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Netanyahu's Iran speech gains support in Saudi Arabia

If you exchange Iran for "House of Saud" and Shia for "Wahabi" it also works.

In Pakistan, Saudis are sponsoring Sunni terrorism against Shias. Iran is also supporting Shias. The biggest internal threat to Pakistan are Saudi sponsored Sunni militants. We in Pakistan want Muslim unity.
DUBAI: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's fiery speech this week before the US Congress, in which he argued against an emerging nuclear deal with Iran, has received tacit support from an unlikely quarter -- Saudi Arabia.

The oil-rich Sunni kingdom views Shiite Iran as a regional rival that is perhaps even more menacing than Israel.

That was clear in a string of columns this week published in Saudi state-linked media, which is widely seen as reflecting official views and mainstream thought in the kingdom, and which voiced skepticism of President Barack Obama's efforts to broker a landmark nuclear agreement with Tehran.

"Who could believe that Netanyahu today has taken a better stand than Obama with regard to the Iranian nuclear file?" columnist Ahmed al-Faraj wrote in the Saudi-owned al-Jazira newspaper on Monday, a day before the speech.

Today, US Secretary of State John Kerry was in the Saudi capital to ease Gulf concerns about the negotiations with Iran, which are aimed at reaching a framework agreement this month and a final deal later this year.

Kerry is meeting with the foreign ministers of the Sunni-ruled Gulf states and the new Saudi monarch King Salman.

Like Israel, Saudi Arabia has long viewed Iran as an expansionist power that seeks to dominate the region through local proxies, including Lebanon's Hezbollah, Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip and Shiite militias in Iraq.

Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a proxy war in Syria, with the kingdom arming the rebels seeking to topple Iranian-backed President Bashar Assad.

In a column published in Asharq al-Awsat, a daily owned by King Salman's family, Abdulrahman al-Rashed wrote "Iran's fingerprints are everywhere."

"Iran is currently in an offensive state, the likes of which we have not seen in modern history," he wrote.

Netanyahu said as much to Congress, telling lawmakers that Iran is "gobbling up" nations in its "march of conquest, subjugation and terror."

Saudi Arabia is part of the US-led coalition striking the Islamic State group, awkwardly putting it on the same side as Iran, which is battling the extremists through its allied Shiite militias in Iraq and by supporting Assad. The kingdom, like the US, has refused to coordinate its efforts with Tehran.

Netanyahu's argument that "when it comes to Iran and ISIS, the enemy of your enemy is your enemy," resonates in Riyadh, where the royal family is concerned about a possible US-Iranian rapprochement.

Netanyahu's Iran speech gains support in Saudi Arabia - The Times of India

I noticed that you are suspiciously after bringing up SHIA-SUNNI, ISRAELI-ARAB or other sources of struggles.... why don,t you just stop fixing tails together and fuel the fire?? Stop it you Hate-Spreader... Thanks for understanding my good brother in humanity.... May God bless you too
Condolences in such a case.

iran is was and will always be the eternal enemy of Arabs. Thankfully most Arabs know this.
I could not care less about those Gypsies had they not been interfering in the Arab world and spreading their cancer. Let them worry about their starving brothers in Tajikistan.

I would be more than happy if we Arabs taught them a lesson again should they try something.

No people on the planet hate Arabs as much as they do. Any Arab genuinely liking them (thankfully they can be counted on a few hands) is an idiot and dare I say a traitor. Simple as that.

I said ONCE when the Palestinian question gets solved. Frankly I don't care about tiny Israel although I prefer the average Jew over the average farsi.

Stop your childish comments or I will blow your stone-age mentality of putting tribe and race or sectarian above everything. Although Shia or Iranian members must do the same and stop spreading hate. It is correct that we do not think tribal or build relations based on tribe or race in Iran, because except Iranian Arabs in Khuzestan province our society is not a tribal system, but we Iranians have negative habits too.. Since Prophet muhammad (pbuh) came and enlighten the world about the fact that there is no race, color, tribe or nationality when it comes to Islam and submission in front of God, if we ever claim to be Muslims, we should be ashamed of this ugly exercise.

