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Migrants´ invasion - we´re taken for a fool

First you need to control your women from having fun with the African's. If you can do that then you might just be ready to come after us. Until then ciao.


What a response!!!! He will have no reply to that
First you need to control your women from having fun with the African's. If you can do that then you might just be ready to come after us. Until then ciao.

Some btches.... thats their choice i dont give a damn.
What never ceases to amazes me and is this fact. Really amazes me. Europe has invaded every single continent on this earth. Europe has almost invaded almost every country on earth. Europe has migrated to almost every continent on earth, you find them in North America, South America, Australia, South Africa and new Zealand. In the course of that they have wiped out entire native peoples.

Then in just last 15 years the West has invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, bombed Libya, sent soldiers all over Africa, set up military bases everywhere.

And then after all this they have the galls to complain when they get few migrants go the other way. Truely bloody amazing.

It will be okay if Asians and Africans united, invade Europe with warships. But not in bare hands.
why doesn't the Muslim world not take in these refugees?? I know Turkey has taken in a few million.

Libya was because of the Arab spring. they brought it on themselves :D and no refugees are coming from Iraq.

the only time so called 'muslim world' exists is when a fatwa needs to be served on a rushdie or charlie habdoo. At all other times there is no muslim world. they break up into casteist factions of shia sunni and ssub castes such as wahabi, ahmedi and so on. each will accuse the other of usurping islam and start the next round of fightings and bombings
Some btches.... thats their choice i dont give a damn.

Gabriel I don't understand you guy's. You know almost every African will go after your woman. But your media, Muslims, Muslims. Muslims ..... It freakin crazy.

@bongbang You wanna do that go ahead. No African unity for me thank you. I let the Europeans enjoy that.
What never ceases to amazes me and is this fact. Really amazes me. Europe has invaded every single continent on this earth. Europe has almost invaded almost every country on earth. Europe has migrated to almost every continent on earth, you find them in North America, South America, Australia, South Africa and new Zealand. In the course of that they have wiped out entire native peoples.

Then in just last 15 years the West has invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, bombed Libya, sent soldiers all over Africa, set up military bases everywhere.

And then after all this they have the galls to complain when they get few migrants go the other way. Truely bloody amazing.

You mean to keep Kim Kardeshian occupied .....:yahoo:

Ps. You know the funny thing Daneshmand. In Europe they are all screaming and complaining about Muslims. Most of us just get a job and settle down have kids and lead straight life. But you have no idea what the African's do. They grab all their women, do all drug crime, murders, muggings. In London almost 50% of murders by by Black people.

Do you know these fools do? They complain about the Muslims instead. I am not kidding it is madness. This is what happened in London 3 years ago in riots. And they all screaming against the Muslim's.


Metropolitan Police crime statistics reveal violent criminals are mostly black - and so are their victims | Daily Mail Online

Not only Kardashian. The normal American and French girls are going to love these fine gentlemen on the boat.

They are wonderful human beings. They have human rights and human desire for freedom and democracy. They want to be in Europe and American with their future wives there.

And Europe should stop its racist policies such as these kind of statements: Migrants 'threaten EU standards' says Philip Hammond - BBC News

Europe destroyed Libya. This was the country which used to employ the blacks. Libya had quite a good standard of life under Qaddafi and used to employ foreign workers.

Now the residents of these ex-colonies of Europe in Africa need jobs. Europe killed their employer. Of course these dudes will have to go to France and become French citizens and marry French girls.

What is wrong in that? Except if only one is racist, nothing is wrong with that.

Europe destroyed the livelihood of these people and now they are responsible for them. These gentlemen want to settle down with French girls now. Anything less will not cut it.
And ? Because of a dead child we should cry and let everyone in ? Sad. But not a reason to open the gates. :

Do not derail the thread. Your gates are already open. And more and more refugees shall enter France. Millions of them. Rest assured of it. When you destroy other people's homes, then expect those people to storm yours. And stop being such a racist complaining about refugees, just because of their color of skin or their religion.

impossible. you know Feminism Nazis were originated from Western Countries. western males are to obey it or else their women will brand them as anti-feminist.

Then why their males are complaining to us on a defense forum? They should complain about their impotency among themselves. We want nothing of it.
Do not derail the thread. Your gates are already open. And more and more refugees shall enter France. Millions of them. Rest assured of them. When you destroy other people's homes, then expect those people to storm yours. And stop being such a racist complaining about refugees, just because of their color of skin or their religion.

Well for most of them we are a transit country,they want countries with stable economy like Germany,Uk,Sweden etc.
More than 50% of immigrants coming to France are EU citizens,Spanish,German,Polish,italian,portuguese....
Yeah im proud to be racist,i wont remain silent when i see whats happening in the name of humanity... lol.
Middle East cannot be repaired because of ISIS and similar terrorist militia.

The ME countries will not do anything to stop these terrorists because they use them to execute their religious dogma such as shia vs sunni

The west is tired if wars that they have proven they can start but have no clue how to finish

So the choices are: 1) Take the refugees and work out a distribution amongst EU; 2) Stop the refugees at the borer thus saving themselves but violating the socialist laws the signed! 3) Force / Convince ME countries to take these refugees (which IMO will actually stop the wars in ME).

But @Atanz is right. Europe of all the people, are the least qualified people to blame anyone else of invasions.

Gabriel I don't understand you guy's. You know almost every African will go after your woman. But your media, Muslims, Muslims. Muslims ..... It freakin crazy.

@bongbang You wanna do that go ahead. No African unity for me thank you. I let the Europeans enjoy that.

depends where from and what the africans are....arren't the ones from morocco, ethiopia, algeria etc are mostly muslims?
We thought they would unite together to build a new country,a better future,but they prefer to kill each others.
Not our fault if they are savages.

On a serious note, how can you even accept so many immigrants...This is strange the Muslim work becomes silent when it comes to accepting refugees and then find different execuses not to share the burden of those unfortunate people...
Well for most of them we are a transit country,they want countries with stable economy like Germany,Uk,Sweden etc.
More than 50% of immigrants coming to France are EU citizens,Spanish,German,Polish,italian,portuguese....
Yeah im proud to be racist,i wont remain silent when i see whats happening in the name of humanity... lol.

What's there to take pride in racism? As for humanity... Well the French aren't really known for that ... Algerian genocide for example..
In the part of video "spot german guns", I spotted FN FAL and what looks like FN MAG (not sure though), which are both german.....

Other than that, valid point. There's a reason why these countries have war etc....
The reason is these people's attitudes.
FN = Fabrique Nationale de Herstal (Belgium)
What's there to take pride in racism? As for humanity... Well the French aren't really known for that ... Algerian genocide for example..

I dont want Europe to be invaded by millions of alien people,is it racist ? Many pakistanis over here are saying send these afghanis back,they are causing troubles etc... so you guys are racist?
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