
I think Turkey can take back all those refugees, but if you pay us the right amount of course..

Fidye like in the good old ottoman times. :-)
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