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Major technical fault during trials in Tejas

Dont give yourself such importance, you are merely a "mod" on an online forum.

Talking like some Majesty. Can you help us avoid hatred from pakistani terrorists? Please do so.

I am your majesty here, look what I can do with a click of my mouse.

Ridiculed for Tejas ; for crime ; poverty ; FINE

I accept it all

But STILL India is doing MUCH MUCH better than Pakistan
in ALL fields of Human endeavour

This is what brings us here ; and gives us the CONFIDENCE and energy to engage in
these discussions

The fact that you need to engage in competition with a nation 1/5th your size in land and 1/11th in population shows that your self esteem is nowhere.
LCA is already inducted in the IAF

Before criticizing the LCA ,go develop a motor glider,or better-a two stroke moped engine in your country.
Our mushaq , super mushaq and k8 have been exported to dozen countries. Unlike lca which is not even inducted yet in iafa and still undergoing never ending trials.
Our mushaq , super mushaq and k8 have been exported to dozen countries. Unlike lca which is not even inducted yet in iafa and still undergoing never ending trials.

I dont think you guys even understand, this source is crap.

What trials, other than related to BVR missiles and quartz cone and air to air probe(when it gets here)?

Pre FOC models are in production right now, post FOC will happened after those.
I dont think you guys even understand, this source is crap.

What trials, other than related to BVR missiles and quartz cone and air to air probe(when it gets here)?
The source is overplaying something that might have happened. But the program delays are making the aircraft more and more irrelevant to the IAF. Its like someone coming up with a great Direct X10 game after DX13 comes out.
The fact that you need to engage in competition with a nation 1/5th your size in land and 1/11th in population shows that your self esteem is nowhere.

You have raised a very good point

We are NOT engaged in ANY competition with Pakistan

Pakistan HATES us ;wants our territory

This is what makes us INDIANS INTERESTED in Pakistan

But when we do a bit of research ; we find that Pakistan is quite weak
economically ; militarily and technologically compared to India

But still it carries on with this hate and enimity

That is what is intriguing and interesting for us

If there was friendship between our countries PDF would have been EMPTY :-)
The source is overplaying something that might have happened. But the program delays are making the aircraft more and more irrelevant to the IAF. Its like someone coming up with a great Direct X10 game after DX13 comes out.

The delays right now are related to the delivery of air to air probes and quartzs cone from UK. While it gets here, pre FOC models will be in production and BVR trials, one of the last in the check list for FOC, are happening.

Your definition of self esteem is wrong

We come here as CITIZENS of India
which is doing much much better than Pakistan ; and engage with Pakistani citizens

How can an Indian have low self esteem than a Pakistani

Your definition of self esteem is wrong

We come here as CITIZENS of India
which is doing much much better than Pakistan ; and engage with Pakistani citizens

How can an Indian have low self esteem than a Pakistani

Why come here? After all, if you think you are already better than why come here to gloat unless you really dont think you are better?
A citizen of India should trust that they are better and not come to be insulted, but they do.. you do.
A few Pakistanis do join them
but then LACK of confidence about Pakistan and Pakistan's present condition
makes them leave
Actually it's lack in fact total absentia of morals in the host community that makes them turn their back.
We have enough confidence and courage to accept members from our sworn enemy country and take criticism.
The Indian forums , low in vision mind and depth will not even accept a Pakistani national.
Why come here? After all, if you think you are already better than why come here to gloat unless you really dont think you are better?
A citizen of India should trust that they are better and not come to be insulted, but they do.. you do.

Oh come on we are NOT THAT BAD
that you are shooing us away

There are ALL kinds of people in this world
with all kinds of hobbies and passions

As long as there is enimity between our countries PDF mods will be busy with Indians :-)

If not me somebody else
The delays right now are related to the delivery of air to air probes and quartzs cone from UK. While it gets here, pre FOC models will be in production and BVR trials, one of the last in the check list for FOC, are happening.
The FOC means nothing. What it means that the aircraft is good to fly with the IAF. It does not mean that magically some 120 Tejas will appear and help the IAF maintain its force. Those wont arrive until 2028 by which it will be too late.
Only one thing is driving this project and that is EGO

There is a old saying 'You cant shine a turd'

The LCA is a turd that the indian ego simply wont stop trying to shine

The problem indians have is that they are only going to end up with a shiney turd!:hang2:
The FOC means nothing. What it means that the aircraft is good to fly with the IAF. It does not mean that magically some 120 Tejas will appear and help the IAF maintain its force. Those wont arrive until 2028 by which it will be too late.

LCA mk 1 is a STEPPING stone to LCA mk 2 and AMCA

If we give up now we will never get to LCA mk2 and AMCA

Our AIM is LCA mk 2 and AMCA

No matter Whatever it takes

These technological difficulties and hardships have only strengthened our RESOLVE

Your definition of self esteem is wrong

We come here as CITIZENS of India
which is doing much much better than Pakistan ; and engage with Pakistani citizens

How can an Indian have low self esteem than a Pakistani
You see here you go, the real achievers likes of say, US, China, Russia, Israel and others don't need to gloat on their success but your Pakistan obsession drives you to come here to shout loud......what to say , empty vessels...more noise.

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