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Migrants´ invasion - we´re taken for a fool

Yes but this is a consequence of war and chaos, people protested at the time but to no avail

No one asked for intervention especially ill thought out western bombing, this was pushed by western leaders with little foresight

These are Africans, when the libians had a functioning state they used to patrol borders and stop and regulate migrants you destroyed the state hence no more block and its a free for all to Europe

These are mostly migrants who leave their families with the aim of settling and making money in Europe to send to their families

What a cop out, you bomb their nation, create chaos and death, make the government and state collapse and expect to create democratic institutions from 30,000 feet at the points of air to ground missiles

Bull shit

You may not like it but you bear at least some responsibility for this mess and should heed tge warnings of senseless war

If they were civilized,we would probably have helped them,but they prefer to kill each others,why helping an unstabilized country ? . At least this arab spring teached us than its better to them to stay under dictature
If they were civilized,we would probably have helped them,but they prefer to kill each others,why helping an unstabilized country ?

But the governments did help them despite reports coming out of what the rebels were doing. Heck, I'm pretty sure Gaddafi's son called the Amercians telling them that their "freedom fighters" were running rampant, massacring others without impunity. I mean, what sign was NATO looking for to make sure that the rebels they were supporting weren't "savages"?

. At least this arab spring teached us than its better to them to stay under dictature
Are you sure about that? Its been what, 4 years? 4 years and we're still hearing the same denials over and over again in Syria. We're supporting moderates, Assad needs to go down, no chance of talks etc.

France should take all the refugees in. Specially those from Africa. Every single one of them. After all, France was at the forefront of bombing Libya and handing over that country to Al-Qaida.

France also pushed very hard to do the same in Syria but thank God, Russia, China and Iran prevented French from bombing Syria and completely handing over that country to Isis. Now French supported Isis are only partially in charge of that country.

At any rate, all these refugees are now responsibility of Europe.

Europe should open its gates to Africa and Syria and take tens of millions of refugees in.

This should then become a lesson for Europe not to interfere in internal affairs of other countries in the name of democracy and freedom.

Democracy and freedom? My asssss.
If they were civilized,we would probably have helped them,but they prefer to kill each others,why helping an unstabilized country ? . At least this arab spring teached us than its better to them to stay under dictature

Democracy takes time to take root we have historical precident for this

A dictator can keep tension, rivalries, animosity all under wraps in a pressure cooker type situation

It takes time for democracy and democratic institutions to flourish

Only IDIOTS think this will happen over night and even bigger idiots to think that it can be achieved by bombing, air raids and war

All this creates is chaos and death and th8s is what has happened in iraq, syria and libia

But you the brits, yanks and french etc cannot now flout your responsibility

You must take responsibility for your actions and the issues they have caused, house the refugees and dont wage ill thought out wars
We thought they would unite together to build a new country,a better future,but they prefer to kill each others.
Not our fault if they are savages.

No, you didn't. You are not that naive. You guys intentionally destroyed those countries. INTENTIONALLY.

Now that is the definition of a savage.
France should take all the refugees in. Specially those from Africa. Every single one of them. After all, France was at the forefront of bombing Libya and handing over that country to Al-Qaida.

France also pushed very hard to do the same in Syria but thank God, Russia, China and Iran prevented French from bombing Syria and completely handing over that country to Isis. Now French supported Isis are only partially in charge of that country.

At any rate, all these refugees are now responsibility of Europe.

Europe should open its gates to Africa and Syria and take tens of millions of refugees in.

This should then become a lesson for Europe not to interfere in internal affairs of other countries in the name of democracy and freedom.

Democracy and freedom? My asssss.

Iran. Lol. You think that that retard Putin would fight Usa France and others because of Assad ? You think China would fight for Assad or for Iran ? Keeeeep dreaming.
They revolt,call for Western interventions but then cry and accuse us of destroying their countries. How cute.

No, you dit. You are not that naive. You guys intentionally destroyed those countries. INTENTIONALLY.

Now that is the definition of a savage.

Lets destroy other countries then. :lol:
Irans next. :lol:
why doesn't the Muslim world not take in these refugees?? I know Turkey has taken in a few million.

Libya was because of the Arab spring. they brought it on themselves :D and no refugees are coming from Iraq.

Yes, Turkey as a member of NATO was following orders given to it by its NATO masters. So they are now responsible for a few millions.

