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If you are an unmarried Pakistani, you cannot visit Sweden

It is not really possible to do it as a nation esp when there are millions of us and more than 1 thought in each "individual's mind" ...and yes we are an individual....the only thing uniting us is the land we are on not our ideas and thoughts!

I believe that is similar...but no...I know 1 too many unmarried Pakistanis who have gone to China with a Pakistani passport...
It is possible. The reputation does not go away in a single day. It gets build up over time and similarly to regain the reputation it takes time. @tore has given a nice insight about how you should go about it. The ideas and thoughts are meant to be different just that there should be convergence on some very basic fundamental values. Some people have to come forward to lead and show the way. Its a slow process. But first you have to identify the real reasons not like being muslims or racism etc.
Hello Faisal6309

I am a norwegian-pakistani born & raised up in Norway, live about 80 km from the swedish border. I am there often for shopping.

I will try to explain as good as i can. Sweden have for many years been a tolerant country, and after Germany (180.000) granted asylum to most immigrants from august 2013 to august 2014 (90.000).

Sweden have in past 20-30 years given asylum to approximatly 1 million peoples from Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Somalia, Eritrea, Chile etc etc Nowadays all syrians gets asylum in Sweden also eritrean people, also some afghani and somalies.

People of Sweden is fed up by this massive immigration and its daily riots and rasist attacks in Sweden as in other Europan countries nowadays.

Else we pakistanies have to admit that the war against terrorism and radacalization has ruined Pakistans reputation in the whole world. Pakistani are seen as untolerant people and potential radicals. Its on time that Pakistan get rid off all extremists.

Pakistan has to develope the country and establish top universities. Almost all all Indians are comming on business or study visa to the western countries. I know that pakistanies dont get business or study visa. Its maybe related to Pakistans bad reputation.

Western media is very intrested to publish news when any pakistani is involved, but for instance when any indian is involved the media is friendly.

I have met some indian peoples in Europe / Norway, they also admit that the life is easier for indians. They gets jobs easier, peoples are generally more friendly towards indians in western world.

Pakistanies have to admit that PPP, PML-N, army and radicalization has ruined Pakistan and not made it what it should become. Pakistani corrupt politicians have robbed and destroyed the country. I cant understand why pakistani people still admires the politicians from PPP & PML-N which have ruined the country. And tested , tested again , and tested again for 40-50 years.

I recomend pakistanies to bring new goverment PTI. Stop interfering in Afghanistan, and secure its borders on eastern and western side. Stop radical mullahs, try solve Kashmir conflict on table. But have working relationship with India on other areas.

Pakistan have to look towards Scandinavian countries to adopt new model to improve the life and image of pakistanies. When law & order is in control tourism, business and investment will flourish.
PTI government?? WTH?? PMLN government is better for Pakistan's economy. PPP was better for their kindness towards public especially (government servants). They are all good and bad in many things. I say, young nation should stand up for their rights and start doing politics (by young I mean masters and PHDs betweeb 25-35). We cannot let them ruin our country anymore. If not, then army rule is better.

We don't know what is going on in our country. Everything is connected. So, if US is droning in Pakistan, then it is being supported by some Pakistani establishment. We need to get control over this instead of following yet another fanatic.

One must be in the top 9 of failed states to carry an inferiority complex against pakistan and pakistanis of all people.

one must lack toilets/sanitation, use fair n lovely skin whitening cream, have a rape epidemic, top the list of states with slavery and have a Prime Minister who claims ancient hindus invented airplanes that could fly forwards backwards & sideways in order to be a "super-power"
one must lack toilets/sanitation, use fair n lovely skin whitening cream, have a rape epidemic, top the list of states with slavery and have a Prime Minister who claims ancient hindus invented airplanes that could fly forwards backwards & sideways in order to be a "super-power"

They even had nukes and crazy plastic surgery in prehistoric times ? :D
This is a result of Arabs messing things up for Muslims in Sweden and Europe. Although how can any Pakistani be mad at Sweden a few years back Kuwait implemented a outright ban on all Pakistani citizens traveling to Kuwait. Though what is so perplexing is that Sweden the past few years has allowed the most troubling "asylum seekers" and "refugees" from "war-torn" countries ruining their own country in the process.
one must lack toilets/sanitation, use fair n lovely skin whitening cream, have a rape epidemic, top the list of states with slavery and have a Prime Minister who claims ancient hindus invented airplanes that could fly forwards backwards & sideways in order to be a "super-power"
and not to forget among the top Polio Distributor in whole wide world ! icing on top is the only country which eradicates Polio vaccination workers rather than Polio Virus.

This is a result of Arabs messing things up for Muslims in Sweden and Europe. Although how can any Pakistani be mad at Sweden a few years back Kuwait implemented a outright ban on all Pakistani citizens traveling to Kuwait.
Kuwait has oil and Islam. what Sweden have ?

the list is quite long and entertaining
but we never had flying horses and broken moon ! so unlucky of us !
one must lack toilets/sanitation, use fair n lovely skin whitening cream, have a rape epidemic, top the list of states with slavery and have a Prime Minister who claims ancient hindus invented airplanes that could fly forwards backwards & sideways in order to be a "super-power"

At least we are vying to be one and have a fair chance of being one...While you are known for being the butt hole of the world and vying to break into the top 5 of failed states..The social indicators you mentioned are similar for pakistan - you aren't doing any better, add to that the increasing turmoil. How do you quantify rape in pakistan when women are arrested for not producing 4 witnesses under your retarded hudood ordinance or when minorities are kidnapped and raped under blasphemy laws.


Come now, please tell me as you so emphatically claimed in your earlier post one reason why anyone other than the top 9 of failed states will have an inferiority complex against pakistan....btw..looks like Sweden doesn't agree with you about your superiority complex however fair the kid is and prefers to keep him away from lowly Sweden soil.
go to Sharm el Sheikh, Ain el Sokhna (both in Egypt) or Antalya (in Turkiye) if you appreciate beaches. I know I do too. Karachi (Clifton) beach is ehh - it's okay. Not bad, but not excellent.

Its very sad that any one from pakistan have to see nice beaches have to go outside the country.Beaches are nice place of entertainment along with your family.I think pakisan coast lines are a form of desert,low tides as well as no connectivity to those places via road.Further added misery of low international tourists flow as well, so to develop infrastructure.
Its very sad that any one from pakistan have to see nice beaches have to go outside the country.Beaches are nice place of entertainment along with your family.I think pakisan coast lines are a form of desert,low tides as well as no connectivity to those places via road.Further added misery of low international tourists flow as well, so to develop infrastructure.

ive seen pictures of indian beaches since we had a long topic once about beaches.....your beaches arent exactly world renowned or that impressive either. Nothing even remotely close to what the Red Sea or Mediterranean has to offer. So get off your "high" horse

by the way there's a beach @ Gwadar and there's something called the Makkran Coastal Highway which offers sites which you will never find anywhere in your "paradise" of a country where people dont even respect cleanliness, hygiene or nature.....every tourist who comes to india has to contend with the stench of urine, feces and trash that never gets collected so if i were you i'd do something about "presentation" b/c indians in general lack in that department :laugh:
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