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China has its own horrors to atone for

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Is there a country in this earth that is truly guilt-less ? :)

From the Europeans, to the Americas, to the Middle Easterners, to the South Asians, to Southeast Asians, East Asians, I think we all can find instances of brutalities committed by every single civilization.

So , Please, spare me any Holier Than Thou lectures ad nauseum.
LooooL...............i can't believe you guys are actually debating about meaningless human right issues which means nothing in geo-politics???lol, quit the trolling, all of you, dose a Spanish actually care about how people are treated in china??? dose the countless bashing from some Spanish guy changes anything geo-politically? dose china care about what foreigner thinks? dose little span's action make any difference in this world? dose western propaganda stops china's rise?? who cares?? i myself certainly don't give a shit if a western country committing genocide and rapping two years old girl in other country,or there is a nuclear war going on Europe as long as its dose not affect china's interest, cut the bullshit of human right and political correctness, no country on this planet actually care, we all know that. I'm so sick of some members here do nothing but bullshitting some political correctness nonsense and being hypocritical and dishonest and like a diplomat, relax dude, you are nobody, your country is nothing, if span disappears today, hardly anyone in china would even aware until next century!
I think more European countries will become the Europigs, if they are still so naive.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Is there a country in this earth that is truly guilt-less ? :)

From the Europeans, to the Americas, to the Middle Easterners, to the South Asians, to Southeast Asians, East Asians, I think we all can find instances of brutalities committed by every single civilization.

So , Please, spare me any Holier Than Thou lectures ad nauseum.
Do a Japanese has the quality to criticize other countries's guilt? you people are the most achiever of robbery and massacre among all modern civilized countries. Even now your country is still a "parolee" that refuses to acknowledge all atrocities. Now you are just trying to conceal your country's atrocities with this logic that the brutalities is the normal actions of civilizations. Using your logic, we will do all and more what your country did to us for over a hundred years, we will be the most generous country to input fire to you.
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Again you people are in no position to talk about the wrongdoings of others because you people killed more people more than Japanese ever did and you people too have not acknowledged as well at less the Japanese paid war reparations you people just swept your crimes under the rag and you people still do things like Persecution falun gong and Tibetans and now the latest is East Turkestani etc again you people are in no position to talk about anything at all

Near 3450 posts and and still your writing is near impossible to comprehend.

Just as bad as it has always been. Half an hour practicing punctuation will do you wonders.
Again you people are in no position to talk about the wrongdoings of others because you people killed more people more than Japanese ever did and you people too have not acknowledged as well at less the Japanese paid war reparations you people just swept your crimes under the rag and you people still do things like Persecution falun gong and Tibetans and now the latest is East Turkestani etc again you people are in no position to talk about anything at all
What the shit you say? China government has the obligation to suppress all the cult, separatists and the religious extremists and the terrorism sympathizers like you.
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Agree, only China's violence is justified, since China was born a holy country who can never do any harm.Even if it does harm anyone, its harm is justified , sweet and peaceful. So anybody who holy China kills has to be grateful to humanity to have perished under the might of the great CCP . There is no GOD greater than the CCP and Mao was his prophet. :chilli::rofl:

CCP China good. All other countries bad/evil. :devil:

Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour.

Most Chinese posters on PDF are also critical of the Chinese government, We do not need foreigners to justify their past barbaric acts by pointing out Chinese mistakes made between the late 50s and late 70s.

If only Chinese people can be like the foreigners with short memories, statutes of limitation and a shameless high horse attitude.

The crimes of the Imperialists shadow anything the Chinese have done anywhere. Looting foreign territories, enslaving their populations , peddling drugs, stealing entire harvests, taking slaves home to industrialize, wonton destruction of foreign artifacts...

The list goes on and on.

What happened in the chinese great forward was a tragedy, not a counterweight to justify past wrongdoings by foreigners. You will not wash your hands so easily.
I agree with this one.:D

Me too, I told him he had a point there.

See? We are trying to be fair, we give credit where credit is due.

