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Muslim youths attack child and set him on fire in Pakistan because he is a Christian

Youngsters usually don't know the difference. I feel there is something missing, there is a gap. Of course whatever be the real story, strongly dissapproved and highly condemnable.
See how bad Pakistan is Solomon2? That's why you should never go to Pakistan, because some youths are burning non-Muslims alive, it is so terrible.
So you, too, are convinced that nothing will happen to the boys, or that they'll get off with just a slap of the wrist, to the cheers of their fellow murder-minded bigots?
Pakistan is following its east noughbour foot step in minority rights very sad:angry::angry:
On topic culprit should bring to justice.
The authorities need to take full action against those who commit these kinds of horrid acts. Highly condemnable and strict action needs to be taken to protect and defend Christians and Hindus in Pakistan. Let us remember people like Joseph Pothan who campaigned for Pakistan and created it.

A nation is known by how it treats its minorities. We must ensure that these 2 youths are severely reprimanded and action is taken against their evil acts.
So you, too, are convinced that nothing will happen to the boys, or that they'll get off with just a slap of the wrist, to the cheers of their fellow murder-minded bigots?
Well when these kinds of attacks began occurring first under the auspices of Zia Ul Haq who was supported by a traitorous country known as the United States typical Americans like you turned a blind eye and kept pumping dollars to his corrupt regime. You justified his every move and called him to dinners in Washington with the Haqqanis and Hekmatyars. Now the American who formed these people will teach us morality and how to treat our christian brothers.

If you noticed no one showered support onto these 2 terrorists. Everyone condemned them. But one Solomon wants to make an issue out of it. We will protect Pakistani people. Christians in Pakistan have no positive opinion about the US and Americans.
The authorities need to take -
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Well when these kinds of attacks began occurring first under the auspices of Zia Ul Haq who was supported by a traitorous country known as the United States -
The Chinese say, "give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, you feed him for a life-time." The Chinese do not say, "teach a man to fish, you're responsible for everything bad he does after that."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

The Chinese say, "give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, you feed him for a life-time." The Chinese do not say, "teach a man to fish, you're responsible for everything bad he does after that."

Typical narrow minded defense of a terrorist country that has harbored and created the terrorists of today. Lets not derail this thread with your typical cynicism. We will catch the culprits and hang them by the balls. We shouldn't be suffering these kinds of attacks when the people responsible for creating the terrorists of today are sitting in America.

If you want to blame us we can also ask why Muslim Khan stayed in America and Pacha Khan Zadran and Abdullah Mehsud were released. You are from a country that harbors militants attacking other countries while crying the moment one of your people dies.
...We shouldn't be suffering these kinds of attacks when the people responsible for creating the terrorists of today are sitting in America...why Muslim Khan stayed in America and Pacha Khan Zadran and Abdullah Mehsud were released. You are from a country that harbors militants attacking other countries -

Typical narrow minded defense of a terrorist country that has harbored and created the terrorists of today.

You're one of the saner people here, yet you're still not sane. Pakistanis have a long way to go, yes?
Lahore is the epicentre for Punjabi militant groups like LET
Why should they? If they do they put themselves at risk and if they don't who's going to fire them from their jobs?

You should check the kind of bile which was spewed in the forum in the thread where christians rioted in pakistan. The same people here are posting .. "should be investigated" & "should be prosecuted if true"

You can but only look down on these sub humans who seemed to have skipped a stage of evolution !
Pakistan is fast becoming a nation of Animals, the higher education of madrassah and Mullahs vomiting hatred every day in mosques and religious gatherings is now turning Pakistan into a big Animal kingdom !!!
Shocking News, but I am shocked that indians are raising voice in favour of Minorities..
Posative Gesture is that Indians realized the importance and rights of minorities...
Its positive right na ......Posative??
yeah very safe.....check the minority population percentage of Pakistan and India from 1947.... you will know whose minority is safe.

I know, no need to tell me dear, the truth is that in East Pakistan there were almost 21% hindus and in west Pakistan there qere only 5 to 7 %,
Then in 1971 after independence of Bangladesh,Pakistan,s minority percentage decreased and at in tgis period Muslim polpulation growth rate was above 3.5% so automaticaly Muslim polpulation rate increased due to mentioned 2 reasons, Don't try to misguide people about minorities of Pakistan

Its positive right na ......Posative??
I know, no need to tell me dear, the truth is that in East Pakistan there were almost 21% hindus and in west Pakistan there qere only 5 to 7 %,
Then in 1971 after independence of Bangladesh,Pakistan,s minority percentage decreased and at in tgis period Muslim polpulation growth rate was above 3.5% so automaticaly Muslim polpulation rate increased due to mentioned 2 reasons, Don't try to misguide people about minorities of Pakistan


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