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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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This move can decrease TTP influence over hard liner Muslim in Pakistan. By siding with Saudi, it will give more legitimacy and support from Muslim hardliner in Pakistan into Pakistani current administration/ current political system. So less influence and power of TTP over Pakistani soil is likely to be the result. So, it is actually positive for internal security of Pakistan itself.

The move can strike TTP ideology and ideas directly.

You are a think tank God help us then.
It was inevitable----. Pakistan cannot refuse Saudi Arabia---. Bottomline is Pakistan will step up to assist other nations. Has happened before---and won't stop now.
sir dont u think its a perfect time that pakistan should ask saudis to buy us rafael like egypt.this way we can deny india a crucial supplier.
Iranic vs Arabic purely racial and the winner will be the iranic a naturally.

Iran is not responsible for every Shia in the world but pakistan is responsible for the world Muslims?.

Dimag kar kegi?.
Ta akhpal kar sara kar lara.
Same response which plmn gov. Gave during first gulf war. No chance of Pakistan sending troops inside Yemen for fighting.

Pakistan will be sending ground troops to be stationed within Saudi cities, similar to what pak did during first gulf war.

With saudia, turkey Jordan, uae, Kuwait Bahrain egypt morocco sudan and Qatar on one side supporting the Yemen gov., and only iran on other side supporting the Yemen rebels.

Pakistan's response is quite obvious that it stands with the majority.

Current situation of Yemen is not a threat to the integrity or sovereignty of the State of Saudi Arabia but a threat to her interest in the region, same as the current situation of Syria or Iraq are threats to the interests of Iran in the middle east which compelled them to get involved in the situation of both of these two countries actively, If Iran is doing right thing in Syria & in Iraq by extending their full support to the governments of these two states against the rebellion forces then KSA is also doing right thing to extend her support to the Government of Yemen against the rebellion of State.

In this situation 'Pakistan has no role' other then moral support at Diplomatic & Political forums and KSA is well in possession of all kind of required resources to deal with the situation at their own.
That Wasnt Just For Free Pakistan has Tons of Defence Pact With Ksa.
Just Few Jets ? , What Happened when Terrorist took over Kaaba
Saudi Arabia has historically remained Pakistan's closest defense partner in the Middle East, with both countries sharing extensive military and intelligence cooperation. Military relations between the two were expanded in 1967.[2] Former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki bin Sultan described the level of cooperation as "probably one of the closest relationships in the world between any two countries"[5] while Pakistan's ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Naeem Khan, stated that Pakistan considered Saudi Arabia's security as a "personal matter".[6] The Pakistan Air Force has been in contact with the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) since the early 1960s. Following grievances over British military cooperation in the 1960s, King Faisal turned to Pakistan's assistance for air force training and maintenance.[2] In the 1960s, Pakistan helped the RSAF build and pilot its first jet fighters.[5] Pakistan Air Force pilots flew RSAF Lightnings in 1969 to repelSouth Yemeni incursions on Saudi Arabia's southern border.[5]

Pakistani troops participated alongside Saudi forces in quelling insurgents during the 1979 Grand Mosque Seizure at Islam's holiest site in Mecca.[7] A protocol was signed between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on 14 December 1982 following the latter's request for military manpower assistance. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, up to 15,000 Pakistani troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia, to provide defense to the country.[5] Some of them were part of a brigade combat force positioned near the Israeli-Jordanian-Saudi border.[5] As of the Gulf War in 1991, up to 13,000 troops and 6,000 advisers from Pakistan were posted in Saudi Arabia.[2] Under the 1982 protocol, cooperation was widened to include military training, defense production and sharing, and joint exercises. Contingents of the Pakistani Armed Forces have frequently participated in joint military exercises inside Saudi Arabia in conjunction with the Saudi Armed Forces. Pakistani military presence in the kingdom continues presently, providing Riyadh support against internal and external regional threats.[8]

The Pakistan Navy and Royal Saudi Navy also share wide-ranging maritime cooperation, having conducted a series of joint naval exercises.[2] Officers of the Royal Saudi Navy were provided training by the Pakistan Navy during the RSN's formative years.[9]
Pakistan Armed Forces deployments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia i hope it will Answer you
thats what i wanted to say.if u have a very old buddy u cant just deny him like that.
First we bow down to the US and suck their dick, now we gotta sleep in bed with those hairy arabs too?
Does our govt have any self respect at all?
Pakistan is almost a servant nation, no dignity no nothing.
You and everyone else is starting that shia sunni conflict in this thread. Sorry but that's the last thing we need right now .Nawaz sharif can not make that decision. It's General Raheel who has to give it a thumbs up.Again apologise but shia sunni conflicts never ending discussion and torment
Kher kho de wroora, why you quoting me?.
All I hope is that the higher ups have a darn good backup plan, because we're sandwiched right now :lol:
Warren Buffet worked at his grandfather's grocery store, he is more equated to working in manual labor than Prince Alwaleed. Compare apples to apples.

One person worked to have money to invest (I conceide that his father was a congressman). The other got lucky by being born a Prince.


Prince Al Waleed was born to a prince who was expelled by the royal family from saudia for being progressive/modern. Spent his childhood in lebanon(mother was lebanese)...After studies was gifted some money by his father ($30,000 I read somewhere). With that started business in Saudia, then started investing overseas. Made alot of money, then invested big chunk of it in Citi group, took risk...That's how he got that rich. Being a part of royal family really got him not that much. There were many of his cousins in much better position than him (these guys being expelled from saudia), where are they now? Did they make this much money ? No.

This "prince" is self made.He shows off ALOT....But then I think he has the right to...One should live life to the fullest.

And this is the one guy pulling saudia out of stone age.
No it means nothing to me. I laugh at the Shia-Sunni rift being brought up as a reason. No one is killing because the other is Shia or Sunni. They are killing because they are told he is Shia or Sunni and he is oppressing them or conspiring against them.

Rather people have become sunni or shia just to kill the other....Read how shia Islam spread in Iran...
And now be prepared for a backlash from Iran. They're gonna get pissed off real bad. It was better if you guys kept out of this cauldron of shit in the Middle East.

It's even likely that the Shia Sunni divide within Pakistan will escalate seeing that Iran will take revenge through its proxies in Pakistan.

Man, how many wars are you guys going to get involved in? And fighting someone else's battles where Pakistan's national interest aren't involved is the stupid thing to do.

When will your Establishment wake up and smell the coffee? Riding a steed like a cowboy with all guns blazing just to please your Saudi benefactors is a bad bad idea. The long term consequences will be...Oh well, nuff said.
Sir! I 100% agree with you.We should support our regional friend iran instead.Our stupid leadership is making enemies for nothing.This involvement in the middle east madness can cause a shia sunni conflict in pakistan.We should not have any kind of a relation with a nation like saudi arabia which is sponsoring terrorism everywhere including in pakistan.
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