Agree, only China's violence is justified, since China was born a holy country who can never do any harm.Even if it does harm anyone, its harm is justified , sweet and peaceful. So anybody who holy China kills has to be grateful to humanity to have perished under the might of the great CCP . There is no GOD greater than the CCP and Mao was his prophet. :chilli::rofl:

CCP China good. All other countries bad/evil. :devil:

True without chinese and russian support VCP would have been decimayed by the U.S in a couple of weeks at most.
Just like without Japan invading China and weakening KMT forces, the CCP wouldnt be in power today, they would have long been wiped out by the KMT.
And yes the CCP played little to no role AT ALL in Japans defeat/surrender in China, the KMT did slmost allbof the fighting. Not that anybody expected the CCP to fight Japan, since we all know they were mainly a small rag tag rebel group back then that they barely had enough troops to protect itself from being eradicated by KMT, just that the CCP shouldnt lie yo its people so blatabtly about leading the chinese war of resistance against Japan. That will be the biggest lie of the century.

Chinese and vietnamese commies nationslist can keep denying the above two facts which everybody outside their respective country knows as facts. Lool

Outstanding bro !!!!!!!!!!!
True without chinese and russian support VCP would have been decimayed by the U.S in a couple of weeks at most.
Just like without Japan invading China and weakening KMT forces, the CCP wouldnt be in power today, they would have long been wiped out by the KMT.
And yes the CCP played little to no role AT ALL in Japans defeat/surrender in China, the KMT did slmost allbof the fighting. Not that anybody expected the CCP to fight Japan, since we all know they were mainly a small rag tag rebel group back then that they barely had enough troops to protect itself from being eradicated by KMT, just that the CCP shouldnt lie yo its people so blatabtly about leading the chinese war of resistance against Japan. That will be the biggest lie of the century.

Chinese and vietnamese commies nationslist can keep denying the above two facts which everybody outside their respective country knows as facts. Lool

I have pointed out repeatedly that the Chinese victory is not a partisan issue, Chinese people know very well the contributions of the KMT and CPC.

It doesnt matter is a Chinese soldier is KMT or CPC, that he is Chinese is enough.
Agree, only China's violence is justified, since China was born a holy country who can never do any harm.Even if it does harm anyone, its harm is justified , sweet and peaceful. So anybody who holy China kills has to be grateful to humanity to have perished under the might of the great CCP . There is no GOD greater than the CCP and Mao was his prophet. :chilli::rofl:

CCP China good. All other countries bad/evil. :devil:
Yes, "胡虏无百年运", this our creed and wisdom of thousands of years support that all the barbaric countries can never sustain its super power over one hundred years. It exactly account for the decline of the Mongol, the Great Britain empire, USSR, Japan, and next will be the US. Even Manchu must choose a self-assimilation way to rule China for over 200 years. We believe in it, so we choose the hardest road of a peaceful development and rise. At least we will never invade other countries and plunder wealth like your barbaric countries, unless some stupid blinders want to shoot the first bullet to us.
Look at Vietcong, so weak not even 1/100 of CPC's power, yet they dare to dream about their sub-Mekong empire.

When the PRC was formed, they didn't think to encroach any neighbor's land so far.

to defend the territorial sovereignty ≠ territorial encroachment
That is why they must stay in a little area for thousands of years and VCP will never gain the strength as powerful as CPC. And without CPC's help, the VCP can never exist.
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As i said its normal. Since even if rhe KMT was in power in the mainland today and the CCP was in Taiwan, Chinese members here will also be supporting their government KMT like they are doing now with the CCP. Though i admit Commie propaganda and censorship is far more pronounce. Lol

They kind if remind me of the following article. @beidou must be one of them.lool

How China’s online ‘Civilization Army’ turned a youth street fight into a patriotic struggle

30 July 2015 18:13 Global Voices6 min read
By Oiwan Lam.

Hou Jusen, a Chinese teen from Shandong Province’s Weihai city, recently picked a quarrel with another teenager online. The two boys fixed a date to settle the score in person and on July 22, along with their friends, they fought in front of a college in the city.