We must finally learn that Hate-spreaders, whether Saudi or Iranian or Pakistani, when we wage struggle and hate based on tribal, racial or sectarian bases instead of humanity, Islam and common good, outsiders will laugh at us and promised-enemies of Islam will stay content about our stupidity. It is funny that you or us, do not keep our so called responsibility toward even our tribal fellows. You did nothing for your poorer brothers and sisters in other countries as Iran did n't for other nations.

World is going fast forward and easily got over stone age differences, if it is ever a difference, and we in Middle East still are bound to stupid ideas of who is better, Sunni or Shia... Arab or Turk... Arab or Persian.... No nation is better than other nations unless they take more steps toward progress and well being of the whole humanity.

KSA and its people have many advantages and some disadvantages... The are bright in some areas and dark in others... Iranians are the same.. we as smallest members of our Middle eastern community, should take the first step by ourselves and follow what is good for the future of all of us and not our tribe or sector of Islam.
KSA has redundant amount of money from their God given oil... they need to spend it first on fixing their country and putting it in a wiser rail toward future..and then if they feel responsible for Arabs or other nations, focus their resources on improving their life quality. No through hand outs as it won,t fix the problem, but to invest the money on education and science and tech and factories and infra... This way, fewer poor people will be absorbed by non-human al qaeda or ISIS or any other terrorist organisations...
We Iranians must do the same...
But before anything, Saudis should find a way to fix their %20 poor population and dangerous unemployment rate through focusing more on tech and manufacturing. Iran has to do the same and fix its %20 poorer people by making up to WEST in an equal, respectable deal as Iranian rather to die than find their pride scratched and let the open markets benefit its lower %20 people.
If I want to list the negative aspects of Arabs or Saudis , I can make a book out of it... The same goes for Iran or Turks or Pakistanis...
This for sure does not mean that we must not fight back ISIS or any savage people who eat livers in battle. Extremism is bad and all of us should fight it. Where ever something unfair is going on we must cooperate to make it fair. WE must open our closed eyes and leave prejudice behind and start looking to a better future for all of us. Let us for the first time, forget about our minor differences and focus on our major similarities , exactly the way Europe did and succeeded... But in order for a better future, we as individuals must fix this stupid mindsets and learn to pass it to our children...

Long live all Muslims and Short live those who wage hatred and want Islam to look savage and a bad choice...
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The House of Saud is only interested in its survival while it exports and finances the Wahhabi doctrine. They are consider Wahhabism as only true [...]. Now they cooperate with devil against the fellow Muslims.

In Pakistan, Saudis are sponsoring Sunni terrorism against Shias. Iran is also supporting Shias. The biggest internal threat to Pakistan are Saudi sponsored Sunni militants. We in Pakistan want Muslim unity.

It is interesting in your posts you went from Saudi=Wahabi to Saudi=Sunni and "Sunni terrorism" and "Sunni militants" and Iran=Shia (no terrorism nor militants). Sunni is defined as Maturidi & Ashari which excludes Wahabis, Salafis, Shias, Interfaith-Dialoguers and others.

We in Pakistan want Muslim unity.

Except for unity in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen where Iran and its ideological allies are operating. Iran, Hizbis, southern Iraqis, ideological allies in Syria have killed 1,000,000+ Iraqis and killed 350,000+ Syrians.

Now [the Sauds] cooperate with devil against the fellow Muslims.

Sauds do cooperate but the ideology of Sauds in power for 200 years. The ideology of Iran cooperating with the enemy is longer. Fatimids and the Crusader cooperation against Seljuk Turks. Fatimids and Iran have the same ideology. Iran for the past 600 years cooperating with Europe, Russia and Vatican against Othmani Turks. Iran in the past 600 years repeatedly attacked Babri Turks ("Mughals") in India. Iran cooperation with the West in invading Afghanistan (2001) & Iraq (2003). Iran cooperation with Russia, China, America, Europe in Syria (2011).

The biggest internal threat to Pakistan are [...] Sunni [...].