Libya did not bring it on themselves. NATO brought it on them. There was no referendum in Libya approving NATO to forcibly hand over that country to alqaida. A few alqaida extremists asked for air support from NATO and the NATO argued that these are ordinary Libyans needing air support to topple their government and establish a Jeffersonian democracy in the horn African. Such was never the case. Alqaida is not interested in Jeffersonian democracy in which blacks were kept as slaves for the white masters. Alqaida had its own pathetic vision.
they asked for intervention. remember Arab spring.

Arab Spring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


where are the women and children?? looks like healthy young males to me.

Are those guy's African American's? A bit far from their "hood" though.
Iran. Lol. You think that that retard Putin would fight Usa France and others because of Assad ? You think China would fight for Assad or for Iran ? Keeeeep dreaming.
They revolt,call for Western interventions but then cry and accuse us of destroying their countries. How cute.

Lets destroy other countries then. :lol:
Irans next. :lol:

Oh, don't you remember how fast and pathetic France ran away from invading Syria as soon as its master America said no more invasion of Syria after Putin pulled the rag from under your feet?

Dude, you are only powerful to bomb weak countries. You do not have the balls to bomb Iran.

Anyways, this thread is not about Iran. So do not derail it.

It is about refugees. And the French obligation to take in tens of millions of refugees from Syria and Africa and grant them French citizenship in due course.

After all this is about human rights: If these extraordinarily powerful images of a dead Syrian child washed up on a beach don’t change Europe’s attitude to refugees, what will? - Europe - World - The Independent

When you support Isis and Alqaida, then you should also pay the costs of this support.

Are those guy's African American's? A bit far from their "hood" though.

They are on their way to become American citizens, marrying American girls. They will make lovely husbands in Europe and America.
What never ceases to amazes me and is this fact. Really amazes me. Europe has invaded every single continent on this earth. Europe has almost invaded almost every country on earth. Europe has migrated to almost every continent on earth, you find them in North America, South America, Australia, South Africa and new Zealand. In the course of that they have wiped out entire native peoples.

Then in just last 15 years the West has invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, bombed Libya, sent soldiers all over Africa, set up military bases everywhere.

And then after all this they have the galls to complain when they get few migrants go the other way. Truely bloody amazing.

They are on their way to become American citizens, marrying American girls. They will make lovely husbands in Europe and America.

You mean to keep Kim Kardeshian occupied .....:yahoo:

Ps. You know the funny thing Daneshmand. In Europe they are all screaming and complaining about Muslims. Most of us just get a job and settle down have kids and lead straight life. But you have no idea what the African's do. They grab all their women, do all drug crime, murders, muggings. In London almost 50% of murders by by Black people.

Do you know these fools do? They complain about the Muslims instead. I am not kidding it is madness. This is what happened in London 3 years ago in riots. And they all screaming against the Muslim's.


Metropolitan Police crime statistics reveal violent criminals are mostly black - and so are their victims | Daily Mail Online
Europe should be relocated in North and South America and Australia. A parallel universe which will be created dividing the savages Arabian and African in middle of Atlantic and Pacific. Leave Europe to refugees.

Btw which are the Syrian refugees? Sia or Sunnis?
Oh, don't you remember how fast and pathetic France ran away from invading Syria as soon as its master America said no more invasion of Syria after Putin pulled the rag from under your feet?

Dude, you are only powerful to bomb weak countries. You do not have the balls to bomb Iran.

Anyways, this thread is not about Iran. So do not derail it.

It is about refugees. And the French obligation to take in tens of millions of refugees from Syria and Africa and grant them French citizenship in due course.

After all this is about human rights: If these extraordinarily powerful images of a dead Syrian child washed up on a beach don’t change Europe’s attitude to refugees, what will? - Europe - World - The Independent

When you support Isis and Alqaida, then you should also pay the costs of this support.

They are on their way to become American citizens, marrying American girls. They will make lovely husbands in Europe and America.

If NATO really wanted,they would have sent Syria and Iran combined to the stone ages,dont act as if someone is afraid of Iran. What could you do ? Maybe khomeini would help every iranian to fly and destroy USs aircrafts lool.
And ? Because of a dead child we should cry and let everyone in ? Sad. But not a reason to open the gates. Why dont they go to their muslims brothers ? Where is that thing called Ummah? But still going to kuffar Europe? Dont get it.
And there will be a day when we will be fed up,and its gonna be fun. :party:
First you need to control your women from having fun with the African's. If you can do that then you might just be ready to come after us. Until then ciao.

impossible. you know Feminism Nazis were originated from Western Countries. western males are to obey it or else their women will brand them as anti-feminist. western women cuckolds with africans most of the time too!
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