Hou Jusen in front of the computer. Image remixed by Weibo user 皇城牧羊.
The incident was most likely just an ordinary street fight, as the city’s police officers concluded in a message published on popular social media site Weibo. But Hou is not just any teen — he is an online “civilization volunteer”, a young person recruited and rewarded in exchange for posting pro-government and pro-Communist party comments online. Soon after the skirmish, members of the China Communist Youth League portrayed it as something ideological — a “patriotic youth” injured by an unidentified mob for expressing his love of country.

Since February 2015, the China Communist Youth League has recruited approximately 18 million civilization volunteers to “spread positive energy” online. The organization of the volunteers is in a form of hierarchical network lead by the party which analyzes public opinion and gives guidelines to network members who orchestrate the party’s view. Huo had participated in an “online propaganda training” organized by the Shandong branch of the Communist Youth League from June 29 to July 2.

Online, Hou’s peers from the civilization army swore to root out enemies in revenge, while those who oppose the policing of Internet comments under the pretext of “patriotism” ridiculed Hou and his comrades, saying that they deserved to be beaten up. Many expressed worry that similar incidents will recur and that the online battle will eventually spill over into physical conflict, similar to what happened during the Chinese Cultural Revolution half a century ago.

The online war of words began with Hou’s tweet on July 22:

TranslationOriginal quote
纳蛆几个LOW货,五六个打我一个又是辣椒水又是甩棍的,有本事你别跑啊,推墙推的走火入魔了吧?这样就想打垮我,太天真了 。
The term “wall-climbing gang” refers to those who use circumvention tools to get around China’s Great Firewall of domestic Internet censorship and access foreign websites. The message thus hinted that the fight is political in nature.

Hou’s tweet was spotted by the official account of Shandong Youth League not long after, which framed the incident as an attack against an upstanding patriotic youth:

TranslationOriginal quote
【关注!爱国青年被网络暴民群殴】有网友反映:威海青年@侯聚森-侧卫36 因为发表爱国言论被网络暴民堵在校门口群殴。在此之前,已有人冒他之名发表不法言论,现在又被施以暴力!爱国,竟成了被阴暗力量迫害的理由?施暴者必须受到法律惩处。侯聚森,你不孤单,我们都在你的身旁!@威海警方在线
The message was re-posted more than 6,000 times, and the Central Communist Youth League also urged the public to pay attention to the incident in their official Weibo.

In response to these calls for justice, the Weihai city police investigated the street fight and reported on their Weibo account:

TranslationOriginal quote
In response to public concern: Wendeng district police are following the case. At 13:30 p.m. July 22, a disturbance took place outside the gate of Normal College at Wendeng district of Weihai city. After the case was reported, Wendeng police started an investigation. The initial finding: Hou had some disputes with others online, they picked a time to meet outside the school gate and came to blows. Public security authorities will continue to follow the case.
Usually in cases related to public disputes, both parties are placed in administrative detention. On July 24, Wendeng district police closed the case by ordering six individuals to spend seven to 15 days in detention; Hou was detained for 10 days. The police investigation triggered another round of debate.

Some labelled the Wendeng police as traitors, saying they wanted to break into the police station to express their anger. A remark from Weibo user “The Naked gun" explains to some extent the logic of the patriot camp:

How China's online 'Civilization Army' turned a youth street fight into a patriotic struggle | Hong Kong Free Press
TranslationOriginal quote
作为国家机关,公安机关不但需要打击违法犯罪,更应该以身作则维护国家的安全、荣誉和利益。[…] 当一个人因为爱国言论而被暴力侵害时,这已经不是治安案件,这是刑事案件![…] 按照你们的逻辑,抗日战争应该叫中日互殴战争。日本鬼子欺负到家门口了也不能还手对吗?

Weibo screen capture by China Digital Times. The user says, “I want to break into the Wendeng police station.” Photo: China Digital Times.

The Central Communist Youth League doubled down on that line of thinking in their Internet Opinion report published on July 25. The report criticizes the Wendeng police for not being sensitive enough when handling the case and also suggests there may have been “foreign forces” behind the street fight.