The biggest internal threat to Pakistan are the ideology of Iran, interfaith-dialoguer Tahir ul Qadri the leader of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), secular ideology and the ideology of Sauds.
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How is that your business? I do whatever I want to. Some farsi in Mullahstan is not going to tell me anything. I forgot my password and I have already discussed this with the entire moderation team including the Webmaster. Nor have I made a secret of this. I will get my old account back and then this one will get deleted.

I indeed take pride in being against Farsis as do most Arabs. It's an obligation to hate/dislike hostile people. We owe you nothing either.

If I could I would depart all of you from the GCC as 99,9% of you are hostile migrants and potential agents. Call me a racist all you want to. I could not care less.

A farsi complaining about racism.:lol: Anti-Arab sentiments form 50% of your conquered identity. There is not one single day on PDF without anti-Arab sentiments written by farsis here.

My reacting to your "the pot calling the kettle black" comment;

Get the lyrics translated to English to get the point.

OK, keep up with the your holy cyber conquest.
DUBAI: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's fiery speech this week before the US Congress, in which he argued against an emerging nuclear deal with Iran, has received tacit support from an unlikely quarter -- Saudi Arabia.

I've been saying it on here from weeks ago that Saudia and Israelis have mutual interests here and that Saudia will allow flights through its airspace if Israeli aircrafts want to go take care of Iran's nuke facilities. This situation has brought both Saudi's and Israelis closer together. Which is a good thing for world peace and stability of the ME.
Al-Hasani, in your fake account, you are even a worse troll and a worse racist. What suddenly changed in a fake account?

I knew it, the posting styles were identical. I don't care. Its just funny because so many times he accused me of having double accounts (which I don't have)...the hypocrite. He couldn't deal with me and put me on ignore :D:D

I've been saying it on here from weeks ago that Saudia and Israelis have mutual interests here and that Saudia will allow flights through its airspace if Israeli aircrafts want to go take care of Iran's nuke facilities. This situation has brought both Saudi's and Israelis closer together. Which is a good thing for world peace and stability of the ME.

Indeed...there is absolutely nothing stopping the Israelis from attacking Iran least of all the US government. So what's holding them back? They've been barking for years and years. Its very unIsraeli like to project their intentions like this, whining and whining. Usually the Israelis identify a problem and go about solving it with no delay or bureaucracy. So what's stopping them here?
@libertad al-hasani was also caught on another forum by fellow users pretending to be half-iraqi half spanish promoting KSA ideology. He is racial supremist but is extremely insecure himself. His can't separate his cultural identity from decrepit Arab Royal families and hence only spouts their lines. Half the time he's fawning over royal family pictures he posts proclaiming how beautiful and magnificent they are. Arab nationalist who stand against imperialism and zionism side with Iran are coming to syria to kill al hasanis terrorist brothers. Brown Moses Blog: The Arab Nationalist Guard: A Pro-Assad Militia A lebanese friend of mine told me various arab nationalist facilitated IRGC in Lebanon because they are anti zionists. They do not sellout their beliefs. Al- hasani does what the royal family does best sell themselves to to secure their position.
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OK, keep up with the your holy cyber conquest.

What the hell has writing facts and being hostile to your regime and most Farsis (as both of those parties are by large hostile to my people - Arabs) have to do with any cyber conquest?

You are, unlike me, just afraid to tell your honest opinion and you pretend to be the "tolerant" and "peace-seeking" part all while you are one of the biggest cheerleaders of Al-Assad, Iranian sponsored terrorist groups in the Arab world etc. Every single day on PDF your fellow farsis are writing anti-Arab comments and you usually do not do anything to stop it.

So please quit the joking.

I knew it, the posting styles were identical. I don't care. Its just funny because so many times he accused me of having double accounts (which I don't have)...the hypocrite. He couldn't deal with me and put me on ignore :D:D

Retarded false-flagger, I forgot my password to the other user. The entire moderation team and Webmaster has been informed of this. I never put you on ignore and always dealt with you accordingly. There is just a limit to how much one can deal with a retard.

Yes, indeed you are a double user and I can prove that.

