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Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Project

It will be a SSGN.It will use the naval vesion(which is under development) of babar cruise missile.And when we do get the SLBM capability,then we`ll build SSBN`s.

But this project hasn't been launched yet officially.
I think KSA and other MENA countries should join in not just for nuclear but for SSK ones too with PN.
Hence second strike capability is illogical.

Logical or illogical its none of your business, and a guy like you who belongs to a country which is hostile to Pakistan will never want to see Pakistan getting better in terms of military capability.
We have experience with french agosta 90B subs.Also our nuclear sub is under development before 2006.We will develop our subs before 2020(and this is the max possible date)
We do not need nuclear subs!! Pakistan and India coasts are ideal for small, diesel and deadly submarines. I see no use of Indian sub except they progression towards blue water navy. Our navy is small, upto our requirement, and very efficient. Our agostas are much more ideal for us. I think having more AIP subs are far more better than nuclear ones.
Logical or illogical its none of your business, and a guy like you who belongs to a country which is hostile to Pakistan will never want to see Pakistan getting better in terms of military capability.

Your coastline it not so wide and don't have any territory away from your mainland, neither ambitions to be blue navy. But India has a position and ambition to control the Indian Ocean territory just below us, till Antarctica. Hence we do need nuclear subs with ICBMs with tactical warheads.

Secondly India follows no first use and hence we need to assure that our second strike would be a mutual destruction of enemy force, if they launch a nuclear strike on us. Mainland is always at risk so hence launching a missile away from mainland becomes our credible option.
Nope, despite their efforts.. wikipedia remains editable by anyone. Basically bad editors or biased article authors who have spent a lot of time on wiki remain "authentic". Hence, as long as you think wiki is authentic.. I for one will never accept your knowledge as authentic.. basic ethos of a western education has taught me that.

Hi @Oscar
I agree,wiki is as reliable as a layman can get,however for technical subjects ranging from things like poissons's summation rule,various concepts in signal processing,duality etc are pretty standard(with decent references)- however the same cant be extended to wiki articles on non-technical subjects like war,combat losses,and similar subjects.For these subjects,we need to go through very credible research literature put forward by people who have spent considerable time going through the matter- for instance if you want to analyze the war history of india and pakistan or for that matter between any two countries then you would have to go through articles written by credible people WITHOUT any BIAS with proper credible evidences!- serial number,catalogues etc(here i would like to point out that while PA might have done separate studies to access the losses at regiment and brigade level in various wars(most notably the kargil),but i am afraid they would ever make that "data" available to public- something that is considered a NORM in india).Hence any data quoted by pakistani academicians on these matters is at best their guess with certain bias offset


In fact it would come to you as a surprise that i derived the essence of poisson's summation rule(the very fundamental of DTFT) all by my own,using a different logic,but then i ran into wiki article on poisson's summation rule which was pretty elegant,i was a bit taken back that such a thing already exists lol- but anyways,my point is,you can get really decent wiki articles on technical subjects!
But this project hasn't been launched yet officially.
Pakistan has its own way of developing weapons secretly and then suddenly surprising the world.e.g.Babur

We do not need nuclear subs!! Pakistan and India coasts are ideal for small, diesel and deadly submarines. I see no use of Indian sub except they progression towards blue water navy. Our navy is small, upto our requirement, and very efficient. Our agostas are much more ideal for us. I think having more AIP subs are far more better than nuclear ones.
Subs r the only option to detter indian navy.Look at the example of a single sub(ghazi) kept whole of indian navy at bay.I know now a days,anti sub warfare has been improved much.But still countering subs is the major head ache for even developed navies.
Now coming to the point,If pak navy gets a SSGN with capabilities to attack both ships and land and stay under water for long periods of time,then it will be a major threat to indian navy.
it took India to develop SSBN 7 years, with all the existing building blocks and 10 years experience on nuclear subs, plus SLBM tech , and you are going to do it within couple of years? LOL
Pakistan:pakistan: is building Nuclear Submarine indigenously, and every one know about india's:crazy: nuclear submarine, One more thing india got nuclear submarine from Russia on RENT !!!! LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Pakistan:pakistan: is building Nuclear Submarine indigenously, and every one know about india's:crazy: nuclear submarine, One more thing india got nuclear submarine from Russia on RENT !!!! zLOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
What building blocks you have to develop a sub.? you dont even have a proper university for marine science, neither any strong academic profile of research on materials, propulsion or electronics and you are saying that military doing it secretly? Crap. Being in military it does notmean sientist will be of world class quality and developing every thing from scratch. Bullsht.

Pakistan has its own way of developing weapons secretly and then suddenly surprising the world.e.g.Babur

i have googled about your labs and spoken to many students here who have worked on those labs. They say,the condition is very bad. There is no proper tools to carry out any research. What they do is, they connect wires from battery and light a bulb or make a simple radio. The profile of research at your institutes is not even close to india. Be it aerodynamic structure of a missile, or a sub. You dont have proper knowledge of designing them. Building a missile first needs talent and research of basic level, which is not there. See, ever uni in india is now capable of developing a uav, sattelite, a small marine sub, and better material. You dont even have labs for semiconductor research and you are building babur?

