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Imran Khan terms Modi’s election win 'unfortunate' for India!

Modi has been a disaster for Indian foreign policy in the region. Rudderless, clueless and naiive.

To give you an example he spends a whole year insulting China then visits, takes a selfie and then asks for UNSC seat. :rofl: What is this foolishness.

India with her recent comments on Pakistan is displaying signs of a rouge and dangerous country.
Can you illustrate your point some more?
Askimg for UNSC seat is foolishness ? But why ?
Or taking selfie is, I'd agree on that one. :P
Modi has been a disaster for Indian foreign policy in the region. Rudderless, clueless and naiive.

A year ago, he was bashing Pakistan for cross-border shelling. Recently, he asked their cricket team to travel Pakistan in order to jump-start "diplomacy" :D

He is a chicken when its comes to combating Taliban.
Its not his job to combat the Taliban but the army's which is doing rather well.
How? Indian aggression in Myanmar wasn't the best thing that happened to Pakistan anyway.

So you are fine with right-wing Hindu radicals? BJP is just another version of Israeli Likud party.
Hey buddy whatever happened to you ? Ever since you got banned you have a new bada$$ attitude. You used to be really quite sane. Norweigian Pakistani... They got to you it seems?

Regarding. Imran. Khan,someone should tell him not to worry his pretty little face so much about other countries, he is the governor of some state in. Pakistan currently is he not ? Can you tell me one single thing he has actually done for his province other than demonstrations and speeches?

He would achieve much more for the people who elected him if he spent a little time, not much but maybe Squeeze in a few days between getting married and demonstrating against NS and commenting on international cricket and jetting to London to take care of the needs and development of the poor helpless people who voted for him. The Indians will worry about modi, we will boot him out if he doesn't perform, he needn't get any wrinkles worrying on our behalf.

What report card would you give IK as provincial ..do you call it a governor or chief minister?
There are lots of terrorist camps (Madrassas) in Pakistan. Will he attack them too in near future? :D

maybe, but do you really think that our spec ops troops have to be physically present in pakistan to do so? TTP, BLA guys are doing splendid job:lol:
How? Indian aggression in Myanmar wasn't the best thing that happened to Pakistan anyway.

What Pakistan has got to do with Myanmar? Its between Burmese government and Indian government, in Pakistan's context we got gems of statements to strengthen our point of view and case. Modi was vocal in election campaign now he is limited to his office, that seat must have made him realise that talking shit about Pakistan before election is easy, but ground reality is different. They can thump their chests as much as they want but when it comes to action Modi and company will be humiliated in eyes of these same Modi fan Indians, because they expect to much from him.
Indians are not anti-Muslim and we Pakistanis are not anti-Hindu. Although most Pakistanis are anti-Indian government. Same goes for majority of Indians being anti-Pak government. Governments are the problem, not the people :D
We don't hate Pakistani government.
We are beyond that stage, we are now hopeless. :P
Why do Pakistan has to be China's pawn in South Asia.
We tried improve the trade situation, and we wanted something like Europe,you don't permission to cross the border, but Pakistan blocked that. Why ?
now we'll do it without Pakistan.
And mark my words , if this continues Bangladesh's economy would blast past Pakistan.
LOL :D. You really believe our ARMY needs political backing to achieve anything? PakArmy is the only independent institution of Pakistan since its birth :D

You are admitting to something you shouldn't :D

I m nobody man, I m not a south block official or something:D

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