Stop your childish comments or I will blow your stone-age mentality of putting tribe and race or sectarian above everything. Although Shia or Iranian members must do the same and stop spreading hate. It is correct that we do not think tribal or build relations based on tribe or race in Iran, because except Iranian Arabs in Khuzestan province our society is not a tribal system, but we Iranians have negative habits too.. Since Prophet muhammad (pbuh) came and enlighten the world about the fact that there is no race, color, tribe or nationality when it comes to Islam and submission in front of God, if we ever claim to be Muslims, we should be ashamed of this ugly exercise.

We must finally learn that Hate-spreaders, whether Saudi or Iranian or Pakistani, when we wage struggle and hate based on tribal, racial or sectarian bases instead of humanity, Islam and common good, outsiders will laugh at us and promised-enemies of Islam will stay content about our stupidity. It is funny that you or us, do not keep our so called responsibility toward even our tribal fellows. You did nothing for your poorer brothers and sisters in other countries as Iran did n't for other nations.

World is going fast forward and easily got over stone age differences, if it is ever a difference, and we in Middle East still are bound to stupid ideas of who is better, Sunni or Shia... Arab or Turk... Arab or Persian.... No nation is better than other nations unless they take more steps toward progress and well being of the whole humanity.

KSA and its people have many advantages and some disadvantages... The are bright in some areas and dark in others... Iranians are the same.. we as smallest members of our Middle eastern community, should take the first step by ourselves and follow what is good for the future of all of us and not our tribe or sector of Islam.
KSA has redundant amount of money from their God given oil... they need to spend it first on fixing their country and putting it in a wiser rail toward future..and then if they feel responsible for Arabs or other nations, focus their resources on improving their life quality. No through hand outs as it won,t fix the problem, but to invest the money on education and science and tech and factories and infra... This way, fewer poor people will be absorbed by non-human al qaeda or ISIS or any other terrorist organisations...
We Iranians must do the same...
But before anything, Saudis should find a way to fix their %20 poor population and dangerous unemployment rate through focusing more on tech and manufacturing. Iran has to do the same and fix its %20 poorer people by making up to WEST in an equal, respectable deal as Iranian rather to die than find their pride scratched and let the open markets benefit its lower %20 people.
If I want to list the negative aspects of Arabs or Saudis , I can make a book out of it... The same goes for Iran or Turks or Pakistanis...
This for sure does not mean that we must not fight back ISIS or any savage people who eat livers in battle. Extremism is bad and all of us should fight it. Where ever something unfair is going on we must cooperate to make it fair. WE must open our closed eyes and leave prejudice behind and start looking to a better future for all of us. Let us for the first time, forget about our minor differences and focus on our major similarities , exactly the way Europe did and succeeded... But in order for a better future, we as individuals must fix this stupid mindsets and learn to pass it to our children...

Long live all Muslims and Short live those who wage hatred and want Islam to look savage and a bad choice...

Yes let us ignore the ground realities and become marijuana smoking hippies pretending that everything is fine. I am not such a type of person. I tell it like it is. I know that most Arabs have the exact same views on this topic which is all that matters for me.

I am sure that you are friendly guy just like most of us but as I said then this is not about individuals but the overall situation.

LOL, another obsessed retard appeared in the post above. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.:lol:
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Indeed...there is absolutely nothing stopping the Israelis from attacking Iran least of all the US government. So what's holding them back? They've been barking for years and years. Its very unIsraeli like to project their intentions like this, whining and whining. Usually the Israelis identify a problem and go about solving it with no delay or bureaucracy. So what's stopping them here?

The US is stopping them, to avoid another war in the war torn ME, where this might become a regional issue or escalate to Kuwait, Saudia, etc,etc. Because of concerns about the regional stability, the US isn't allowing the Israeli's to attack. You keep forgetting, Israeli PM at odds with the US president may be appealing and provide gossip and talk of the show topics for some....you are trying to go against the most powerful man on the planet with most powerful military. US President's signature on a piece of paper allow a war to start or stop, and he has the ability to make executive decisions on his own. He is the commander-in-chief of the most powerful military. This isn't to imply that the US will ever get into a conflict with the Israelis, but also know, Israel is where it is due to the US support.