Hi @Oscar
I agree,wiki is as reliable as a layman can get,however for technical subjects ranging from things like poissons's summation rule,various concepts in signal processing,duality etc are pretty standard(with decent references)- however the same cant be extended to wiki articles on non-technical subjects like war,combat losses,and similar subjects.For these subjects,we need to go through very credible research literature put forward by people who have spent considerable time going through the matter- for instance if you want to analyze the war history of india and pakistan or for that matter between any two countries then you would have to go through articles written by credible people WITHOUT any BIAS with proper credible evidences!- serial number,catalogues etc(here i would like to point out that while PA might have done separate studies to access the losses at regiment and brigade level in various wars(most notably the kargil),but i am afraid they would ever make that "data" available to public- something that is considered a NORM in india).Hence any data quoted by pakistani academicians on these matters is at best their guess with certain bias offset


In fact it would come to you as a surprise that i derived the essence of poisson's summation rule(the very fundamental of DTFT) all by my own,using a different logic,but then i ran into wiki article on poisson's summation rule which was pretty elegant,i was a bit taken back that such a thing already exists lol- but anyways,my point is,you can get really decent wiki articles on technical subjects!
cant agree more. Even when i was confused with current flux dencity and normal magnetic and electric flux, i found every thing on wiki.
for science we can prefer wiki, but you cannot quote it. Thats what it is.
Pakistan has its own way of developing weapons secretly and then suddenly surprising the world.e.g.Babur

Subs r the only option to detter indian navy.Look at the example of a single sub(ghazi) kept whole of indian navy at bay.I know now a days,anti sub warfare has been improved much.But still countering subs is the major head ache for even developed navies.
Now coming to the point,If pak navy gets a SSGN with capabilities to attack both ships and land and stay under water for long periods of time,then it will be a major threat to indian navy.
Conventional subs are good not the nuclear ones. Our 90b can stay for weeks. How long u think a war will continue and how much time we require our subs to be on loose?
Nuclear ones are above our requirements.
And btw ghazi was also not nuclear ;)
i have googled about your labs and spoken to many students here who have worked on those labs. They say,the condition is very bad. There is no proper tools to carry out any research. What they do is, they connect wires from battery and light a bulb or make a simple radio. The profile of research at your institutes is not even close to india. Be it aerodynamic structure of a missile, or a sub. You dont have proper knowledge of designing them. Building a missile first needs talent and research of basic level, which is not there. See, ever uni in india is now capable of developing a uav, sattelite, a small marine sub, and better material. You dont even have labs for semiconductor research and you are building babur?

I can understand your frustration when someone talks out of thin air and claims bullshit without knowing an iota about industries and research project! But you dont have to go to their level to keep pushing the sore point,i mean we all know what kind of research goes on in pakistan- numbers tell a very clear picture- and i am sure concerned people in pakistan would be very very WORRIED about the plight of research!
You,see, wisdom lies in not engaging people who are dim witted!-
Conventional subs are good not the nuclear ones.
Reason???Also,when u get better range and more payload with almost similar acoustic signature,then why not???
Our 90b can stay for weeks. How long u think a war will continue and how much time we require our subs to be on loose?

U never know
how much time we require our subs to be on loose?
Thats an illogical post of a 9 year old kid.....:crazy:
Nuclear ones are above our requirements.
Nope.It is`nt
And btw ghazi was also not nuclear ;)
And where did i say it was nuclear?:p:

and you are building babur?
So we did not build babur?:o:
i have googled about your labs and spoken to many students here who have worked on those labs. They say,the condition is very bad. There is no proper tools to carry out any research. What they do is, they connect wires from battery and light a bulb or make a simple radio. The profile of research at your institutes is not even close to india. Be it aerodynamic structure of a missile, or a sub. You dont have proper knowledge of designing them. Building a missile first needs talent and research of basic level, which is not there. See, ever uni in india is now capable of developing a uav, sattelite, a small marine sub, and better material. You dont even have labs for semiconductor research and you are building babur?
BS.So the labs of indian unis r more high tech than advanced R&D centres in Pakistan:lol::lol::lol::sarcastic:
Reason???Also,when u get better range and more payload with almost similar acoustic signature,then why not???

U never know

Thats an illogical post of a 9 year old kid.....:crazy:

Nope.It is`nt

And where did i say it was nuclear?:p:

So we did not build babur?:o:

BS.So the labs of indian unis r more high tech than advanced R&D centres in Pakistan:lol::lol::lol::sarcastic:

Yes, there are air tunnels and cyclotrons , anechoic chambers, more over, proper research centre for semiconductor at UNIVERSITIES!
Well you won't get. I have seen the research profile of your institutes. And there is no secret about any such thing that is a military project or whatever. More advance things are taught in India, network topology, graphene research etc etc..

When you don't even have a single institute or clean room or just two outdated anechoic chamber at NUST other I don't know, where the hell you designed navigation and telemetry electronics for babur? WTF man? These things are not secret even if you have.

this is the best you have
Lab Facilities

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