Some netizens were not convinced by the claims that Hou was completely innocent. They dug up Hou’s online history on various social media platforms, which showed he has a history of picking quarrels online and using sexual foul language. Many criticized the Communist Youth League, accusing them of using patriotism as shelter for thugs or online bullies.

Both camps continue to squabble online, and worry is ripe that these nasty Internet comments could spill over into the streets again one day. Sekikouei, a professor from Jiangxi Normal University, slammed the online patriotic sentiment:

TranslationOriginal quote
There is no love. They just pick quarrels and fights all day long. Today vow to execute this and tomorrow execute someone else. This is not love but hatred. Such patriotism is not loving one’s country but hating one’s country.
History has proven that ideological struggle is similar to class struggle. The result is not love, but harm to the country. […] When handling online opinion, instead of inviting experts and professors to engage in rational talk and pass on knowledge and truth, we seduce students who are naive and launch verbal and personal attacks on public intellectuals. Is this patriotic education? Or a cultivation of thugs?

How China's online 'Civilization Army' turned a youth street fight into a patriotic struggle | Hong Kong Free Press

A single fist fight between a couple of kids is your argument? Are you going to extrapolate this incident over a population of 1.4 billion?

People fight for the silliest of reasons. In Europe, its actually quite common for soccer fans to fight in epic brawls with fans from opposing teams. What to make of them?
I have pointed out repeatedly that the Chinese victory is not a partisan issue, Chinese people know very well the contributions of the KMT and CPC.

It doesnt matter is a Chinese soldier is KMT or CPC, that he is Chinese is enough.

Nope,maybe just you, but to most chinese members here and the CCP, KMT was just a warlord party founded by sun yat sen, while the CCP was an incorruptible holy only competent party that led China in the war of liberation against Japan, while the KMT and its soldiers are mere traitors who sold out China. So they should be discarded, they have nothing to do with China(the people's republic one). :china:
Nope,maybe just you, but to most chinese members here and the CCP, KMT was just a warlord party founded by sun yat sen, while the CCP was an incorruptible holy only competent party that led China in the war of liberation against Japan, while the KMT and its soldiers are mere traitors who sold out China. So they should be discarded, they have nothing to do with China(the people's republic one). :china:

No. Chinese poster here have an affinity with the common Chinese soldier, regardless of their political loyalties.

The anti KMT comments from posters mostly pertain to the ruling elite of the KMT, their administration and officers.

Any post about KMT soldiers holding out against Japanese aggression is celebrated by all Chinese posters here. If they attack the common soldier, they are a statistical outlier and I will not hesitate to call him a fcuker.


A single fist fight between a couple of kids is your argument? Are you going to extrapolate this incident over a population of 1.4 billion?

People fight for the silliest of reasons. In Europe, its actually quite common for soccer fans to fight in epic brawls with fans from opposing teams. What to make of them?

There you go. Here is what British youth has been busy with these days...

Nope,maybe just you, but to most chinese members here and the CCP, KMT was just a warlord party founded by sun yat sen, while the CCP was an incorruptible holy only competent party that led China in the war of liberation against Japan, while the KMT and its soldiers are mere traitors who sold out China. So they should be discarded, they have nothing to do with China(the people's republic one). :china:
At least CCP was always incorruptible and competent before it became a great achiever in liberating and developing China, in contrast KMT has always been a corruptible and incompetent group of warlords since it was established.
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A single fist fight between a couple of kids is your argument? Are you going to extrapolate this incident over a population of 1.4 billion?

People fight for the silliest of reasons. In Europe, its actually quite common for soccer fans to fight in epic brawls with fans from opposing teams. What to make of them?

No, you dont get the point. You will hardly see this in western Europe. Since criticizing government policies or the governemnt itself is very NORMAL, it doesnt equate to hating my country or being anti-my country. I can despise our ruling party(like i do towads our conservative government who i dont like) but that doesn't means i dont like my country or that im not patriotic, nobody has ever even whispered that to me when i criticize their policies.
Here ruling party is different/seperate from the state/country, both are not the same thing. So criticism of party is normal or even welcome at times, both by media and public as it helps the country self improve/correct. Since we already know political and ruling parties cone and go but the country ALWAYS remains. :bunny:

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