Ticking off a US president in this case can cause a lot of issues for the Israelis. After all, it is the US who's guaranteed Israel's security, not the other way around. Israel is very advanced militarily and all, but its no where near the US. So there are both, the political and the military aspect of these things. Israel can't just go and attack anyone, unless they are defending themselves in a war, or attack like what we see from Hizbullah, Hamas, etc. Anything beyond that, they have to get US permissions, from the President of the US!
The US is stopping them, to avoid another war in the war torn ME, where this might become a regional issue or escalate to Kuwait, Saudia, etc,etc. Because of concerns about the regional stability, the US isn't allowing the Israeli's to attack. You keep forgetting, Israeli PM at odds with the US president may be appealing and provide gossip and talk of the show topics for some....you are trying to go against the most powerful man on the planet with most powerful military. US President's signature on a piece of paper allow a war to start or stop, and he has the ability to make executive decisions on his own. He is the commander-in-chief of the most powerful military. This isn't to imply that the US will ever get into a conflict with the Israelis, but also know, Israel is where it is due to the US support.

Ticking off a US president in this case can cause a lot of issues for the Israelis. After all, it is the US who's guaranteed Israel's security, not the other way around. Israel is very advanced militarily and all, but its no where near the US. So there are both, the political and the military aspect of these things. Israel can't just go and attack anyone, unless they are defending themselves in a war, or attack like what we see from Hizbullah, Hamas, etc. Anything beyond that, they have to get US permissions, from the President of the US!

The Israelis will attack America itself if they feel like it and they have proven that several times. They bomb their neighbors at the drop of a hat with no warning or apologies to anyone, but all of a sudden when it comes to Iran we're holding them back? We didn't hold them back last summer when they massacred thousands in Gaza but we're holding them back against 'evil' Iran. Obama is a lame duck with a Jewish bought and paid for republican House and Senate. There is nothing he can do against Israel if defy him they attack Iran. If the Israelis always listen to the prez, how cone they've defied the wishes of every US president Republican/Democrat by building settlements in the occupied territoriries? They continue building and the president can't do jack to stop them. All of a sudden when it comes to Iran, the Israelis are obedient :lol::lol:?? Ya right. I dont have any problem at all with the Israelis and their regional allies doing whatever they see fit provided they deal with the consequences of such an action alone.
The Israelis will attack America itself if they feel like it and they have proven that several times.
Ya right. I dont have any problem at all with the Israelis and their regional allies doing whatever they see fit provided they deal with the consequences of such an action alone.

Here we go. Rant and grandiosity. Israelis or anyone in the entire globe can't attack America. That's for sure. No one wants to deal with the entire might of the US military. BTW, Israel is not an enemy of the US. In fact, we've guaranteed their safety......if your brain isn't able to comprehend the previous line I wrote, may not want to continue this discussion as its becoming an idiots play.

As far as the "consequences" are concerned, there won't be any, or anything serious. The worst case is, the Straight of Homes might be closed down for a day or two, and that's it. There may be some casualties, but the US isn't afraid of them. We are a nation that goes to war when our president says so and that's the process. However, destabilizing Iran and leaving afterwards, will spur violence across the ME. That is why the US isn't in favor of destabilizing Iran I think. As it'll start internal shiite and sunni violence and innocents will get killed.

Militarily, 400-500 jets flying over Iran at any given time, after the first wave of stealth bombers and stand off munitions took out majority of your air defense units, isn't something we haven't done before. Nor do the Iranians have a strong enough military that can counter such a massive air assault. It'll be a one to two day campaign and it'll leave Iran with 60% of its air force and airbases gone, 80-85% of the air defense destroyed. There won't be any air cover left to provide to your ground forces, not that they'll actually really move after this.

The purpose of my post wasn't to sound war hungry or a "jingoistic American" (as I've seen people refer to us before), it was to remind you to write posts that have some clue about reality. Grandiosity only feels good inside one's brain. The real world...is VERY different!
Here we go. Rant and grandiosity. Israelis or anyone in the entire globe can't attack America. That's for sure. No one wants to deal with the entire might of the US military. BTW, Israel is not an enemy of the US. In fact, we've guaranteed their safety......if your brain isn't able to comprehend the previous line I wrote, may not want to continue this discussion as its becoming an idiots play.

