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Imran Khan terms Modi’s election win 'unfortunate' for India!

Bro , we don't need left and socialists running our country. They are worst scums on the face of earth.
Imran Khan needs to shut up. Modi and company taking charge of India is the best thing that ever happened to Pakistan.
How? Indian aggression in Myanmar wasn't the best thing that happened to Pakistan anyway.

Bro , we don't need left and socialists running our country. They are worst scums on the face of earth.
So you are fine with right-wing Hindu radicals? BJP is just another version of Israeli Likud party.
MODI was chief minister when he entered Gujarat assembly ..

He entered parliament as prime minister ..

For as long as he lives, he will be the prime minister,

Unless congress does a radical change over with strong leader , they got little chance .
“It would have been in favour of the whole region if Modi had worked for eradicating poverty in his country by restoring peace with neighbouring countries,” Imran said, while addressing the media.
Further, the PTI chief suggested that poverty and other major issues, including Kashmir, could only be resolved through trade and dialogue.
Replying to a question at Wednesday’s presser, Imran flayed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for having visited a business tycoon in India during his official tour, accusing him of giving priority to his business gains over national interests.

This Imran Khan fellow seems rather confused.
Imran Khan needs to shut up. Modi and company taking charge of India is the best thing that ever happened to Pakistan.
Seriously, like getting isolated in South Asia. :P
SAARC will become redundant , after a few days.
And Pakistan is responsible for that.
Good morning, have some tea. :D
He is a Hindu nationalist. Let me know when he does something great for all Indians, and not just Hindus.
Bro, in India whatever the policy the govt. makes it's for everyone. They don't say, it's for Muslim and this is for Hindu.
Second point non secular narrative you hear about India is completely, left propaganda.
Indians are tired of this, religion is a personal thing and it should be something private.
Modi has been a disaster for Indian foreign policy in the region. Rudderless, clueless and naiive.

To give you an example he spends a whole year insulting China then visits, takes a selfie and then asks for UNSC seat. :rofl: What is this foolishness.

India with her recent comments on Pakistan is displaying signs of a rogue and dangerous country.
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