USS Liberty, Lavon affair, Jonathan Pollard are proven Israeli attacks against the US. They were blatant acts of war which killed American soldiers and citizens and we did absolutely nothing in retaliation.

As far as the "consequences" are concerned, there won't be any, or anything serious. The worst case is, the Straight of Homes might be closed down for a day or two, and that's it. There may be some casualties, but the US isn't afraid of them. We are a nation that goes to war when our president says so and that's the process. However, destabilizing Iran and leaving afterwards, will spur violence across the ME. That is why the US isn't in favor of destabilizing Iran I think. As it'll start internal shiite and sunni violence and innocents will get killed.

So if there won't be any serious consequences what are the Israelis waiting for? Iran is Israel's problem not ours. If we just minded our own business and stopped meddling in the middle east, we'd have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Militarily, 400-500 jets flying over Iran at any given time, after the first wave of stealth bombers and stand off munitions took out majority of your air defense units, isn't something we haven't done before. Nor do the Iranians have a strong enough military that can counter such a massive air assault. It'll be a one to two day campaign and it'll leave Iran with 60% of its air force and airbases gone, 80-85% of the air defense destroyed. There won't be any air cover left to provide to your ground forces, not that they'll actually really move after this.

Which is precisely what the Israelis want. They want America and NATO to deal with Iran since they are unable to do so themselves. That's my basic point. That's why Netanyahu is coming here to give lying speeches when we are on the verge of a nuclear deal. Militarily, I agree there is no contest but there will be some losses and declaring yet another war for Israel will be the death nail for the already teetering Jewish lobbies here and in Europe. Not to mention you can kiss goodbye any future cooperation from Russia and China.
What the hell has writing facts and being hostile to your regime and most Farsis (as both of those parties are by large hostile to my people - Arabs) have to do with any cyber conquest?

You are, unlike me, just afraid to tell your honest opinion and you pretend to be the "tolerant" and "peace-seeking" part all while you are one of the biggest cheerleaders of Al-Assad, Iranian sponsored terrorist groups in the Arab world etc. Every single day on PDF your fellow farsis are writing anti-Arab comments and you usually do not do anything to stop it.

So please quit the joking.

Retarded false-flagger, I forgot my password to the other user. The entire moderation team and Webmaster has been informed of this. I never put you on ignore and always dealt with you accordingly. There is just a limit to how much one can deal with a retard.

Yes, indeed you are a double user and I can prove that.

Yes let us ignore the ground realities and become marijuana smoking hippies pretending that everything is fine. I am not such a type of person. I tell it like it is. I know that most Arabs have the exact same views on this topic which is all that matters for me.

I am sure that you are friendly guy just like most of us but as I said then this is not about individuals but the overall situation.

LOL, another obsessed retard appeared in the post above. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.:lol:

OK, So it is this way?? If it is not about individuals then are you a SAUDI Kingdom Representative to talk about OVERALL SITUATION? Sometimes, some of you Arabs talk like you are somebody and are in equal position as Iran so you can prove us wrong!!

Whether you like it or not Iranians are empowering all shia people around the world, this is the least we can do as as biggest Shia nation, to protect them from Liver-eater Salafi, Wahhabi, Takfiri Arabs... is n't it? Whether you like it or not... Iran owns you and the middle east like an Octopus Empire (According to your officials)...

It is true that Iranians (whether Persian or Azeri or Lur or other Iranians) all hate Arabs, when Iranians talk about hating Arabs, It is about main stream Salafi, Wahhabi, Sunni Khaliji, fat ***, lazy, nokarsefat, slave-character, terrorists liver-eater, beheading specialists, Takfiri parasites of humanity and all who support this idea...

Iranians never hate Arabs as a race.. Although some might do but the majority hate some Arabs... We have over 5 million Arabs as Iranian ourselves and they are Iranian so thousands of years now... Our Ahl ul beit and Prophet (pbut) are all Arabs... we are proud of those kind of Arabs and many of us die for them if necessary...

Although we as Iranian Shia Muslims, never chose Islam because it came from Arabs... we liked the Idea...it could have been from some African nation and we still chosen it... So, our problem was never with Arab Race, South Lebanon shias (%40 of Lebs), Bahrain Shias (%70 of Bahrain), Iraqi Shias (%70 of all Iraqis), Kuwaiti Shias (%30), Yemeni Shias (%45), Eastern Shia Saudis (%20), Syrian Alavis (%10), and many other Arab shia are still ARABs.... and we love them all... So, it is not about being Arab...

Iranians hate Slave-character Arabs who are very dumb not knowing what is best for them or what is their power... We hate Arabs that no only don't know their interest but also put our interest on stake and danger...We can not ignore the fact that we need to control Arabs... We need to interfere with their affairs and control them... we have good reasons for that:

1- Those Arabs that we hate are showing a behavior of salve-character, weak, submissive nature currently and If it were n,t for Iranians, you would have sold out all our common region to outsiders. They don't have the quality to realize that we Middle Eastern people are the owners of our region and masters of our lives.. they can not understand that It is our region and ours only... we can not let other outsiders to come in taking the lead of every aspect of our lives... they can not bring troops here... they can not colonize you in a modern way...

2- We are a big country, We have long borders. All surrounding areas of Iran are weak in nature and can not hold their independence, dignity and land. This is strategically dangerous for Iran, It is simple, either you can secure your countries and our borders from inside your countries or we have no chose to secure it ourselves!

3- The world order has always been a rule of Jungle... Who is strong can have a share...who is weak should be others slave and shot their mouths up if they are not happy with it... Iran realized this a while ago that we can not take our share and right from bullies of the world, unless we show them what we are made of... If all Arab and Muslim nations realize this simple fact then all come to unite if they can't do it alone...

4- It is a rule of thumb that a region like Middle east, must, before every one else, be run by its local, native people... The security of Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea can not and should not be obtained through OUTSIDER armies that never do a favor unless take 10 times more in return... and because they are stronger than you... they always take more than giving... A small child would laugh at Arab leaders excuses, that USA or UK or other outsiders are people who care about stability and common good of Middle east, and this is why they do you favors!!!

5- Every family has a trouble-maker member in it... Europe had Irish trouble makers, Russians have Chechnians...This is also the case for ME. Among all different Middle eastern tribes and sectors who have lived in peace for ages, there is one Salafi, Wahhabi, Takfiri element that unfortunately, have roots in GCC nations in most cases, and they are making troubles by Takfiring other sectors and tribes... Now, If Iran sees that not only Arab countries don't fight this parasite, but also encourage it, then it has no choice but to fight it by itself. Everybody knows that If all ME nations were against ISIS or Al Nosrah, then there would be no single takfiri left by now...

6- It is 21th century. The age for proving that Shia or Sunni or Christians or Jews are ABSOLUTE RIGHT and others are wrong and should not be existed, passed a while ago. World learned to ignore their differences by educating their people about how bad this sectarian is for their present and future. All Shia nations or Sunni nations can do is to help their sectors to be more educated, have more food, have more money and more security... If both Iran and Arabs help their fellows to grow more educated and enlighten, then there would be no problems at all... but instead you spread Takfiri, salafi mindset into poor Sunni nations.... The sooner you overcome this phenomenon of Takfiri, Wahhabi, Salafi problem in your societies the sooner we see stability.

7- Let, us see what Iran is doing that Arabs are so worried! Shias were majority in Iraq under Ba,ath regime, Iranians helped them get the power as they deserve it as MAJORITY. They did the same for Bahraini Shias who are the majority. Lebanese Shias were among the most oppressed people before 1980 in Lebanon, Iran helped them to stand on their feet, securing their life and security. Shias now are in a fair position in Lebanon as they only have power over one third of Lebanon power.

Syrians themselves, were the people that chose Hafiz Al Asad. Iran never helped Hafiz Al Asad to take the power. All Iranians do in Syria is to:
1- Help a legimitive authority control the chaos first
2- Help them organize a fair ELECTION to select their president (unlike KSA and other GCC members that feel responsible for Syria, not being democratic, while they run an absolute monarch and dictatorship in their own countries!!! funny right!!
3- Helping Syrian legitimate government to fight and push out Salafi, Takfiri and ISIS forces. Don,t tell me Takfiris will treat Syrian people of all tribes and sectors, better than current regime. Takfiris are dreaming about a KHilafat Islami, the way you Arabs used to be hundreds of years ago. Takfiris will have no mercy for neither Shia, Sunni, Christians nor other sects (with the exception of Jews who seems to be in love with each other!! As Al nosrah Al qaeda branch sends its troops to Israel to be treated and get Aerial support from their friend Israel).
4- To protect Shia holy sites from Takfiri savage destruction of shrines.

Iran repeated many times, that after we pushed Takfiris out of Syria, then people have the right to have an elected president and corrections on their constitution. Even if it is not Bashhar al Asad the next president. But until this happen, Iran have a moral responsibility to help Syrians get over Liver-eater Takfiris, exactly as they stood up with us in our defense against Arab Saddam.

OK, If you still persist that you GCC Arabs are SOMEBODY!, then I recommend you to read my two other posts here VEVAK Special Task Force frees abducted Iranian diplomat in Yemen | Page 3

IF you are still in denial and can not believe that you are nobody and Iranians own you, then I recommend you to deal with it... Get over it... you are good with submission.. is n,t it? Americans, Israelis, Europeans are your owners for sometime now, what is so big deal if Iran owns you too? We are neighbors, so, we are in priority with respect to outsiders....

Iran killed thousands of Syrians and Iraqis... Let,s suppose you,re right... deal with it... or grow stronger so you can be counted as someone... I was about to puke a few days back when I heard your Faisal al Saud, begging Americans to protect them from Iran... I certainly puked when I heard, he saying : "This Tirkrit operation of Iran is a main example of how Iran owns Iraq" Instead of saying: "hey, God bless brave and responsible Iranian that are ready to spend their resources and blood to clean our mess in Iraq!!) or saying: "Thanks Iran, for doing Arab's job!"...


Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal, declared, “Tikrit is a prime example of what we are worried about. Iran is taking over the country.” Kerry Fails to Reassure Gulf Allies About Iran’s Growing Regional Influence | The Tower

and this:
PressReader - Connecting People Through News

and US Government website confirms:
Press Availability With Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal

If you like to start your old and only weapons that you have more oil and are richer, then let me wrap it up for you before you started it:

An estimated 20 percent of the population, if not more, lives in crippling poverty
Rich Nation, Poor People: Saudi Arabia by Lynsey Addario
Saudi Arabia's riches conceal a growing problem of poverty | World news | The Guardian
Twitter campaign highlights poverty in Saudi Arabia - CNN.com
Saudi Arabia’s dirty little secret: The KSA’s growing poverty rate | Al Bawaba

What about Unemployment?
In Saudi Arabia, unemployment and booming population drive growing poverty - The Washington Post

Ok, Don't ever forget that Iran is better than you Arabs all combined, in each and every aspect: from wealth (oil and gas combined Iran is the richest country on earth), Technology, Science, Culture, Nature, Geography, history, military, power and other things: For now just read these to figure where you are standing brother:
Take a look at these links. These explain better why Iran is not only your masters but will also be called as super power soon:
Iran: The Unrecognized Superpower? | Hammering Shield
The New Islamic Superpower - theTrumpet.com
US expresses fears Iran could be the future ‘cyber superpower’ | HumanIPO
Meet the New Science Superpower…Iran | Pasco Phronesis
Iran: The Gulf’s New Superpower? | Al Akhbar English
Iran a Rising Star of Middle East - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency
Why Iran Is the Country to Watch in 2014 | Alternet

I am a person that always prefer to have unity with other Muslims because I know our potential, but if you ever dare to talk about Iran again..then I have my hidden weapons in my sleeves ready for a Saudi or Saudi Supporter... I blow you up with Official Evidence...

Enough with pretending to be somebody equal to Iran and Iranians... Stop Marijuana as it must be the reason behind your daring words... you were not, are not, and will not ever in par with Iran... Iran is a good master.. you can be smart and love your good master than beg your outsider, cruel master! up to you...

And here a line from Ferdowsi about people like you:
«زشیر شتر خوردن و سوسمار // عرب را به جایی رسیدست کار // که تاج کیان را کند آرزو
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